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    2N5304 Search Results

    2N5304 Datasheets (6)

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    2N5304 Unknown Semiconductor Master Cross Reference Guide Scan PDF
    2N5304 Unknown Shortform Transistor Datasheet Guide Short Form PDF
    2N5304 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    2N5304 Unknown Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References Scan PDF
    2N5304 Unknown Shortform Transistor PDF Datasheet Short Form PDF
    2N5304 Unknown Shortform Transistor PDF Datasheet Short Form PDF

    2N5304 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: J04075 sars0 S0146 2N5529 2N6482 B40-12A SGSIF464 TIP542 acrian inc
    Text: RF POWER SILICON NPN Item Number Part Number I C 5 10 >= 20 2SC3748 BOlllA BOlllA 2N5327 SFT6200 (A) 2N5328 SMl2168 BU100A ~~~~~-O5 25 30 SVT250-05 SVT250-05 SVT300-05 SVT300-05 SVT300-05 S01457 2S01443 2S01445 2SD~:5A 35 40 TIP543 TIP543 2N5940 2N5939 TIP542

    SGSIF464 SGSF464 SGSF564 BlW78 S01290 2N6093 2N5304 BOl13 SMl2171 BA101D J04075 sars0 S0146 2N5529 2N6482 B40-12A SGSIF464 TIP542 acrian inc PDF


    Abstract: pn junction DIODE 1N4001 Graph of Length vs Thermal resistance of Heat sink Mullard technical communications 2N3053 characteristic curves 2N5983 equivalent AN569 pin details of 2N5190 2N5304 2N5974
    Text: AN569/D Transient Thermal Resistance General Data and Its Use Prepared by: Bill Roehr and Bryce Shiner ON Semiconductor Applications Engineering APPLICATION NOTE Introduction For a certain amount of dc power dissipated in a semiconductor, the junction temperature reaches a value

    AN569/D r14525 2N6309 pn junction DIODE 1N4001 Graph of Length vs Thermal resistance of Heat sink Mullard technical communications 2N3053 characteristic curves 2N5983 equivalent AN569 pin details of 2N5190 2N5304 2N5974 PDF


    Abstract: 2N5304 2N2658 2N2849 2N2850 2N2851 2N2852 2N2880 2N4305 2N4309
    Text: 8 1 3 4 6 9 3 S E M I CO A 40 j Ë~| 6 1 3 ^ 3 OOOOlBb 3 ^~T‘<J>7 - Q \ NPN SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS C ont’d) Electrical Characteristics @ 25°C Maximum Ratings Device Dissipation Type No. @25°C NPN (Case) Watts 30 2N2880 5 2N2852 5 2N2851 5 2N2850

    OCR Scan
    fll34fc, 2N2880 2N2852 2N2851 2N2850 -2N2658 2N2849 2N4309 2N4305 2N5336 2N4116 2N5304 2N2658 PDF


    Abstract: motorola MJ480 2n4913 motorola 2N4232 MJ2802 2n4233 2n5878 2n4912 2N5872 MJ481
    Text: MOTOROLA SC BM {DIO DES/OPTO } 6367255 MOTOROLA SC DE|t,3b72SS □OaTTSl DIODES/OPTO 3 ^ 3 7 SILICON POW ER TR A N SISTO R DICE (continued) 2C6316 DIE NO. — NPN LINE SOURCE — PL500.418 NPN 3 ^ D O / 2C6318 / / PNP g51 DIE NO. — PNP LINE SOURCE — PL500.419

    OCR Scan
    3b72SS PL500 2C6316 2C6318 2N3054 2N3713 2N3714 2N2715 2N3716 MJ480 motorola MJ480 2n4913 motorola 2N4232 MJ2802 2n4233 2n5878 2n4912 2N5872 MJ481 PDF


    Abstract: MC880P MC9713P mc2257 1N4003 germanium diode specification 2N1256 S P 1N4465 MC9802P MC9718P 3N214
    Text: Semiconductor Data Library Master Index prepared by Technical Information Center The information in this book has been carefully checked and is believed to be reliable; however, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, this information does not convey to the

    OCR Scan

    y51 h 120c

    Abstract: bd124 KT368 BFQ59 Silec Semiconductors BD214 al103 AFY18 bd192 MM1711
    Text: Towers' International Transistor Selector ! o Towers’ International Transistor Selector Specification data for the identification, selection and substitution of transistors by T D Towers, MBE, MA, BSc, C Eng, MIERE Revised Edition U pdate Three London: NEW YORK

    OCR Scan
    500MA 500MA 240MWF 240MWF y51 h 120c bd124 KT368 BFQ59 Silec Semiconductors BD214 al103 AFY18 bd192 MM1711 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8134693 SEMICOA MO DÉ 5 1 3 ^ 3 QDDOIEb 3 -Q\ NPN SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS Cont’d) Maximum Ratings Device Dissipation Type No. @ 25°C NPN (Case) Watts 2N2880 2N2852 2N2851 2N2850 -2N2658 2N2849 2N4309 2N4305 2N5336 2N5337 2N1617 2N4897 2N4150 2N5152

    OCR Scan
    2N2880 2N2852 2N2851 2N2850 -2N2658 2N2849 2N4309 2N4305 2N5336 2N5337 PDF


    Abstract: 2N5161 germanium 4m28 Germanium drift transistor 2N5070 1NS248 2N5271 inverter welder 4 schematic
    Text: THE SEMICONDUCTOR DATA LIBRARY r*^r* fe SER IES A V O LU M E II i«»* »^ 'i1? prepared by Technicallnformation Center The inform ation in this book has been carefully checked and is believed to be reliable; however, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, this inform ation does not convey to the purchaser of semiconductor

    OCR Scan
    plu300 in5388 2N5161 germanium 4m28 Germanium drift transistor 2N5070 1NS248 2N5271 inverter welder 4 schematic PDF


    Abstract: 2N6179 2N5121 2N5130 2N6181 2N6178 2n5134 2N6180 2Ns401 2n5296 transistor
    Text: DIGITRON ELECTRONIC CORP 3bE D H SflMatO? -J/ -"<* y -'û ] DDDDODt, _ Page blQITRON ELKTRONIQ #6 CORE 110 Hillside Avenue • Springfield, New Jersey 07081 • 201-379-9016 • 201-379-9019 F a x No. JOHN J . SCHWARTZ ENGINEERING D I G I T R O N E L E C T R O N I C S , C OR P.

    OCR Scan
    2N5006 2N5190 2N5432 2N5007 2N5191 2N5433 2N5008 2N5192 2N5434 2N5009 2N5133 2N6179 2N5121 2N5130 2N6181 2N6178 2n5134 2N6180 2Ns401 2n5296 transistor PDF


    Abstract: MAX 6438 GEO SEMICONDUCTORS 2N6058 transistor bf 175 2N3902 2N5696 1N5788 Germanium itt
    Text: DEVICE INDEX Devices characterized in Volume II show the page reference only. Devices characterized in Volume I are referenced by volume and page number. DEVICE 1N5000 1N5001 1N5002 1N5003 1 N 5 1 3 9 .A 1 N 5 1 4 0 .A 1 N 5 1 4 1 .A 1 N 5 1 4 2 .A 1 N 5 1 4 3 .A

    OCR Scan
    1N5000 1N5001 1N5002 1N5003 1N5149 1N5150 1N5153 1N5155 1N5158 1N5159 1N5160 MAX 6438 GEO SEMICONDUCTORS 2N6058 transistor bf 175 2N3902 2N5696 1N5788 Germanium itt PDF