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    2SB1108 Search Results

    2SB1108 Datasheets (6)

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    2SB1108 Unknown Transistor Substitution Data Book 1993 Scan PDF
    2SB1108 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
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    2SB1108 Unknown Japanese Transistor Cross References (2S) Scan PDF
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    2SB1108 Panasonic Medium Speed Switching Complementary Pair with 2SD1608 Scan PDF

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    Abstract: tlo72cp TOSHIBA 2N3055 M53207P 2N3055 TOSHIBA KIA7313AP kia7640ap LA5530 M5L8155P TBB1458B
    Text: ACTIVE ELECTRONICS COMPONENTS CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE 2SC429GTM 2SC458 2SC458LG 2SC503 2SC504 2SC510 2SC512 2SC519 2SC520A 2SC594 2SC699A 2SC780 2SC809-1 2SC945 2SC3012 2SC3074 2SC3114 2SC3115 2SC3116 2SC3117 2SC3134 2SC3135 2SC3138 2SC3143 2SC3144 2SC3145 2SC3157

    2SC429GTM 2SC458 2SC458LG 2SC503 2SC504 2SC510 2SC512 2SC519 2SC520A 2SC594 sn76131 tlo72cp TOSHIBA 2N3055 M53207P 2N3055 TOSHIBA KIA7313AP kia7640ap LA5530 M5L8155P TBB1458B PDF


    Abstract: MN1280 TRANSISTOR 2SC5929 3SK129 3SK97 2sc5928 2PG009 2SC5929 equivalent 2sk4000 2sd965 TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT GUIDE
    Text: 2009 Discrete Semiconductors Selection Guide Request for your special attention and precautions in using the technical information and semiconductors described in this book 1 If any of the products or technical information described in this book is to be exported or provided to non-residents, the laws and

    responsibiliXP08081 XP08546 XP0A554 XP0D873 XP0D874 XP0D875 XP0E554 2sc5929 MN1280 TRANSISTOR 2SC5929 3SK129 3SK97 2sc5928 2PG009 2SC5929 equivalent 2sk4000 2sd965 TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT GUIDE PDF


    Abstract: STK411-220E stk442-130 PAL005A UPC2581V FN1016 STRG6153 RSN313H25 STK407-070B MCZ3001D
    Text: R Serving The Electronic Industry Since 1982 Ordering at Dalbani is so easy Go to : Search & check stock Busque y revise nuestro inventario A Search Enter your Item number and click GO Entre el numero del producto y haga clicsobre GO The system will take you straight to the Item that you are looking for

    STVDST-01 CAT22 STK411-230E STK411-220E stk442-130 PAL005A UPC2581V FN1016 STRG6153 RSN313H25 STK407-070B MCZ3001D PDF


    Abstract: 2SC6073 PANASONIC TRANSISTOR 2SC6073 2sc5929 MN1280 transistor 2SC6073 2SC5936 equivalent 2SC6074 TRANSISTOR 2SC5929 2sc5928
    Text: 2009 ver.2 Discrete Semiconductors Selection Guide Request for your special attention and precautions in using the technical information and semiconductors described in this book 1 If any of the products or technical information described in this book is to be exported or provided to non-residents, the laws and

    XP06501T XP06531 XP06545 XP0A554 XP0D873 XP0D874 XP0D875 2SC5936 2SC6073 PANASONIC TRANSISTOR 2SC6073 2sc5929 MN1280 transistor 2SC6073 2SC5936 equivalent 2SC6074 TRANSISTOR 2SC5929 2sc5928 PDF


    Abstract: an6512n 2sk3190 MN171202 mn158413 mn15142 mn187164 mn6740 AN7210 MN15283
    Text: Maintenance and Discontinued Types <Maintenance Types> Maintenance and Discontinued Types This product is not dealt with anymore. Customers dealing with this product conventionally may contact our sales division in the case of ambiguity. <Discontinued Types>

    MN101C01C MN15224 MN101C01D MN15226 MN101C027 MN15261 MN101C03A MN101C38A MN15263 MN101C06D MN1873287 an6512n 2sk3190 MN171202 mn158413 mn15142 mn187164 mn6740 AN7210 MN15283 PDF


    Abstract: 2SB1108
    Text: P o w er T ra n s is to rs 2SD1608 2S D 1608 Package D im ensions Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Planar Darlington Type M edium Speed Power S w itching C om plem entary Pair w ith 2SB1108 • Features • H igh D C c u r re n t gain hFE • H igh s p e e d s w itc h in g

    OCR Scan
    2SD1608 2SB1108 O-220 001b773 2SD1608 2SB1108 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD1608
    Text: 2SD 1608 5> 2SD1608 > I J H> N PN 'J>b> Si N P N Triple Diffused Planar Darlington + * * « * * -f "j * / M e d iu m Speed P ow er Sw itching 2SB1108 1 1 > ~Z ' J* > 9 l) /C o m p le m e n ta ry P a ir w ith 2SB1108 • it • U n it *. mm 4.4m ax. 10.2m ax.

