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    ic 301

    Abstract: 2SD1535
    Text: Power Transistors 2SD1535 b132fl52 001b7Sa MbO 2S D 1535 Package D im ensions Unit ; mm Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Planar Darlington Type High Power A m plifier • Features • • • • Very good linearity o f DC current gain Iiff High collector-base voltage (VCbo)

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    b132fl52 001b7Sa 2SD1535 100X100X2mm ic 301 2SD1535 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PANASONIC INDL/ELEK -CIO Lb I CMOS Logic MN4000B Series •6932852 PANASONIC INOL*ELECTRONIC D E I b132fl52 0005127 fi | MN4531B/MN4531BS T -45-/7 66C 05127 MN4531B/MN4531BS 12-Bit Parity Trees ■ Description P -3 The MN4531B/S are 12-bit parity trees constructed with P and

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    MN4000B b132fl52 MN4531B/MN4531BS MN4531B/MN4531BS 12-Bit MN4531B/S 13-bit PDF

    LG color tv Circuit Diagram schematics

    Abstract: MD 1803 FX MN102L35G 27C202 eprom 711S SERVICE MANUAL Panasonic Panasonic color television schematic diagram ls010 lg led tv internal parts block diagram LG 631 TV LG
    Text: P a n iB r i n g i n g a X S ‘l o m o T r o z v MICROCOMPUTER MN102L35G LSI User Manual Ver. 2.20 March 6, 1998 Panasonic • ^ 3 2 6 5 2 0016705 273 ■ This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer e rie s t o ‘T o d a y Restrictions and Warnings Regarding the Use of the Technical Data and the

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    MN102L35G 001fl7fl5 LG color tv Circuit Diagram schematics MD 1803 FX 27C202 eprom 711S SERVICE MANUAL Panasonic Panasonic color television schematic diagram ls010 lg led tv internal parts block diagram LG 631 TV LG PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Power T ransistors 2SB 1299 2SB1299 Silicon PNP Epitaxial Planar Type P ackage Dim ensions Pow er Am plifier C o m plem entary Pair with 2 S D 1 2 7 3 Unit : m 4.4max. 10.2max. 5.7 max. • Features 2.9m«x. • High DC c u rre n t gain Iife • Good linearity of DC c u rre n t gain

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    2SB1299 10MHz b132fl52 2SB12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Panasonic CCD Linear Image Sensor MN3674 Color CCD Linear Image Sensor with 512 Pixels for R and B Colors/1024 Pixels for G Color •Overview ■ Pin Assignments The MN3674 is a high responsivity CCD color linear image sensor with 512 pixels each for R and B and 1024 G pixels,

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    MN3674 Colors/1024 MN3674 64mm-width 400dpi. 400de bT32flSE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Panasonic For Information Equipment MN5515 High-Speed Color Conversion LSI • Overview The MN5515 is a high-speed color conversion processor capable of free conversion among various full-color formats. It offers a low-cost solution to reproducing colors from

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    MN5515 MN5515 b13Sfl52 QFP100-P-1818 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Panasonic Voltage Regulators AN8019K, AN8019S DC-DC Converter 1C Incorporated Transmitting/Receiving Circuit for HBS • Overview AN8019K Unit ! mm The AN8019K/S incorporates the transmitting/receiving circuit complying with the HBS standards. Since the highly precise DC-DC converter is built in it,

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    AN8019K, AN8019S AN8019K AN8019K/S 0Q1EL31 PDF


    Abstract: AN8022L AN8022SB FA-135 L3502S SIP00
    Text: Panasonic Voltage Regulators AN8022L, AN8022SB Separate-Excitation Type Flyback Power Supply Supporting 1C for Control of AC-DC Converter AN8022L Unit mm • Overview T he A N 8022L and AN 8022SB are IC s for control suit­ able for the switching power supply, using primary side

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    AN8022L, AN8022SB AN8022L 700kHz i32fl52 3300pF, 32A52 FA-135 L3502S SIP00 PDF

