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    Abstract: IC-90
    Text: IXSH15N120AU1 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET IGBT with Diode IC25 = 30 A VCES = 1200 V VCE sat = 4.0 V "S" Series - Improved SCSOA Capability C G E Symbol Test Conditions Maximum Ratings V CES T J = 25°C to 150°C 1200 V V CGR T J = 25°C to 150°C; RGE = 1 MΩ

    IXSH15N120AU1 -100A/ D-68619; IXSH15N120AU1 IC-90 PDF

    3ADW000095R0701 DCS400 MANUAL E G

    Abstract: ktk variable speed thyristor controller ABB make REC 670 ktk thyristor dc drives manual DCS401 manual temperature controller CHB 702 30 KW 1500rpm ABB DC motor DCS402 abb contactor K22 Project Report of fire alarm using thermistor
    Text: DCS Thyristor power converter for DC drive systems 20 to 1000 A 9 to 522 kW Manual DCS 400 II K 1-1 This manual is valid for DCS 400 Rev A including software version 108.0 List of contents MANUAL 1 DCS 400 - the compact-size DC drive . II K 1-3 2 System overview of DCS 400 . II K 2-1

    NCNA-01, 3ADW000095R0701 DCS400 R0701 095R0701A3180000* 3ADW000095R0701 DCS400 MANUAL E G ktk variable speed thyristor controller ABB make REC 670 ktk thyristor dc drives manual DCS401 manual temperature controller CHB 702 30 KW 1500rpm ABB DC motor DCS402 abb contactor K22 Project Report of fire alarm using thermistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4bflfc.E2b G G D 1 7 C11 3ÖT • IXY □IXYS IGBT with Diode IXSN50N60U1 I, CES High Short Circuit SOA Capability CE sat = 53 A = 600 V = 2.5 V 2 ■ 4" é 'T n Symbol Test Conditions VcES T, = 25°C to 150°C 600 V Vo» Tj = 25°C to 150°C; R ^ = 1 MQ

    OCR Scan
    IXSN50N60U1 OT-227 E72873 D-68619 PDF


    Abstract: IXTN36N50 36N50 E72873 IXTN36N45
    Text: • 4bûbE2b 0001Û11 TTñ ■ I X Y □IXYS Pow er M O S F E T IX TN 36N 45 IX TN 36N 50 N-Channel Enhancement Mode Symbol Test Conditions V oss T j = 25°C to 150°C Maximum Ratings IXTN36N45 IXTN36N50 450 500 V V V oc* ^ = 25°C to 150°C ;R es=10kQ 500

    OCR Scan
    IXTN36N45 IXTN36N50 IXTN36N45 Cto150Â IXTN36N D-68619; 1xys IXTN36N50 36N50 E72873 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H b û b 2 2 b 0 0 0 1 Ö 0 3 ^21 I IX Y ID IXYS IG B T w ith D io d e ÌX S N 3 0 N 10 0 A U 1 CES High Short Circuit SOA Capability CE sat = 34 A = 1000 V =4V 2 é * 'T i Symbol Test Conditions V«s Tj = 25°C to 150°C 1000 V v«* Tj = 25°C to 150°C; RGE= 1 M£2

    OCR Scan
    D-68619; 4bflb22b D-68619 PDF

    ixys dsei 2x61-06C

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Mt a b PZ b D D G i a S 3 7 1 T • I X Y D I X Y S DSEI 2x61 Fast Recovery Epitaxial Diodes lFAV = 2x60 A VRRM = 400-600 V tn < 35 ns miniBLOC, SOT-227 B V V 440 540 640 400 500 600 2 • DSEI 2x61-04C DSEI 2x61-05C DSEI 2x61-06C 1 1 o-J H Ho 3 -« 4

    OCR Scan
    OT-227 2x61-04C 2x61-05C 2x61-06C D-68619 ixys dsei 2x61-06C PDF

    ixys dsei 2x30-05c

    Abstract: ixys dsei 2x30-04c ixys dsei
    Text: 4bflb22b O G O ia n D Y I X E H B IIX Y S DSEI 2x30 IFAV DSEI 2x31 VRRM Fast Recovery Epitaxial Diodes 2x30 A 400-600 V < 35 ns miniBLOC, SOT-227 B v RSM V T yp e Typ e V V 440 540 640 400 500 600 Symbol Test Conditions •cavi . TVJ = Tvjm Tc = 85°CT rectangular, 6= 0.5

    OCR Scan
    4bflb22b OT-227 2X30-04C 2x31-040 2x30-05C 2x31-050 2x30-060 2x31-060 D-68619 ixys dsei 2x30-05c ixys dsei 2x30-04c ixys dsei PDF


