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    2N2951 Search Results

    2N2951 Datasheets (19)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    2N2951 Central Semiconductor Leaded Small Signal Transistor General Purpose - Pol=NPN / Pkg=TO39 / Vceo=60 / Ic=0.25 / Hfe=20-150 / fT(Hz)=200M / Pwr(W)=3 Original PDF
    2N2951 Semelab Bipolar NPN Device in a Hermetically Sealed TO39 Metal Package - Pol=NPN / Pkg=TO39 / Vceo=60 / Ic=0.25 / Hfe=20-150 / fT(Hz)=200M / Pwr(W)=3 Original PDF
    2N2951 Motorola Motorola Semiconductor Datasheet Library Scan PDF
    2N2951 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    2N2951 Unknown Semiconductor Master Cross Reference Guide Scan PDF
    2N2951 Unknown Shortform Transistor Datasheet Guide Short Form PDF
    2N2951 Unknown Vintage Transistor Datasheets Scan PDF
    2N2951 Unknown Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References Scan PDF
    2N2951 Unknown Shortform Transistor PDF Datasheet Short Form PDF
    2N2951 Unknown GE Transistor Specifications Scan PDF
    2N2951 Unknown Transistor Replacements Scan PDF
    2N2951 Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    2N2951 Semico Differential and Dual Amplifiers / UHF Power Amplifiers Scan PDF
    2N2951 Semico Differential and Dual Amplifiers / UHF Power Amplifiers Scan PDF
    2N2951 Semitronics Silicon Power Transistors Scan PDF
    2N2951S Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    2N2951S Unknown Shortform Transistor Datasheet Guide Short Form PDF
    2N2951S Unknown Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References Scan PDF

    2N2951 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2N2951 Si NPN Power HF BJT 12.49 Transistors Transistors Bipolar Si. 1 of 1 Home Part Number: 2N2951 Online Store 2N2951 Diodes Si NPN Po w er HF BJ T Transistors Enter code INTER3 at checkout.* Integrated Circuits

    2N2951 com/2n2951 2N2951 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2N2951 Dimensions in mm inches . Bipolar NPN Device in a Hermetically sealed TO39 Metal Package. 8.51 (0.34) 9.40 (0.37) 7.75 (0.305) 8.51 (0.335) 6.10 (0.240) 6.60 (0.260) Bipolar NPN Device. 12.70 (0.500) min. 0.89 max. (0.035) VCEO = 60V 0.41 (0.016) 0.53 (0.021)

    2N2951 O205AD) 17-Jul-02 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2N2951 Dimensions in mm inches . Bipolar NPN Device in a Hermetically sealed TO39 Metal Package. 8.51 (0.34) 9.40 (0.37) 7.75 (0.305) 8.51 (0.335) 6.10 (0.240) 6.60 (0.260) Bipolar NPN Device. 12.70 (0.500) min. 0.89 max. (0.035) VCEO = 60V 0.41 (0.016) 0.53 (0.021)

    2N2951 O205AD) 1-Aug-02 2N2951 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2N2951 Transistors Si NPN Power HF BJT Military/High-RelN V BR CEO (V)60â V(BR)CBO (V)60 I(C) Max. (A)250m Absolute Max. Power Diss. (W)3.0 Maximum Operating Temp (øC)175# I(CBO) Max. (A)100pØ @V(CBO) (V) (Test Condition) h(FE) Min. Current gain.20 h(FE) Max. Current gain.150

    2N2951 Freq200M Code3-12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2N2951 Dimensions in mm inches . Bipolar NPN Device in a Hermetically sealed TO39 Metal Package. 8.51 (0.34) 9.40 (0.37) 7.75 (0.305) 8.51 (0.335) 6.10 (0.240) 6.60 (0.260) Bipolar NPN Device. 12.70 (0.500) min. 0.89 max. (0.035) VCEO = 60V 0.41 (0.016) 0.53 (0.021)

    2N2951 O205AD) 19-Jun-02 PDF


    Abstract: BSW65 SE7001 BC461 2N5322 2N3444 MJ421 2N4358 2n697a 2N1990 2N3252
    Text: Small Signal Transistors TO-39 Case TYPE NO. DESCRIPTION VCBO V VCEO (V) VEBO (V) *VCER ICBO @ VCB ( A) (V) hFE @ IC @ VCE VCE(SAT) @ IC (mA) (V) (V) (mA) *ICEO *ICES *ICEV *ICER MAX fT Cob (MHz) (pF) ton (ns) toff (ns) NF (dB) *TYP *TYP *TYP *TYP *TYP

