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    Microchip Technology Inc 2N2983

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey 2N2983 Bulk 100
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    • 100 $23.9801
    • 1000 $23.9801
    • 10000 $23.9801
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    Avnet Americas 2N2983 Bulk 22 Weeks 100
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    • 100 $23.05
    • 1000 $21.5904
    • 10000 $21.5904
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    Mouser Electronics 2N2983
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    • 100 $23.98
    • 1000 $23.98
    • 10000 $23.98
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    Newark 2N2983 Bulk 100
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    • 100 $23.98
    • 1000 $23.04
    • 10000 $23.04
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    Future Electronics 2N2983 100
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    • 100 $25.62
    • 1000 $25.62
    • 10000 $25.62
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    Microchip Technology Inc 2N2983 22 Weeks
    • 1 $25.81
    • 10 $25.81
    • 100 $25.81
    • 1000 $25.81
    • 10000 $25.81
    Buy Now 2N2983
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    • 100 $22.89
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    NAC 2N2983 13
    • 1 $26.34
    • 10 $26.34
    • 100 $24.26
    • 1000 $22.49
    • 10000 $22.49
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    Master Electronics 2N2983
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    • 100 $22.89
    • 1000 $22.89
    • 10000 $22.89
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    2N2983 Datasheets (15)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    2N2983 General Semiconductor Low Frequency Silicon Power Transistor (Also available in JAN & JANTX) Scan PDF
    2N2983 Motorola Motorola Semiconductor Datasheet Library Scan PDF
    2N2983 Unknown Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References Scan PDF
    2N2983 Unknown Shortform Transistor PDF Datasheet Short Form PDF
    2N2983 Unknown GE Transistor Specifications Scan PDF
    2N2983 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    2N2983 Unknown Shortform Transistor Datasheet Guide Short Form PDF
    2N2983 Unknown Vintage Transistor Datasheets Scan PDF
    2N2983 Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    2N2983 PPC Products Transistor Short Form Data Scan PDF
    2N2983 Semico NPN Silicon Power Transistor Selection Guide Scan PDF
    2N2983 Semico NPN Silicon Power Transistors Scan PDF
    2N2983 Semiconductor Technology Medium and High Power Silicon Transistors Scan PDF
    2N2983 Semitronics Silicon Power Transistors Scan PDF
    2N2983 Silicon Transistor Industrial Grade Power Transistors Scan PDF

    2N2983 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: 2N3026 2N3021 2N3022 2N3023 2N3024
    Text: SOLID STATE DEVICES, INC PNP POWER & HIGH VOLTAGE Device Type 2N2983 2N2984 2N2985 2N2986 2N3021 2N3022 2N3023 2N3024 2N3025 2N3026 2N3250 2N3250A 2N3251 2N3251A 2N3467 2N3468 2N3485 2N3485A 2N3486 2N3486A 2N3634 2N3635 2N3636 2N3637 2N3660 2N3661 2N3719 2N3720

    2N3779 2N3780 2N3781 2N3789 2N3790 2N3791 2N3025 2N3026 2N3021 2N3022 2N3023 2N3024 PDF


    Abstract: KT817G 2SC1984 B0241B 2SC1025 BUW64A to-53 2S093
    Text: POWER SILICON NPN Item Number Part Number I C 5 10 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 SSP62B B0241B TIP31B 2N424A 2N424 BOT29B BOT29B BOT29BF B0179 2Nl647 2S094 2N2308 R4923 2SC489 2N3419 2N2983 BOT31BF BOT31BF MJE31B 2N4233 2N4233A 042Cl0 2N4075 2S0129 2S0297 2S0317A

    2S093 KT817V BLY47 BLY47A 2S033 BLY48 BLY48A 2S034 O-126var B0937 KT817G 2SC1984 B0241B 2SC1025 BUW64A to-53 PDF


    Abstract: SDT425 185 to3 SDT411 transistor sdt423 2N2983 2N2984 2N2985 DSASW0036859 2N3418
    Text: Device Type 2N2983 2N2984 2N2985 2N2986 2N3418 2N3419 2N3420 2N3421 2N3506 2N3507 2N3675 2N3676 2N3878 2N3902 2N5157 SDT402 SDT403 SDT409 SDT410 SDT411 SDT423 SDT424 SDT425 2N4231 2N4232 2N4233 2N5074 2N5075 2N5076 2N5077 2N5466 2N5467 2N5468 2N5469 2N5664