    Abstract: IXYS SP
    Text: □ IX Y S IXGH9090 HiPerFAST IGBT with Diode ^C 25 V CES V CE sat Lf i 48 A 600 V 2.7 V 400 ns TO-247AD M axim um R atings S ym b o l T e st C onditions VcES T j = 2 5 'C to 150°C 600 V ^C G R T,J = 2 5 'C to 150” C; Rb t = 1 MQ 600 V V GES Continuous

    OCR Scan
    IXGH9090 D-68619; IXYS SP PDF


    Abstract: bt 58a E72873 PS-33A 40n60 15-05J
    Text: m n b abP-gb O D D l? ^ b7D • I X Y in ix Y S IGBT with Diode IXSN40N60AU1 High Short Circuit SOA Capability 2 * Symbol CCS vCGfl Test Conditions 600 V Tj = 25°C to 150°C; R6£ = 1 M ii 600 V Continuous ±20 V VGEU Transient ±30 V ■cs Tc = 25°C 45

    OCR Scan
    IXSN40N60AU1 OT-227 D-68619; bt 58a E72873 PS-33A 40n60 15-05J PDF

    ixys dsei 2x31-10b

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QIXYS 4bflfc>22b 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 TM7 « I X Y Fast Recovery Epitaxial Diodes DSEI 2x30 DSEI 2x31 ^FAV V RRM t_ = 2x30 A = 600-1000 V < 50 ns miniBLOC, SOT-227 B v RSU v rrm V T yp e Type DSEI 2x30-06B DSEI 2x30-08B DSEI 2x30-10B DSEI 2x31-06B DSEI 2x31-08B DSEI 2x31-10B

    OCR Scan
    OT-227 2x30-06B 2x30-08B 2x30-10B 2x31-06B 2x31-08B 2x31-10B D-68619 ixys dsei 2x31-10b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Mbôb22b DÜ0n4S 5bl « I X Y □IXYS V10500-12S Advanced Technical Information Hybrid IGBT Power Modules S ym b o l v CES C o n d itio n M ax. R ating 1200 V ±30 V T s = 25°C 1 600 A T s = 65°C 500 A 1200 A T s = 25°C 430 A T S = 25°C , 1ms 860 A 2500

    OCR Scan
    V10500-12S 85Vces, 125-C 400A/US D-68619 PDF


    Abstract: VIE150-12S FIB5 IXYS IGBT 3kv igbt inverter circuit for induction heating Induction Heating Resonant Inverter
    Text: 0001027 3bS IX Y ISOSMART IG B T M o d u le s \ 1 nixYS 19 93IXYS Corporation IXYS Corporation iibflb22b 0DDlfl2B ST1 • IXY VIE 150-12SE ISOSMART™ Module Description of the ISOSMART™ Module The VIE150-12SE module, shown diagrammatically in Figure 1, is a 1200V, 150A, IGBT

    OCR Scan
    93IXYS iibflb22b 150-12SE VIE150-12SE POB1180; D68619 VIE150-12S FIB5 IXYS IGBT 3kv igbt inverter circuit for induction heating Induction Heating Resonant Inverter PDF


    Abstract: TI42A
    Text: 4bûb22b Ü001Ö03 T21 IX Y lOIXYS IGBT with Diode IXSN30N100AU1 CES High Short Circuit SOA Capability CE sat = 34 A = 1000 V =4V 2 & 4 "T i Symbol Test Conditions V«s T j = 25°C to 150°C 1000 V T j = 25°C to 150°C; RGE = 1 M£2 1000 V Maximum Ratings

    OCR Scan
    IXSN30N100AU1 OT-227 30jiH it140 D-68619 VAJI TI42A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: •_4bßb22b 0 0 0 1 Ö2 S 5^2 M I X Y □IXYS Fast Recovery Epitaxial Diodes DSEI 2x61 lFAV = 2x60 A V rrm trr = 600-1000 V < 50 ns miniBLOC, SOT-227 B V v*» V 640 800 1000 600 800 1000 Type p ° ! 3 •- — Symbol Test Conditions 'frms *FAV* 1 Ifmi

    OCR Scan
    OT-227 2x61-06B 2x61-08B 2x61-10B D-68619 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M 4bfib?.2b O O G l ? ^ b?G • IXY in ix Y S IG B T w ith D io d e IX S N 4 0 N 6 0 A U 1 High Short Circuit SOA Capability lc VCES =45 A = 600 V V « » = 3V 2 ¿ 4 6 T i Symbol Test Conditions VC «ES . Tj = 25°C to 150°C 600 V v COR Tj = 25°C to 150°C; RG£ = 1 M fl

