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    2SB1567 Search Results

    2SB1567 Datasheets (7)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    2SB1567 ROHM Power Transistor (-100V , -2A) Original PDF
    2SB1567 Unknown Transistor Substitution Data Book 1993 Scan PDF
    2SB1567 Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
    2SB1567 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    2SB1567 Unknown Japanese Transistor Cross References (2S) Scan PDF
    2SB1567 ROHM Power Transistor (-100V, -2A) Scan PDF
    2SB1567 ROHM TO-220, TO-220FP, TO-220FN, HRT Transistors Scan PDF

    2SB1567 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 2SD2398
    Text: SavantIC Semiconductor Product Specification 2SB1567 Silicon PNP Power Transistors DESCRIPTION •With TO-220F package ·Complement to type 2SD2398 ·High DC current gain. ·DARLINGTON APPLICATIONS ·For power amplifier applications PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION

    2SB1567 O-220F 2SD2398 O-220F) -100V 2SB1567 2SD2398 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TELEPHONE: 973 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. 2SB1567 Silicon PNP Darlington Power Transistor DESCRIPTION • Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage: V(BR)CEo=-100V(Min) • High DC Current Gain-

    2SB1567 -100V 2SD2398 O-220F 2SB1567 PDF


    Abstract: 2SB1287 2SB1316 2SB1567 2SB1580 2SD1765 2SD1867 2SD1980 2SD2195 96-227-D85
    Text: Transistors 2SB1580 / 2SB1316 / 2SB1567 / 2SB1287 2SD2195 / 2SD1980 / 2SD1867 / 2SD2398 / 2SD1765 96-139-B85 (96-227-D85) 287

    2SB1580 2SB1316 2SB1567 2SB1287 2SD2195 2SD1980 2SD1867 2SD2398 2SD1765 96-139-B85) 2SB1287 2SD1765 96-227-D85 PDF


    Abstract: 2SB1316 2SB1580 2SD1980 2SD2195 2SD2398 T100 2sb15
    Text: 2SB1580 / 2SB1316 / 2SB1567 Transistors Power Transistor −100V , −2A 2SB1580 / 2SB1316 / 2SB1567 !External dimensions (Units : mm) 2SB1580 4.0 1.0 1.5 0.4 2.5 0.5 (1) 1.6 0.5 3.0 (2) 4.5 !Features 1) Darlington connection for high DC current gain. 2) Built-in resistor between base and emitter.

    2SB1580 2SB1316 2SB1567 -100V 2SB1580 2SD2195 2SD1980 2SB1567 2SD2398 T100 2sb15 PDF

    100V 2A MPT3

    Abstract: 2SB1316 2SB1567 2SB1580 2SD1980 2SD2195 2SD2398 T100
    Text: 2SB1580 / 2SB1316 / 2SB1567 Transistors Power Transistor −100V , −2A 2SB1580 / 2SB1316 / 2SB1567 !External dimensions (Units : mm) 2SB1580 4.0 1.0 1.5 0.4 2.5 0.5 (1) 1.6 0.5 3.0 (2) 4.5 !Features 1) Darlington connection for high DC current gain. 2) Built-in resistor between base and emitter.

    2SB1580 2SB1316 2SB1567 -100V 2SB1580 2SD2195 2SD1980 100V 2A MPT3 2SB1567 2SD2398 T100 PDF


    Abstract: STK411-220E stk442-130 PAL005A UPC2581V FN1016 STRG6153 RSN313H25 STK407-070B MCZ3001D
    Text: R Serving The Electronic Industry Since 1982 Ordering at Dalbani is so easy Go to : Search & check stock Busque y revise nuestro inventario A Search Enter your Item number and click GO Entre el numero del producto y haga clicsobre GO The system will take you straight to the Item that you are looking for

    STVDST-01 CAT22 STK411-230E STK411-220E stk442-130 PAL005A UPC2581V FN1016 STRG6153 RSN313H25 STK407-070B MCZ3001D PDF


    Abstract: 2SB1567
    Text: isc Product Specification INCHANGE Semiconductor isc Silicon PNP Darlington Power Transistor DESCRIPTION •Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage: V BR CEO= -100V(Min) ·High DC Current Gain: hFE= 1000(Min)@ (VCE= -2V, IC= -1A) ·Complement to Type 2SD2398 APPLICATIONS

    -100V 2SD2398 Dissipati2SB1567 -100V; 2SD2398 2SB1567 PDF


    Abstract: 2SB1316 2SB1567 2SB1580 2SD1867 2SD1980 2SD2195 T100
    Text: 2SD2195 / 2SD1980 / 2SD1867 / 2SD2398 Transistors Power Transistor 100V , 2A 2SD2195 / 2SD1980 / 2SD1867 / 2SD2398 !External dimensions (Units : mm) 2SD2195 4.0 1.0 1.5 0.4 2.5 0.5 (1) 1.6 0.5 3.0 (2) 4.5 !Features 1) Darlington connection for high DC current gain.

