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    onsemi MC26LS30D

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    Rochester Electronics LLC AM26LS30PC

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    Rochester Electronics AM26LS30PC 1,917 1
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    • 100 $55
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    • 10000 $49.73
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    onsemi MC26LS30DG

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    Rochester Electronics LLC AM26LS30JC

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    DigiKey AM26LS30JC Bulk 132
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    Rochester Electronics LLC 26LS30-B2A

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    26LS30 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 26LS30 26LS32 DS8935 DS8935WM
    Text: General Description The DS8935 is a dual driver/triple receiver device optimized to provide a single chip solution for a LocalTalk Interface. The device provides one differential TIA/EIA-422 driver, one TIA/EIA-423 single ended driver, one TIA/EIA-422 receiver

    DS8935 TIA/EIA-422 TIA/EIA-423 16-pin 26LS30 26LS32 ds012066 34C1 DS8935WM PDF


    Abstract: 26LS32 DS8925 DS8925M M16A max 422 3.3 V
    Text: DS8925 LocalTalk Dual Driver/Triple Receiver General Description Features The DS8925 is a dual driver/triple receiver device optimized to provide a single chip solution for a LocalTalk Interface. The device provides one differential TIA/EIA-422 driver, one

    DS8925 DS8925 TIA/EIA-422 TIA/EIA-423 26LS30 26LS32 LocalT959 DS8925M M16A max 422 3.3 V PDF


    Abstract: AN012312-3 26LS32 DS3691 DS8925 RS-423 EIA-232 transformer Nelson Publishing
    Text: National Semiconductor Application Note 967 Todd Nelson June 1994 INTRODUCTION This application note discusses three approaches to the LocalTalk physical layer. One approach uses the TIA/EIA-422-B RS-422 standard over a twisted pair wire medium. Another uses the RS-422 drivers and receivers but

    TIA/EIA-422-B RS-422) RS-422 TIA/EIA-232-E RS-232) 26LS30 26LS32. DS3691 DS26LS32A AN012312-3 26LS32 DS8925 RS-423 EIA-232 transformer Nelson Publishing PDF


    Abstract: 26LS32 DS3691 DS8925 RS-423 application note 26LS32
    Text: National Semiconductor Application Note 967 Todd Nelson June 1994 INTRODUCTION This application note discusses three approaches to the LocalTalk physical layer. One approach uses the TIA/EIA-422-B RS-422 standard over a twisted pair wire medium. Another uses the RS-422 drivers and receivers but

    TIA/EIA-422-B RS-422) RS-422 TIA/EIA-232-E RS-232) 26LS30 26LS32. DS3691 DS26LS32A 26LS32 DS8925 RS-423 application note 26LS32 PDF


    Abstract: 26LS32 LocalTalk DS3691 DS8925 RS-423 AN967 Nelson Publishing
    Text: National Semiconductor Application Note 967 Todd Nelson June 1994 INTRODUCTION This application note discusses three approaches to the LocalTalk physical layer. One approach uses the TIA/EIA-422-B RS-422 standard over a twisted pair wire medium. Another uses the RS-422 drivers and receivers but

    TIA/EIA-422-B RS-422) RS-422 TIA/EIA-232-E RS-232) 26LS30 26LS32. DS3691 DS26LS32A 26LS32 LocalTalk DS8925 RS-423 AN967 Nelson Publishing PDF


    Abstract: application note 26LS30 26LS32 AN-967 DS3691 DS8925 AN012312-6 Nelson Publishing twisted-pair receiver national application note 26LS32
    Text: INTRODUCTION This application note discusses three approaches to the LocalTalk physical layer. One approach uses the TIA/EIA-422-B RS-422 standard over a twisted pair wire medium. Another uses the RS-422 drivers and receivers but the bus is transformer-coupled over standard phone cables.

    TIA/EIA-422-B RS-422) RS-422 TIA/EIA-232-E RS-232) 26LS30 26LS32. DS3691 DS26LS32A application note 26LS30 26LS32 AN-967 DS8925 AN012312-6 Nelson Publishing twisted-pair receiver national application note 26LS32 PDF

    26ls32 26ls31

    Abstract: D-Sub 37-pin female Connector for rs-422 ISO-4903 EIA-449 of 74ls08 SIPEX Selection Guide TSp322 EIA-232 EIA-422 SP500
    Text: + + + Many of today's routers and access equipment are being designed with Wide Area Network WAN serial ports which are able to support various physical interface protocols or standards. The WAN serial port may contain EIA-530, V.35 or V.36 electrically compliant signals.