    OCR Scan
    D-68619; D00HD2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • 4 b û b 2 2 b O G O l ûl l TTfl ■ IX Y DIXYS Pow er M O S FE T IX T N 3 6 N 4 5 IX T N 3 6 N 5 0 N-Channel Enhancement Mode D cont v¥ p dss DS(on) = 36 A = 450/500 V = 0 .1 2 & R = 0.5 Q Symbol Test Conditions Voss Tj = 25°C to 150°C Maximum Ratings

    OCR Scan
    IXTN36N45 IXTN36N50 D-68619; PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HbflbSBb DDG13flb 3 ^ • IXY □ IXYS Data Sheet No. 915502A July 1993 SHAFT ENCODER PERIPHERAL INTERFACE IXSE502 Features Direct two-channel Quadrature Inputswith Schmitt Trigger Circuitry X4 Quadrature Detection for High Resolution EXTERNAL EVENT Detection and Latching for

    OCR Scan
    DDG13flb 15502A IXSE502 IXSE502 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: □ I X Y IXSH15N120AU1 S P R E L IM IN A R Y D A T A S H E E T IGBT with Diode ^C 2 5 "S" Series - Improved SCSOA Capability Symbol T est C onditions V CES T j = 2 5 °C to 150°C V CGR T j = 2 5 °C to 150°C ; f^E= 1 M ß V GES V CES V CE sat M axim um Ratings

    OCR Scan
    IXSH15N120AU1 125-C, -100A/ 1005C, 125-C D-68619; PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4bôb52b 0001^43 M'I'î B I X Y VI0400-12S Advanced Technical Information Hybrid IGBT Power Modules S ym bol C o n d itio n vCES vGES T s = 2 5°C VCE = 1200V lC25 = 475A M ax. R ating 1200 V ±30 V ^C25 T s = 25°C 475 A ^C6S T s = 65°C 375 A 'cm T s = 25°C , 1 ms

    OCR Scan
    VI0400-12S 0/60H 400A/us D-68619 PDF


    Abstract: igbt 600V 600A short circuit
    Text: QIXYS VI0600-12S Advanced Technical Information VCE= 1200 V Hybrid IGBT Power Modules lc =60A COLLECTOR COLLECTOR KELVIN GATE Symbol Condition V cH S Ts = 25°C Max. Rating v GES >c >c I CM *F 'PM PC Ts = 25°C Ts = 80°C Ts = 25°C , 1ms V V 600 A A A 1200

    OCR Scan
    VI0600-12S 50/60HZ, D-68619 Q-68619 IXYS IGBT igbt 600V 600A short circuit PDF


    Abstract: 25CC E72873 50N60 50N60U1
    Text: 4 b û b 2 2 b □ □ □ 1 7 ‘ìl 3flT • IX Y □IXYS IGBT with Diode IXSN50N60U1 >c V .„ High Short Circuit SOA Capability =53A = 600 V VcE<sa„ = 2-5 V 2 4 S ym bol T e st C o n d itio n s 'T l M axim um R a tin g s VcES T j = 25°C to 150°C 600

    OCR Scan
    IXSN50N60U1 D-68619 25CC E72873 50N60 50N60U1 PDF

    ixys dsei 2*61-10b

    Abstract: ATS1000 ixys dsei 12 IXYS DSEI 2X61-06
    Text: 4bfl b22b 0001025 5T2 *IXY □IXYS Fast Recovery Epitaxial Diodes DSEI 2x61 IFAV V t miniBLOC, SOT-227 B v RSM V 640 800 1000 Sym bol V RRM 600 800 1000 2 OSEI 2x61-06B OSEI 2x61-08B DSEI 2x61-10B Ho Maximum Ratings per diode j. t = 10 ms (50 Hz), sine t = 8.3 ms (60 Hz), sine

    OCR Scan
    4bflb22b OT-227 2x61-06 2x61-08B 2x61-10B 150nsient D-68619 ixys dsei 2*61-10b ATS1000 ixys dsei 12 IXYS DSEI 2X61-06 PDF


    Abstract: 2x31-10b ixys dsei 2x31-10b ixys dsei 2x30-10b
    Text: MbflL.22b 0001021 T47 « I X Y □IXY S Fast Recovery Epitaxial Diodes DSEI 2x30 DSEI 2x31 ^FAV V RRM t. = 2x30 A = 600-1000 V < 50 ns miniBLOC, SOT-227 B v RSM V 640 800 1000 v rrm T y p e T y p e V 600 800 1000 DSEI 2x30-06B DSEI 2x30-08B DSEI 2x30-10B DSEI 2x31-06B

    OCR Scan
    OT-227 2x30-06B 2x31-06B 2x30-08B 2x31-08B 2x30-10B 2x31-10B D-68619 2x31-10b ixys dsei 2x31-10b ixys dsei 2x30-10b PDF