    2N656A 2N657A 2N696 BSV12 BSW65 SE7001 BC461 2N5322 2N3444 MJ421 2N4358 2n697a 2N1990 2N3252 PDF


    Abstract: bc417 ksh200 equivalent 2N5457 equivalent ss8050 equivalent 1N34 equivalent FQP50N06 equivalent bd139 equivalent 2N5458 equivalent 2N3563 equivalent
    Text: Cross Reference Guide Industry 1.5KE100A 1.5KE100CA 1.5KE10A 1.5KE10CA 1.5KE110A 1.5KE110CA 1.5KE11A 1.5KE11CA 1.5KE120A 1.5KE120CA 1.5KE12A 1.5KE12CA 1.5KE130A 1.5KE130CA 1.5KE13A 1.5KE13CA 1.5KE150A 1.5KE150CA 1.5KE15A 1.5KE15CA 1.5KE160A 1.5KE160CA 1.5KE16A

    5KE100A 5KE100CA 5KE10A 5KE10CA 5KE110A 5KE110CA 5KE11A 5KE11CA 5KE120A 5KE120CA SSP35n03 bc417 ksh200 equivalent 2N5457 equivalent ss8050 equivalent 1N34 equivalent FQP50N06 equivalent bd139 equivalent 2N5458 equivalent 2N3563 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: 2N3015 2n3299 2N3107
    Text: Small Signal Transistors TO-39 Case Continued TYPE NO. DESCRIPTION VCBO (V) VCEO (V) VEBO (V) *VCER ICBO @ VCB µA) (µ (V) hFE @ IC @ VCE VCE (SAT) @ IC fT Cob (mA) (V) (V) (mA) (MHz) (pF) *ICEO *ICES *ICEV *ICER ton (ns) toff (ns) NF (dB) *TYP *TYP *TYP *TYP *TYP

    402N3110 2N3114 2N3119 2N3120 2N3122 2N3133 2N3134 2N3137 2N3244 2N3245 2N2961 2N3015 2n3299 2N3107 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Small Signal Transistors TO-39 Case Continued TYPE NO. DESCRIPTION VCBO (V) VCEO (V) VEBO (V) *VCER ICBO ( A) @ VCB hFE @ IC @ VCE VCE(SAT) @ IC fT Cob (mA) (V) (V) (mA) (MHz) (pF) (V) *ICEO *ICES *ICEV *ICER ton (ns) toff (ns) NF (dB) *TYP *TYP *TYP *TYP *TYP

    2N2854 2N2855 2N2890 2N3388 2N3420 2N3421 2N3439 2N3440 04-April 2N3134 PDF


    Abstract: 2N2951 2N3114 2N3301 ST 2N3053 2N2219 2N2219A 2N2220 2N2221 2N2221A
    Text: central se mi co nd u ct or 1989963 CENTRAL SEMICOND U C T O R " bï D F | n a n t . 3 oooosit, i " _ 61C 00 216 NPN M E TA L CAN - SW ITCHING A N D G ENER AL PURPOSE Cont'd. < o 00 — 21 VCE V eb h FE at •c V CE V V V min max mA V 2N2219 2N2219A 2N2220

    OCR Scan
    2N2219 2N2219A 2N2220 2N2221 2N2221A 2N2222 2N2222A 2N2236 CBR30 0000S23 N3020 2N2951 2N3114 2N3301 ST 2N3053 PDF

    TRIAC 97A6

    Abstract: S0805BH 13003 TRANSISTOR TO220 equivalent triacs bt 804 600v Triac bt 808 600C Diode SOT-23 marking 15d zener diode 1N PH 48 6Bs smd transistor Z0409MF equivalent BT 808 600C
    Text: Central Semiconductor Corp. Represented iSIGNTBOHICS B y: TORONTO I Regan Road, Unit 13, Bram pton, O ntario L7A 1B8 Tel: 905-846-1100 Fax:905-846-7116 E -m a il: d e s ig n tr< a id ire c t.c o m OTTAW A 21 Pine Bluff Trail, Stittsville, O ntario K2S 1E1