    AC motor current limiter

    Abstract: 300rpm 6v dc motor panasonic ac servo motor AX 1668 F Fdd spindle motor circuit 300 high rpm 5V dc motors AX 1668 F 24 pin 132F AN8235S D012
    Text: Panasonic ICs for Motor AN8235S 3.5-inch FDD Spindle Motor Controller • Overview Unii I mm T h e A N 823 5S is an 1C developed for controlling the 3.5-inch F D D s' belt type spindle motors. Using the digital FG servo system, it can easilly realize adjustment-free

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    AN8235S AC motor current limiter 300rpm 6v dc motor panasonic ac servo motor AX 1668 F Fdd spindle motor circuit 300 high rpm 5V dc motors AX 1668 F 24 pin 132F D012 PDF

    fe 5571

    Abstract: MN5571
    Text: Panasonic For Information Equipment MN5571 Gray Scale Font Engine • Overview The M N 5571 is a high-speed rasterizer that generates bit­ mapped gray scale font data bit-mapped font data with gray scale data for each bit from outline font data (data describ­

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    MN5571 MN5571 128-P -1818B fe 5571 PDF


    Abstract: MN3885S MN3890S "Analog Shift Register"
    Text: other mos Lsis _ Panasonic MN3890S NTSC-Compatible CCD 1 H Video Signal Delay Element • Overview ■ Pin Assignment The MN3890S is a 1 H image delay element of a 4 fsc CMOS CCD and suitable for video signal processing ap­ plications. It contains such components as a frequency-doubler

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    MN3890S MN3890S 906-stage MN3885S 4700pF OP008-P-0225A 001S77Ã 820C "Analog Shift Register" PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Panasonic ICs for Video Camera AN3890FBS Capstan Motor Drive 1C for VCR • Overview The AN3890FBS is an 1C designed as a VCR capstan motor drive. It is particularly optimum for camera com ­ bined VCR. ■ Features • • • • Controls the output transistors external at low VCeBuilt-in torque ripple cancellation circuit.

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    AN3890FBS AN3890FBS 132flSS GD1471S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: m a Round Type S Ë # lt $ K ~ f U n it: m m Directly Joint Type T y p e N ol L ig h t in g C o lo r LN G 301M PU G re e n C le a r LN G 801LPD O r a n g e C le a r A b s o lu te Maxim um Ratings T a = 2 5 ° C • M Ê il Green Clear 90 30 150 4 - 2 5 — 1-85

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    801LPD LNG301MPU b132fl52 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Panasonic Other MOS LSIs MN3890S NTSC-Compatible CCD 1 H Video Signal Delay Element • Overview Pin Assignment The MN3890S is a 1 H image delay element of a 4 fsc CMOS CCD and suitable for video signal processing ap­ plications. It contains such components as a frequency-doubler

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    MN3890S MN3890S 906-stage MN3885S b132fl52 QD157bfl OP008-P-0225A PDF

    Panasonic Drives

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Panasonic ICs for Motor AN8420FBP Under development Spindle/Voice Coil Motor Drive 1C • Overview The AN8420FBP is an 1C for the voice coil motor and the spindle motor drive of the hard disk drive system (H D D ). For the spindle motor drive, the acoustic noise level of

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    AN8420FBP AN8420FBP b132flS2 01215b Panasonic Drives PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Panasonic ICs for VCR AN3327K Hi-Fi Audio Recording/Playback Amplifier 1C for VCR • Overview T h e A N 3 3 2 7 K is a H i-F i audio reco rd ing /p layback amplifier 1C for VCR . As it includes a recording AG C cir­ cuit, external recording current adjustment is needless.

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    AN3327K 132aS2 D014502 b132fl52 PDF


    Abstract: VGA TO AV CONVERTER AV TO VGA CONVERTER circuit av to vga converter panasonic dimension 74 television VGA to NTSC pc vga monitor circuit diagram ttl input convert to vga output TTL to vga MN89201
    Text: Panasonic For Information Equipment MN89201 VGA-NTSC Scan Converter • Overview The MN89201 converts PC/A T V GA 640 x 480 display data into an NTSC video signal without requiring an external fram e m em ory. It uses filte rin g to e lim in ate flic k e r and

