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    onsemi 2N5226

    TRANS PNP 25V 0.5A TO-92-3
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    DigiKey 2N5226 Bulk 2,000
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    • 10000 $0.07927
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    Central Semiconductor Corp 2N5226-PBFREE

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    DigiKey 2N5226-PBFREE Box 5,000
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    • 10000 $0.16332
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    Central Semiconductor Corp 2N5226-TIN-LEAD

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    DigiKey 2N5226-TIN-LEAD Box 5,000
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    • 10000 $0.17554
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    Central Semiconductor Corp 2N5226-APM-PBFREE

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    DigiKey 2N5226-APM-PBFREE Ammo Pack 6,000
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    Central Semiconductor Corp 2N5226-TRE-PBFREE

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    DigiKey 2N5226-TRE-PBFREE Reel 6,000
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    2N5226 Datasheets (28)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    2N5226 Central Semiconductor Leaded Small Signal Transistor General Purpose Original PDF
    2N5226 Allegro MicroSystems General Purpose Bipolar Transistor, PNP, 25 MinV, TO-92, 3-Pin Scan PDF
    2N5226 Allegro MicroSystems Bipolar transistor Scan PDF
    2N5226 Central Semiconductor PNP Epoxy - Switchin and General Purpose Transistors / Saturated Switch Scan PDF
    2N5226 Continental Device India Semiconductor Device Data Book 1996 Scan PDF
    2N5226 Crimson Semiconductor Transistor Selection Guide Scan PDF
    2N5226 Fairchild Semiconductor NPN-PNP small signal general purpose complementary amplifier . Scan PDF
    2N5226 Fairchild Semiconductor Full Line Condensed Catalogue 1977 Scan PDF
    2N5226 General Electric Semiconductor Data Handbook 1977 Scan PDF
    2N5226 Micro Electronics Semiconductor Device Data Book Scan PDF
    2N5226 Unknown Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References Scan PDF
    2N5226 Unknown Basic Transistor and Cross Reference Specification Scan PDF
    2N5226 Unknown Catalog Scans - Shortform Datasheet Scan PDF
    2N5226 Unknown Shortform Transistor PDF Datasheet Short Form PDF
    2N5226 Unknown Semiconductor Master Cross Reference Guide Scan PDF
    2N5226 Unknown Shortform Transistor Datasheet Guide Short Form PDF
    2N5226 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    2N5226 Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    2N5226 National Semiconductor Shortform National Semiconductor Datasheet Short Form PDF

    2N5226 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: BC181 3SM diode CS9012 SF158 2S302 LOW-POWER SILICON PNP 2N924 BCZ10 HA9048
    Text: LOW-POWER SILICON PNP Item Number Part Number 2N1221 2S3030 2S3030 BCZ10 2S302 HA9048 HA9048 TP3S38 2N923 BCY28 5 10 ~~T~~8A 2S3230 A5T3S38 2N2696 2N2927 OC200 OC200 SS3638 TMPT3S38 15 20 ~~~~~8 MPS3638 A5T5226 2N5226 PN3638 2N2695 2N3638 2S323 2S323 25 30

    2N1221 2S3030 BCZ10 2S302 HA9048 TP3S38 2N923 BCY28 2SB641 BC181 3SM diode CS9012 SF158 LOW-POWER SILICON PNP 2N924 PDF

    2SB641 r

    Abstract: 2SB641 2N3633 2N3608 2N3588 BC381 2N3642 3SM diode LOW-POWER SILICON PNP 2N3524
    Text: LOW-POWER SILICON PNP Item Number Part Number 2N1221 2S3030 2S3030 BCZ10 2S302 HA9048 HA9048 TP3S38 2N923 BCY28 5 10 ~~T~~8A 2S3230 A5T3S38 2N2696 2N2927 OC200 OC200 SS3638 TMPT3S38 15 20 ~~~~~8 MPS3638 A5T5226 2N5226 PN3638 2N2695 2N3638 2S323 2S323 25 30

    2N1221 2S3030 BCZ10 2S302 HA9048 TP3S38 2N923 BCY28 2SB641 r 2SB641 2N3633 2N3608 2N3588 BC381 2N3642 3SM diode LOW-POWER SILICON PNP 2N3524 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: na. 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07061 U.SA TELEPHONE: 973 378-2822 (212) 227-8008 FAX: (973) 3784880 2N5226 (SILICON) PNP SILICON TRANSISTOR r A 'i I 7T SEATING IHANE •MAXIMUM RATINGS Ruling Collector Emiitnr* Coll^ctor-Qaw Vohafffl E.n.Mflr-Oov, Vollaqe

