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    BFR541 Search Results

    BFR541 Datasheets (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    BFR541 Philips Semiconductors NPN 9 GHz Wideband Transistor Original PDF
    BFR541 Philips Semiconductors NPN 9 GHz Wideband Transistor Original PDF
    BFR541 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF

    BFR541 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors •I bbSB'lBl QDE5E55 3M7 APX N AI1ER PHILIPS/DISCRETE NPN 9 GHz wideband transistor FEATURES Preliminary specification b?E BFR541 PINNING DESCRIPTION • High power gain PIN • Low noise figure 1 emitter • High transition frequency

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    QDE5E55 BFR541 BFR541 OT103. IS21P PDF

    philips MATV amplifiers

    Abstract: SOT103 MSB037 transistor SOT103 BFR541 QQE5255 1175 transistor
    Text: Philips Semiconductors m bbSBTBl 0DESES5 3M7 BIAPX AMER PHI LIPS/DISCRETE NPN 9 GHz wideband transistor FEATURES • b?E BFR541 PINNING DESCRIPTION High power gain PIN emitter Low noise figure 1 • High transition frequency 2 collector • Gold metallization ensures

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    QQE5255 BFR541 BFR541 OT103 MSB037 IS21P philips MATV amplifiers SOT103 MSB037 transistor SOT103 1175 transistor PDF

    MJE 340 transistor

    Abstract: SOT-103 74341 MSB037 BFR541 npn transistor high current
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification NPN 9 GHz wideband transistor BFR541 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • High power gain • High transition frequency Silicon NPN planar epitaxial transistor in a plastic, 4-lead dual emitter SOT 103 package. • Gold metallization ensures

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    BFR541 OT103 MSB037 OT103. 711002b MJE 340 transistor SOT-103 74341 MSB037 BFR541 npn transistor high current PDF


    Abstract: philips bfq FQ235a t122 25 3 FQ262a fr90a 122e BFR134 t122 25 10 t122 25 72
    Text: 22 Small Signal Leaded Devices Wideband Transistors cont. h FE R a tin g s Type P ackage v CEO V S O T -103 S O T -103 S O T -103 S O T -103 S O T -173 S O T -173 S O T -173 S O T -173 S O T -173 S O T -173 TO -72 S O T -173 S O T -122 S O T-37 TO -72 TO -72

    OCR Scan
    BFG96 BFP96 BFP505 BFP520 BFP540 BFQ33C BFQ63 BFQ65 BFQ66 BFQ161 fr91a philips bfq FQ235a t122 25 3 FQ262a fr90a 122e BFR134 t122 25 10 t122 25 72 PDF

    Motorola transistors MRF 947

    Abstract: trimpots 3296 transistor C5386 1n4740 2N5591 Motorola 2N5688 CQ 542 Transistor npn motorola equivalent transistor of 2sc3358 HB215/D ic cd 2399 gp
    Text: Selector Guide 1 Discrete Transistor Data Sheets Amplifier Data Sheets Monolithic Integrated Circuit H Data Sheets mm Case Dimensions Cross Reference and Sales Offices 6 M MOTOROLA RF Device Data This publication presents technical information for the several product families that

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    2PHX11136Q-17 Motorola transistors MRF 947 trimpots 3296 transistor C5386 1n4740 2N5591 Motorola 2N5688 CQ 542 Transistor npn motorola equivalent transistor of 2sc3358 HB215/D ic cd 2399 gp PDF


    Abstract: BF0262 OM335 1N5821ID OM336 OM2061 OM926 BUK645 OM2060 BLY94
    Text: Alphanumeric Type Index Typo Page Type Page Type Page Page Type 1N821 1N821A 1N823 1N823A 1N825 11 11 11 11 11 1N5227B 1N5228B 1N5229B 1N5230B 1N5231B 13 13 13 13 13 2N2905A 2N2906 2N2906A 2N2907 2N2907A 17 17 17 17 17 2N6599 2N6600 2N6601 2N7000 2N7002 1N825A

    OCR Scan
    1N821 1N821A 1N823 1N823A 1N825 1N825A 1N827 1N827A 1N829 1N829A bf0262a BF0262 OM335 1N5821ID OM336 OM2061 OM926 BUK645 OM2060 BLY94 PDF