    EIA-530, DB-25 EIA-232 EIA-530 ISO-2593 GuideAP/02 26ls32 26ls31 D-Sub 37-pin female Connector for rs-422 ISO-4903 EIA-449 of 74ls08 SIPEX Selection Guide TSp322 EIA-422 SP500 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA AM 26LS30 Dual Differential E IA -422-A / Quad Single-Ended (EIA -423-A ) Line Drivers The AM 26LS30 is a low power Schottky set of line drivers w hich can be configured as tw o differential drivers which com ply with E IA -4 2 2 -A standards, or as four single-ended drivers which com ply with E IA -4 2 3 -A

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    26LS30 -422-A -423-A AM26LS30 EIA-422-A EIA-423-A PDF


    Abstract: AM25LS30 application note 26LS30
    Text: g MOTOROLA 26LS30 Dual Differential (EIA-422-A)/ Quad Single-Ended (EIA-423-A) Line Drivers The AM 26LS30 is a low power Schottky set of line drivers which can be configured as tw o differential drivers which com ply with E IA -4 2 2 -A standards, or as four single-ended drivers which com ply with E IA -4 2 3 -A

    OCR Scan
    AM26LS30 EIA-422-A EIA-423-A) 26LS30 b3b72 AM26LS32, MC3486, SN75173 SN75175. AM25LS30 application note 26LS30 PDF

    OF IC 723 14 pin dip

    Abstract: AM25LS30 AM26LS30PC IC AM26LS30 IC AM26LS32 AM26LS30 AM26LS30FN DS3691 EIA-422-A MC26LS30D
    Text: g M O TO RO LA . A M 26LS30 Dual D iffe re n tia l (E IA -4 2 2 -A )/ Q uad S in g le -E n d e d (E IA -4 2 3 -A ) Line D rivers The 26LS30 is a low power Schottky set of line drivers which can be configured as two differential drivers which comply with EIA-422-A

    OCR Scan
    EIA-422-A EIA-423-A) AM26LS30 EIA-423-A EIA-422-A) b3L72S3 OF IC 723 14 pin dip AM25LS30 AM26LS30PC IC AM26LS30 IC AM26LS32 AM26LS30FN DS3691 MC26LS30D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M MOTOROLA - 26LS30 Advance Information Dual Differential (EIA -422-A )/ Quad Single-Ended (EIA -423-A ) Line Drivers The AM 26LS30 is a low power Schottky set of line drivers which can be configured as two differential drivers which com ply with E IA -4 2 2 -A

    OCR Scan
    AM26LS30 -422-A -423-A 26LS30 PDF


    Abstract: 26ls29
    Text: Am26LS34 Am26LS34 Quad Differential Line Receiver DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Meets all requirements of EIA Standards RS-422, RS423, CCITT V.10 and V.11, and the new party line standard in development under EIA Project Number 1360. ±200mV sensitivity over input voltage range

    OCR Scan
    Am26LS34 RS-422, RS423, 200mV 150mV 12ki2 120mV 300mV Am26LS32/32B/33 26ls29 PDF

    26ls32 similar

    Abstract: 26ls29 kss delay line ci 26ls32 ci 26ls32 smd 26ls34 26LS30 26LS32 26LS33 AM26LS34
    Text: a Advanced Micro Devices Am26LS34 Quad Differential Line Receiver DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Maximum guarantees for tPD skew. • Meets all requirements of EIA Standards RS-442, RS-423, CCITT V.10 and V.11, and the new party line standard in development under

    OCR Scan
    Am26LS34 RS-442, RS-423, Am26LS32B 26LS32 26ls32 similar 26ls29 kss delay line ci 26ls32 ci 26ls32 smd 26ls34 26LS30 26LS33 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: s Am26LS32/Am26LS33 Advanced Micro Devices Quad Differential Line Receivers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Input voltage range of 15 V differential or common mode on Am26LS33; 7 V (differential or common mode) on Am26LS32 The Am26LS32 meets all the requirements of

    OCR Scan
    Am26LS32/Am26LS33 Am26LS33 Am26LS32 RS-422 RS-423 q320B PDF


    Abstract: 1N916 26LS30 26LS32 DS8925 DS8925M M16A 11b95-12 d0ji G0735
    Text: DS8925 N a t i o n a l t S e m i c o n d u c t o r ß DS8925 LocalTalk Dual Driver/Triple Receiver General Description Features The DS8925 is a dual driver/triple receiver device optimized to provide a single chip solution for a LocalTalk Interface. The device provides one differential TIA/EIA-422 driver,

