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    2SA1830 Search Results

    2SA1830 Datasheets (8)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    2SA1830 Sanyo Semiconductor High-voltage driver Original PDF
    2SA1830 Sanyo Semiconductor PNP Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor Original PDF
    2SA1830 Unknown Japanese Transistor Cross References (2S) Scan PDF
    2SA1830 Unknown Silicon PNP Transistor Scan PDF
    2SA1830 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    2SA1830C Sanyo Semiconductor PNP Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor Scan PDF
    2SA1830D Sanyo Semiconductor PNP Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor Scan PDF
    2SA1830E Sanyo Semiconductor PNP Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor Scan PDF

    2SA1830 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: on 4409 ENN4409 transistor on 4409 2SA1830 2SC4734
    Text: Ordering number:ENN4409 2SA1830 : PNP Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor 2SC4734 : NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor 2SA1830/2SC4734 High-Voltage Driver Applications Features Package Dimensions • Large current capacity IC=2A . · High breakdown voltage (VCEO≥400V).

    ENN4409 2SA1830 2SC4734 2SA1830/2SC4734 VCEO400V) 2SA1830/2SC4734 2084B 2SA1830/2SC4734] OP7100 on 4409 ENN4409 transistor on 4409 2SA1830 2SC4734 PDF


    Abstract: transistor on 4409 2SA1830 2SC4734
    Text: Ordering number:ENN4409 2SA1830 : PNP Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor 2SC4734 : NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor 2SA1830/2SC4734 High-Voltage Driver Applications Features Package Dimensions • Large current capacity IC=2A . · High breakdown voltage (VCEO≥400V).

    ENN4409 2SA1830 2SC4734 2SA1830/2SC4734 VCEO400V) 2SA1830/2SC4734 2084B 2SA1830/2SC4734] OP7100 transistor on 4409 2SA1830 2SC4734 PDF

    on 4409

    Abstract: EN4409 transistor on 4409 2SA1830 2SC4734
    Text: Ordering number:EN4409 2SA1830 : PNPEpitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor 2SC4734 ; NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor 2SA1830/2SC4734 High-Voltage Driver Applications Features Package Dimensions • Large current capacity IC=2A . · High breakdown voltage (VCEO≥400V).

    EN4409 2SA1830 2SC4734 2SA1830/2SC4734 VCEO400V) 2SA1830/2SC4734 2SA1830/2SC4734] on 4409 EN4409 transistor on 4409 2SA1830 2SC4734 PDF


    Abstract: on 4409 2SC4734
    Text: Ordering number:ENN4409 2SA1830 : PNP Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor 2SC4734 : NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor 2SA1830/2SC4734 High-Voltage Driver Applications Features Package Dimensions • Large current capacity IC=2A . · High breakdown voltage (VCEO≥400V).

    ENN4409 2SA1830 2SC4734 2SA1830/2SC4734 VCEO400V) 2SA1830/2SC4734 2084B 2SA1830/2SC4734] 2SA1830 on 4409 2SC4734 PDF


    Abstract: STK282-170-E STK350-530t stk*282-170 STK412 440 stk282 270 STK 412-770 stk412 770 STK282-170-E sanyo stk433-870
    Text: Designed & produced by Triad. Semelab Limited Coventry Road, Lutterworth Leicestershire LE17 4JB, UK Telephone: +44 0 1455 552505 Facsimile: +44 (0)1455 552612 Email: Website: A subsidiary of TT electronics plc

    SELT2WA10C SELT2WC10C SELT2WD10C SELT2WE10C SELT2WF10C SELT2WH10C SELT2WJ10C SELT2WK10C SELT2WA13C SELT2WC13C STK412-750 STK282-170-E STK350-530t stk*282-170 STK412 440 stk282 270 STK 412-770 stk412 770 STK282-170-E sanyo stk433-870 PDF

    transistor on 4409

    Abstract: on 4409 5SA18 2SC473 2SC4734 transistor t5c 2SA1830 5sa1
    Text: Ordering num ber:EN4409 2SA1830/2SC4734 2SA1830 : PNP Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor No.4409 2SC4734 : NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor High-Voltage Driver Applications Features • Large current capacity Ic = 2A . • High breakdown voltage (Vceo = 400V).

    OCR Scan
    EN4409 2SA1830/2SC4734 2SA1830 2SC4734 2SA1830/2SC4734 transistor on 4409 on 4409 5SA18 2SC473 2SC4734 transistor t5c 2SA1830 5sa1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number: E N 4 4 0 9 _ 2SA1830/2SC4734 No.4409 2SA1830 : PNP Epitaxial P lanar Silicon Transistor 2SC4734 : NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor SA <YO i High-Voltage Driver Applications >V?. Features • Large current capacity Ic = 2A .