    2SD2195 2SD1980 2SD1867 2SD2398 2SD2195 2SB1580 2SD2398 2SB1316 2SB1567 T100 PDF

    transistor d 1264 a

    Abstract: transistor A 1264 transistor 1264 2SB1567 transistor d 1264
    Text: 2SB1567 Transistor, PNP Features • available in T0-220 FN package • Darlington connection provides high dc current gain hpE Dimensions (Units : mm) 2SB1567 (TO-220 FN) • • damper diode is incorporated built in resistors between base and emitter • two millimeters tower than T0-220 FP

    OCR Scan
    2SB1567 T0-220 2SD2398 O-220 28B1567 2SB1567, transistor d 1264 a transistor A 1264 transistor 1264 2SB1567 transistor d 1264 PDF


    Abstract: TRANSISTOR D 2398 MARKING BB5 ic b1316 ic bb5 B1580 12SB1316 DIODE B1316 transistor 1765
    Text: 2SB1580 12SB1316 / 2SB1567 / 2SB1287 2SD2195 / 2SD1980 / 2SD1867 / 2SD2398 / 2SD1765 Transistors I Power Transistor —100V, —2A 2SB1580 / 2SB1316 / 2SB1567 / 2SB1287 •F e a tu re s 1 2 3 4 ) ) ) ) •A b s o lu te maximum ratings (Ta~25"C } D arlington connection fo r high D C current gain.

    OCR Scan
    2SB1580 12SB1316 2SB1567 2SB1287 2SD2195 2SD1980 2SD1867 2SD2398 2SD1765 1380/2SD TRANSISTOR D 1765 TRANSISTOR D 2398 MARKING BB5 ic b1316 ic bb5 B1580 DIODE B1316 transistor 1765 PDF

    transistor 2SB 1567

    Abstract: 2sd 316
    Text: 2S B 1 5 8 0 / 2 S B 1 316 / 2 S B 1 5 6 7 / 2 S B 1 287 Transistors 2 S D 2 1 95 / 2S D 1 9 8 0 / 2 S D 1 8 6 7 / 2S D 2 3 9 8 / 2 S D 1 765 Power Transistor —100V, — 2A 2SB1580 / 2SB1316 / 2SB1567 / 2SB1287 1) 2) 3) 4) •A b s o lu te maximum ratings (Ta=25"C)

    OCR Scan
    2SB1580 2SB1316 2SB1567 2SB1287 2195/2S 1980/2SD 2398/2SD 2SB1580 0Dlb713 O-220FN transistor 2SB 1567 2sd 316 PDF


    Abstract: 2sd1960 transistor 2SD1765 2SD2398 100V 2A MPT3 2SB1287 2SB1316 2SB1567 2SB1580 2SD1867
    Text: 2SB1580 / 2SB1316 / 2SB1567 / 2SB12B7 2SD2195 / 2SD1960 / 2SD1867 / 2SD2398 / 2SD1765 Transistors I Power Transistor —100V, —2A 2SB1580 / 2SB1316 / 2SB1567 / 2SB1287 •F e a tu re s •A b s o lu te maximum ratings (Ta=25'C ) 1 ) Darlington connection for high DC current gain.

    OCR Scan
    2SB1580 2SB1316 2SB1567 2SB12B7 2SD2195 2SD1960 2SD1867 2SD2398 2SD1765 2sd1960 transistor 2SD1765 100V 2A MPT3 2SB1287 PDF

    100V 2A MPT3

    Abstract: emitter 2SB1316 2SB1567 2SB1580 T100 marking BN MFE 2500
    Text: 2SB1580/ 2SB1316/ 2SB1567 Transistors Power Transistor -100V , -2A 2SB1580 / 2SB1316 / 2SB1567 •Features •External dimensions (Units : mm) 1) Darlington connection for high DC current gain. 2) Built-in resistor between base and emitter. 3) Built-in damper diode.

