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    29C509 Search Results

    29C509 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: Am29PL131 CD011201 29C50 Am29C03 TDC1009 x10 frequency multiplier 29c509 am29c111
    Text: Am 29C509 12 X 12-Bit CMOS Multiplier/Accumulator > 3 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS M Output R egister Preload - A predeterm ined value can be loaded into the output register. Round Control - The m ost significant 12 bits of the product can be rounded to the value nearest to the full 24-bit product.

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    Am29C509 12-Bit 50-ns 27-Bit 24-bit AIS-WCP-12M-1/88-0 Am29PL131 CD011201 29C50 Am29C03 TDC1009 x10 frequency multiplier 29c509 am29c111 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 29C509 12 X 12-Bit CMOS Multiplier/Accumulator > 3 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS H igh-speed 1 .6 - m s CMOS Process - 50-ns maximum clock rate supports real-time processing. 27-Bit Product A ccum ulation Result - Provides 24-bit product plus 3-bit extended product.

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    Am29C509 12-Bit 50-ns 27-Bit 24-bit CP-12M PDF