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    AM29C331 Price and Stock

    Rochester Electronics LLC AM29C331GC

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey AM29C331GC Bulk 85 2
    • 1 -
    • 10 $209.3
    • 100 $209.3
    • 1000 $209.3
    • 10000 $209.3
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    Rochester Electronics LLC AM29C331-2GC

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey AM29C331-2GC Bulk 75 2
    • 1 -
    • 10 $296.51
    • 100 $296.51
    • 1000 $296.51
    • 10000 $296.51
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    Rochester Electronics LLC AM29C331-1GC

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey AM29C331-1GC Bulk 31 2
    • 1 -
    • 10 $241.27
    • 100 $241.27
    • 1000 $241.27
    • 10000 $241.27
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    AMD AM29C331GC

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Verical AM29C331GC 85 2
    • 1 -
    • 10 $251.5625
    • 100 $236.475
    • 1000 $213.825
    • 10000 $213.825
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    Rochester Electronics AM29C331GC 85 1
    • 1 $201.25
    • 10 $201.25
    • 100 $189.18
    • 1000 $171.06
    • 10000 $171.06
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    AMD AM29C331-2GC

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Verical AM29C331-2GC 75 2
    • 1 -
    • 10 $356.3875
    • 100 $335
    • 1000 $302.925
    • 10000 $302.925
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    Rochester Electronics AM29C331-2GC 75 1
    • 1 $285.11
    • 10 $285.11
    • 100 $268
    • 1000 $242.34
    • 10000 $242.34
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    AM29C331 Datasheets (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    AM29C331-1GC Advanced Micro Devices CMOS 16-Bit Microprogram Sequencer Scan PDF
    AM29C331-1GCB Advanced Micro Devices CMOS 16-Bit Microprogram Sequencer Scan PDF
    AM29C331/BZC Advanced Micro Devices CMOS 16-Bit Microprogram Sequencer Scan PDF
    AM29C331GC Advanced Micro Devices CMOS 16-Bit Microprogram Sequencer Scan PDF
    AM29C331GCB Advanced Micro Devices CMOS 16-Bit Microprogram Sequencer Scan PDF

    AM29C331 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: ScansUX971 AL576 Y746
    Text: Am29C331 CMOS 16-Bit Microprogram Sequencer PRELIMINARY • • • • 16-Bits Address up to 64K Words Supports 110-ns microcycle time for a 32-bit highperformance system when used with the other members of the Am29C300 Family. Speed Select Supports 80-ns system cycle time.

    OCR Scan
    Am29C331 16-Bit 16-Bits 110-ns 32-bit Am29C300 80-ns wf024770 wf025320 Am29331 5N520 ScansUX971 AL576 Y746 PDF


    Abstract: L1335 AM29C323 Wiring Diagram ford c max 2003 am29c332
    Text: Am29C331 a CMOS 16-Bit Microprogram Sequencer PRELIMINARY 16-Bits Address up to 64K Words S upports 110-ns m icrocycle time for a 32-bit highperform ance system when used with the other m embers of the Am 29C 300 Family. Speed Select Supports 80-ns system cycle time.

    OCR Scan
    Am29C331 16-Bit 16-Bits 110-ns 32-bit Am29C300 80-ns Am29331 29c331 L1335 AM29C323 Wiring Diagram ford c max 2003 am29c332 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am29C331 a CMOS 16-Bit Microprogram Sequencer PRELIMINARY • • • • 16-Bits Address up to 64K Words Supports 110-ns m icrocycle time for a 32-bit highperform ance system when used with the other m embers of the Am 29C 300 Family. Speed Select Supports 80-ns system cycle time.

    OCR Scan
    Am29C331 16-Bit 16-Bits 110-ns 32-bit 80-ns Am29331 ICROO40O PDF


    Abstract: BDR02321
    Text: Am29C10A C M O S Microprogram Controller > i DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS M CO Four address sources Microprogram address may be selected from micropro­ gram counter, branch address bus, 9-level PUSH/POP stack, or internal holding register. Sixteen powerful microinstructions

    OCR Scan
    Am29C10A Am2910A 20-MHz Am29C10A-1 12-bit 6824A 06752B AM27S35A DRAWING BDR02321 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am 29332 32-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit • Single Chip, 32-Bit ALU Supports 8 0 -9 0 ns m icrocycle tim e fo r the 32-bit data path. It is a com binatorial ALU with equal cy­ cle tim e fo r all instructions. Flow -through A rchitecture A com binatorial ALU with tw o input data ports and

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    32-Bit 32-bit WF023691 Y0-Y31 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: / 16-Bit CMOS Microprocessor Slice > 3 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS ro CO E xpandable C onnect any num ber o f A m 29C 101s to g e th er fo r longer w ord lengths. L e ft/rig h t shift in dep e n d e n t o f ALU A dd and sh ift opera tio ns ta ke only one cycle.