    OCR Scan
    2SB1580/2SB1316/2SB1567 -100V, 2SB1580 2SB1316 2SB1567 2SD2195/2SD1980/2SD2398. 2SB1580 2SB1316 100ma 100V 2A MPT3 emitter 2SB1567 T100 marking BN MFE 2500 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: $ / T ransistors h7 > V 9CD4 5 6 7 2SB1567 Epitaxial Planar P N P Silicon Transistor Darlington 15Ji>J& 2>iilliflj/L o w Freq. Power Amp. • r f iiE l/ D im e n s io n s (Unit : mm) 1) ^ - ' J > h > m i * T ' h F E * ' ' S ' ' ' o 2) K(* j B L 3) a . - ^ • x 5 -j 2 IB |C glii*jji„

    OCR Scan
    2SB1567 2SB1567 PDF


    Abstract: DTC144EN 4AE12 MP5C02 2SB1043 ICP-S2.3TN dta115ef DTA144TSATP DTC124EVA mmst8598t146
    Text: Transistors •Maintenance product list Maintenance model Alternate model Maintenance model Alternate model 2SA1543M 2SA933ASTP 2SC5040K 2SC2412KT146 2SA1549 2SA830STP 2SC5072 2SC4617TL 2SA1554 2SA821STP 2SD1469M 2SD1865TV2 2SA1809 2SA1776TV2 2SD1778 2SD1855

    OCR Scan
    2SA1543M 2SA1549 2SA1554 2SA1809 2SA1861 2SA1886 2SA806 2SA825S 2SB1008 2SB1033 IMX5T108 DTC144EN 4AE12 MP5C02 2SB1043 ICP-S2.3TN dta115ef DTA144TSATP DTC124EVA mmst8598t146 PDF


    Abstract: B1568 mosfet ftr 03 2SC1B15 2SA1904 Mosfet FTR 03-E 2SC2021E 2SC1740 transistor 2SK2295 2S0240
    Text: Transistor Quick reference Package-A ^plication Application v CEO V •V ces *VcEH Low rbb' Head Amp Low Noise Package FTR FTL ATR ATV SPT / 2SB737 V 2SD786 40 TO-92L 40 2SC2021LJNE) 2SB821 50 / 2SA937ALN \2SC2021LN(RS) 2SB1276 ( 2SA933A 2SA937AM \2SC1740(QR&)

    OCR Scan
    2SC2021LJNE) 2SB821 2SA937ALN \2SC2021LN 2SB1276 2021M 2SA937AM 2SB737 2SD786 2SA1137 C2021M B1568 mosfet ftr 03 2SC1B15 2SA1904 Mosfet FTR 03-E 2SC2021E 2SC1740 transistor 2SK2295 2S0240 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD466 2sc5266
    Text: • t o M f i i t i ' i - i a ’f m m»mm s&<D?ay#miz w z y y - i - y p m u / ®>7 I V -E7 - 7 V U ' I / 'A w J V Z S T J - / K S 6 3 6 9 * > U - X T258-OMI # ® l|£ f tt» H # 5 5 a i TEL.5465 89 2825 FAX,5465(89)2826 ffxX * i t * «* • s •s* * *

    OCR Scan
    T258-OMI FAX06 2SC144 2SD466 2sc5266 PDF


    Abstract: 2sb1569a 2sd2037 transistor
    Text: Transistors TO-220 T0-220FP T0-220FN • HRT TO-220FP is a TO-220 with mold coated fin for easier mounting and higher PC, 2W. TO-220FN is a low profile by 2mm version of TO-220FP without fin support pin, for higher mounting density. HRT is a taped power transistor package for use with an automatic placement machine.

    OCR Scan
    O-220 T0-220FP T0-220FN O-220FP O-220 O-220FN 2SA1634 2SB1369 2SB1185 2sb1569a 2sd2037 transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors T0-220 T0-220FP • TO-220FN • HRT TO-220FP is a TO-220 with mold coated fin for easier mounting and higher PC, 2W. TO-220FN is a low profile by 2mm version of TO-220FP without fin support pin, for higher mounting density. HRT is a taped power transistor package for use with an automatic placement machine.

