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    2N3856A Search Results

    2N3856A Datasheets (19)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    2N3856A Central Semiconductor Low Noise Level Amp / Oscillator / Switching Transistors Scan PDF
    2N3856A General Electric Semiconductor Data Book 1971 Scan PDF
    2N3856A General Electric Semiconductor Data Handbook 1977 Scan PDF
    2N3856A Micro Electronics Semiconductor Device Data Book Scan PDF
    2N3856A Motorola Motorola Semiconductor Datasheet Library Scan PDF
    2N3856A Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    2N3856A Unknown Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References Scan PDF
    2N3856A Unknown Basic Transistor and Cross Reference Specification Scan PDF
    2N3856A Unknown Basic Transistor and Cross Reference Specification Scan PDF
    2N3856A Unknown GE Transistor Specifications Scan PDF
    2N3856A Unknown Shortform Transistor PDF Datasheet Short Form PDF
    2N3856A Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
    2N3856A Unknown Shortform Transistor Datasheet Guide Short Form PDF
    2N3856A Unknown Vintage Transistor Datasheets Scan PDF
    2N3856A Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    2N3856A Semico RF-IF High Frequency Transistors Scan PDF
    2N3856A Semico RF-IF High Frequency Transistors Scan PDF
    2N3856A Sprague Semiconductor Data Book 1977 Scan PDF

    2N3856A Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: tlo72cp TOSHIBA 2N3055 M53207P 2N3055 TOSHIBA KIA7313AP kia7640ap LA5530 M5L8155P TBB1458B
    Text: ACTIVE ELECTRONICS COMPONENTS CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE 2SC429GTM 2SC458 2SC458LG 2SC503 2SC504 2SC510 2SC512 2SC519 2SC520A 2SC594 2SC699A 2SC780 2SC809-1 2SC945 2SC3012 2SC3074 2SC3114 2SC3115 2SC3116 2SC3117 2SC3134 2SC3135 2SC3138 2SC3143 2SC3144 2SC3145 2SC3157

    2SC429GTM 2SC458 2SC458LG 2SC503 2SC504 2SC510 2SC512 2SC519 2SC520A 2SC594 sn76131 tlo72cp TOSHIBA 2N3055 M53207P 2N3055 TOSHIBA KIA7313AP kia7640ap LA5530 M5L8155P TBB1458B PDF

    rca 101m

    Abstract: Delco 2N1522 2n1543 2n1518 2n1564 2SC968 2N1553 2n1457 ED-1402
    Text: LOW-POWER SILICON NPN Item Number Part Number 10 20 BC232 ZTX223 TP4384 ZTX330 BFY68 BFY68 TP5449 2MC509 ~~g~g~ 25 30 MPS3704 BSY54 2222 PN5449 2N4383 2N4384 A8T3704 2N5449 ~~~!~~U 35 40 TED1702K 2SC352A ED1402A BC848A D4C31 4C31 ZTX238 TD101 ~g~g~tA 45 50

    2SC458K 2N3856A BC383L MPS3707 BC223A BC232A BC223 rca 101m Delco 2N1522 2n1543 2n1518 2n1564 2SC968 2N1553 2n1457 ED-1402 PDF

    IC HXJ 2038

    Abstract: 1N52398 DB5T tfk 102 cny 70 hxj 2038 rca 40361 transistor rca 40362 TFK 680 CNY 70 Diode Equivalent 1N34A 2n5952 equivalent
    Text: The Engineering Staff of TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED Components Group The T ransistor and Diode Data Book for Design Engineers T e x a s In s t r u m e n t s IN CO RPO RATED TYPE NUMBER INDEX GLOSSARY TRANSISTOR SELECTION GUIDES TRANSISTOR INTERCHANGEABILITY

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 2N2713 2N292 2N2925 2N2711 2N2712 2N2714 2N2923 2N2924 2N2926
    Text: SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS GENERAL PURPOSE AMPLIFIERS TO-98 PACKAGE b v CEO Device Type @ 10mA V 2N2711 2N2712 2N2713 2N2714 2N2923 NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN 18“ 18 18 18 25 2N2924 2N2925 2N2926 2N3390 2N3391 NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN 2N3391A 2N3392 2N3393 2N3394

