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    BAOK 25 Search Results

    BAOK 25 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M S I 3SE D ELECTRONICS INC n Sb5bMbb 00003=13 7 B i l S I STRIPLINE PACKAGED M - T - c n - l^ ABRUPT TUNING DIODES electron ics. In stripline packages, the MSI 1S3113A series high Q tuning varactors are single diodes and the 2C3113A series are back-to-baok diodes with

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    1S3113A 2C3113A S3-2/90 1S3113A- 1S3150A 2C3144A C2/C30 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RADIAI f f a [E | 3 I TECHNICAL DATA SHEET F 797 390 00X Fibra Optic Components Title ST/ST 50/125 DUPLEX PATCHCORD. Dimensions : mm Series Issue: Page Patchcord Dec. 01 99 1/1 Red b o o t B lack b o o t 5 7 max , 1 10 max CUSTOMER APPROVAL (APPROBATION CLIENT

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    Radiall rtx

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: pS radial F 797 389 00X TECHNICAL OATA SHEET Fibra Optic Components Title ST/ST 50/125 SIMPLEX PATCHCORD. Series Issue Page Patchcord Dec. 01 99 1/1 Dimensions : mm ncuHP L D « 57 max Lenght see table below . RS Stock No. CUSTOMER APPROVAL (APPROBATION CLIENT)

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    IEC 874-2

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ! radiall TECHNICAL DATA SHEET F 797 387 000 Fibre Cotte CDBÇonenta Title SMA/ST 50/125 SIMPLEX PATCHCORD. NOTE: ’RS* Stock N<>:358-6018. Series Issue : Page Patchcord Nov. 30 99 1/1 Dimensions : mm CUSTOMER APPROVAL APPROBATION CLIENT Date Company (Sooiété)

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    Abstract: GM71C4400 b8555 tv lg EL60
    Text: @ LG Semicon. Co. LTD Description Features The GM71C4400E/EL is the new generation dynamic RAM organized 1,048,576 x 4 bit. GM71C4400E/EL has realized higher density, higher performance and various functions by utilizing advanced CMOS p ro c ess te c h n o lo g y . The

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    GM71C4400E/EL 300mil 20pin 71c4400 GM71C4400 b8555 tv lg EL60 PDF


    Abstract: DLT80
    Text: @ LG Semicon. Co. LTD Description Features The GM71C4400D/DL is the new generation, dynam ic R A M o rg an ized 1,048,576 x 4 b it. GM71C4400D/DL has realized higher density, higher performance and various functions by utilizing a d v a n c e d CM OS p ro c e s s te c h n o lo g y . The

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    GM71C4400D/DL 300mil 20pin GM71C4400 DLT80 PDF


    Abstract: 18 pin 7 digit LCD display M1312 Sanyo LC7230 ADI LABLE INFORMATION
    Text: CMOS LSI LC7230 NO.2802A SAtÊYO F Single-Chip PLL + Controller with LCD Driver r I Overview The LC7230 is a single chip microcontroller with internal LCD driver at^/f has<g|>cked IdopH ^ L L ) circuitry. It can be used as an electronic tuner and operates at a frequencyof^i/to 1 5 w f r ^ v.,

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    LC7230 LC7230 18 pin 7 digit LCD display M1312 Sanyo LC7230 ADI LABLE INFORMATION PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /iPD4564441, 4564841 64M-bit Synchronous DRAM 4-bank, LVTTL Description T h e ¿¿PD4564441,4664641 are high-speed 67,108,864-bit s y n c h ro n o u s d y n a m ic ra n d o m -a ccess m em ories, org a n ize d as 4,194,304x4x4 and 2,097,152x8x4 wordxbttxbank , respectively.

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    uPD4564441 uPD4564841 64M-bit PD4564441 864-bit 304x4x4 152x8x4 54-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: in t e i 82495XP CACHE CONTROLLER/ 82490XP CACHE RAM Two-Way, Set Associative, Secondary Cache for i860 xp Microprocessor 50 MHz “No Glue” Interface with CPU Configurable — Cache Size 256 or 512 Kbytes — Line Width 32, 64 or 128 Bytes — Memory Bus Width 64 or 128 Bits

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    82495XP 82490XP 10-3a. Controiler/82490XP xxxjx PDF

    SAD 512d

    Abstract: MIPS embedded GT-64111 NEC VR4300
    Text: Galileo. GT-64111 Universal PCI System Controller for MIPS Processors Please contact Galileo Technology for possible updates before finalizing a design FEATURES • Integrated PCI system controller for high-performance embedded applications • Supports all embedded 32-bit bus 64-bit MIPS CPUs

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    32-bit 64-bit RV4640 RV4650 RM5230 Vr4300 66MHz 512MB SAD 512d MIPS embedded GT-64111 NEC VR4300 PDF