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    2SA1829 Search Results

    2SA1829 Datasheets (4)

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    2SA1829 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    2SA1829 Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
    2SA1829 Sanyo Semiconductor Transistors for TV Display Video Output Use Scan PDF
    2SA1829 Sanyo Semiconductor Transistors for TV Display Video Output Use Scan PDF

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SA1829 Transistors Si PNP Power BJT Military/High-RelN V BR CEO (V)300 V(BR)CBO (V) I(C) Max. (A)100m Absolute Max. Power Diss. (W)1.5 Maximum Operating Temp (øC) I(CBO) Max. (A) @V(CBO) (V) (Test Condition) V(CE)sat Max. (V) @I(C) (A) (Test Condition) @I(B) (A) (Test Condition)

    2SA1829 Freq150M PDF


    Abstract: tt2202 2SA1371 2SC3790 2SC4732 2SC5291 2SA1829 2SC2857 2SC4075 TD-220F
    Text: SA$iYO Transistors for TV Display Video Output Us P c i t u r c s ^Excellent HP characteristic. * S m ll reverse tn n sfer capacitaac*. *C c«*lei*ntiry WP and NW type*. ♦ Adoption of MBIT, FB€T processes. ^Highly resistant to d ie le c tric breakdown.

    OCR Scan
    Ratinfs/Ta-25 Characteristics/Ta-25t: 2SC2857 2SA1689/2SC4449 2SC5291 L26Stt Sfr-32) O-126LP, O-126 12ClP SC3416 tt2202 2SA1371 2SC3790 2SC4732 2SA1829 2SC4075 TD-220F PDF


    Abstract: 2SA1678 FC102 2SC4449 2SA1416 2SJ193 2sk283 2sC4106 application notes 2SC3383 FC124
    Text: Transistors with Built-in Resistors Absolute maximum ratings Device Package typ» Application te Vcso V Vceo Vebo (V) (V) (mA) Pc (mW) Electrical characteristics (T, = 25 deg. C) IcBQ max # Vc b Ti «les- Ci Ic b o max m hfE & Vce ic Vc b (V) hfH Vce (V)

    OCR Scan
    T0220ML TO-32-070 2SA1678 FC102 2SC4449 2SA1416 2SJ193 2sk283 2sC4106 application notes 2SC3383 FC124 PDF


    Abstract: 2SA1370 2SC3788
    Text: S A T r a n s i s t o r s for TV D i s p l a y V i d e o O ut p u t W O Use F e a t u r e s * Excel lent HF characteristic. * Small reverse transfer capacitance. * Complementary PNP and NPN types. ♦ Adoption of MBIT.FBET processes. *Highly resistant to dielectric breakdown.

    OCR Scan
    2SC2857 2SA1689/2SC4449 2SC5291 2SB1037/2SD14591 2SB1037/2SD1459 O-126 T0-126ML 0-220ML O-220 50216TR 2SA1370 2SC3788 PDF


    Abstract: C3502 c3955 C3953 D1347 D1804 C3467 a1540 D1803 a1538
    Text: SA0YO New Package FLP Full Mold Large P a c k a g e Seri es Sanyo hasdeveloped FLP (Full Mold Large Package) to meet the needs of miniaturization and automatic insertion in the midst of progressingindustrial and consumer electronics. Though it is a large power type with Pc=1.5W, it is achieved that theheight on

    OCR Scan
    /C3467 A1380/C3502 A1371/C3468 A1381/C3503 A1773/C4616 C3950 A1536/C3951 A1537/C3952 A1538/C3953 A1539/C3954 C3293 C3502 c3955 C3953 D1347 D1804 C3467 a1540 D1803 a1538 PDF


    Abstract: D1804 c3807 C3953 C3502 C3467 d1815 B985 B1166 c3950
    Text: SA0YO N e w P a c k a g e FLP Full M o l d L a r ge P a c k a g e S e r i e s Sanyo hasdeveloped FLP (Full Mold Large Package) to meet the needs of miniaturization and automatic insertion in themidst of progressingindustrial and consumer electronics. Though it is a large power type with Pc=1.5ff, it is achieved that

    OCR Scan
    C3950 A1536/C3951 A1537/C3952 A1538/C3953 A1539/C3954 A1540/C3955 A1541/C3956 C39Q2 MT950216TR C3293 D1804 c3807 C3953 C3502 C3467 d1815 B985 B1166 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC3790 p7060 2SC5291 T0-126ML 2SA1371 2SC4732 e1aj SANYO CP5 transistor 2sc3788
    Text: Transistors for TV Display Video Output Use F e a t u r e s » E x c e lle n t HF c h a r a c t e r i s t i c . * Small re v e rse t r a n s f e r c ap a c ita n c e . * Complementary PNP and NPN types. ♦ Adoption o f MBIT, FBET p ro c e sse s. * H ighly r e s i s t a n t to d i e l e c t r i c breakdown.

    OCR Scan
    2SC2857 oin50 2SA1689/2SC4449 2SC5291 T0-126LP T0-220CI T0-220ML SC-67, OT-186) O-220FIÂ 2SA1829 2SC3790 p7060 T0-126ML 2SA1371 2SC4732 e1aj SANYO CP5 transistor 2sc3788 PDF


    Abstract: 2SA148 2sc3503 2sc3789 2sc2621
    Text: SAfiYO Transistors for TV D i s p l a y V i d e o O u t p u t Use F e a t u r e s * Excellent HF characteristic. * Small reverse transfer capacitance. * Complementary PNP and NPN types. ♦ Adoption of MBIT, FBET processes. * Highly resistant to dielectric breakdown,

    OCR Scan
    min50 2SB1037/2SD1459 TC-126ML MT930617TR TRANSISTORS SANYO 2sc2621 2SA148 2sc3503 2sc3789 2sc2621 PDF