    OCR Scan
    2N2711 2N2712 2N2713 2N2714 2N2923 2N2924 2N2925 2N2926 2N3390 2N3391 n3860 2N292 PDF


    Abstract: 2N5133 2N3638 2N3644 2N3645 2N5132 2N3638A 2N3702 to 106 2n5133 2N5088
    Text: CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR 1989963 CENTRAI. SEMICONDUCTOR DE | n f H T b B 00D0S15 H 61C 00212 t>l NPN EPOXY - LOW NOISE LEVEL AMPLIFIER Cont'd. X a Vcb V CE V EB hFE at •c V CE V V V min max mA V 2N5088 2N5089 2N5127 2N5131 2N5133 30 25 20 20 20 30 25 12 15

    OCR Scan
    D0D0S15 2N5088 2N5127 O-106 2N5131 2N5133 2N5209 2N5210 2N3563 2N3638 2N3644 2N3645 2N5132 2N3638A 2N3702 to 106 2n5133 PDF

    SS321 equivalent

    Abstract: DIODE 1N9148 1N4307 1N4532 DIODE 1N3605 SE708 2N2222 chip 2N2369 transistor DZ800 MA1703
    Text: SILICON SIGNAL DIODES 100 MA TYPES Continued U @ 25°C BV @ 100//A Part Number (V) (nA) MA1703 40 50 MA1704 25 Vf Max. Max. @ Vr(V) 30 20 100 Co @ OV @ lF(mA) (V) 1.00 1.00 (pif) (nsec) Package Type trr Package Outline No. Specification Sheet No. 50 2 4

    OCR Scan
    MA1703 MA1704 SS321 SS322 SS324 SS325 SS334 SS337 SE708 DZ800 SS321 equivalent DIODE 1N9148 1N4307 1N4532 DIODE 1N3605 2N2222 chip 2N2369 transistor PDF

    2N2926 equivalent

    Abstract: beta transistor 2N2222 2N3392 equivalent 2N3416 equivalent 2n3393 equivalent 2N3900A 2N3394 equivalent 2N3859A equivalent to PNP 1N4532 2N5232A equivalent
    Text: SELECTOR GUIDE TO 18 SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS Current V cE O '~ '\„^ I Voltage 50/iA to NPN 5mA 5mA rap 25mA 25mA to 20 : 2N6000 2N60Q2 2N6001 2N6S03 t] 800mA NPN PNP 2NB001 2NWQ3 2N6000 2N6002 2N6001 2N6003 pn p GET3014 GET3S3B GET3638A GET3638 GET3638A

    OCR Scan
    50/iA 800mA GET706 GET708 GET914 GET3013 GET3646 GE1705 CET708 2N2926 equivalent beta transistor 2N2222 2N3392 equivalent 2N3416 equivalent 2n3393 equivalent 2N3900A 2N3394 equivalent 2N3859A equivalent to PNP 1N4532 2N5232A equivalent PDF


    Abstract: P3139 BC233A sprague 40d GEX36/7 C4274 s1766 C12712 TC236 GP149
    Text: SPRAGUE THE M A R K O F R E L I A B I L I T Y SEMICONDUCTOR REPLACEMENT MANUAL K -5 0 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Guidelines for Replacing Semiconductors. 1 Specifications, Small-Signal and Power Transistors.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 2N6000 2n3391 2N6006 2N6002 GET3013 GET3014 GET3638 2n2926 GET706
    Text: SELECTOR GUIDE TO 18 SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS Current V c E O '~ '\ „ ^ I Voltage 50/iA to NPN 5mA 5mA rap 25mA 25mA to 20 : 2N6000 2N60Q2 2N6001 2N6S03 t] 800mA NPN PNP 2NB001 2NWQ3 2N6000 2N6002 2N6001 2N6003 pn p GET3014 GET3S3B GET3638A GET3638 GET3638A