    OCR Scan
    2SD1608 2SB1108 2SB1108 50/60Hi 2SD1608 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD1608
    Text: Power Transistors 2SB1108 2SB1108 Silicon PNP Epitaxial Planar Darlington Type Package Dimensions Medium Speed Switching Complementary Pair with 2S D 1608 U nit : mm 4 4 max. ,1 0 .2 m a x. • Features 2.9max. • High DC cu rre n t gain Iife • High speed sw itching

    OCR Scan
    2SB1108 2SD1608 hT32B5E 2SB1108 2SD1608 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Power Transistors 2SB11G8 2SB1108 Silicon PNP Epitaxial Planar Darlington Type Package Dimensions Medium Speed Switching Complementary Pair with 2SD1608 U n it : 4 4 max. 10.2max. • Features !,9max. • High DC c u rre n t gain hFE • High speed switching

    OCR Scan
    2SB11G8 2SB1108 2SD1608 100X2mm 01b223 PDF

    K 2411

    Abstract: k2411 IX 3354 a699a 3SK2411 2Sa1950 T092L 2SB0774 3SK271 c 5019
    Text: Transistors Selection Guide by Applications and Functions # High Frequency Silicon Transistors for Tuners (FETs included) Package (N o.) Band Appli­ cation T O -9 2 N ew S Type (0 3 4 ) (D 46) M Type (D 35) SS-M ini Type S-Mini Type S-Mini Type Mini Type

    OCR Scan
    3SK241 T0220F K 2411 k2411 IX 3354 a699a 3SK2411 2Sa1950 T092L 2SB0774 3SK271 c 5019 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC4714 2sc5340 2SA2004 2SB160 2SB642
    Text: Transistors Selection Guide by Applications and Functions • Silicon Medium-Power Transistors (continued) P a c k a g e (N o.) Application Functions TO-126 (D49 * , D50) U Type (D36) V cE (sail VcEO MT3 Type (D40) MT4 Type (D41 ) TO-202 (D51) T0-220(a)

    OCR Scan
    O-126 2SC2258 2SC3063 2SC5340 O-202 T0-220 O-220F 2SC2923 2SC4714 2SC3942 2SB0774 2SA2004 2SB160 2SB642 PDF


    Abstract: D1259A d1267a D1265A transistor 2SA1949 2sd2328a TRANSISTORS SELECTION GUIDE D1261A C3795 2SB1526
    Text: Transistors Selection Guide by Packages • SS-Mini Type, SS-Mini Flat-Lead Packages (D1) c e o (V) lc ( m A ) \ \ V 15 10 (* 6V) 20 *A 2SC 5363 30 80 40 2SA1806 2SC4809 2SC5295 (65mA) 2SC4808 2SD2345 150 f 2SA1791 ! 2SC4656 185 I 2SB1463 I 2SD2240 2SD2240A

    OCR Scan
    125mW 2SC4627 2SC5021 2SA1790 2SC4626 2SC4655 2SC4809 2SC5295 2SC4808 2SA1806 D2375 D1259A d1267a D1265A transistor 2SA1949 2sd2328a TRANSISTORS SELECTION GUIDE D1261A C3795 2SB1526 PDF


    Abstract: T092 2SB642 T092L 2SB0774 SS-Mini 3 2SA1495 2SB946 2SA1124 A1534A
    Text: Transistors Selection Guide by Applications and Functions • Silicon Medium Power Transistors (continued) A Tentative ( : Com plem entary pair Panasonic 125 Part Number List ■ Discrete Devices Old Part Nos | New Part Nos [ Package Sym bol 1 SS Mini 3P: SS-Mini 3-pin

    OCR Scan
    T0-92 T092L: T0220F T0220 T092NL A1534 T092 2SB642 T092L 2SB0774 SS-Mini 3 2SA1495 2SB946 2SA1124 A1534A PDF