    OCR Scan
    OD-80 OD-323 OT-23 OT-89 OT-143 OT-223 OT-323 TRIAC 97A6 S0805BH 13003 TRANSISTOR TO220 equivalent triacs bt 804 600v Triac bt 808 600C Diode SOT-23 marking 15d zener diode 1N PH 48 6Bs smd transistor Z0409MF equivalent BT 808 600C PDF


    Abstract: tfc 5630 2N5161 germanium 2N4193 1N1319 A2023 transistor 2N217 1N5159 transistor bf 175
    Text: The Semiconductor DataBook This is the first supplement to the 4th Edition o f the Semiconductor Data Book originally published in July 1969. It is produced to keep an up-to-date listing o f the most advanced semiconductor products. Devices characterized in this supplement include only the type numbers introduced after the publi­

    OCR Scan
    27TfC 1N5438 tfc 5630 2N5161 germanium 2N4193 1N1319 A2023 transistor 2N217 1N5159 transistor bf 175 PDF

    AL102 ATES

    Abstract: 2N2222A mps KR206 AD149 TIS58 TIS88 SFT353 2N2431 2N4265 BFY29
    Text: SECOND BOOK OF TRAISKTIR EQUIVALENTS AIR SPIRTITOTER IT I.I.OMMI BERNARD BABANI publishing LTD The Grampians Shepherds Bush Road London W67NF England. Although every care Is taken with the preparation of this book, the publishers will not be responsible

    OCR Scan
    Trans-611 DT1521 2N2270 BC107-182KS ESC182KAS ESC182KBS ESC1Q8-183KS EiC183KBS 8C183KCS BC109-184KS AL102 ATES 2N2222A mps KR206 AD149 TIS58 TIS88 SFT353 2N2431 2N4265 BFY29 PDF


    Abstract: P3139 BC233A sprague 40d GEX36/7 C4274 s1766 C12712 TC236 GP149
    Text: SPRAGUE THE M A R K O F R E L I A B I L I T Y SEMICONDUCTOR REPLACEMENT MANUAL K -5 0 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Guidelines for Replacing Semiconductors. 1 Specifications, Small-Signal and Power Transistors.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 2N3015 2n2224 MOTOROLA 2n2218 TRANSISTOR 2n2848 2N2222A motorola 2C2222A MPS8092 2N4401 die 2n3116
    Text: 34 M O T O R O L A SC -CDIODES/OPTO} 1 D • t,3fc,7S55 0 0 3 7 ^ 7 4 34C 37974 7"-3r- /S SILICON SMALL-SIGNAL TRANSISTOR DICE continued 2C2222A — DIE NO. NPN LINE SOURCE — DMB101 This die provides performance similar to that of the following device types:

    OCR Scan
    DMB101 2C2222A 2N696* 2N697 2N731 2N956 2N1420* 2N1613 2N1711 2N1959* 2n2846 2N3015 2n2224 MOTOROLA 2n2218 TRANSISTOR 2n2848 2N2222A motorola MPS8092 2N4401 die 2n3116 PDF


    Abstract: 2N2891 2N223
    Text: central se hi co nd u ct or bi D F | n a n t . 3 o o o o s it, 1 9 8 9 9 6 3 CENTRAL SEMICC3NDUCTOFr ' " _ 6 IC 00 216 NPNM ETALCA N -SW ITC H IN G AND GENERAL PURPOSE Cont'd. i — 21 h CDb MHz pF 8 8 8 8 8 < o 00 at VCE V V 2N2219 2N2219A 2N2220 2N2221

    OCR Scan
    2N2219 2N2219A 2N2220 2N2221 2N2221A 2N2222 2N2222A 2N2236 2N2237 2N2243 2N295 2N2891 2N223 PDF

    1.0 k mef 250

    Abstract: ME4003 ME4002 MA0411 transistor me6101 transistor BC 172B 2N2959 transistor bf 175 2N5173 2n3072
    Text: INTRODUCTION This is Micro Electronics latest short form catalogue on discrete semi-conductor devices. We have introduced many new products since the previous publication. This guide provides a quick reference on the characteristics o f our products. Separate data sheets for a

    OCR Scan
    semi-820 BYX22-400 BYX22-600 BYX22-800 BYX26-60 YX26-150 BYX36-1 BYX36-300 1.0 k mef 250 ME4003 ME4002 MA0411 transistor me6101 transistor BC 172B 2N2959 transistor bf 175 2N5173 2n3072 PDF