    OCR Scan
    T0-220 T0-220FP O-220FN O-220FP O-220 O-220FN 2SA1634 2SB1369 PDF

    2N4403 626

    Abstract: 2n4401- 312 MPSa13 549 2N5087 DTD123YV 2n3904 2n3906 2SB1482 2sd2396 2sb1335a 2SC2389S
    Text: Index Index 2N3904 2N3906 2N4124 2N4126 2N4401 2N4403 2N5087 2N5088 494 462 494 462 489 450 455 482 2SC1645S 220 2SC1740S 223 2SC1741 AS 228 2SC1741S 232 2SC1809S 237 2SC2058S 241 2SC2389S 246 2SC3271F 250 2SC3969 254 2SC4015 259 2SC4037 263 2SC4038 268 2SC4039 273

    OCR Scan
    2N3904 2N3906 2N4124 2N4126 2N4401 2N4403 2N5087 2N5088 2SC1645S 2SC1740S 2N4403 626 2n4401- 312 MPSa13 549 DTD123YV 2n3904 2n3906 2SB1482 2sd2396 2sb1335a 2SC2389S PDF

    2SC1740 transistor

    Abstract: A1757 B1130AM 2SD2061F 2SD1466 2SC5083 B1236A mos-fet darlington 2sc4721 transistor 2sa1819
    Text: Transistor Quick reference Package -Application Application Low rbb' Head Amp V ceo V * V ces * * V CER FTL ATR ATV 80 SPT ( 2SB737 TO-92L 2SB1276 f 2SA937AMLN V2SC2021LN(RS) 2SC1740S(E) 2SC1740SLN(E) / 2SA933A ( 2SA933AS \2SC1740(QRS) V 2SC1740SÌQRS) / 2SA933ALN /' 2SA933ASLN

    OCR Scan
    2SC2021LN 2SB821 2SB1276 2SC2021MLN O-92L O-92LS 2SB737 V2SD786 2SA1137 2SC1740 2SC1740 transistor A1757 B1130AM 2SD2061F 2SD1466 2SC5083 B1236A mos-fet darlington 2sc4721 transistor 2sa1819 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD2576 2sd2396 TA143E 2SK2459N 2SD 92 M C2N3904 2SB1569A 2SD2061 2SD1189F
    Text: Transistors/^ Leaded Type Quick Reference MOS FET V d ss V 60 100 200 250 300 450 500 600 800 Page b (A) 2 2SK2262 (MRT) 2SK2294 (TO -220FN ) 3 2SK2792 (T 0 -2 2 0 F N ) 4 2SK2459N (TO -220FN ) 5 2SK2460N (T 0-220FN ) 2SK2713 (T 0 -2 2 0 F N ) 2SK2793 (T 0 -2 2 0 F N )

    OCR Scan
    2SK2262 2SK2294 -220FN 2SK2792 2SK2459N 2SK2460N 0-220FN 2SK2713 2SK2793 2SK2540 2SD2576 2sd2396 TA143E 2SK2459N 2SD 92 M C2N3904 2SB1569A 2SD2061 2SD1189F PDF

    2n4401 331

    Abstract: 2n4403 331 2n3904 409 2n3904 331 k 2715 2n3906 331 1352s MPSA06 346 2N584 C847B
    Text: Transistors Product List Product List 2N3904 . 614 2S B 2N3906 . 598

    OCR Scan
    2N3904 2N3906 2N4401 2N4403 2SA821S. 2SA830S. 2SA854S. 2SB822 2n4401 331 2n4403 331 2n3904 409 2n3904 331 k 2715 2n3906 331 1352s MPSA06 346 2N584 C847B PDF

    Marking DP

    Abstract: 2SD2398 ROHM MARKING CODE 3J 100V 2A MPT3 2SD1867 2SB1316 2SB1567 2SB1580 2SD1980 2SD2195
    Text: 2SD2195 / 2SD1980 / 2SD1867 / 2SD2398 Transistors Power Transistor 100V , 2A 2SD2195 / 2SD1980 / 2SD1867 / 2SD2398 •Features •E xternal dimensions (Units: mm) 1) Darlington connection for high DC current gain. 2) Built-in resistor between base and emitter.

    OCR Scan
    2SD2195 2SD1980 2SD1867 2SD2398 2SD219512SD198012SD1867 2SB1580 2SB1316 2SB1567. Marking DP 2SD2398 ROHM MARKING CODE 3J 100V 2A MPT3 2SB1567 PDF