    OCR Scan
    50/iA 800mA GET706 GET708 GET914 GET3013 GET3646 GE1705 CET708 d33025 2N6000 2n3391 2N6006 2N6002 GET3014 GET3638 2n2926 PDF


    Abstract: 2n3960a 2N3856 d33025 2N4424 2n8004 2N6000 2N6016 2N3856A 2N6015
    Text: SELECTOR GUIDE TO 18 SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS Current V cE O '~ '\„^ I Voltage 50/iA to NPN 5mA 5mA rap 25mA 25mA to 20 : 2N6000 2N60Q2 2N6001 2N6S03 t] 800mA NPN PNP 2NB001 2NWQ3 2N6000 2N6002 2N6001 2N6003 pn p GET3014 GET3S3B GET3638A GET3638 GET3638A

    OCR Scan
    50/iA 800mA GET706 GET708 GET914 GET3013 GET3646 GE1705 CET708 2N6004 2n3960a 2N3856 d33025 2N4424 2n8004 2N6000 2N6016 2N3856A 2N6015 PDF

    PNP Transistor 2N2222 equivalent

    Abstract: DIODE 1N3605 2N2907 equivalent equivalent transistor 2N2222 2n2222 npn transistor general purpose 1N3605 equivalent 2N2222 npn small signal current gain 2N2222 chip DIODE 1N9148 transistor npn high speed switching
    Text: SPECIAL SILICON PRODUCTS SILICON SIGNAL DIODE CHIPS Equivalent JEDEC Number GE Type 1N914 CHIP DRAWINGS Description Chip Dwg. 35.88 Designed for high-speed switching and general purpose applications. 1N914A Specification Sheet No. 1 35.90 1N914B M46P-X510

    OCR Scan
    1N914 1N914A 1N914B M46P-X510 1N3064 M46P-X507 1N3600 1N3605 M46P-X516 1N4150 PNP Transistor 2N2222 equivalent DIODE 1N3605 2N2907 equivalent equivalent transistor 2N2222 2n2222 npn transistor general purpose 1N3605 equivalent 2N2222 npn small signal current gain 2N2222 chip DIODE 1N9148 transistor npn high speed switching PDF


    Abstract: 2N2714 2N2926 equivalent 2n2714 transistor 2N3404 2N2924 2N3391 equivalent 2N3392 equivalent NPN/2n2714 transistor 2N2712
    Text: SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS GENERAL PURPOSE AMPLIFIERS TO-98 PACKAGE b v CEO Device Type @ 10mA V V CE (SAT) hFE Min.-Max. @ I c ,V c e (V) (V) Max. @ 2N2711 2N2712 2N2713 2N2714 2N2923 NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN 18“ 18 18 18 25 30-90 75-225 30-90 75-225 90-180 ‘

    OCR Scan
    2N2711 2N2712 2N2713 2N2714 2N2923 2N2924 2N2925 2N2926 2N3390 2N3391 2N2926 equivalent 2n2714 transistor 2N3404 2N3391 equivalent 2N3392 equivalent NPN/2n2714 transistor PDF


    Abstract: 2N3869 2N3880 2N3856 n3860 transistor 2N3 2N2711 2N2712 2N3858 2N2714
    Text: SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS GENERAL PURPOSE AMPLIFIERS TO-98 PACKAGE b v CEO Device Type @ 10mA V V CE (S A T ) hFE Min.-Max. @ I c ,V c e (V) (V) Max. @ 2N2711 2N2712 2N2713 2N2714 2N2923 NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN 18“ 18 18 18 25 30-90 75-225 30-90 75-225 90-180 ‘

    OCR Scan
    2N2711 2N2712 2N2713 2N2714 2N2923 2N2924 2N2925 2N2926 2N3390 2N3391 2N9860 2N3869 2N3880 2N3856 n3860 transistor 2N3 2N3858 PDF


    Abstract: 2n3877a GES6220 2N2711 2N2712 2N2713 2N2714 2N2923 2N2924 2N2925
    Text: SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS GENERAL PURPOSE AMPLIFIERS TO-98 PACKAGE b v CEO Device Type @ 10mA V V CE hFE Min.-Max. @ I c ,V c e (V) (V) Max. @ 2N2711 2N2712 2N2713 2N2714 2N2923 NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN 18“ 18 18 18 25 30-90 75-225 30-90 75-225 90-180 ‘