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    MN89201 MN89201 bT32852 001547D y32flS5 001S471 QFH128-P-1818 D01S472 VGA TO AV CONVERTER circuit VGA TO AV CONVERTER AV TO VGA CONVERTER circuit av to vga converter panasonic dimension 74 television VGA to NTSC pc vga monitor circuit diagram ttl input convert to vga output TTL to vga PDF

    Fdd spindle motor circuit 300

    Abstract: panasonic servo motor AC Motor Speed Controller AX 1668 F 24 pin Fdd spindle motor circuit RPM 777 AN8235S D012 AC motor current limiter panasonic ac servo motor
    Text: Panasonic ICs for Motor AN8235S 3.5-inch FDD Spindle Motor Controller • Overview Unii I mm T h e A N 823 5S is an 1C developed for controlling the 3.5-inch F D D s' belt type spindle motors. Using the digital FG servo system, it can easilly realize adjustment-free

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    AN8235S AN8235S Fdd spindle motor circuit 300 panasonic servo motor AC Motor Speed Controller AX 1668 F 24 pin Fdd spindle motor circuit RPM 777 D012 AC motor current limiter panasonic ac servo motor PDF

    ECM microphone

    Abstract: microphone capacitor dynamic microphone circuit diagram 2.1 speaker amplifier Microphone amplifier piezo electric microphone AN61 AN6164K AN6164S
    Text: ICs for Telephone Panasonic A N 6 16 4 K, A N 6 1 6 4 S Constant Voltage Drive Speech Network Circuits AN6164K 1 <I 2 <I 3« 4« 5« • Overview s «« 7 <I The A N 6164K and A N 6164S are ICs for constant voltage drive type speech networks. S tS They incorporate a speaker amplifier and attenuator and suit­

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    AN6164K, AN6164S AN6164K AN6164S b13Efl52 00130b1) ECM microphone microphone capacitor dynamic microphone circuit diagram 2.1 speaker amplifier Microphone amplifier piezo electric microphone AN61 PDF

    LT 7229

    Abstract: 6/18/diode LT 7229
    Text: PANASONIC INDL/ELEK -CIO 75 6 9 3 2 8 5 2 PANASONIC I N D L ♦E L E C T R O NIC » Ë J b132flS5 00D7Eat, T J~' W H O l ’O T 7 2 Ç 072 26. LS TTL DN74LSÌ/U-X DN74LS363/DN74LS363S DN74LS363 DN74LS363S Octal Transparent Latches with 3 - state Outputs

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    b132flS5 00D7Eat, DN74LS DN74LS363/DN74LS363S DN74LS363 DN74LS363S b132fl52 00722fl DN74LS' LT 7229 6/18/diode LT 7229 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Panasonic For Communications Equipment MN86072 Image Processing LSI • Overview The MN86072 enhances image quality by applying various imaging processing techniques to the analog signal from an image sensor. It reproduces halftone images with 64-gradation using two-dimensional MTF

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    MN86072 MN86072 64-gradation 64-gradation 64-Kbit QFH128-P-1818 GD15b43 PDF

    EE - CH4

    Abstract: EE CH4
    Text: Panasonic Operational Amplifiers AN 1084, AN1084S Quadruple J-FET Input Operational Amplifiers • Overview A N 1084 The AN 1084 and the AN1084S are quadruple opera­ tional amplifiers with input stages consisting of P-ch JFET adopting the ion implantation process, realizing high

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    AN1084S AN1084S 1012fJ b132fl52 001237b EE - CH4 EE CH4 PDF

    transistor z3m

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Panasonic Mobile Communication AN6400FA Pager Direct Conversion FSK Demodulator Base-Band 1C • Overview T h e A N 6 4 0 0 F A is a base-band 1C supporting direct conversion FSK demodulation for pagers. ■ Features • Low current consumption : Vcci current consumption

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    AN6400FA transistor z3m PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Panasonic ICs for Video Camera AN3986FBP, AN3986FHP Stereo Audio Signal Processor ICs for 8-mm Camcorder • Overview The AN 3986FBP and the AN 3986FH P are stereo audio signal processor ICs for 8-mm camcorder. It incorporates all the functions needed for stereo-audio signal process­

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    AN3986FBP, AN3986FHP 3986FBP 3986FH AN3986FBP 20dBf NHCO PDF