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    TN0604WG Search Results

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    TN0604WG Price and Stock

    Microchip Technology Inc TN0604WG

    Trans MOSFET N-CH 40V 1A 20-Pin SOIC W
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Verical TN0604WG 490 30
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $2.7586
    • 1000 $2.7586
    • 10000 $2.7586
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    Master Electronics TN0604WG 494
    • 1 -
    • 10 $2.4
    • 100 $2.16
    • 1000 $2.16
    • 10000 $2.16
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    TN0604WG Datasheets (4)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    TN0604WG Supertex N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FETs Original PDF
    TN0604WG Supertex N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FET Quad Array Original PDF
    TN0604WG Unknown FET Data Book Scan PDF
    TN0604WG-G Supertex N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FET Original PDF

    TN0604WG Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: TN0604 TN0604WG
    Text: TN0604 Low Threshold N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FET Quad Array Ordering Information BVDSS / BVDGS RDS ON Max 40V Order Number / Package SOW-20* 1.0Ω TN0604WG * Same as SO-20 with 300 mil wide body. Features Advanced DMOS Technology 4 independent channels

    TN0604 SOW-20* TN0604WG SO-20 130pf SOW-20 TN0604 TN0604WG PDF

    Supertex Quad

    Abstract: SOW-20 TN0604WG
    Text: TN0604WG Low Threshold N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FET Quad Array Ordering Information BVDSS / BVDGS RDS ON Max 40V Order Number / Package SOW-20* 1.0Ω TN0604WG * Same as SO-20 with 300 mil wide body. Features Advanced DMOS Technology ❏ 4 independent channels

    TN0604WG SOW-20* SO-20 130pf Supertex Quad SOW-20 TN0604WG PDF


    Abstract: TN0604WG FAST DMOS FET Switches s2615
    Text: TN0604WG Low Threshold N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FET Quad Array Ordering Information BVDSS / BVDGS Order Number / Package RDS ON Max 40V SOW-20* 1.0Ω TN0604WG * Same as SO-20 with 300 mil wide body. Features Advanced DMOS Technology 4 independent channels

    TN0604WG SOW-20* SO-20 therm25V 130pf SOW-20 TN0604WG FAST DMOS FET Switches s2615 PDF


    Abstract: TN0604WG TN0604 FAST DMOS FET Switches
    Text: TN0604 Low Threshold N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FET Quad Array Ordering Information BVDSS / BVDGS RDS ON Max 40V Order Number / Package SOW-20* 1.0Ω TN0604WG * Same as SO-20 with 300 mil wide body. Features Advanced DMOS Technology 4 independent channels

    TN0604 SOW-20* TN0604WG SO-20 130pf SOW-20 TN0604WG TN0604 FAST DMOS FET Switches PDF

    n-channel fet to-92

    Abstract: SOW-20 TN0604 TN0604N3 TN0604WG siemens fet to92
    Text: TN0604WG Low Threshold N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FET Quad Array Ordering Information BVDSS / BVDGS RDS ON (max) ID(ON) (min) VGS(th) (max) 40V 0.75Ω 4.0A 40V 1.0Ω 4.0A Order Number / Package TO-92 SOW-20* 1.6V TN0604N3 — 1.6V — TN0604WG

    TN0604WG SOW-20* TN0604N3 SO-20 n-channel fet to-92 SOW-20 TN0604 TN0604N3 TN0604WG siemens fet to92 PDF


    Abstract: TN0604 TN0604N3 TN0604WG TO-92 pinouts
    Text: TN0604 Low Threshold N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FETs Ordering Information BVDSS / BVDGS RDS ON (max) ID(ON) (min) VGS(th) (max) 40V 0.75Ω 4.0A 40V 1.0Ω 4.0A Order Number / Package TO-92 SOW-20* 1.6V TN0604N3 — 1.6V — TN0604WG * Same as SO-20 with 300 mil wide body.

    TN0604 SOW-20* TN0604N3 TN0604WG SO-20 SOW-20 TN0604 TN0604N3 TN0604WG TO-92 pinouts PDF

    marking n3

    Abstract: TN0604N3 75E1 MS-013 TN0604 TN0604N3-G TN0604WG-G n-channel fet to-92
    Text: TN0604 N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FET Features General Description ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► This low threshold, enhancement-mode normally-off transistor utilizes a vertical DMOS structure and Supertex’s well-proven, silicon-gate manufacturing process. This

    TN0604 140pF MS-013, DSFP-TN0604 A102507 marking n3 TN0604N3 75E1 MS-013 TN0604 TN0604N3-G TN0604WG-G n-channel fet to-92 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Supertex inc. N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FET Features ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► TN0604 General Description Low threshold 1.6V max. High input impedance Low input capacitance (140pF typical) Fast switching speeds Low on-resistance

    TN0604 DSFP-TN0604 B070511 b0705 PDF


    Abstract: TO-243AA tn0604n TO-236AB oc sot-89 TC2320TG TN2130K1-G LND150N8-G VN0104N3-G TO-236-AB
    Text: Supertex, Inc. DMOS Products MSL and Maximum Temparture Ratings Device 2N7000-G 2N7002-G DN1509N8-G DN2470K4-G DN2530N3-G DN2530N8-G DN2535N3-G DN2535N5-G DN2540N3-G DN2540N5-G DN2540N8-G DN2625K4-G DN2625K6-G DN3135K1-G DN3135N8-G DN3145N8-G DN3525N8-G DN3535N8-G