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit 2901C Am29C101 29c101 PDF


    Abstract: J-16
    Text: Am 29C327 Double-Precision Floating-Point Processor FINAL DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • • • H ig h -p e rfo rm a n ce d o u b le -p re c is io n flo a tin g -p o in t processor Comprehensive floating-point and integer instruction sets Single VLSI device performs single-, double-, and

    OCR Scan
    Am29C327 64-bit AM29C33 J-16 PDF


    Abstract: yb06 YB04 YA16 apl 117 yb07 y802 AWa3 74N10 V18-Y3S
    Text: Am29C334 CMOS Four-Port Dual-Access Register File PRELIMINARY • 64 x 18 Bit W ide R egister File The Am29C334 is a 64 x 18-bit, dual-access RAM with tw o read ports and two write ports. Pipelined Data Path The Am 29C334 can be configured to support either a

    OCR Scan
    Am29C334 18-bit, Am29334 TC003424 k0312 yb06 YB04 YA16 apl 117 yb07 y802 AWa3 74N10 V18-Y3S PDF


    Abstract: CI sj 4558 h3 0925 CP2515 16x16 barrel shifter with flipflop Am29C116 C26S vc2545 PH92
    Text: m A m 29C l16/116-1/116-2 16-Bit CMOS Microprocessors > 3 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS A m 29C 116 Supports up to 100-ns system cycle time. Less than 1 w att power dissipation and equivalent perform ance to the bipolar Am29116. A m 29C 116-1 Faster, speed-select version of the Am 29C 116 90 ns .

    OCR Scan
    Am29Cl16/116-1/116-2 16-Bit Am29C116 100-ns Am29116 Am29C116-1 29C116-2 80-ns RETS-1212 CI sj 4558 h3 0925 CP2515 16x16 barrel shifter with flipflop C26S vc2545 PH92 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am29C01 CMOS Four-Bit Microprocessor Slice > 3 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS io E xpandable C onnect any num ber o f Am29C01 s to g e th er fo r longer w ord lengths. Four status flags Carry, overflow , zero, and negative. Flexible data source selection ALU data is selected from five source ports fo r a total of

    OCR Scan
    Am29C01 29C01 2901C AIS-WCP-15M-04/87-0 PDF


    Abstract: fc 4558 AM29C33 FT28 tek 455 manual th02
    Text: 40V Am 29C325 2 i C M O S 3 2 -B it Flo atin g-P o int P rocessor > 3 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Single VLSI device perform s high-speed single­ precision floating-point arithm etic F loating-point addition, subtraction, and m ultiplication in a single clo ck cycle

    OCR Scan
    Am29C325 32-Bit 32-bit, 16-bit Am29325 fc 4558 AM29C33 FT28 tek 455 manual th02 PDF


    Abstract: Am29C323-2 CGX169 16x16 multiplier y299 AM2BC323-1
    Text: Am29C323 CMOS 32-Bit Parallel Multiplier PRELIMINARY • - T h e d e v ic e h a s tw o 3 2 -b it in p u t p o rts a nd o n e 3 2 -b it o u tp u t p o rt w ith c lo c k e d m u ltip ly tim e of 1 0 0 ns Speed Selects • - 80- a nd 5 5 -n s s p e e d -s e le c t p a rts

    OCR Scan
    Am29C323 32-Bit 32-Blt 55-ns IC000870 Am29C323-2 CGX169 16x16 multiplier y299 AM2BC323-1 PDF


    Abstract: Am29PL131 CD011201 29C50 Am29C03 TDC1009 x10 frequency multiplier 29c509 am29c111
    Text: Am 29C509 12 X 12-Bit CMOS Multiplier/Accumulator > 3 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS M Output R egister Preload - A predeterm ined value can be loaded into the output register. Round Control - The m ost significant 12 bits of the product can be rounded to the value nearest to the full 24-bit product.

    OCR Scan
    Am29C509 12-Bit 50-ns 27-Bit 24-bit AIS-WCP-12M-1/88-0 Am29PL131 CD011201 29C50 Am29C03 TDC1009 x10 frequency multiplier 29c509 am29c111 PDF


    Abstract: H-14 AM29325GC WF023740 ScansUX970 TB000640
    Text: Am29325 32-Bit Floating-Point Processor • Single VLSI device performs high-speed floating-point arithmetic - Floating-point addition, subtraction, and multiplication in a single clock cycle - Internal architecture supports sum-of-products, Newton-Raphson division

    OCR Scan
    Am29325 32-Bit 32-bit, 16-bit WF023790 WF023800 WF023810 16-Bit, H-14 AM29325GC WF023740 ScansUX970 TB000640 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am29C325 C M O S 3 2 -B it F lo a tin g -P o in t P ro ce sso r F IN A L D IS T IN C T IV E C H A R A C T E R IS T IC S • • Single VLSI device pe rfo rm s high-speed singlepre cisio n flo a tin g -p o in t arithm etic F lo a tin g -p o in t add ition, subtraction, and m ultiplicatio n