    Abstract: 2SB615 nec 2SB1099 2SB886 B676 1086a 1091 2S8834 2sb536 TOSHIBA 2SB613
    Text: 62 - « tt m Type No. € Manuf. a SANYO NEC 2SB601 □—A 2SA1706 2SB 1077 a ti 2SB880 2SB676 2SB 1078 XL 2SB886 2SB673 2SB 1078K xz: 2SB 1080 a a 2SB 1085 □— a 2SB 1085A 2SB 1086 ^ & 2SB632K 2SA962A 2SA1011 2SA968 □— A 2SA1011 □— A 2SA1249 2SB 1Q86A

    OCR Scan
    2SA1706 2SB880 2SB676 2SB601 2SB950 2SB1341 2SB886 2SB673 2SB1108 2SB1343 2SB1099 2SB615 nec 2SB1099 B676 1086a 1091 2S8834 2sb536 TOSHIBA 2SB613 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD466 2sc5266
    Text: • t o M f i i t i ' i - i a ’f m m»mm s&<D?ay#miz w z y y - i - y p m u / ®>7 I V -E7 - 7 V U ' I / 'A w J V Z S T J - / K S 6 3 6 9 * > U - X T258-OMI # ® l|£ f tt» H # 5 5 a i TEL.5465 89 2825 FAX,5465(89)2826 ffxX * i t * «* • s •s* * *

    OCR Scan
    T258-OMI FAX06 2SC144 2SD466 2sc5266 PDF


    Abstract: 2SB1299A
    Text: Transistors Selection Guide by Applications and Functions • Silicon Power Transistors Application Functions VcEO lc (V) (A) lc !b (V) (A) (mA) T0-220(a) (D56) NPN TO-220F (D59) PNP ; NPN 1 < l 1 125 2SB954/A 60/80 2 < 2 2 200 2SB1052 < 1 2 400 < 1 2 200

    OCR Scan
    T0-220 O-220F 2SB954/A 2SB1052 2SD1480 2SD1265/A O-220E T0220D 2SB1169/A 2SB1170 B1548 2SB1299A PDF


    Abstract: 2SD2501 2SD2502 2sD2503 2SD1327 2SD1755
    Text: Transistors Selection Guide by Applications and Functions •Silicon Power Transistors (continued) Applica­ tion Func­ tions V ceo (V) lc (A) Package (No.) VcE(sat) typ. (V) lc Ib TO-220(a) (D52) T0-220F(D55) T0-220E(D59) T0-220D(D58) N Type (D42) PNP

    OCR Scan
    O-220 T0-220F T0-220E T0-220D 2SD1719 2SD1775/A 2SD1755 2SB1195 2SD1634 2SD1336/A 2sd2520 2SD2501 2SD2502 2sD2503 2SD1327 2SD1755 PDF


    Abstract: 1115a 2sB1098 NEC 2SA1441 2SB873 1116a 2SB927 2SA1770 2SA1283 nec 2SB1099
    Text: - « Type No. tt « Mamif. 2SB 1114 -• 2SB 1115 „ Hi TOSHIBA Z £ MITSUBISHI ZSA1213 2SB10Q1 2SB956 2SB1188 2SB1122 2SA12Q1 2SB1002 2SB766A 2SB1260 2SA1213 2SB1Q02 2SB766A 2SA1315 2SB1059 2SB621A 2SA1283 2SB1459 2SB621A 2SA1283 S S « 2SB 1117 ^ S « 2SB 1118

    OCR Scan
    2SB1121 2SA1213 2SB1001 2SB956 2SB1188 2SB1122 2SA1201 2SB1002 2SB766A 2SB1260 2SB1099 1115a 2sB1098 NEC 2SA1441 2SB873 1116a 2SB927 2SA1770 2SA1283 nec 2SB1099 PDF


    Abstract: 2sd2520 2sD2503 2SD2375 2SD1755 zener 3,5 2SD1474 2SD1719 2SD2158 T0-220F
    Text: Transistors Selection Guide by Applications and Functions • Silicon Pow er T ransistors (continued) Applica­ V ceo tion Func­ (V) tions Pa ckage (No.) VcE(sat) lc (A) typ. (V) lc Ib T0-220(a) (D56) (A) (mA) NPN T 0 -2 2 0 F (D 5 9 ) T 0 -2 2 0 E (D 6 3 )

    OCR Scan
    T0-220 T0-220F T0-220E T0220D 2SD1474 2SD1719 2SD1755 2SD1776/A 2SD1775/A 2SD2158 2SD2502 2sd2520 2sD2503 2SD2375 2SD1755 zener 3,5 2SD1474 2SD1719 2SD2158 PDF


