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    78HV00 Search Results

    78HV00 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: SYPM SE5554 ua723 transistor substitution chart regulator 78G cs 550-is MA79G S659 uA78G
    Text: Voltage Regulators INTRODUCTION The wide use of integrated circuits in sys­ tems has frequently led to the power supply and regulator portions taking a dispropor­ tionate share of the volume of the system. The introduction of flexible, high perform­ ance regulator ICs such as the 550 has made

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    2N4906 UA79G SYPM SE5554 ua723 transistor substitution chart regulator 78G cs 550-is MA79G S659 uA78G PDF


    Abstract: 78HV24CU HV24C 24V 13,8V 15A v06c 78HV05CDA
    Text: mA78H V 00/SA 78H V 00/78M H V 00/78M H V 00C -D A ,D B ,U DESCRIPTION The 78HVOO series o f m o n o lith ic ThreeT e rm ina l P ositive V oltage R egu lators em ­ p lo y 60 v o lt in p u t b reakdo w n, th e rm a l s h u t­ do w n and safe-area c o m pensa tion, m aking

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    mA78H 00/SA 00/78M 78HVOO 78HV00 78MHVOO 78M00C) 78M00) SA78HV15CDA 78HV24CU HV24C 24V 13,8V 15A v06c 78HV05CDA PDF