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    DATA SHEET IC P 531 Search Results

    DATA SHEET IC P 531 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    MP-52RJ11SNNE-100 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol MP-52RJ11SNNE-100 Shielded CAT5e 2-Pair RJ11 Data Cable [AT&T U-Verse & Verizon FiOS Data Cable] - CAT5e PBX Patch Cable with 6P6C RJ11 Connectors (Straight-Thru) 100ft Datasheet
    MP-52RJ11SNNE-015 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol MP-52RJ11SNNE-015 Shielded CAT5e 2-Pair RJ11 Data Cable [AT&T U-Verse & Verizon FiOS Data Cable] - CAT5e PBX Patch Cable with 6P6C RJ11 Connectors (Straight-Thru) 15ft Datasheet
    MP-52RJ11UNNE-025 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol MP-52RJ11UNNE-025 CAT5e 2-Pair RJ11 Data Cable [AT&T U-Verse & Verizon FiOS Data Cable] - CAT5e PBX Patch Cable with 6P6C RJ11 Connectors (Straight-Thru) 25ft Datasheet
    MP-52RJ11SNNE-005 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol MP-52RJ11SNNE-005 Shielded CAT5e 2-Pair RJ11 Data Cable [AT&T U-Verse & Verizon FiOS Data Cable] - CAT5e PBX Patch Cable with 6P6C RJ11 Connectors (Straight-Thru) 5ft Datasheet
    MP-52RJ11UNNE-007 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol MP-52RJ11UNNE-007 CAT5e 2-Pair RJ11 Data Cable [AT&T U-Verse & Verizon FiOS Data Cable] - CAT5e PBX Patch Cable with 6P6C RJ11 Connectors (Straight-Thru) 7ft Datasheet

    DATA SHEET IC P 531 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: ENCODER 5310
    Text: Data Sheet NSE-5310 Miniature Position Encoder SOIC with Zero Reference and I²C Output 2 Key Features 1 General Description Direct digital output using I²C protocol The TRACKER NSE-5310 is an incremental position sensor with onchip encoding for direct digital output. A Hall element array on the



    Abstract: PWM controller 5310 MC-31MB NSE-5310 hall sensor 4 pins 3f ReComa28 trk-1t02 Rotary KEY I2C A-8141 40um
    Text: Data Sheet NSE-5310 Miniature Position Encoder SOIC with Zero Reference and I²C Output 1 General Description 2 Key Features Direct digital output using I²C protocol The TRACKER NSE-5310 is an incremental position sensor with onchip encoding for direct digital output. A Hall element array on the

    NSE-5310 NSE-5310 ENCODER OPTICAL 5310 PWM controller 5310 MC-31MB hall sensor 4 pins 3f ReComa28 trk-1t02 Rotary KEY I2C A-8141 40um PDF


    Abstract: BSX62
    Text: 1. • bb-53131 0 D 2 ? m M 712 ■ APX P h ilip s S e m ic o n d u c to rs Data sheet status Preliminary specification date of issue June 1992 BSX62-10, -16/BSX63-10, -16 Silicon planar epitaxial transistors N ANER PHILIPS/DISCRETE bTE D QUICK REFERENCE DATA

    OCR Scan
    bb-53131 BSX62-10, -16/BSX63-10, BSX62 BSX63 BSX62-10 BSX63-10 BSX62-16 BSX63-16 BSX62. bsx63 BSX62 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: L.h.53‘131 0 0 2 5 4 ^ Dflb H A P X Philips Semiconductors BSP107 Data sheet status P r e lim in a r y s p e c if ic a t io n date of issue A p r il 1 9 9 1 N-channel enhancem ent mode vertical D-M O S transistor N AUER PHILIPS/D ISCRETE FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION

    OCR Scan
    BSP107 OT223ime PDF

    bss100 transistor

    Abstract: BSS100 PINNING-TO-92 JZSS773
    Text: Philips C o m po nents Data sheet status P ro d u c t sp e cific a tio n data of issue N ov em b er 1990 FEATURES BSS100 N-channel enhancement mode vertical D-MOS transistor Q U IC K R E F E R E N C E DATA • Direct interface to C-M O S, TTL, etc. SYM BOL

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    BSS100 PINNING-TO-92 JZSS773 003bl57 LL53S31 003bl2fi bss100 transistor BSS100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUITS iiP B 1 5 0 6 G V , ¿ P B 1 5 0 7 G V 3GHz INPUT DIVIDE BY 256, 128, 64 PRESCALER IC FOR ANALOG DBS TUNERS The ¿¿PB1506GV and ¿¿PB1507GV are 3.0 GHz input, high division silicon prescaler ICs for analog DBS tuner

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    PB1506GV PB1507GV divide-by-256, iuPB1506GV/iuPB1507GV PB586G/588G PB1505GR C10535E) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: i N AF1ER P H I L I P S / D I S C R E T E U C V C LU riV IC IN I 2 5E D bt.53T31 0 Q 2 2 4 5 3 U r t I rt 4 m BYR34 SERIES This data sheet contains advance information and specifications are subject to change w ithout notice. 7 ^ 6 3 -/ 9 J K. ULTRA FAST RECOVERY DOUBLE RECTIFIER DIODES