    OCR Scan
    2SA1830/2SC4734 2SA1830 2SC4734 2SA1830/2SC4734 53094MT AX-8318 2SA1830/2SC47B4 PDF


    Abstract: transistor 2SB1201 2SA124 transistor 2SD1724 2SB1205
    Text: SANYO TP Tiny Package Transistor Series Our TP (Tiny Package) transistor series are smaller in size as compared with the TO-126,T0-220AB heretofore in use and facilitate high-density mounting that makes it possible to make electronic equipment smaller and slimmer.

    OCR Scan
    O-126 T0-220AB 2SA164830 2SC4734 2SA1749 2SC4564 min2000 min4000 2SD894 2SD1153 2SD1300 transistor 2SB1201 2SA124 transistor 2SD1724 2SB1205 PDF


    Abstract: 2SK715
    Text: Product Selection Guide by Function Very High Frequency Applications Classified by package and arran g ed in order of decreasing fr. M inus sign for P N P is om itted due to space lim itations. PG tM A G ,N F:f= 0.9G H z Type N um ber Pilgt* 2SC3779 NP NP

    OCR Scan
    2SC3779 2SC3778 2SC3777 2SC3776 2SB1406 2SK715 PDF


    Abstract: 2S81119 2Sk222 2sa128
    Text: Low-Noise Transistors Absolute maximum ratings Device Package type Application VcBO V VCEO (V) Ve BO (V) Iç (mA) Pc (mW) rical characteristics (Ta = 25 deg. C) hFE @ V c E 'lc T| (deg. C) I c b o max fiiA l <T @ Vcc * Ic Vcs (V) &FE VCE (V) lc (mA) Vcf

    OCR Scan
    TQ220ML T0220ML T03PB 2SB1205 2S81119 2Sk222 2sa128 PDF


    Abstract: C3502 c3955 C3953 D1347 D1804 C3467 a1540 D1803 a1538
    Text: SA0YO New Package FLP Full Mold Large P a c k a g e Seri es Sanyo hasdeveloped FLP (Full Mold Large Package) to meet the needs of miniaturization and automatic insertion in the midst of progressingindustrial and consumer electronics. Though it is a large power type with Pc=1.5W, it is achieved that theheight on

    OCR Scan
    /C3467 A1380/C3502 A1371/C3468 A1381/C3503 A1773/C4616 C3950 A1536/C3951 A1537/C3952 A1538/C3953 A1539/C3954 C3293 C3502 c3955 C3953 D1347 D1804 C3467 a1540 D1803 a1538 PDF


    Abstract: D1804 c3807 C3953 C3502 C3467 d1815 B985 B1166 c3950
    Text: SA0YO N e w P a c k a g e FLP Full M o l d L a r ge P a c k a g e S e r i e s Sanyo hasdeveloped FLP (Full Mold Large Package) to meet the needs of miniaturization and automatic insertion in themidst of progressingindustrial and consumer electronics. Though it is a large power type with Pc=1.5ff, it is achieved that

    OCR Scan
    C3950 A1536/C3951 A1537/C3952 A1538/C3953 A1539/C3954 A1540/C3955 A1541/C3956 C39Q2 MT950216TR C3293 D1804 c3807 C3953 C3502 C3467 d1815 B985 B1166 PDF

    transistor 2SB1201

    Abstract: transistor 2SD1207 2SA1699 2SB1205 transistor 2SD1724 transistor 2sB892 V20C 2sc4734 2SA1249 BMA250
    Text: T P T i n y Package Transistor Series Our TP (Tiny Package) transistor series are smaller in size as compared with the TO-126,T0-220AB heretofore in use and facilitate high-density mounting that makes it possibleto make electronic equipment smaller and slimmer.

    OCR Scan
    O-126 T0-220AB 2SA1641 2SC4306 2SSA1830 2SC4734 2SA1749 2SC4564 min2000 2SD894 transistor 2SB1201 transistor 2SD1207 2SA1699 2SB1205 transistor 2SD1724 transistor 2sB892 V20C 2sc4734 2SA1249 BMA250 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TP Tiny Package Transistor Series Our TP (Tiny Package) transistor series are smaller in size as compared with the TO-126,TO-220AB heretofore in use and facilitate high-density mounting that makes it possible to make electronic equipment smaller and slimmer.

    OCR Scan
    O-126 O-220AB Tc-25^ 2SD1800 2SA1731 2SC4522 2SA1732 2SC4523 2SD1153 MT980522TR 2sa1562 PDF