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    DAN201 Search Results

    DAN201 Datasheets (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    DAN201 Unknown The Diode Data Book with Package Outlines 1993 Scan PDF
    DAN201 ROHM Epitaxial Planar Silicon Diode Arrays Scan PDF
    DAN201 ROHM Diode Arrays Scan PDF

    DAN201 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: STK411-220E stk442-130 PAL005A UPC2581V FN1016 STRG6153 RSN313H25 STK407-070B MCZ3001D
    Text: R Serving The Electronic Industry Since 1982 Ordering at Dalbani is so easy Go to : Search & check stock Busque y revise nuestro inventario A Search Enter your Item number and click GO Entre el numero del producto y haga clicsobre GO The system will take you straight to the Item that you are looking for

    STVDST-01 CAT22 STK411-230E STK411-220E stk442-130 PAL005A UPC2581V FN1016 STRG6153 RSN313H25 STK407-070B MCZ3001D PDF

    DIODE da218s

    Abstract: DA218S DA218 DA210S DA216 DA203 da210 DAN213 DAN801 da203 b
    Text: RDNfn Diode Arrays Application Part No. High-speed Switching 2 Vps connected in series Rectifying Vr V trr Max. (ns) lo CmA) V rm (V) Isurge 60Hz 1°= (A) Ct Max. (pF) Package Circuits Fig.1 DAN201 80 80 100 4 3.5 - FTR DAN209 80 80 100 4 3.5 - TO-92 Fig.1

    OCR Scan
    DAN201 DAN209 DAN209S DAN215 DAN401 DAN601 DAN801 DAN803 DAP201 DAP209 DIODE da218s DA218S DA218 DA210S DA216 DA203 da210 DAN213 da203 b PDF

    DAN201 R

    Abstract: dan201
    Text: DAN201 /DAN209/DAN209S/DAN215 DAP201 /DAP209/DAP209S/DAP215 K /D io d es DAN201 /DAN209/DAN209S/DAN215 DAP201 /D AP209/D AP209S/D AP215 x f 9 * v n>- f u - i-V i -> ' =| > if-< * - K T K Epitaxial Planar Silicon Diode Arrays t 3§iiijiiJx ^ "f 7 • /U ltra-H igh-S peed Switching

    OCR Scan
    DAN201 /DAN209/DAN209S/DAN215 DAP201 /DAP209/DAP209S/DAP215 AP209/D AP209S/D AP215 DAN201 R PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Diode Arrays Application Vr V Vrm (V) lo (mA) trr Max. (ns) Ct Max. (pF) Isurge 60Hz 1“* (A) DAN201 80 80 100 4 3.5 - FTR Fig.1 DAN209 80 80 100 4 3.5 - TO-92 Fig.1 DAN209S 80 80 100 4 3.5 - SPT Fig.1 DAN215 80 80 100 4 3.5 - FTL Fig.1 DAN401 80 80 25

    OCR Scan
    DAN201 DAN209 DAN209S DAN215 DAN401 DAN601 DAN801 DAN803 DAP201 DAP209 PDF


    Abstract: DAP803
    Text: ito m i Diode Arrays Application Vr V Vrm (V) lo (mA) trr Max. (ns) Ct Max. (pF) Isurge 60Hz 1* (A) DAN201 80 80 100 4 3.5 _ FTR Fig.1 DAN209 80 80 100 4 3.5 - TO-92 Fig.1 DAN209S 80 80 100 4 3.5 - SPT Fig.1 DAN215 80 80 100 4 3.5 - FTL Fig.1 DAN401 80

    OCR Scan
    DAN201 DAN209 DAN209S DAN215 DAN401 DAN601 DAN801 DAN803 DAP803 PDF


    Abstract: DAN201 dan215 km 3702 DAP215 AP209 DAN209 ROHM FTL DA201 DA-201
    Text: $ *f DAN201 /DAN209/DAN209S/DAN215 DAP201 /DAP209/DAP209S/DAP215 K /D iodes DAN201 /DAN209/DAN209S/DAN215 DAP201 /D AP209/D AP209S/D AP215 x trs* v ' 3 * - K77U-f Epitaxial Planar Silicon Diode Arrays < y ^ > ?~ffl/Ultra-High-Speed Switching 1 1) ' M S 7 & 3 0

    OCR Scan
    DAN201 /DAN209/DAN209S/DAN215 DAP201 /DAP209/DAP209S/DAP215 AP209/D AP209S/D AP215 dan215 km 3702 DAP215 AP209 DAN209 ROHM FTL DA201 DA-201 PDF


    Abstract: DAP201 DAN601
    Text: pt,t iy ih i □¡ode Arrays Application High-speed Switching 2 V fs connected in series Rectifying rullili Part No. Vr V V rm (V) lo (mA) trr Max. (ns) Cr Max. (pF) Isurge 60Hz 1* (A ) Package • ; j ' :5: DAN201 80 80 100 4 3.5 - FTR I DAN209 80 80 100