    OCR Scan
    53T31 BYR34 0D334tiS T-03-19 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OP-215/883 DUAL PRECISION JFET-IN PU T OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER P r e c is io n M o n o lit h ic s Inc. 1.0 SCOPE This specification covers the detail requirements for a dual precision JFET input operational amplifier. It is highly recommended that this data sheet be used as a baseline for new military or

    OCR Scan
    OP-215/883 OP-215AJ/883 OP-215BJ/883 OP-215CJ/883 OP-215A2/883 OP-215BZ/883 OP-215CZ/883 OP-215BRC/883 MIL-M-38510^ OP-215) PDF

    LT 543 IC detail

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC / MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /¿PD42S4210, 424210 4 M -B IT DYNAMIC RAM 256K-WORD BY 16-BIT, HYPER PAGE MODE EDO , BYTE READ/WRITE MODE Description T h e /iP D 4 2 S 4 2 lO , 424210 are 2 62 ,144 w o rd s by 16 bits C M O S dyn a m ic R A M s w ith o p tio nal h y p e r page m ode

    OCR Scan
    uPD42S4210 uPD424210 256K-WORD 16-BIT, PD42S4210, 44-pin 40-pin /iPD42S4210-60-A, P40LE-400A-2 LT 543 IC detail PDF


    Abstract: IKC 913 wens 840
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUI /¿ P D 7 8 P 0 7 Í 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER DESCRIPTION Th e fiP D 7 8 P 0 7 8 is a m em b er o f th e |iP D 7 8 0 7 8 S u bseries o f th e 7 8K /0 S e ries, in w h ic h th e o n -c h ip m ask ROM of the ;iP D 7 8 0 7 8 is repla ced w ith a one -tim e PR O M o r EP R O M .

    OCR Scan
    uPD78075B uPD78078 IR35-00-3 VP15-00-3 WS60-00-1 HXD BUZZER IKC 913 wens 840 PDF


    Abstract: 7 segment display 10 pin LTS 543 details BR50M tic 2360
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC / MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUI _4iPD78062Y,78063Y,78064> 8-BIT SIN G LE-C H IP M IC R O C O N T R O LLER S D ESC R IPTIO N T h e jiP D 7 8 0 6 2 Y / 7 8 0 6 3 Y / 7 8 0 6 4 Y a r e p ro d u cts fn w h ich th e P C b u s control fu nction is a d d e d to the tx P D 7 80 62 /7 80 63 ,'

    OCR Scan
    uPD78062Y uPD78063Y uPD78064 WS60-00-1 D7806 7 segment display 10 pin LTS 543 details BR50M tic 2360 PDF


    Abstract: long range transmitter receiver circuit inpu HFBR-5303 HFBR-5315 HFBR-5305
    Text: Preliminary Data Sheet | -W kn1 H E W L E T T -\¡H ÍM P A C K A R D 500 to 1500 Mbps - 850 nm <:i VCSEL Transceiver in Low Cosk 1x9 Package Style HFBR-5315 Preliminary Data Preliminary Product Disclaimer

    OCR Scan
    HFBR-5315 HDMP-1012/14 850nm HFBR-5315 10kOhms HFBR5315 OHT11 long range transmitter receiver circuit inpu HFBR-5303 HFBR-5305 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1 N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE OLE D • ^53131 0D1S047 S ■ D E V E L O P M E N T DATA MRB11080Y This data sheet contains advance information and specifications are subject to change without notice. _ J V T " 3 3 - IS" PULSED MICROWAVE POW ER TRANSISTOR

    OCR Scan
    0D1S047 MRB11080Y PDF


    Abstract: PCD3315AP PCD3315AT PCD33XXA
    Text: 1^53124 QQTTISE 732 « S I C 3 Philips Semiconductors Single-chip 8-bit Telecom Microcontroller Preliminary specification PCD3315A N A PC/PHIL IPS SEUICONJ t>3E D — FOR DETAILED INFORMATION SEE THE LATEST ISSUE OF HANDBOOK IC H O R DATA SHEET FEATURES •

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    PCD3315A 28-lead MAB8048) MAB8048 PCD3315AP PCD3315AT PCD33XXA PDF


    Abstract: MJE-13007 13006 TRANSISTOR mje13007 TRANSISTOR MJE13006 transistor 13006 MJE13007Q
    Text: [ [ ^^53131 Q Q n i 3 1 D EV ELO P M EN T DATA a MJE13006 MJE13007 T his data sheet contains advance information and specifications are subject to change without notice. N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE 2SE D T-33-I3 SILICO N DIFFUSED POWER TRAN SISTO R High-voltage, high-speed glass-passivated npn power transistor in a T 0 -2 2 0 envelope, intended for use

    OCR Scan
    bfa53Â MJE13006 MJE13007 r-33-13 T0-220 bbS3T31 T-33-13 MJE13007 MJE-13007 13006 TRANSISTOR mje13007 TRANSISTOR transistor 13006 MJE13007Q PDF

    amphenol 74868

    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    11-Sep-96 \CATV\FTYPE\53l-4005l amphenol 74868 PDF