    Abstract: BST60 PMBTA14 2PD601A PMBTA64
    Text: SELECTION GUIDE page G eneral p urpose tra n sisto rs 24 H ig h -fre q u e n cy tra n sisto rs 28 B ro a d b a n d tra n sisto rs 29 S w itch in g tra n sisto rs 31 L o w -n o ise tra n sisto rs 33 H ig h -vo lta g e tra n sisto rs 34 F ie ld -e ffe ct tra n sisto rs

    OCR Scan
    RAT43 KTY82-110 KTY82-120 KTY82-150 KTY82-210 KTY82-220 KTY82-250 KTY85-110 KTY85-120 KTY85-150 PXTA14 BST60 PMBTA14 2PD601A PMBTA64 PDF


    Abstract: transistor bf 175 BFG65 equivalent BF547B BFG25AXD
    Text: Philips Sem iconductors RF Wideband Transistors The New Generation Contents page PREFACE 3 SELECTION GUIDE 6 S-PARAMETERS 22 SPICE AND PACKAGE PARAMETERS 44 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS 48 DEVICE DATA in alpha-num eric sequence 54 OUTLINES 442 INDEX 448 DEFINITIONS

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    LCD01 BF547A transistor bf 175 BFG65 equivalent BF547B BFG25AXD PDF


    Abstract: BFT93A BFG134 bf689 sot37 sot173 BFG34 BFQ52 bfg65 sot143 philips bfw92
    Text: 52 RF/Microwave Devices First Generation RF W ideband Transistors fT to 3.5 GHz metal can fr/ lc Curve Polarity (1) (2) N PN NPN (3) (4) (5) NPN NPN NPN (6) (18) NPN NPN TO-39 surface mount plastic TO-72 TQ-92 BFY90 BF689K BF763 BFW30 SOt-37 ceramic SOT-122E

    OCR Scan
    BFY90 TQ-92 BF689K BF763 SOt-37 BFT24 BFW92 BFW93 OT-122E OT-23 BFT92A BFT93A BFG134 bf689 sot37 sot173 BFG34 BFQ52 bfg65 sot143 philips bfw92 PDF

    4000 npn

    Abstract: 122e
    Text: 56 RF/Microwave Devices RF Wideband Transistors Type No. BFQ54T BFQ63 BFQ65 BFQ66 BFQ67 BFQ67W BFQ68 BFQ108 BFQ135 BFQ136 BFQ149 BFQ270 BFQ621 BFQ741 BFR53 BFR90 BFR90A BFR91 BFR91A BFR92 BFR92A BFR92AW BFR93 BFR93A BFR93AW BFR94A BFR95 BFR96 BFR96S BFR106

    OCR Scan
    BFQ54T BFQ63 BFQ65 BFQ66 BFQ67 BFQ67W BFQ68 BFQ108 BFQ135 BFQ136 4000 npn 122e PDF

    BFG591 amplifier

    Abstract: SC08a bfr591 sot173x BB544 sot122 sot172 bfg65 sot143 SIEMENS BFP520 macro-X ceramic
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Semiconductors for Telecom systems Selection List General For further information, refer to Data Handbook S C 1 4,1993; "RF Wideband Transistors", except otherwise specified. RF wideband transisto rs March 1993 14 Philips Semiconductors

    OCR Scan
    OT122 OT143 OT223 OT323 BFS17W BFG17A BFG16A BF547W BF747W BFT25 BFG591 amplifier SC08a bfr591 sot173x BB544 sot122 sot172 bfg65 sot143 SIEMENS BFP520 macro-X ceramic PDF


    Abstract: SOD80C PHILIPS BCB47B 1N4148 SOD80C PMBTA64 PXTA14 BF960 FET BFW11 BF345C BC558B PHILIPS
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Index Surface Mounted Semiconductors Alphanumeric index: types added to the range since the last issue of handbook SC10 1991 issue are shown in bold print. TYPE NUMBER PACKAGE NEAREST CONVENTIONAL TYPE(S) DEVICE TYPE PAGE COMPLEMENT

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    BA582 OD123 BA482 BA682 BA683 BA483 BAL74 BAW62, 1N4148 pm2222a SOD80C PHILIPS BCB47B 1N4148 SOD80C PMBTA64 PXTA14 BF960 FET BFW11 BF345C BC558B PHILIPS PDF