    2N7000-G 2N7002-G DN1509N8-G DN2470K4-G DN2530N3-G DN2530N8-G DN2535N3-G DN2535N5-G DN2540N3-G DN2540N5-G TO243AA TO-243AA tn0604n TO-236AB oc sot-89 TC2320TG TN2130K1-G LND150N8-G VN0104N3-G TO-236-AB PDF


    Abstract: HT0440LG TN2130K1-G hv5308pj-b TN2510N8 HT0440LG-G LR8N3-G LR645LG-G DN2530N3-G LR8N3
    Text: March 2010 SUPERTEX PRODUCTS TRANSITIONED TO RoHS COMPLIANT PACKAGING Leaded / Non-Green Part Number Obsolete Lead-Free / Green Part Number (Replacement) 2N7000 2N7002 2N7008 CL2K4 CL2N3 CL2N8 DN2470K4 DN2530N3 DN2530N8 DN2535N3 DN2535N5 DN2540N3 DN2540N5

    2N7000 2N7002 2N7008 DN2470K4 DN2530N3 DN2530N8 DN2535N3 DN2535N5 DN2540N3 DN2540N5 DN2540N5 HT0440LG TN2130K1-G hv5308pj-b TN2510N8 HT0440LG-G LR8N3-G LR645LG-G DN2530N3-G LR8N3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TN0604 N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FET Features General Description ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► This low threshold, enhancement-mode normally-off transistor utilizes a vertical DMOS structure and Supertex’s well-proven, silicon-gate manufacturing process. This

    TN0604 140pF DSFP-TN0604 A091608 TRANSISTOR LIZ PDF


    Abstract: 75E1 TN0604 TN0604N3-G
    Text: TN0604 N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FET Features General Description ► ► ► ► ► ► ► This low threshold, enhancement-mode normally-off transistor utilizes a vertical DMOS structure and Supertex’s well-proven, silicon-gate manufacturing process. This

    TN0604 140pF DSFP-TN0604 A022309 TN0604WG-G 75E1 TN0604 TN0604N3-G PDF


    Abstract: TN0602 TN0602N2 SOW-20 TN0604N2 TN0602ND TN0604 TN0604N3 TN0604ND TN0604WG
    Text: TN0602 TN0604 Low Threshold N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FETs Ordering Information Order Number / Package BVDSS / BVDGS RDS ON (max) ID(ON) (min) VGS(th) (max) TO-39 TO-92 SOW-20* DICE† 20V 0.75Ω 4.0A 1.6V — TN0602N3 TN0602ND 20V 0.85Ω

    TN0602 TN0604 SOW-20* TN0602N3 TN0602ND TN0602N2 TN0604N3 TN0604ND TN0604N2 TN0604WG TN0602N3 TN0602 TN0602N2 SOW-20 TN0604N2 TN0602ND TN0604 TN0604N3 TN0604ND TN0604WG PDF

    PLCC-6 5050

    Abstract: P-Channel mosfet 400v to220 pj 84 elmwood 2450 MOSFET 400V depletion p channel 240v n-channel depletion mosfet mosfet driver 400v ks 4290 P-Channel Depletion-Mode HT0440LG
    Text: WEB SITE/OEM PRICE LIST OCTOBER 15, 1999 Supersedes September 1998 Web Site/OEM Price List High Voltage ICs, MOSFETs and Arrays 1 SUPERTEX, INC. TERMS OF SALE information and assistance at the Buyer's expense for the defense of same, and the Buyer shall pay all damages and costs awarded therein against the Seller. In case

    SA146RS PLCC-6 5050 P-Channel mosfet 400v to220 pj 84 elmwood 2450 MOSFET 400V depletion p channel 240v n-channel depletion mosfet mosfet driver 400v ks 4290 P-Channel Depletion-Mode HT0440LG PDF

    TO-92 pinouts

    Abstract: SOW-20
    Text: TN0602 TN0604 Low Threshold N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FETs Ordering Information BVDSS / BVDGS RDS ON (max) ID(ON) (min) VGS(th) (max) 20V 0.75Ω 4.0A 40V 0.75Ω 40V 1.0Ω Order Number / Package TO-92 SOW-20* 1.6V — — 4.0A 1.6V TN0604N3

    TN0602 TN0604 TN0604N3 SOW-20* TN0604WG SO-20 140pF TO-92 pinouts SOW-20 PDF


    Abstract: TN0602N2 TN0204N2 TN0524N2 tn0620n2 TN0202N3 TN0202ND TN0204N3 TN0204ND TN0520N2
    Text: - 332 - f Ta=25cC y Vds m % tt € or f Vdg it TN0202N2 TN0202N3 TN0202ND TNQ2Q4N2 TN0204N3 TN0204ND TN0520N2 TN0520N3 TN0520ND TN0524N2 TN0524N3 TN0524ND TN0602N2 TNÛ6Q2N3 TN0602ND TN06Û4N2 TN0604N3 TN0604ND TN0604WG TN0606N2 TN0606N3 TN0606N5 TN06O6NO