    2N2983 2N2984 2N2985 2N2986 2N3418 2N3419 2N3420 2N3421 2N3506 2N3507 SDT423 SDT425 185 to3 SDT411 transistor sdt423 2N2983 2N2984 2N2985 DSASW0036859 2N3418 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2N2983 Transistors Si NPN Power BJT Military/High-RelN V BR CEO (V)80 V(BR)CBO (V)155 I(C) Max. (A)3.0 Absolute Max. Power Diss. (W)1.0 Maximum Operating Temp (øC)175# I(CBO) Max. (A)10ux @V(CBO) (V) (Test Condition)150 V(CE)sat Max. (V)1.25 @I(C) (A) (Test Condition)2.0

    2N2983 Freq18M PDF

    Motorola -transistors

    Abstract: Motorola diodes 2N3024 2N3025 2N3026 2N2984 2N2983 2N3021 2N3022 2N3023
    Text: Crystalonics: Transistors And Diodes Page 1 of 2 Small Signal Transistors JFETs <Pre Next> Surface Mount Transistors Dual and Quad Transistors PLANAR POWER TRANSISTORS 3 AMP NPN Dual Emitter Chopper 3N Transistors Power Transistors Obsolete "Motorola" Transistors

    MV1403, MV1404 MV1405s 2N2983 2N2984 2N2985 2N2986 2N3418 2N3419 2N3420 Motorola -transistors Motorola diodes 2N3024 2N3025 2N3026 2N3021 2N3022 2N3023 PDF


    Abstract: 2N3305 2SK734 2N2807A 2N2970 2n2968 2n2709 2SK733 2N2971 2SK794
    Text: STI Type: 2SK696 Notes: Breakdown Voltage: 1000 Continuous Current: 3 RDS on Ohm: 4.0 Trans Conductance Mhos: 1.2 Trans Conductance A: Gate Threshold min: Gate Threshold max: Resistance Switching ton: Resistance Switching toff: Resistance Switching ID: Case Style: TO-247

    2SK696 O-247 2SK719 2SK696A O-205AD/TO-39: 2N3374 2N3352 2SK847 2N3305 2SK734 2N2807A 2N2970 2n2968 2n2709 2SK733 2N2971 2SK794 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SILICON NUMERICAL INDEX TO INDUSTRIAL GRADE POWER TRANSISTORS Continued Type 2N2812 2N2813 2N2814 2N2815 2N2816 2N2817 2N2818 2N2819 2N2821 2N2822 2N2823 2N2824 2N2825 2N2858 2N2859 2N2877 2N2878 2N2879 2N2880 2N2881 2N2882 2N2892 2N2893 2N2911 2N2983 2N2984

    OCR Scan
    2N2812 2N2813 2N2814 2N2815 2N2816 2N2817 2N2818 2N2819 2N2821 2N2822 2N3017 PDF


    Abstract: JANTX2N4150 JANS2N3439
    Text: Microsemi NPN Transistors Part Number JANTXV2N3440L 2N3439 2N3439L JAN2N3439 JAN2N3439L JANS2N3439 JANS2N3439S JANTX2N3439 JANTX2N3439L JANTXV2N3439 JANTXV2N3439L 2N1479 2N1481 2N1480 2N1482 2N2890 2N2891 2N4225 2N2983 2N2985 2N2984 2N2986 2N3017 2N4150 2N4150S

    OCR Scan

    AL102 ATES

    Abstract: 2N2222A mps KR206 AD149 TIS58 TIS88 SFT353 2N2431 2N4265 BFY29
    Text: SECOND BOOK OF TRAISKTIR EQUIVALENTS AIR SPIRTITOTER IT I.I.OMMI BERNARD BABANI publishing LTD The Grampians Shepherds Bush Road London W67NF England. Although every care Is taken with the preparation of this book, the publishers will not be responsible

    OCR Scan
    Trans-611 DT1521 2N2270 BC107-182KS ESC182KAS ESC182KBS ESC1Q8-183KS EiC183KBS 8C183KCS BC109-184KS AL102 ATES 2N2222A mps KR206 AD149 TIS58 TIS88 SFT353 2N2431 2N4265 BFY29 PDF