    2N5226 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TYPES 2N5225, A5T5225 N-P-N SILICON TRANSISTORS B U L L E T IN N O . D L S 7 3 1 1 9 2 5 , M A R C H 1 9 7 3 SILECTt TRANSISTORS! FOR MEDIUM-CURRENT AUDIO AMPLIFIER APPLICATIONS • For Complementary Use with P-N-P Types 2N5226, A5T5226 • Rugged One-Piece Construction with In-Line Leads or Standard TO-18 100-mil

    OCR Scan
    2N5225, A5T5225 2N5226, A5T5226 100-mil PDF


    Abstract: 2N5815 2N5816 2n5814 2N5822 2N5420 2N5042
    Text: Medium Power Amplifiers and Switches M AXIMUM RATINGS TYPE NO. POLA­ CASE RITY H FE VcE sat VcEO Pd Ic (mW) (A) (V) VcER * min max Ic ^C E max (mA) (V) (V) (A) Ic fT C 0b min max (MHz) (MHz) COMPLE­ MENTARY TYPE 2N5042 2N5220 2N5221 2N5225 2N5226 P N P

    OCR Scan
    2N5042 2N5220 2N5221 2N5225 2N5226 2N5354 2N5355 2N5356 2N5365 2N5366 2N5815 2N5816 2n5814 2N5822 2N5420 PDF


    Abstract: a5t5226
    Text: TYPES 2N5226. A5T5226 P-N-P SILICON TRANSISTORS B U L L E T IN NO . D L S 7311923, M A R C H 1973 SILECTt TRANSISTORSt FOR MEDIUM-CURRENT, AUDIO AMPLIFIER APPLICATIONS • For Complementary Use with N-P-N Types 2N5225, A5T5225 • Rugged One-Piece Construction with In-Line Leads or Standard TO-18 100-mil

    OCR Scan
    2N5226. A5T5226 2N5225, A5T5225 100-mil 2n5226 PDF

    IC HXJ 2038

    Abstract: 1N52398 DB5T tfk 102 cny 70 hxj 2038 rca 40361 transistor rca 40362 TFK 680 CNY 70 Diode Equivalent 1N34A 2n5952 equivalent
    Text: The Engineering Staff of TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED Components Group The T ransistor and Diode Data Book for Design Engineers T e x a s In s t r u m e n t s IN CO RPO RATED TYPE NUMBER INDEX GLOSSARY TRANSISTOR SELECTION GUIDES TRANSISTOR INTERCHANGEABILITY

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: NPN switching transistor 2N4403 2N3903 2N3904 2N3905 2N3906 2N4123 2N4124 2N4125 2N4126
    Text: SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS GENERAL PURPOSE AMPLIFIERS TO-92 PA CK A G E Device b v CEO V C E sa t E Type @ 10m A -(V) Min. Max. @ l c (mA) V c e (V ) 2N3903 2N3904 2N3905 2N3906 2N4123 NPN NPN PNP PNP NPN 40 40 40 40 30 50 100 50 100 50 150 300 150 300

    OCR Scan
    2N3903 2N3904 2N3905 2N3906 2N4123 2N4124 2N4125 2N4126 2N4400 150mA, GES2222A NPN switching transistor 2N4403 PDF


    Abstract: 2N3903 2N3904 2N3905 2N3906 2N4123 2N4124 2N4125 2N4126 2N4400
    Text: SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS GENERAL PURPOSE AMPLIFIERS TO-92 PA CK A GE V C E s a t E b v CEO Device Type @ 1 0 m A -(V) Min. M ax. @ l c (m A) 2N3903 2N3904 2N3905 2N3906 2N4123 NPN NPN PNP PNP NPN 40 40 40 40 30 50 100 50 100 50 150 300 150 300 150

    OCR Scan
    2N3903 2N3904 2N3905 2N3906 2N4123 2N4124 2N4125 2N4126 2N4400 225ent 2n5226 PDF


    Abstract: CEB npn GES93 2N3903 2N3904 2N3905 2N3906 2N4123 2N4124 2N4125
    Text: SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS GENERAL PURPOSE AMPLIFIERS TO-92 PACKAGE V C E sa t E b v CEO Device T yp e @ 1 0 m A -(V ) Min. M ax. @ l c (m A ) V c e (V ) Max. @ lc (m A ) f-r -Typical l e (m A ) (M H z) 50 50 50 50 50 •BaBB 50 50 50 150 150 .4 .2 .2

    OCR Scan
    2N3903 2N3904 2N3905 2N3906 2N4123 2N4124 2N4125 2N4126 2N4400 225age 2N5223 CEB npn GES93 PDF


    Abstract: 2N3904 2N3905 2N3906 2N4123 2N4124 2N4125 2N4126 2N4400 2N4401
    Text: SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS GENERAL PURPOSE AMPLIFIERS TO-92 PA CK A GE V C E sa t E b v CEO Device Type @ 10m A -(V) Min. Max. @ l c (mA) V c e (V ) 2N3903 2N3904 2N3905 2N3906 2N4123 NPN NPN PNP PNP NPN 40 40 40 40 30 50 100 50 100 50 150 300 150 300