    OCR Scan
    2N2711 2N2712 2N2713 2N2714 2N2923 2N2924 2N2925 2N2926 2N3390 2N3391 2N3877 2n3877a GES6220 PDF


    Abstract: 2N3405 n3860 2N2711 2N2712 2N2713 2N2714 2N2923 2N2924 2N2926
    Text: SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS GENERAL PURPOSE AMPLIFIERS TO-98 PA C K A G E b v CEO Device Type @ 10mA V 2N2711 2N2712 2N2713 2N2714 2N2923 NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN 18“ 18 18 18 25 2N2924 2N2925 2N2926 2N3390 2N3391 NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN 2N3391A 2N3392 2N3393 2N3394

    OCR Scan
    2N2711 2N2712 2N2713 2N2714 2N2923 2N2924 2N2925 2N2926 2N3390 2N3391 2N3405 n3860 PDF

    aeg diode Si 61 L

    Abstract: aeg diodes D6 SGS Transistors BC23B SILICONIX U315 MZ306 BY126 bcv59 ac128 2N3680
    Text: Semiconductor Data Book Semiconductor Data Book Characteristics of approx. 10 000 Transistors, FETs, UJTs, Diodes, Rectifiers, Optical Semiconductors, Triacs and SCRs, Compiled by A. M. Ball Head of Physics, Teign School Newnes Technical Books Newnes Technical Books

    OCR Scan
    11tA0A12 A025A A0290 U0U55 A0291 A0292 A0305 A0306 A0A56 A0A59 aeg diode Si 61 L aeg diodes D6 SGS Transistors BC23B SILICONIX U315 MZ306 BY126 bcv59 ac128 2N3680 PDF


    Abstract: MFC8040 MFC8030 MC1316 Triac 9707 schematic of mc1466 Transistor MJE 5332 je 3055 Motorola MCR407-2 MC1466
    Text: M ASTER SELECTION GUIDE MOTOROLA Semiconductors SELECTING THE BEST SEMICONDUCTOR Selecting the best semiconductor fo r a given application can pose a significant challenge. To sim plify the task in selecting a "best" transistor, diode or other device fo r newdesigns, this book's selection tables includeall popular semiconductor devices

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 1N1525 cs1256hg BSF17 dd04 18DB6A B1274 transistor 1N34A MP LT236 SN76
    Text: I RJ 1 international, rectifier IR R e p la c e ­ m ent P a rt No. 25710 25T12 « S ? S H fcx S yty P a rt No. IR R e p la c e ­ m ent Z1012 Z1014 21016 Z1018 21020 AA138 AA140 AA142 AA2 AA20 IN34A IN34A JN34A TR-08 6F20D ZI022 Z1006 21008 7*0*0 21012 AA200

    OCR Scan
    25T12 Z1012 Z1014 Z1018 AA138 AA140 AA142 AA200 AA21Q AA300 Tr431 1N1525 cs1256hg BSF17 dd04 18DB6A B1274 transistor 1N34A MP LT236 SN76 PDF

    TRANSISTOR 2n3901

    Abstract: 2N390 pnp 2N3901 2N2711 2N2712 2N2713 2N2714 2N2923 2N2924 2N2925
    Text: SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS GENERAL PURPOSE AMPLIFIERS TO-98 PA C KA G E b v CEO Device Type @ 10mA V V C E (S A T ) hFE Min.-Max. @ I c , V c e (V) (V) Max. @ 2N2711 2N2712 2N2713 2N2714 2N2923 NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN 18“ 18 18 18 25 2N2924 2N2925 2N2926 2N3390

    OCR Scan
    2N2711 2N2712 2N2713 2N2714 2N2923 2N2924 2N2925 2N2926 2N3390 2N3391 TRANSISTOR 2n3901 2N390 pnp 2N3901 PDF