    Abstract: 2SB1100 2sd1593 2SD1594 2SD1617 LFPA 2SD1591 2SD1595 2SD1583-Z 2SD1584
    Text: - 256 - i+ 2SD1583-Z 2SD1584 2SD1584-Z 2SD1585 2SD1586 2SD1587 2SD1588 2SD1589 2SD159Q 2SD1591 2SD1592 2SD1593 2SD1594 2SD1595 i?nicfiT b'jui'j a i 2SD1599 2SD1600 2SD1601 2SD1602 2SD1603 2SD1604 2SD1605 2SD1606 2SD1608 2SD1609 2SD1610 2SD1611 2SD1614 2SD1615

    OCR Scan
    2SD1583-Z 2SD1584 2SD1584-Z 2SD1585 2SD1586 2SD1587 2SD1588 T0-220ABJFJ 2SD1606 2SB1108 2sb1099 2SB1100 2sd1593 2SD1594 2SD1617 LFPA 2SD1591 2SD1595 PDF


    Abstract: 2SB793 2sb1370 2SA1306 2SB1186B 2SB1085B 2SA1770 2SA1175 2SA1306A 2SB1212
    Text: - m « Type No. 2SB m 8 6 > 2SB 2SB 2SB 2SB 2SB 2SB 2SB 2SB 2SB 2SB 2SB 2SB 2SB 2SB 2SB 2SB 2SB 2SB 2SB 2SB 2SB 2SB 2SB 2 S8 2SB 2SB 2SB 2 S8 2SB 2SB 2SB 2SB tt □—A □- A 1186A 118 7 / □— A □— A 1188 / □—A 1189 y 119 0 fé T 113 0A *2 T 1191

    OCR Scan
    2SA1606 SA1306 SA1606 2SA1306 2SB940A 2SB1015 2SB941 2SB1370 2SBU23 2SA1203 sa1306 2SB793 2sb1370 2SA1306 2SB1186B 2SB1085B 2SA1770 2SA1175 2SA1306A 2SB1212 PDF


    Abstract: S51A 2S897 2sa1264 2SA1243 953a 2SA1719 2SBI344 S55A 2SB816
    Text: - ü s „ Type No. 2S8 951 2S3 S 51A 2SB 952 2SB 953 . ~ 2SB 953A 2SB 954 2SB 955 - 2S8 S55A 2S6 956 2SB 957 2SB 958 2SB 959 2SB 960 2SB 962 _ 2SB 962Z 2SB 963 2SB 9631 2SB 964 2SB 965 2SB 966 2SB 967 2SB 968 2SB 969 2SB 970 „ ' ^ ✓ 2S8 971 2SB 972 2SB 973

    OCR Scan
    2SB1225 2SB1022 2SA1719 2SB1103 2SBI344 2SA1719 2SB1344 2SB1269 2SA1327 2SA934 S51A 2S897 2sa1264 2SA1243 953a 2SBI344 S55A 2SB816 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors Selection Guide by Applications and Functions • Silicon Power Transistors (continued) Applica­ V ceo tion Func­ (V) tions High hre lc (A) Pa ckage (No.) VcE(sat) typ. (V) lc Ib (A) (mA) T0-220(a) (D56) NPN T 0 -2 2 0 F (D 5 9 ) T 0 -2 2 0 E (D 6 3 )

    OCR Scan
    T0-220 2SD1474 2SD1776/A 2SD2158 2SD1775/A 2SD1719 2SD1336/A 2SB1108 2SB1193 2SD1608 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD1491 2SB1100 2sb111 2SB1072L 2SB1072S 2SB1073 2SB1075 2SB1076M 2SB1077
    Text: - 74 - S % Ta=25'C, *0JttTc=25l3 m 2SB1072L 2SB1072S 2SB1073 2SB1075 2SB1Û76M 2SB1077 2SB1078K 2SB1079 2SB1085 2SB1085A 2SB1086 2SB1086A 2SB1087 2SB1089 2SB1090 2SB1091 2SB1093 2SB1094 2SB1095 2SB1096 2SB1097 2SB1098 2SB1099 2SB1100 2SB1101 2SB1102 2SB1103

    OCR Scan
    2SB1072L 2SB1072S 2SB1073 2SB1075 2SB1076M 2SB1077 2SB1078K 2SB1099 MP-45) 2SB1100 2SB1099 2SD1491 2SB1100 2sb111 PDF