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    DSF11060SG Search Results

    DSF11060SG Datasheets (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    DSF11060SG Dynex Fast Recovery Diode Original PDF
    DSF11060SG55 Dynex Fast Recovery Diode Original PDF
    DSF11060SG56 Dynex Fast Recovery Diode Original PDF
    DSF11060SG58 Dynex Fast Recovery Diode Original PDF
    DSF11060SG60 Dynex Fast Recovery Diode Original PDF

    DSF11060SG Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SEPTEMBER 1996 DSF11060SG DS4217-2.3 DSF11060SG FAST RECOVERY DIODE APPLICATIONS KEY PARAMETERS VRRM 6000V IF AV 400A IFSM 4200A Qr 700µC trr 6.0µs • Snubber Diode For GTO Circuits. FEATURES ■ Double Side Cooling. ■ High Surge Capability. ■ Low Recovery Charge.

    DSF11060SG DS4217-2 DSF11060SG60 DSF11060SG58 DSF11060SG56 DSF11060SG55 M779b. PDF


    Abstract: ds4217 AN4506 DSF11060SG DSF11060SG55 DSF11060SG56 DSF11060SG58 DSF11060SG60 DSF110
    Text: DSF11060SG DSF11060SG Fast Recovery Diode Replaces March 1998 version, DS4217-2.4 DS4548 - 3.2 January 2000 KEY PARAMETERS VRRM 6000V IF AV 400A IFSM 4200A Qr 700µC trr 6.0µs APPLICATIONS • Snubber Diode For GTO Circuits FEATURES ■ Double Side Cooling

    DSF11060SG DS4217-2 DS4548 DSF11060SG60 DSF11060SG58 DSF11060SG56 DSF11060SG55 M779b. ds4217 AN4506 DSF11060SG DSF11060SG55 DSF11060SG56 DSF11060SG58 DSF11060SG60 DSF110 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DSF11060SG DSF11060SG Fast Recovery DioGH DS4548 -  JXO\ 20 /1 31791 KEY PARAMETERS

    DSF11060SG DS4548 DSF11060SG60 DSF11060SG58 DSF11060SG56 DSF11060SG55 M779b. DSF11060SG PDF


    Abstract: 1000A 100V power diode DSF11060SG60 M779b DSF11060SG55 DSF11060SG56 DSF11060SG58 DS4548
    Text: DSF11060SG DSF11060SG Fast Recovery Diode Replaces January 2000 version, DS4217-3.0 DS4548-4.0 June 2004 APPLICATIONS KEY PARAMETERS VRRM 6000V IF AV 400A IFSM 4200A Qr 700µC trr 6.0µs • Snubber Diode For GTO Circuits FEATURES ■ Double Side Cooling

    DSF11060SG DS4217-3 DS4548-4 DSF11060SG60 DSF11060SG58 DSF11060SG56 DSF11060SG55 M779b. DSF11060SG 1000A 100V power diode DSF11060SG60 M779b DSF11060SG55 DSF11060SG56 DSF11060SG58 DS4548 PDF

    1000A 100V power diode

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DSF11060SG DSF11060SG Fast Recovery Diode Replaces January 2000 version, DS4217-3.0 DS4548-4.0 June 2004 APPLICATIONS KEY PARAMETERS VRRM 6000V IF AV 400A IFSM 4200A Qr 700µC trr 6.0µs • Snubber Diode For GTO Circuits FEATURES ■ Double Side Cooling

    DSF11060SG DS4217-3 DS4548-4 DSF11060SG60 DSF11060SG58 DSF11060SG56 DSF11060SG55 M779b. 1000A 100V power diode PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DSF11060SG DSF11060SG Fast Recovery Diode Replaces January 2000 version, DS4217-3.0 DS4548-4.0 June 2004 APPLICATIONS KEY PARAMETERS VRRM 6000V IF AV 400A IFSM 4200A Qr 700µC trr 6.0µs • Snubber Diode For GTO Circuits FEATURES ■ Double Side Cooling

    DSF11060SG DS4217-3 DS4548-4 DSF11060SG60 DSF11060SG58 DSF11060SG56 DSF11060SG55 M779b. PDF

    1000A 100V power diode

    Abstract: DSF11060SG DSF11060SG55 DSF11060SG56 DSF11060SG58 DSF11060SG60
    Text: DSF11060SG DSF11060SG Fast Recovery Diode Replaces March 1998 version, DS4217-2.4 DS4548 - 3.2 January 2000 APPLICATIONS KEY PARAMETERS VRRM 6000V IF AV 400A IFSM 4200A Qr 700µC trr 6.0µs • Snubber Diode For GTO Circuits FEATURES ■ Double Side Cooling

    DSF11060SG DS4217-2 DS4548 DSF11060SG60 DSF11060SG58 DSF11060SG56 DSF11060SG55 M779b. 1000A 100V power diode DSF11060SG DSF11060SG55 DSF11060SG56 DSF11060SG58 DSF11060SG60 PDF

    Tag 225-600

    Abstract: IGBT cross-reference SCR GTO fast diode 3000V tag 200-600 522.500. 5 x 20 mm HVDC plus scr phase control battery charger esm 30 450 v GTO thyristor Application notes
    Text: Contents Powerline IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors 1200V IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors 10 Bi-directional switches, choppers, dual switches, half bridges and single switches 3 Pulsed Power Capability 10 1700V IGBT Modules Bi-directional switches, choppers, dual switches, half