    OCR Scan
    TN0202K2 T0-39 TN0202N3 T0-92 TN0202ND TN0204N2 to-39 TN0610N3 TN0610N5 T0-220 TN0520N3 TN0602N2 TN0524N2 tn0620n2 TN0204N3 TN0204ND TN0520N2 PDF


    Abstract: TN06L
    Text: TN0604WG Lji Supertex inc. Surface Mount Low Threshold N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FET Quad Array Ordering Information BVdss/ b v dgs Order Number / Package R 0S ON ^ a x 40V 1.0£2 SOW-20* TN0604WG * S a m e a s S 0 - 2 0 with 3 0 0 mil w id e body.

    OCR Scan
    TN0604WG SOW-20* TN06L SOW-20 SOW-20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Supertex inc. TN0604WG v. ; ; ,i i.;^ il Old N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FET Quad Array Ordering Information B V oss Order Number / Package / BVdos ^ D S ON ^ a X 40V SOW-20* i.o n TN0604WG * Same as SO-20 with 300 mil wide body. Features

    OCR Scan
    TN0604WG SOW-20* TN0604WG SO-20 S4BV PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _ TN0602 TN0604 _ te x m e ._ Low Threshold S u p m N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FETs Ordering Information Order Number / Package b v dss/ ^DS O N ' d (ON) VGS(th) b v dgs (max) (min) (max) TO-92 SOW-20* Diet 20V 0.75SÌ

    OCR Scan
    TN0602 TN0604 TN0602N3 TN0604N3 SOW-20* TN0604WG TN0602ND TN0604ND SO-20 140pF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T N 06 L ßi S u p e r te x inc . Low Threshold N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FETs Ordering Information Order Number / Package BVdss/ R d S(ON ta(ON) V GS(th) b v dgs (max) (min) (max) TO-39 TO-92 SOW-20* DICE* 20V 0.75a 4.0A 1.6V — TN0602N3

    OCR Scan
    TN0602N2 TN0604N2 TN0602N3 TN0604N3 SOW-20* TN0604WG TN0602ND TN0604ND TN06L PDF


    Abstract: TP2540ND VN1304N3 VP3203N3 LND150N8 VN3205N5 VN1310N3 TN2510N8 TN0102N2 VP1306N2
    Text: _ _ fflpSupertex inc. Device Page # Device Page # Device A lp h a n u m e ric Index Page # Device Page# 2N7002 BSS123 DN2535N2 DN2535N3 DN2535N5 20 24 28 28 28 TN2106K1 TN2106N3 TN2124K1 TN2501N8 TN2501ND 57 57 61 63 63 TP2504ND TP2506ND TP2510N8 TP2510ND

    OCR Scan
    2N7002 BSS123 DN2535N2 DN2535N3 DN2535N5 DN2535ND DN2540N2 DN2540N3 DN2540N5 DN2540N8 VP1304N2 TP2540ND VN1304N3 VP3203N3 LND150N8 VN3205N5 VN1310N3 TN2510N8 TN0102N2 VP1306N2 PDF

    pj 72 diode

    Abstract: pj 49 diode pj 44 diode ic 7pin dip PWM Converter pj 89 diode 9v 200 ohm relay P248L VP0808 vp1550 pj 85 lv
    Text: Chapter S: Product Selector Guides Chapter Product Selector Guides 1. Hotswap Controller ICs/lnrush Current Limiters/Circuit Breaker IC s. 248 2. LED Driver IC s .

    OCR Scan
    VP1550 VP2106 VP2110 VP2206 VP2450 VP3203 TC2320 -200V pj 72 diode pj 49 diode pj 44 diode ic 7pin dip PWM Converter pj 89 diode 9v 200 ohm relay P248L VP0808 pj 85 lv PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TN0602 TN0604 Low Threshold ßi Super tex inc. N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FETs Ordering Information * BVDSS/ BV dgs ^DS ON (max) 20V 0.75a 20V 40V 40V 40V Same as TO-92 SOW-20* DICEt 1.6V — TN0602N3 TN0602ND 0.850 4.0A 1.6V TN0602N2

    OCR Scan
    TN0602 TN0604 SOW-20* TN0602N3 TN0602ND TN0602N2 TN0604N3 TN0604ND TN0604N2 TN0604WG PDF


    Abstract: fet free SOW-20 FAST DMOS FET Switches p-CHANNEL
    Text: ^ Supertex inc. TC0604W G Low Threshold Complementary Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FET Quad Array Ordering Information_ b v dss / b v dgs ^ D S ON MaX Q, + Q2 or Q3 + Q4 40V 3.00 Order Number / Package SOW-20* TC0604WG * Same as S0-20 with 300 mil wide body.

    OCR Scan
    TC0604W SOW-20* TC0604WG S0-20 TN0604WG TP0604WG SOW-20 fet free FAST DMOS FET Switches p-CHANNEL PDF