    OCR Scan
    2N3903 2N3904 2N3905 2N3906 2N4123 2N4124 2N4125 2N4126 2N4400 225mA) 2N4401 PDF


    Abstract: 2N5225 N5226 2N4971 2N5042 2N5143 2N4235 2N4236 2N4238 2N4314
    Text: Medium Power Amplifiers and Switches H P O L A R IT Y M A X IM U M R A T IN G S C A SE 2N4238 2N4239 2N4314 2N4400 2N4401 2N4402 N N P N N P TO-39 TO-39 TO-39 TO-92A TO-92A TO-92A 1000 1000 1000 5004 5004 500 ♦ 1 1 1 0.6 0.6 0.6 60 80 65 40 40 40 30 30 50

    OCR Scan
    2N4238 2N4235 2N4239 2N4236 2N4314 2N4400 O-92A 2N4402 2N4401 2N5815 2N5225 N5226 2N4971 2N5042 2N5143 2N4235 2N4236 PDF


    Abstract: 2N5815 2N5225 2N5143 2N5447 2N4969 2N5226 2N5450 2N5818 2N5819
    Text: Medium Power Amplifiers and Switches TYPE NO. POLA­ RITY CASE MAXIMUM RATINGS HFE Pd IC VCEO mW (A) (V) min max IC (mA) VCE (V) VCE(sat) max (V) (A) IT min (MHz) Cob COM PLE­ max MENTARY TYPE (PF) 2N4953 2N4954 2N4969 2N4970 2N4971 N N N N P TO-92B TO-92B

    OCR Scan
    2N4953 O-92B 2N4954 2N4969 O-106 2N4970 2N4971 2N5816 2N5815 2N5225 2N5143 2N5447 2N5226 2N5450 2N5818 2N5819 PDF


    Abstract: MFE521 MMBF112 2N3797 equivalent MFE131 equivalent MPS5210 BC557 SOT23 8C448 BC459C mfe211
    Text: motorcla sc xstrs / r ia e i o I bH t,?as4 3 o o ö s t ii Small-Signal Bipolar Transistors Plastic-Encapsulated M o to ro la 's s m a ll-s ig n a l T O -2 26 p la s tic tra n s is to rs e n c o m p a s s h u n d re d s o f d e v ic e s w ith a w id e v a rie ty

    OCR Scan
    06050L MMBD914L BAS16L BAL99L MBAV70L MBAV99L MBAV74 BD2835XL MBD2836XL MMBD2837XL MMBF112L MFE521 MMBF112 2N3797 equivalent MFE131 equivalent MPS5210 BC557 SOT23 8C448 BC459C mfe211 PDF


    Abstract: 2N5139 2N4917 2N3639 2N4122 2n5138 016 2N4062 2N5383 2N5857 2N5138
    Text: CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR = tï 1989963 CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR * 1 DE | . JT.„. DDDDS13 b 61C 00213 - //-°/ PNP EPOXY - SW ITCHING A N D G ENER AL PURPOSE (Cont'd. V cb V CE V eb hFE at •c VCE V V V min max mA V V 2N4060 2N4061 2N40622N4121 2N4122 30 30

    OCR Scan
    DDDDS13 2N4060 2N4061 2N4062- 2N4121 O-106 2N4122 O-106. 2N4125 2N4126 2N5139 2N4917 2N3639 2n5138 016 2N4062 2N5383 2N5857 2N5138 PDF


    Abstract: 2N5383 2N5376 IC cbe 2N4401 2N4402 2N4403 2N4410 2N5769 2N4952
    Text: !J Small Signal Transistors TO-92 Case Continued TO-92 TYPE NO. FAMILY LEAD CODE V cB O (V) hFE v CEO V e b O •CBO VCBC (V) (nA) (V) (V) *'CES •TO-92-18R MIN *VCES MIN MIN *ICEV @ VCE @ lc (V) <mA) TO-92-18R V CE(SAT) ® *C c ob (V) <mA) *h ,e (1 kH Z )

    OCR Scan
    O-92-18R O-92-18R 2N4401 2N4402 2N4403 2N4410 2N4424 2N4952 AMPL/250 2N5769 2N5381 2N5383 2N5376 IC cbe PDF

    BTB 600 BR

    Abstract: tp5372 2N5087 2N5142 2N5221 2N5226 2N5227 2N5354 2N5355 2N5356
    Text: SPRAGUE/SEMICON» GROUP 8 5 140 19 SPRAGUE. T 3 ~ T ~ M flSIHflSO D G G 3 S 1 h ' b S E M I C O N D S / ICS • 93D 0 3 5 9 6 J P _ / T'û 7-9ô PLASTIC-CASE BIPOLAR TRANSISTORS PNP Transistors ‘2N’ and ‘TP ’ Device Types ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at TA = 25°C