    OCR Scan
    Am29C325 32-bit, 16-bit PDF


    Abstract: A09 N03 yb04 b09 n03 GE H11 A10 K/1/64W am29c332
    Text: Am29C334 CMOS Four-Port Dual-Access Register File PRELIMINARY 64 x 18 Bit W ide R egister File The Am 29C334 is a 64 x 18-bit, dual-access RAM with tw o read ports and two write ports. Pipelined D ata Path The Am 29C 334 can be configured to support either a

    OCR Scan
    Am29C334 18-bit, 29C334 Am29C3mwmw TC003424 YB17 A09 N03 yb04 b09 n03 GE H11 A10 K/1/64W am29c332 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am29338 32-Bit Byte Queue ADVANCE INFO R M ATIO N A synchronous and Synchronous O peration - S upports com m unication between system s w ith differ­ e nt clocks and different bus w idths Retransm it - Data can be read out repeatedly Horizontal Cascading

    OCR Scan
    Am29338 32-Bit F02347) ICR00480 PDF


    Abstract: ir3104
    Text: Am29332 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • Single Chip, 32-Bit ALU S upports 8 0 -9 0 ns m icrocycle tim e for the 32-bit data path. It is a com binatorial ALU w ith equal cy­ cle tim e fo r all instructions. Flow -through A rchitecture A com binatorial ALU with tw o input data ports and

    OCR Scan
    Am29332 32-Bit WF023691 5000000O0OOOOT' WF023700 WF023710 d82L ir3104 PDF


    Abstract: Modified Booth Multipliers DB21 OA10 OA21 block diagram 8 bit booth multiplier am29c332
    Text: Am29C332 CMOS 32-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit ADVANCE INFORMATION Supports All Data Types It supports one-, two-, three- and four-byte data for all operations and variable-length fields for logical operations. Multiply and Divide Support Built-in hardware to support tw o-bit-at-a-tim e m odi­

    OCR Scan
    Am29C332 32-Bit 80-ns 64-Bit da0-da31, TC001107 Modified Booth Multipliers DB21 OA10 OA21 block diagram 8 bit booth multiplier PDF


    Abstract: microprogram BDR02321
    Text: Am29C10A C M O S Microprogram Controller > i DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS M CO Four address sources Microprogram address may be selected from micropro­ gram counter, branch address bus, 9-level PUSH/POP stack, or internal holding register. Sixteen powerful microinstructions

    OCR Scan
    Am29C10A Am2910A 20-MHz Am29C10A-1 12-bit 6824A 06752B AM27S35A DRAWING microprogram BDR02321 PDF

    lzl 24h

    Abstract: pioneer PAL 007 A CNC DRIVES ford EEC V pioneer PEG 468 AM27S43 AM29300 am29325 Am29434 YA11
    Text: a 32-Bit Microprosrammable Products Am29C300/29300 1 9 8 8 D ata B o o k Advanced Micro D e v ic e s a Advanced Micro Devices Am29C300/29300 Data Book 1988 Advanced Micro Devices Advanced Micro Devices reserves the right to make changes in its products without

    OCR Scan
    32-Bit Am29C300/29300 B-33M-1/88-0 9372A lzl 24h pioneer PAL 007 A CNC DRIVES ford EEC V pioneer PEG 468 AM27S43 AM29300 am29325 Am29434 YA11 PDF


    Abstract: AM29C323GC A7 p25 T14X3 CGX169 Y0-Y31 32x32 Multiplier 65A15 PW1232 32-bit adder
    Text: Am29C323 CMOS 32-Bit Parallel Multiplier PRELIMINARY • • • • • 32-Bit Three-Bus Architecture - The device has tw o 32-bit input ports and one 32-bit output port with clocked multiply time of 100 ns Speed Selects - 80- and 55-ns speed-select parts

    OCR Scan
    Am29C323 32-Bit 55-ns WF022960 WF022990 AM29C323GC A7 p25 T14X3 CGX169 Y0-Y31 32x32 Multiplier 65A15 PW1232 32-bit adder PDF

    yd 803 ic

    Abstract: yd 803 a yd 803 ou equivalent
    Text: NOV 2 1 j g j f Am 29Cl17 16-Bit CMOS Microprocessor > 3 M <0 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • • Instruction Set is identical to the Am29C1t6 - The Am29C117 has an identical architecture and instruction set with the exception of the two-port I/O structure and the additional Two-Address Immediate

    OCR Scan
    29Cl17 16-Bit Am29C117-2 Am29C1t6 Am29C117 68-Lead yd 803 ic yd 803 a yd 803 ou equivalent PDF


    Abstract: H-14
    Text: A m 29C 325 CMOS 32-Bit Floating-Point Processor FINAL DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • Single VLSI device performs high-speed single­ precision floating-point arithmetic Floating-point addition, subtraction, and multiplication in a single clock cycle

    OCR Scan
    Am29C325 32-Bit 32-bit, 16-bit Am29325 H-14 PDF