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    EDI414097C Search Results

    EDI414097C Datasheets Context Search

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    "Electronic designs inc"

    Abstract: 24128 EDI414097C70BB EDI414097C70LZB EDI414097C70LZI EDI414097C80BB EDI414097C80LZB
    Text: ^EDI EDI414097C 4Megx1 Fast Page DRAM ELECTRONIC DESIGNS, INC ' 4Megabitx 1 Dynamic RAM CMOS, Monolithic The EDI414097C is a high performance, low power CMOS Dynamic RAM organized as 4Megabit x1. During Read and Write cycles each bit is addressed through 22 address bits which are entered 11 at a time A0

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    EDI414097C 100ns EDI414097C "Electronic designs inc" 24128 EDI414097C70BB EDI414097C70LZB EDI414097C70LZI EDI414097C80BB EDI414097C80LZB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EDI414097C MDi Electronic Dôiign» Inc. • High Performance Four Megabit Monolithic DRAM 4Mx1 Dynamic RAM CMOS, Monolithic Features The EDI414097C is a high performance, low power CMOS Dynamic RAM organized as 4Megabit x1. During Read and Write cycles each bit is addressed

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    EDI414097C EDI414097C EDI414097C70LZB EDI414097C80LZB ED1414097C100LZB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EDI414097C % E U . 4Megx1 Fast Page DRAM E L E C T R O N I C D E S I G r s ß .I N C i 4Megabitx 7Dynamic RAM CMOS, NbnoMtoc The EDI414097C is a high performance, low power CM O S Features Dynamic RAM organized as 4Megabit x1. During Read and Write cycles each bit is addressed

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    EDI414097C EDI414097C 100ns EDI414097C7QLZB 414097C70L2I 24/28Pin 24/28P EDM14M7C 3f97ECO CA9V PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ^EDl EDI414097C 4Megx1 Fast Page DRAM ELfCTROMCDESGN&NC 4M egabitx 1 Dynamic RAM CMOS, Monolithic F e a tu re s 4Mx1 bit CMOS Dynamic Random Access Memory • Access Times 70,80,100ns • 16ms Refresh Rate • Low Operating Power Dissipation • Low Standby Power

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    EDI414097C EDI414097C entered11atatime 38cC/W 050TYÎ 01581USA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ^EDI EDI414097C 4Megx1 Fast Page DRAM ELECTRONIC DESIGNS, INC ' 4Megabitx 1 Dynamic RAM CMOS, Monolithic The EDI414097C is a high performance, low power CMOS ¡Features Dynamic RAM organized as 4Megabit x1. During Read and W rite cycles each bit is addressed

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    EDI414097C EDI414097C 100ns 24/28Pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ^EDI ELECTPOWC MSGNS NC. | INSIDE SECTION 3 . Density 1 Megabit 1 Megabit 1 Megabit 1 Megabit 4 Megabits 4 Megabits 4 Megabits 4 Megabits 4 Megabits 4 Megabits 16 Megabits 16 Megabits 18 Megabits 16 Megabits Organization IM xl IM xl 1Mx1 1Mx1 1Mx4 1Mx4 1Mx4

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    BH411024C-ZB EDI411024C-NB EDI411024C-FB EDI411024C-QB EDI441024C-LZB EDI441024C-BB EDI441024C-FB EDI414097C-LZB E0W14Q97C-BB EDI414087C-FB PDF


    Abstract: EDI88130 32 PIN edi84256
    Text: moi Selector Guide ELECTRONIC DESIGNS INC. Density Oraanization Part No. Speed ns Max Current (mAl Packaae Paae x32 Flash 4 Megabits 4 Megabits 128KX32 4 Megabits 4 Megabits 128KX32 128Kx32 EDI7C32128C-JM EDI7M32128C-GB 120-200 120-200 250 250 68 lead JLCC

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    128KX32 EDI7C32128C-JM EDI7M32128C-GB EDI5C32128C-JM EDI5M32128C-GB 64KX32 128KX32 128kx8 EDI88130 32 PIN edi84256 PDF