    OCR Scan
    00035U 2N5087 TP5138 TP5139 2N5142 O-226AA/STYLE BTB 600 BR tp5372 2N5221 2N5226 2N5227 2N5354 2N5355 2N5356 PDF

    TRIAC 97A6

    Abstract: S0805BH 13003 TRANSISTOR TO220 equivalent triacs bt 804 600v Triac bt 808 600C Diode SOT-23 marking 15d zener diode 1N PH 48 6Bs smd transistor Z0409MF equivalent BT 808 600C
    Text: Central Semiconductor Corp. Represented iSIGNTBOHICS B y: TORONTO I Regan Road, Unit 13, Bram pton, O ntario L7A 1B8 Tel: 905-846-1100 Fax:905-846-7116 E -m a il: d e s ig n tr< a id ire c t.c o m OTTAW A 21 Pine Bluff Trail, Stittsville, O ntario K2S 1E1

    OCR Scan
    OD-80 OD-323 OT-23 OT-89 OT-143 OT-223 OT-323 TRIAC 97A6 S0805BH 13003 TRANSISTOR TO220 equivalent triacs bt 804 600v Triac bt 808 600C Diode SOT-23 marking 15d zener diode 1N PH 48 6Bs smd transistor Z0409MF equivalent BT 808 600C PDF


    Abstract: tfc 5630 2N5161 germanium 2N4193 1N1319 A2023 transistor 2N217 1N5159 transistor bf 175
    Text: The Semiconductor DataBook This is the first supplement to the 4th Edition o f the Semiconductor Data Book originally published in July 1969. It is produced to keep an up-to-date listing o f the most advanced semiconductor products. Devices characterized in this supplement include only the type numbers introduced after the publi­

    OCR Scan
    27TfC 1N5438 tfc 5630 2N5161 germanium 2N4193 1N1319 A2023 transistor 2N217 1N5159 transistor bf 175 PDF

    AL102 ATES

    Abstract: 2N2222A mps KR206 AD149 TIS58 TIS88 SFT353 2N2431 2N4265 BFY29
    Text: SECOND BOOK OF TRAISKTIR EQUIVALENTS AIR SPIRTITOTER IT I.I.OMMI BERNARD BABANI publishing LTD The Grampians Shepherds Bush Road London W67NF England. Although every care Is taken with the preparation of this book, the publishers will not be responsible

    OCR Scan
    Trans-611 DT1521 2N2270 BC107-182KS ESC182KAS ESC182KBS ESC1Q8-183KS EiC183KBS 8C183KCS BC109-184KS AL102 ATES 2N2222A mps KR206 AD149 TIS58 TIS88 SFT353 2N2431 2N4265 BFY29 PDF


    Abstract: P3139 BC233A sprague 40d GEX36/7 C4274 s1766 C12712 TC236 GP149
    Text: SPRAGUE THE M A R K O F R E L I A B I L I T Y SEMICONDUCTOR REPLACEMENT MANUAL K -5 0 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Guidelines for Replacing Semiconductors. 1 Specifications, Small-Signal and Power Transistors.

    OCR Scan

    transistors BC 557C

    Abstract: BF366 SMD code 307C F199 transistor 2N5793 BC413 motorola ZENER diode marking code z7 equivalent of transistor bc212 bc 214 bc107c motorola 2n555
    Text: S e le c to r G u id e s 1 M e ta l-C a n T ra n s is to rs 3 F ie ld -E ffe c t T ra n s is to rs 4 S m a ll-S ig n a l T u n in g , S w itc h in g and Z e n e r D io d e s 5 T a p e a n d R eel S p e c ific a tio n s P a ck ag e O u tlin e D im e n s io n s and

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: transistors equivalent AP 3706 P mps3702 MPS3704 equivalent T0-92B transistors mps3704 2N3404 2n3402

    OCR Scan
    2N3702 O-92B. MPS3702 T0-92A. T0-92B T0-92A 2N/MPS3702 2N/MPS3703 360mW 2N3405 transistors equivalent AP 3706 P MPS3704 equivalent T0-92B transistors mps3704 2N3404 2n3402 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Small signal Transistors TO-92 Case TO-92 TYPE NO. FAMILY LEAD CODE VcBO v CEO v EBO ICBO V (V) (V) m *VCES MIN 18 MIN 5.0 •«c e s *'c e v MAX 500 @ VCE e i e hFE VCBC (V) (V) (lllA) VCE(SA T )@ «C Cob (V) (mA) •hfe(1kHZ) *T NF •off (PF) (MHz) (* » )

    OCR Scan