    Abstract: 2N3053 NPN transistor 2N3072 2N3015 2N3053 2N3114 2N3137 2N2854 2N2890 2N2904A
    Text: Small Signal Transistors TO-39 Case Continued TYPE NO. DESCRIPTION VCBO VCEO v EBO •CBO v CBO (V) (V) (V) (HA) m *VCEH MIN MIN MIN *lCEO “ Ic e s "*'CEV "*'CER ® lC ® v CE VCE(SAT) ® 'C h (mA) (MHz) (V) (V) hFE MIN MAX MAX Cob *TYP *on *otf NF

    OCR Scan
    2N2854 2N28S5 2N2890 2N2B91 2N2904A 2N3300 2N3326 2N3388 2N3420 2N3421 2N2961 2N3053 NPN transistor 2N3072 2N3015 2N3053 2N3114 2N3137 PDF


    Abstract: 2N4072 2N2947 2n4073
    Text: 8134693 SEMICQA_ qp PE | 5 1 3 * ^ 3 ~f _ □□□□13b b | DIFFERENTIAL AND DUAL AMPLIFIERS Cont’d Type NPN 2N3729 2N2453 2N2480 2M2480A 2N2639 2N2640 2N2641 2N2642 2N2643 2N2913 2N2914 2N2915 2N2916 2N2917 2N2918 2N2453A 2N2919 2N2920 2N2652

    OCR Scan
    2N3729 2N2453 2N2480 2M2480A 2N2639 2N2640 2N2641 2N2642 2N2643 2N2913 2N4072 2N2947 2n4073 PDF


    Abstract: 2N2846 2n5219 MPSD05 2N1959 2n3299
    Text: 34 MOTOROLA SC -CDIODES/OPTO} D 1 L3fc,7355 □□37T74 34C 37974 7 " - 3 r - /$• SILICON SMALL-SIGNAL TRANSISTOR DICE continued 2C2222A DIE NO. — LINE SOURCE — DMB101 i npn This die provides performance similar to that of the following device types:

    OCR Scan
    37T74 2C2222A DMB101 2N696* 2N697 2N731 2N1420* 2N1613 2N1711 2N1959* 2N2540 2N2846 2n5219 MPSD05 2N1959 2n3299 PDF

    LS 2027 audio amp

    Abstract: ECG transistor replacement guide book free 2sb337 TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT GUIDE 980510 S9510 2sb508 C24850772 2N339 bc149c
    Text: TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction. Page 2 How to Use This Book. Page 2 Care and Handling of T ran sisto rs. Page 3

    OCR Scan

    hep 154 silicon diode

    Abstract: zy 406 transistor motorola HEP 801 hep 154 diode hep R1751 triac zd 607 2sb337 RS5743.3 F82Z hep 230 pnp
    Text: SEMICONDUCTOR This guide has been prepared by the Motorola HEP technical staff to provide a cross-reference for the Hobbyist, Experimenter, and Profes­ sional service technician. The information contained herein is based on an analysis of the published specifications of each device listed. This

    OCR Scan
    MY110B Z0206 Z0208 Z0210 Z0211 Z0212 Z0214 Z0215 Z0217 Z0219 hep 154 silicon diode zy 406 transistor motorola HEP 801 hep 154 diode hep R1751 triac zd 607 2sb337 RS5743.3 F82Z hep 230 pnp PDF


    Abstract: MC880P MC9713P mc2257 1N4003 germanium diode specification 2N1256 S P 1N4465 MC9802P MC9718P 3N214
    Text: Semiconductor Data Library Master Index prepared by Technical Information Center The information in this book has been carefully checked and is believed to be reliable; however, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, this information does not convey to the

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: CD4003 2N2505 TF408 1N4465 250PA120 2N3017 pt 3570 trw rf pa189 Semicon volume 1
    Text: 1969 o < 00 x ic e uo <r\ *—4 rO O CM u J 'r < o o o CO r aJ. rfrr.~> y -< z X— < P“ -J Sem iconductor Annual At .0008" Dia. . . . there is no second source phire orifice insert. Tempress also created and supplied the tungsten carbide ultrasonic bonding tool and pioneered

    OCR Scan