    Abstract: 2NS540 2NS154 SD716 SDT13305 2N5671 2N5005 SDT425 SDT7605 SDT96302
    Text: -Jfolìtron P L A N A R P O W E R T R A N S IS T O R S Devices. Inc H DEVICE TYPE VCEO V hFE MIN/MAX 2N2387 2N2988 2N2S89 2N2990 2N2991 80 100 80 100 80 2N2992 2N2993 2N2994 2N3439 2N3440 ÎA M W P K M ic (A) PT MAX (W) CASE TYPE CHIP TYPE ic (A) 25/75 25/75

    OCR Scan
    2N2387 2N2988 2N2S89 2N2990 2N2991 2N2992 2N2993 2N2994 2N3439 2N3440 2NS604 2NS540 2NS154 SD716 SDT13305 2N5671 2N5005 SDT425 SDT7605 SDT96302 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ic = 3.0 AMPS DEVICE TYPE PACKAGE 2N1647 2N1648 2N1649 2N1650 T O -111 TO-111 TO-111 TO-111 80 80 80 80 80 120 80 120 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 15 15 30 30 - 45 45 90 90 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.1 0.1

    OCR Scan
    2N1647 2N1648 2N1649 2N1650 2N2101 2N2849 2N2849-1 2N2849-2 2N2850 2N2850-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GENERAL SEMICONDUCTOR 3918590 GENERAL TS S E MI CON DU CT OR DE^BilflSiD 95D 02091 7133-07 -r-'ìò-ch Ic = 3.0 AMPS DEVICE TYPE BVce0 PACKAGE VOUS 2N1647 2N1648 2N1649 2N1650 2N2101 TO-111 TO-111 TO-111 TO-111 TO-61 T0-5/S TO-5 T0-5/S TO-5 TO-59 T0-5/S TO-5

    OCR Scan
    2N1647 2N1648 2N1649 2N1650 2N2101 O-111 O-59/lso PDF


    Abstract: 535x 184 324 DIODE 2N5383 2N3055C
    Text: Contran ÄTTM,© STAND ARD PART LIST [continued] Devices. Inc STANDARD DIODE CHIP SELECTIONS PART No. Vr MIN. VO LTS Vp@ M AX. VO LTS If A M PS. trr N SE C . PA G E No. 5 31X C 003 531X C 004 532X C 001 532X C 002 532X C 003 100 400 50 80 100 1.3 1.8

    OCR Scan
    533XCD01 534XCD02 535XCQ01 2N1063 2N107Û 4233A 535x 184 324 DIODE 2N5383 2N3055C PDF


    Abstract: 2N2196 2N2197 2N3444 2N3053 NPN transistor 2N491B 2N1445 2N1480 2N1700 2N1715
    Text: 1 OSE D • fll3b4Sfl □QGQSM7 5 SEMICONDUCTOR TEC H N O LO G Y , INC. 3131 S.E. Jay Street Stuart, Florida 34997 407 283-4500 • TWX - 510-953-7511 _ FAX 407-P8fi-8914 T -o Z q -O I SILICON TRANSISTORS r M E D I U M A M D H IG H P O W E R _

    OCR Scan
    0000S47 2N497A 2N498A 2N656 2N656A 2N657A 2N1445 2N1480 2N1700 2N1715 2N3916 2N2196 2N2197 2N3444 2N3053 NPN transistor 2N491B PDF

    Transistors 2n551

    Abstract: Heat Sink to-39 2N1904 2N5068 2N2995 2N3916 2N3599 2N2951 2N3142 2N3444
    Text: INTEX/ SEflITRÔNICS CORP j e m i E T o 27E D • MôblEHb GD0D2Ö? S discrete devices SEMICONDUCTORS n Sem itronics Corp. 7 ^ - * 2 .7 - silicon transistors cont’d - T - 3 3 O - 0 silicon power transistors rn * Polarity Power Dissipation @ 25°C Watts

    OCR Scan
    2N339 2N339A 2N340 2N340A 2N341 2N341A 2N342 2N342A 2N343 2N343A Transistors 2n551 Heat Sink to-39 2N1904 2N5068 2N2995 2N3916 2N3599 2N2951 2N3142 2N3444 PDF


    Abstract: 2N3303 FPT100 phototransistor UA739 equivalent transistor bc 554 pnp mt1039 ft2974 fairchild 2N3565 FD6666 diode transistor npn Epitaxial Silicon SST 117
    Text: Fairchild Semiconductor T ransistor and Diode Data Catalog 1970 The Fairchild Semiconductor Transistor anc Diode Data Catalog is an all-inclusive volume of product information covering diodes anc transistors. Selection guides and data sheets fot each category of products assist you ir

