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    5116400A Search Results

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    Siemens HYB5116400AJ-60

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    Bristol Electronics HYB5116400AJ-60 244
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    Others HM5116400AS6

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    Chip 1 Exchange HM5116400AS6 27
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    5116400A Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HB56A840BR Series 8 ,3 8 8 ,6 0 8 -w o rd x 4 0 -b it H ig h D e n s ity D y n a m ic R A M M o d u le The HB56A840BR is a 8 M x 40 dynamic RAM module, mounted 20 pieces of 16-Mbit DRAM H M 5116400AS sealed in SOJ package. An outline of the HB56A840BR is 72-pin single in­

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    HB56A840BR 16-Mbit 5116400AS) 72-pin HB56A840BR-6A HB56A840BR-7A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS 4M X 4-Bit Dynamic RAM HYB 5116400AJ-50/-60/-70/-80 HYB 5116400ASJ-50/-60/-70/-80 Advanced Inform ation • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 194 304 w ords by 4-bit organization 0 to 70 "C operating temperature Fast access and cycle time

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    5116400AJ-50/-60/-70/-80 5116400ASJ-50/-60/-70/-80 0235b05 5116400AJ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEM EN S 4 M X 4-Bit Dynamic RAM HYB 5116400AJ-50/-60/-70/-80 HYB 5116400ASJ-50/-60/-70/-80 Advanced Information • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 194 304 words by 4-bit organization 0 to 70 "C operating temperature Fast access and cycle time

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    5116400AJ-50/-60/-70/-80 5116400ASJ-50/-60/-70/-80 235b05 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS 4 M X 4-Bit Dynamic RAM HYB 5116400AJ-50/-60/-70/-80 HYB 5116400ASJ-50/-60/-70/-80 Advanced Inform ation • 4 194 304 words by 4-bit organization • 0 to 70 ’C operating temperature • Fast access and cycle time RAS access time: 50 ns -50 version

    OCR Scan
    5116400AJ-50/-60/-70/-80 5116400ASJ-50/-60/-70/-80 385from PDF


    Abstract: MSM5116400A
    Text: O K I Semiconductor 5116400A_ 4,194,304-Word x 4-Bit DYNAMIC RAM : FAST PAGE MODE TYPE DESCRIPTION The M SM 5116400A is a 4,194,304-word x 4-bit dynam ic R A M fabricated in O K I's C M O S silicon gate technology. The 5116400A achieves high integration, high-speed operation, and low-power

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    MSM5116400A_ 304-Word MSM5116400A 26/24-pin cycles/64 MSM5116400 PDF


    Abstract: power bank 5v 4Mx1 514400C m514400c 473e HM514400BS BLS B56A HM5116400ATS 5117800B
    Text: 72-pin DRAM SIPs *32 »36 Org. Part Number Speeds ns Voltage Refresh Cycle Refresh Period Refresh Modes Power Version Number of Banks Component Base 1Mx32 HB56 A132BV/BU-B/BL HB56A132SBV-B/BL HB56A132BV/BU-C/CL HB56A132SBV-C/CL 60, 70, 80 5V 1K 16 ms 128 ms

    OCR Scan
    72-pin A132BV/BU-B/BL HB56A132SBV-B/BL HB56A132BV/BU-C/CL HB56A132SBV-C/CL HB56A132BW-B/BL HB56A132SBW-B/BL HB56A132BW-C/CL HB56A132SBW-C/CL HB56A232BT-B/BL HB56D836SBT-AC power bank 5v 4Mx1 514400C m514400c 473e HM514400BS BLS B56A HM5116400ATS 5117800B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DRAMs i n ASMs 1 "’i ^ it ft ^ S r DRAMs I_ 1 Meg 4 Meg 16 M e g I 64K x 16 128K x 32 3 V 12BK x 32 (S V) 1-M eg x 16 |3V) i i i i M SM 5 1 1 6 6 4 8 M S M 5 4 V 3 2 1 2 8 (E D O ) M S M 5 4 3 2 1 2 8 {E D O } i i t 256Kx4 256K x 16 (3 V) 2 5 6K x 1 6 (5 V )

    OCR Scan
    51V16160A 51V18160A 116160A 118160A 256Kx4 514260B/BSL 514256C/CL 51V6800A 51V16100A 51V17100A PDF


    Abstract: ALRS8 a1a511 A255K HM5116400ATS A8819
    Text: 5116400A/AL Series 4,194,304-w ord x 4-bit Dynam ic Random Access Memory The H itachi H M 5 116400A /A L is a C M O S dynamic R A M organized 4,194,304 words x 4 bits. It employs the most advanced CMOS technology for high perform ance and low power. The

    OCR Scan
    HM5116400A/AL 304-word ns/70 ns/80 mW/385 mW/358 16-bit m51164 ALRS8 a1a511 A255K HM5116400ATS A8819 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HB56A472E Series 4 ,1 9 4 ,3 0 4 -w o rd X 7 2 -b it EC C High D e n s ity D y n a m ic R A M M o du le Description The HB56A472E belongs to 8 Byte DIMM (Dual In-line M em ory M odule) fam ily, and has been developed as an optimized main memory solution