    Abstract: 2N2711 2N2712 2N2713 2N2714 2N2923 2N2924 2N2925 2N2926 2N3390
    Text: SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS GENERAL PURPOSE AMPLIFIERS TO-98 PACKAGE b v CEO Device Type @ 10mA V V CE (S A T ) hFE Min.-Max. @ I c ,V c e (V) (V) Max. @ 2N2711 2N2712 2N2713 2N2714 2N2923 NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN 18“ 18 18 18 25 30-90 75-225 30-90 75-225 90-180 ‘

    OCR Scan
    2N2711 2N2712 2N2713 2N2714 2N2923 2N2924 2N2925 2N2926 2N3390 2N3391 2N3643 PDF


    Abstract: BC109 BC184 BC549 BC317 2SC734 Y MS181A BC159 8 2SC876 TTP31A ML78M06A BC357
    Text: ALPHANUMERIC INDEX TYPE NO. 057-2G 1611G 1620G 1621-2G 1623G 1641G 1N4001 1N4002 1N40Û3 1N4004 1N4005 1N4006 1N4007 1N5391 1N5392 1N5393 1N5394 1N5395 1N5396 1N5397 1N5398 1N5399 1N5400 1N5401 IN5402 1N5403 1N5404 1N5405 1N5406 1N5407 1N5408 2021-1G 2023G

    OCR Scan
    057-2G 1611G 1620G 1621-2G 1623G 1641G 1N4001 1N4002 1N4004 1N4005 2SA532 BC109 BC184 BC549 BC317 2SC734 Y MS181A BC159 8 2SC876 TTP31A ML78M06A BC357 PDF


    Abstract: 2N3856 2N3404 2N2712 2N2714 2N3856A 2n2923 2N3405 n3860 2N2711
    Text: SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS GENERAL PURPOSE AMPLIFIERS TO-98 PA C KA G E b v CEO Device Type @ 10mA V 2N2711 2N2712 2N2713 2N2714 2N2923 NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN 18“ 18 18 18 25 2N2924 2N2925 2N2926 2N3390 2N3391 NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN 2N3391A 2N3392 2N3393 2N3394

    OCR Scan
    2N2711 2N2712 2N2713 2N2714 2N2923 2N2924 2N2925 2N2926 2N3390 2N3391 2N3856 2N3404 2N3856A 2N3405 n3860 PDF

    d33025* specification

    Abstract: 2N5309 2N5998 2N6006 2N6000 2N6002 GET3013 GET3014 GET3638 GET3646
    Text: SELECTOR GUIDE TO 18 SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS Current V cE O '~ '\„^ I Voltage 50/iA to NPN 5mA 5mA ra p 25mA 25mA to 20 : 2N6000 2N60Q2 2N6001 2N6S03 t] 800mA NPN PNP 2NB001 2NWQ3 2N6000 2N6002 2N6001 2N6003 pn p GET3014 GET3S3B GET3638A GET3638 GET3638A

    OCR Scan
    50/iA 800mA GET706 GET708 GET914 GET3013 GET3646 GE1705 CET708 d33025* specification 2N5309 2N5998 2N6006 2N6000 2N6002 GET3014 GET3638 PDF


    Abstract: D33025 TRANSISTOR 2n3901 pnp beta 250 ft 150 2N60C 2N38S 2N601 transistor 2n3391 2N6000 GET3014
    Text: SELECTOR GUIDE TO 18 SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS Current V c E O '~ '\ „ ^ I Voltage 50/iA to NPN 5mA 5mA ra p 25mA 25mA to 20 : 2N6000 2N60Q2 2N6001 2N6S03 GET3S3B GET3638A 2NSOOO 2N6001 2N6003 2N6000 2N6002 2N60D2 2NB001 2NWQ3 2N6000 2N6002 2N6001 2N6003

    OCR Scan
    50/iA 800mA GET706 GET708 GET914 GET3013 GET3646 GE1705 CET708 2NS35 D33025 TRANSISTOR 2n3901 pnp beta 250 ft 150 2N60C 2N38S 2N601 transistor 2n3391 2N6000 GET3014 PDF