    Abstract: Ignition Transformer H25002 4022D 4078GA
    Text: Ref.: 3V/531 E Hot-Cathode MercuryVapour Thyratron Code: 3V/531E This thyratron is equivalent to, and replaces, the 4078G A type, which is now obsolete. CATHODE. Oxide-coated, shielded filament Filament voltage 5 Nom inal current 20 M inim um cathode heating time ambient

    OCR Scan
    V/531 V/531E 4078GA 4022D V/531Eâ 23-BOÂ 0-37SÂ 36-OOÃ thyratron Ignition Transformer H25002 4022D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 531 HA-5320 HARRIS S E M I C O N D U C T O R High Speed Precision Monolithic Sample and Hold Amplifier March1993 Features Description • Gain, D C .2 x 1 0 V/V • A quisltlon T im e . 1.0^3 0.01%

    OCR Scan
    HA-5320 HA-5320 5320-5 PDF


    Abstract: STD 243 S N53100Z1EB1 53100z f6z1 EH8006Z1
    Text: Three Phase Bridges Pa rt N u m b er G 5360Z 1EB 1 G 50480Z1EB 1 G 5380Z 1EB 1 G 504100Z1EB 1 G 53100Z 1EB 1 G 504120Z1EB 1 G 53120Z 1EB 1 E HF2Z1 E H S2Z1 EH10002Z1 EH8002Z1 EH 15002Q EH 15002Y N 50420Z1EB1 N 5320Z1EB1 N50440Z1EB1 N 5340Z1EB1 N 50460Z1EB1

    OCR Scan
    5360Z 50480Z1EB 5380Z 504100Z1EB 53100Z 504120Z1EB 53120Z EH10002Z1 EH8002Z1 15002Q 15006 STD 243 S N53100Z1EB1 f6z1 EH8006Z1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM531622C - 1,048,576-Word x 16-Bit or 2,097,152-Word x 8-Bit Mask ROM DESCRIPTION The OKI M SM S31622C is a high-speed CM OS M ask ROM that can electrically sw itch betw een 1,048 576w ord x 16-bit or 2 097,152-w o rd x 8-bit configurations. The M S M 531622C operates on a single 5 0 V p ow er

    OCR Scan
    MSM531622C 576-Word 16-Bit 152-Word ssMSM531622C UEC-14 PDF

    TLY 2741

    Abstract: SMd 6CA MQUAD 100175 Logic Package Information 100175 package 100175 smd Package Information 100175 translator Logic Package Information 100175 translator Logic smd Package Information TQ9303 TQ9501
    Text: S E M I C O N D U C T O R , I N C 71 TQ9501/9502 531/1063 Mbaud Fibre Channel Transmitter and Receiver part of the FC531/FC1063 Fibre Channel 531 and 1063 Megabaud chip set.In addition to the transmitter and receiver, TriQuint offers the ENcoder/ DATACO M

    OCR Scan
    TQ9303 TQ9S01 TQ9502 TQ9501) TQ9502) FC531/FC1063 TQ9501, TQ9502, TLY 2741 SMd 6CA MQUAD 100175 Logic Package Information 100175 package 100175 smd Package Information 100175 translator Logic Package Information 100175 translator Logic smd Package Information TQ9501 PDF

    ADC CCIR 601

    Abstract: Solid state CCIR ca 151 KS0122-S aexo chroma 175 ic CCIR601 KS0119 KS0122 multi S-Video Input
    Text: KS0122 Data Sheet MULTIMEDIA VIDEO MULTISTANDARD VIDEO DECODER The KS0122 converts analog NTSC or PAL video in composite or S-video format to digitized component video. Output data can be selected for CCIR 601 or square pixel sample rates in either YUV or RGB formats. All required

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    KS0122 100-QFP-1420C ADC CCIR 601 Solid state CCIR ca 151 KS0122-S aexo chroma 175 ic CCIR601 KS0119 multi S-Video Input PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor M SM 531031B_ 131,072-W ord x 8-B it Low -V oltage M ask ROM DESCRIPTION The O K I M S M 531031B is a high -sp eed silicon gate C M O S M ask R O M w ith 131,072-w ord x 8-bit capacity. T h e M S M 531031B o p erates on a sin gle 3.0 V or 3.3 V p ow er su p p ly but offers the sam e fast access tim es

    OCR Scan
    531031B_ 531031B 072-w 531031B MSM531031B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KMM372F3200AK3 DRAM Module ELECTRONICS KMM372F3200AK3/AS3, KMM372F3280AK3/AS3 Extended Data Out Mode 32Mx72 DRAM DIMM with ECC, 3.3V Preliminary GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The Samsung KMM372F320 8 0A is a 32M bit x 72 Dynamic RAM high density memory module. The

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    KMM372F3200AK3 KMM372F3200AK3/AS3, KMM372F3280AK3/AS3 32Mx72 KMM372F320 16Mx4bit 400mil 48pin 168-pin PDF