    OCR Scan
    DAN201 DAN209 DAN209S DAN215 DAN401 DAN601 DAN801 DAN803 DAP201 DAP209 PDF


    Abstract: dap201 dan201 AP-209 N 209
    Text: DAN201 /D A N 209/D A N 209S/D A N 215 DAP201 /D A P209/D A P209S/DA P215 K /'D iodes DAN201 /DAN209/DAN209S/DAN215 DAP201 /DAP209/D AP209S/DAP215 Silicon Epitaxial Planar Ultra High Speed Switching Diode Arrays • • W f i r f j i H / D i m e n s i o n s U n it : mm

    OCR Scan
    DAN201 209/D 209S/D DAP201 P209/D P209S/DA /DAN209/DAN209S/DAN215 /DAP209/D P209S AP-209 N 209 PDF


    Abstract: DAP202KVA
    Text: "Ôï DE I T ñ H & ' m DDQ11Û0 1 T - 2 , 3 'O S ” lumm Diodes Low-Voltage Regulators LED Glass Sealed Package Type Absoluto Maximum Ratrngs(Ta=25"C) • '(m W ). -|F Vn - (m A ) r-.- .(V )- g fi; In '• - V ’ fi: ' (/<A) ' :Vr : Max. (V). • Max.

    OCR Scan
    DDQ11 DAN801 DAP801 DAN803 DAP803 DAN215 DAP215 DA216 DAN403 DAN202KVA DAP202KVA PDF

    1N4148 SMD LL-34

    Abstract: Diode smd 82T SMD 82T LTZ-MR15 SC-40 DO-34 ZENER da226u 1N4606 1N4148 LL-41 1SR35-100
    Text: : t — K /D io d e s T .'f " j f - > • ? '£ '< i [ — K /S w itc h in g Diodes • ¡ S S É /t^ 'i *j 3 - 's * ? $ Part No. Cond. Package Page V r V V f (V) Max. I f (mA) 1SS353 80 1.2 100 USM 34 1SS354 50 1.2 100 USM 34 1SS355 35 1.2 100 USM 34 RLS-71

    OCR Scan
    1SS353 1SS354 1SS355 RLS-71 RLS-72 RLS-73 1SS41 1S2471 1S2472 1S2473 1N4148 SMD LL-34 Diode smd 82T SMD 82T LTZ-MR15 SC-40 DO-34 ZENER da226u 1N4606 1N4148 LL-41 1SR35-100 PDF


    Abstract: 1SR139-100
    Text: UJHOil VLU “ 4 - S 0 E f2 c S3” £,St<*t3s2>'£ ‘ T l^X D ^V —* C. tjLA —(\ : l o O o a o Q ;j ! i <; ' 1 ( . () () f; ;j •; : ) i'i () <i ( ) ( ) <) () { ) <> () { ; ( > Cj (; I ! o r •Q o o o siaioi-zn sauas r ZilOl 0Z~0ZZ±IAI 262SSI

    OCR Scan
    262SSI 06ZSS1 00s00s0 1SR35-100 1SR139-100 PDF

    LT 7236

    Abstract: 2t212 DAP236K RLS135 dan201 M/LT 7236
    Text: $ < ^ — K /D io d e s M H /T y p e Number List 1N 15529 1 . 1N700 Series. 210 15529 2 . 63

    OCR Scan
    1N700 1N900 1N4001A. 1N4002A. 1N4003A. 1N4004A. 1N5000 RN719D. LT 7236 2t212 DAP236K RLS135 dan201 M/LT 7236 PDF

    1SR35-400A t 81

    Abstract: 1SS139 1SS252 1SS133 T-77 1SS292 J 1N4151 1SR35-100
    Text: I The Class and Basic Ordering Units for Standard and Semi-standard Products # P le a s e The quantity in an order must be in multiplies of the basi' suitable products for their needs, we offer diodes ♦R e m a rk s iri three types : : Standard products

    OCR Scan
    DAN208 DAP208 DAN601 DAP601 DA210S DA218S DAN209S DAP209S DAN801 DAN803 1SR35-400A t 81 1SS139 1SS252 1SS133 T-77 1SS292 J 1N4151 1SR35-100 PDF

    transistor A1515

    Abstract: Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD d2172 a1515 transistor transistor D1292 h7195 rkm 34 transistor C1741A IC TB 1238 AN transistor b1184
    Text: Explanations • Standard Products, Semi-standard Products, Custom Products To make it easier for the customer to select the type of product best suited to his needs, we offer transistors, diodes, light-emitting diodes sensors, lasers diodes, and resistors in three types: 1 standard, (2) semi-standard, and

    OCR Scan
    MCR01 transistor A1515 Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD d2172 a1515 transistor transistor D1292 h7195 rkm 34 transistor C1741A IC TB 1238 AN transistor b1184 PDF

    1SS134 ROHM

    Abstract: ROHM 1SS292 1SS139
    Text: $ < K /D io d es M 3 . -f y ^ > *7 $ - i $ — K /S w itc h in g Diodes • S & J f X 'f K /H ig h - S p e e d S w itching Diodes m Type B E S S IE Vr V i1 EE Cond. V f (V) Max. I f (mA) Package Page 1S2471 80 1.2 100 D O -35/S C -40 1187 1S2472 50 1.2 100

    OCR Scan
    1S2471 -35/S 1S2472 1S2473 1S2787 1SS41 1SS130 DO-34 1SS134 ROHM ROHM 1SS292 1SS139 PDF