    DS5766-4. Tag 225-600 IGBT cross-reference SCR GTO fast diode 3000V tag 200-600 522.500. 5 x 20 mm HVDC plus scr phase control battery charger esm 30 450 v GTO thyristor Application notes PDF

    kpb 307

    Abstract: KP8 500 KP9 1500 -12 KPd 1500 TEG KP5-600 THYRISTOR KP8 800 igbt types 6000v KP7 500 TBA 1240 ic teg thyristor
    Text: Contents Powerline IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors 1200V IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors Bi-directional switches, choppers, dual switches, half bridges and single switches 2 1700V IGBT Modules Bi-directional switches, choppers, dual switches, half

    DS5766-4. kpb 307 KP8 500 KP9 1500 -12 KPd 1500 TEG KP5-600 THYRISTOR KP8 800 igbt types 6000v KP7 500 TBA 1240 ic teg thyristor PDF


    Abstract: DCR370T18 DCR1560F26 DCR1560F drd2960y40 alsic 105 DCR1710F18 DCR650G34 DCR2760V DRD850D34
    Text: Contents Powerline IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors 1200V IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors Choppers, dual switches, half bridges and single switches 2 1700V IGBT Modules Bi-directional switches, choppers, dual switches, half bridges and single switches

    4500Vee DS5766-4. DCR370T DCR370T18 DCR1560F26 DCR1560F drd2960y40 alsic 105 DCR1710F18 DCR650G34 DCR2760V DRD850D34 PDF


    Abstract: K1457 Tag 225-600 dim1200fss12 thyratron IGBT cross-reference DCR890F DSF110 igbt types 6000v DIM800DCS12-A
    Text: Contents Powerline IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors 1200V IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors 10 Bi-directional switches, choppers, dual switches, half bridges and single switches 3 Pulsed Power Capability 10 1700V IGBT Modules Bi-directional switches, choppers, dual switches, half

    DS5766-4. DCR2950W K1457 Tag 225-600 dim1200fss12 thyratron IGBT cross-reference DCR890F DSF110 igbt types 6000v DIM800DCS12-A PDF


    Abstract: igbt types 6000v igbt sinewave inverter thyristor phase control 600v to 1600v DCR2630Y Tag 225-600 PT85QWX45 HVDC plus bi-directional switches IGBT GTO hvdc thyristor
    Text: Contents Powerline IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors 1200V IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors 10 Bi-directional switches, choppers, dual switches, half bridges and single switches 3 Pulsed Power Capability 10 1700V IGBT Modules Bi-directional switches, choppers, dual switches, half

    DS5766-4. DCR2950W igbt types 6000v igbt sinewave inverter thyristor phase control 600v to 1600v DCR2630Y Tag 225-600 PT85QWX45 HVDC plus bi-directional switches IGBT GTO hvdc thyristor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: @ M ITEL DSF11060SG Fast Recovery Diode SE M IC O N D U C T O R Supersedes Septem ber 1996 version, DS4217 - 2.3 D S 4 2 1 7 -2 .4 March 1998 APPLICATIONS KEY PARAMETERS • ^rrm Snubber Diode For GTO Circuits. 6000V ^f a v 4 0 0 A 'f s m 4200A Qr 700|iC

    OCR Scan
    DS4217 DSF11060SG DSF11060SG60 DSF11060SG58 DSF11060SG56 DSF11060SG55 M779b. DS4217-2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: @ M ITEL DSF11060SG Fast Recovery Diode S E M IC O N D U C T O R Supersedes Septem ber 1996 version, DS4217 - 2.3 D S 4 2 1 7 -2 .4 March 1998 APPLICATIONS KEY PARAMETERS • ^ rrm S nubber Diode For GTO C ircuits. IF AV IFSM 6000V 400A 4200A Qr trr 700(iC

    OCR Scan
    DS4217 DSF11060SG 1060S M779b. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC P L E S S E Y 3 SEM ICONDUCTORS i DS4217-2.3 D S F 1 1 0 6 0 S G FAST RECOVERY DIODE APPLICATIONS • KEY PARAMETERS 6000V RRM 400A Jf AV 4200A FSM 700(iC Qr 6.0|iS v Snubber Diode For G TO Circuits. FEATURES ■ Double Side Cooling. ■ High Surge Capability.

    OCR Scan
    DS4217-2 DSF11060SG60 DSF11060SG58 DSF11060SG56 DSF11060SG55 00A/HS 10OOA/ns, 37bfl522 DD3D17fl DSF11060SG PDF


    Abstract: M771 bsr55 DYNEx
    Text: Part and Ordering Number VRRM IRRM @TV ^R M S ) @ Tc = 65C 65’C UsM l2t @Tv) @Tvj vTO @Tvj rT @Tv, p th J-c) p th(c-hs) Tv, (V) (mA) (A) (A) (kA) (A2sx103) (V) (mü) (°C/W) (°C/W) CC) ESM4120* DF451 * 600-1000 600-1600 100 100 334 295 565 543 4.5 3.5

    OCR Scan
    i/100 sx103 ESM4120* DF451 DF252* DF452* DF653* DFS454* M779b CB450 M771 bsr55 DYNEx PDF


    Abstract: DCR10 DYNEX DG648 DCR1596SW DIM200PHM33
    Text: a lp h a n u m e r ic p a r t lis t Part No. ACR300SG ACR400SE ACR44U DCR1002SF DCR1003SF DCR1006SF DCR1008SF DCR1020SF DCR1021SF DCR1374SBA DCR1375SBA DCR1376SBA DCR1474SY DCR1475SY DCR1476SY DCR1478SY DCR1574SY DCR1575SY DCR1576SY DCR1594SW DCR1595SW DCR1596SW

    OCR Scan