    OCR Scan
    DS8925 DS8925 TIA/EIA-422 TIA/EIA-423 26LS30 26LS32 tl/f/11895-43 tl/f/11895-44 73sb 1N916 DS8925M M16A 11b95-12 d0ji G0735 PDF

    dual driver

    Abstract: Receivers 26LS30
    Text: Semiconductor ADVANCE INFORMATION DS8936 LocalTalk Dual Driver/Triple Receiver General Description Features The DS8936 is a dual driver/triple receiver device optimized to provide a single chip solution for a LocalTalk Interface. The device provides one differential TIA/EIA-422 driver,

    OCR Scan
    DS8936 DS8936 TIA/EIA-422 TIA/EIA-423 16-pin 26LS30 26LS32 dual driver Receivers PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DSS933 National Semiconductor & DS8933 V.34 Serial Port 2 X 1 Driver/Receiver General Description Features The DS8933 is a 2 driver X 1 receiver device optimized to provide a two chip solution for a synchronous V.FAST V.34 modem serial port when used with the DS8934 5 driver X 3

    OCR Scan
    DSS933 DS8933 DS8934 TIA/EIA-423-B EIA/TIA-232-E S8933 /F/12374-11 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: October 1994 Semiconductor DS8935 LocalTalk Dual Driver/Triple Receiver General Description Features The DS8935 is a dual driver/triple receiver device optimized to provide a single chip solution for a LocalTalk Interface. The device provides one differential TIA/EIA-422 driver,

    OCR Scan
    DS8935 TIA/EIA-422 TIA/EIA-423 16-pin 26LS30 26LS32 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am26LS32B Advanced Micro Devices Quad Differential Line Receiver DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • ±120 mV sensitivity over V in range of 0 V to 5 V ■ ±200 mV sensitivity over V cm range ■ - 7 V to +12 V input voltage range - differential or common mode

    OCR Scan
    Am26LS32B 26LS32 PDF

    26LS32 ic internal diagram

    Abstract: 26ls34 26LS32B
    Text: Advanced Micro Devices Am26LS34 Quad Differential Line Receiver DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Meets all requirements of EIA Standards RS-442, RS-423, CCITT V.10 and V.11, and the new party line standard In development under EIA Project Number 1360. ■ Maximum guarantees for tpD skew.

    OCR Scan
    Am26LS34 RS-442, RS-423, Am26LS32/32B/33 26LS32 26LS32 ic internal diagram 26ls34 26LS32B PDF

    IC AM26LS31

    Abstract: AM26LS31 IL-STD-883C
    Text: Advanced Micro Devices Am26LS31 Quad High Speed Differential Line Driver DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Output skew - 2.0 ns typical Complementary outputs ■ Input to output delay - 12 ns Meets the requirements of EIA standard RS-422 ■ Operation from single +5 V supply

    OCR Scan
    Am26LS31 16-pin RS-422 5392-009A 05392-007B IC AM26LS31 IL-STD-883C PDF


    Abstract: AM26LS32 line driver 26ls31 AM26LS33PC
    Text: Quad Differential Line Receivers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Input voltage range of 15V differential or common mode on Am26LS33; 7V (differential or common mode) on Am26LS32 - ±0.2V sensitivity over the input voltage range on Am26LS32; - ±0.5V sensitivity on Am26LS33

    OCR Scan
    Am26LS32/Am26LS33 Am26LS33 Am26LS32 RS-422 RS-423 line driver 26ls31 AM26LS33PC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 26LS30 Dual Differential RS-422 Party Line/Quad Single Ended RS-423 Line Driver DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION • Dual RS-422 line driver or quad RS-423 line driver • Driver outputs do not clamp line with power oft or in hi-impedance state

    OCR Scan
    RS-422 RS-423 Am26LS30 DS16/3691 AM26LS30DM PDF


    Abstract: AM26LS33PC
    Text: Advanced Micro Devices Am26LS32/Am26LS33 Quad Differential Line Receivers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • The Am26LS32 meets all the requirements of RS-422 and RS-423 ■ Input voltage range of 15 V differential or common mode on Am26LS33; 7 V (differential

    OCR Scan
    Am26LS32/Am26LS33 Am26LS33 Am26LS32 RS-422 RS-423 0S399C CP-17M-9/93-0 l0925 AM26LS33PC PDF