    OCR Scan
    108th MT1115 2N3303 FPT100 phototransistor UA739 equivalent transistor bc 554 pnp mt1039 ft2974 fairchild 2N3565 FD6666 diode transistor npn Epitaxial Silicon SST 117 PDF

    RCA H 541

    Abstract: 2T312 2N2654 AS218 transistor gex 74a diode germanium 1n283 K3004 TFK diode ac132 TI-483

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: AP239 Transistor 80139 8C547 6C131C IN2222A 2N50B 2N2064 radio AC176 AC126 sft353
    Text: INTERNATIONAL TRANSISTOR EQUIVALENTS GUIDE A LSO BY THE S A M E AUTHOR BP108 International Diode Equivalents Guide BP140 Digital IC Equivalents and Pin Connections BP141 Linear IC Equivalents and Pin Connections ALSO OF INTEREST BP234 Transistor Selector Guide

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: MC880P MC9713P mc2257 1N4003 germanium diode specification 2N1256 S P 1N4465 MC9802P MC9718P 3N214
    Text: Semiconductor Data Library Master Index prepared by Technical Information Center The information in this book has been carefully checked and is believed to be reliable; however, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, this information does not convey to the

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: CD4003 2N2505 TF408 1N4465 250PA120 2N3017 pt 3570 trw rf pa189 Semicon volume 1
    Text: 1969 o < 00 x ic e uo <r\ *—4 rO O CM u J 'r < o o o CO r aJ. rfrr.~> y -< z X— < P“ -J Sem iconductor Annual At .0008" Dia. . . . there is no second source phire orifice insert. Tempress also created and supplied the tungsten carbide ultrasonic bonding tool and pioneered

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 2N648 2N2004 2N2995 2N2202 2N2860 TO11 2N2228 2N29SA 2n4307
    Text: £ ^ I jemitronicr hot line discrete devices TOLL FREE NUMBER 800-777-3960 silicon transistors cont-d silicon small signal transistors choppers Type Polarity Power Dissipation @ 25°C mw tlFE @ lc Tj (°C) BVcbo (volts) HILL (volts) Vet (SAT @ lc (Min.)

    OCR Scan
    2N941* 2N942* 2N943* 2N944* 2N945* 2N946* 2N1676 2N1677 2N1917* 2N1918* 2N3920 2N648 2N2004 2N2995 2N2202 2N2860 TO11 2N2228 2N29SA 2n4307 PDF

    transistor c2060

    Abstract: Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References 1N4465 C1906 transistor Germanium itt 3N58 IN939 MC1230F 2N3866 MOTOROLA C943 transistor
    Text: Data Book Updating Service I Table of Contents How to Use the Data Book I > INTRODUCTION Complete I N . . . INDEX numerical index o f all ElA-registered device types, with major electrical specifications 2N . . . & 3N . . . INDEX Complete numerical index of all ElA-registered device types,

    OCR Scan
    AN-134 transistor c2060 Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References 1N4465 C1906 transistor Germanium itt 3N58 IN939 MC1230F 2N3866 MOTOROLA C943 transistor PDF

    triacs bt 804 600v

    Abstract: UR720 1N4465 AO110 diode 1N539 2N3750 Unitrode discrete databook 2N6138 CM104 unitrode 679 BRIDGE rectifier
    Text: UNITRODE SEMICONDUCTOR DATABOOK 1976 C opyright 1976 U nitrode C orporation, W atertown, MA. A ll rights reserved. INTRODUCTION From its inception 16 years ago, Unitrode has acquired a reputa­ tion for maintaining an unusually high level of quality, perfor­

    OCR Scan
    Comp27-1296 triacs bt 804 600v UR720 1N4465 AO110 diode 1N539 2N3750 Unitrode discrete databook 2N6138 CM104 unitrode 679 BRIDGE rectifier PDF

    y51 h 120c

    Abstract: bd124 KT368 BFQ59 Silec Semiconductors BD214 al103 AFY18 bd192 MM1711
    Text: Towers' International Transistor Selector ! o Towers’ International Transistor Selector Specification data for the identification, selection and substitution of transistors by T D Towers, MBE, MA, BSc, C Eng, MIERE Revised Edition U pdate Three London: NEW YORK

    OCR Scan
    500MA 500MA 240MWF 240MWF y51 h 120c bd124 KT368 BFQ59 Silec Semiconductors BD214 al103 AFY18 bd192 MM1711 PDF