    OCR Scan
    HB56A472E 116400A 16244ADGG) B56A472E 168-pin B56Acle. HM5116400ATS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HB56A440BR Series 4,1 9 4 ,3 0 4 -w o rd x 4 0 -b it H igh D e n s ity D y n a m ic R A M M o du le The HB56A440BR is a 4 M x 40 dynamic RAM m odule, m ounted 10 pieces o f 16-M bit DRAM H M 5 1 1 6 4 0 0 A S sealed in SO J p ack ag e. An outline o f the HB56A 440BR is 72-pin single in­

    OCR Scan
    HB56A440BR HB56A 440BR 72-pin HB56A440BR-6A HB56A440BR-7A HB56A440BR-8A PDF


    Abstract: 511000 dram ON SEMICONDUCTOR 241 bt 2411 514256 511000
    Text: SIEM EN S Packing Information DRAMS in Tape & Reel Package Type Device Type Devices per Reel Tape Width P-SOJ-26/20-11» HYB 511000 HYB 514256 1500 24 mm P-SOJ-26/20-52’ HYB 514100 HYB 514400 1500 24 mm P-SOJ-28-2 HYB 514800 1000 24 mm & 32 mm P-SOJ-40-1

    OCR Scan
    P-SOJ-26/20-11 P-SOJ-26/20-52' P-SOJ-28-2 P-SOJ-40-1 P-TSOPII-26/20-1 P-SOJ-28/24-1 5116400J 5117400ASJ 5116400ASJ 5116400AJ 514400 511000 dram ON SEMICONDUCTOR 241 bt 2411 514256 511000 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADE-203-179D Z 5116400A/AL Series 4,194,304-word x 4-bit Dynamic Random Access Memory HITACHI The H itachi HM5 116400A /A L is a CM OS dynamic RAM organized 4,194,304 words x 4 bits. It employs the most advanced CMOS technology for high perform ance and low power. The

    OCR Scan
    ADE-203-179D 304-word HM5116400A/AL 16400A 5116400A7AL HM5116400AS/ALS-6 HM5116400AS/ALS-7 HM5116400AS/ALS-8 HM5116400ATS/ALTS-6 HM5116400ATS/ALTS-7 HM5116400ATS PDF


    Abstract: UD 1208 HM5116400ATS M5116400
    Text: M H ~ r 5116400A/AL Series 4,194,304-word x 4-bit Dynamic Random Access Memory HITACHI T h e H ita c h i H M 5 1 1 6 4 0 0 A /A L is a CM O S dynamic RAM organized 4,194,304 words x 4 bits. It em ploys the m ost advanced CMOS technology fo r h ig h p e r f o rm a n c e a n d low p o w er. T h e

    OCR Scan
    HM5116400A/AL 304-word 116400A/AL 300-mil 24/26-pin CP-24DB) 2-i/25-pin TTP-24DA) 24-26-pin 77P-24DA) m51164 UD 1208 HM5116400ATS M5116400 PDF


    Abstract: DYNAMIC RAM dynamic ram module 5116800 hyb 511
    Text: SIEM EN S Contents Contents Page Summary of Types incl. ordering codes . 9 Packing Inform

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 32200S-70 Q67100-Q470 94500S-70 514256B-80 Q67100-Q840 Q67100-Q914 Q67100-Q437 322120S-70
    Text: SIEM EN S Summary of Types in Alphanumerical Order Summary of Types in Alphanumerical Order Type Ordering Code Page Q67100-Q512 Q67100-Q427 Q67100-Q428 Q67100-Q518 Q67100-Q519 Q67100-Q520 Q67100-Q526 Q67100-Q527 Q67100-Q524 Q67100-Q525 Q67100-Q521 Q67100-Q522

    OCR Scan
    511000B-60 511000B-70 511000B-80 511000BJ-60 511000BJ-70 51100QBJ-80 511000BJL-6Q 511000BJL-70 511000BL-60 511000BL-70 Q67100-Q765 32200S-70 Q67100-Q470 94500S-70 514256B-80 Q67100-Q840 Q67100-Q914 Q67100-Q437 322120S-70 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5V DIMM TYPE SIZE 8 -B y te 8M B As o f '96.3Q DESCRIPTION 1M X 64 PART NO. SPEED REF. ED O .SL H Y M 564104A X /TX 6 0 /7 0 /8 0 4K H Y 5 1 1616 4 B J /B T x 4 H Y M 564124A X /TX H Y M 5 6 4 1 00 N /T N IK H Y 5 1 1816 4 B J /B T x 4 F P M ,L 5 0 /6 0 /7 0

    OCR Scan
    64104A 64124A HYM5641OOAX/ATX 564120X 572A124ATX 572A100TN 572A120X 64204A 64214A 64224A hy5118160b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HB56A464EJ Series 4,194,304-word x 64-bit High Density Dynamic RAM Module The H B 56A 464E J belongs to 8 byte D IM M D ual — S tandby m ode (T TL : 504 m W (m ax) In -lin e M e m o ry M o d u le ) fa m ily , a n d h a s b e e n B uffered input ex cep t R A S and D Q

    OCR Scan
    HB56A464EJ 304-word 64-bit 6244A 168-pin D0000 PDF