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    Rochester Electronics LLC 26LS29-BEA

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    DigiKey 26LS29-BEA Bulk 6
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    • 10 $59.74
    • 100 $59.74
    • 1000 $59.74
    • 10000 $59.74
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    Rochester Electronics LLC AM26LS29PC

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    DigiKey AM26LS29PC Bulk 169
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    • 1000 $1.78
    • 10000 $1.78
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    Rochester Electronics LLC 26LS29DM-B

    IC QUAD RS423
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    DigiKey 26LS29DM-B Bulk 6
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    • 10 $53.11
    • 100 $53.11
    • 1000 $53.11
    • 10000 $53.11
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    Rochester Electronics LLC AM26LS29JC

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    DigiKey AM26LS29JC Bulk 115
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    • 1000 $2.61
    • 10000 $2.61
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    Rochester Electronics LLC AM26LS29-BFA

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    DigiKey AM26LS29-BFA Bulk 10
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    • 10 $31.05
    • 100 $31.05
    • 1000 $31.05
    • 10000 $31.05
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    26LS29 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 26ls29
    Text: Am26LS34 Am26LS34 Quad Differential Line Receiver DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Meets all requirements of EIA Standards RS-422, RS423, CCITT V.10 and V.11, and the new party line standard in development under EIA Project Number 1360. ±200mV sensitivity over input voltage range

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    Am26LS34 RS-422, RS423, 200mV 150mV 12ki2 120mV 300mV Am26LS32/32B/33 26ls29 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am26LS30 Am26LS30 Dual Differential RS-422 Party Line/Quad Single Ended RS-423 Line Driver DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • • Dual RS-422 line driver or quad RS-423 line driver Driver outputs do not clamp line with power off or in hiimpedance state

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    Am26LS30 RS-422 RS-423 35mW/driver 26mW/driver PDF


    Abstract: 26LS30 DIP 16 DRAWING Advanced Micro Devices AM26LS30 26LS32 26LS33 RS-423 TTL AM26LS32 CF016
    Text: ZI Am26LS30 Dual D ifferen tial R S -422 P arty L in e/Q u ad S ingle Ended RS-423 Line D river Advanced Micro Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Dual RS-422 line driver or quad RS-423 line driver ■ Individual slew rate control for each output ■ 50 Cl transmission line drive capability RS-422

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    Am26LS30 RS-422 RS-423 DS16/3691 4600-011A 26ls29 26LS30 DIP 16 DRAWING Advanced Micro Devices 26LS32 26LS33 TTL AM26LS32 CF016 PDF

    26ls32 similar

    Abstract: 26ls29 kss delay line ci 26ls32 ci 26ls32 smd 26ls34 26LS30 26LS32 26LS33 AM26LS34
    Text: a Advanced Micro Devices Am26LS34 Quad Differential Line Receiver DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Maximum guarantees for tPD skew. • Meets all requirements of EIA Standards RS-442, RS-423, CCITT V.10 and V.11, and the new party line standard in development under

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    Am26LS34 RS-442, RS-423, Am26LS32B 26LS32 26ls32 similar 26ls29 kss delay line ci 26ls32 ci 26ls32 smd 26ls34 26LS30 26LS33 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: s Am26LS32/Am26LS33 Advanced Micro Devices Quad Differential Line Receivers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Input voltage range of 15 V differential or common mode on Am26LS33; 7 V (differential or common mode) on Am26LS32 The Am26LS32 meets all the requirements of

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    Am26LS32/Am26LS33 Am26LS33 Am26LS32 RS-422 RS-423 q320B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am26LS32B Advanced Micro Devices Quad Differential Line Receiver DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • ±120 mV sensitivity over V in range of 0 V to 5 V ■ ±200 mV sensitivity over V cm range ■ - 7 V to +12 V input voltage range - differential or common mode

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    Am26LS32B 26LS32 PDF

    26LS32 ic internal diagram

    Abstract: 26ls34 26LS32B
    Text: Advanced Micro Devices Am26LS34 Quad Differential Line Receiver DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Meets all requirements of EIA Standards RS-442, RS-423, CCITT V.10 and V.11, and the new party line standard In development under EIA Project Number 1360. ■ Maximum guarantees for tpD skew.

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    Am26LS34 RS-442, RS-423, Am26LS32/32B/33 26LS32 26LS32 ic internal diagram 26ls34 26LS32B PDF


    Abstract: AM26LS32 line driver 26ls31 AM26LS33PC
    Text: Quad Differential Line Receivers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Input voltage range of 15V differential or common mode on Am26LS33; 7V (differential or common mode) on Am26LS32 - ±0.2V sensitivity over the input voltage range on Am26LS32; - ±0.5V sensitivity on Am26LS33

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    Am26LS32/Am26LS33 Am26LS33 Am26LS32 RS-422 RS-423 line driver 26ls31 AM26LS33PC PDF


    Abstract: AM26LS33PC
    Text: Advanced Micro Devices Am26LS32/Am26LS33 Quad Differential Line Receivers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • The Am26LS32 meets all the requirements of RS-422 and RS-423 ■ Input voltage range of 15 V differential or common mode on Am26LS33; 7 V (differential

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    Am26LS32/Am26LS33 Am26LS33 Am26LS32 RS-422 RS-423 0S399C CP-17M-9/93-0 l0925 AM26LS33PC PDF


    Abstract: 5962-8767001EX 5962-8767001FX RS-423 AM26LS29
    Text: f D IS T R IB U T IO N S T A T E M E N T A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. D E S C FORM 193 MAY 86 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. T h is drawing describes device requirements fo r c la s s B m ic ro c irc u its in accordance w ith 1.2.1 o f MIL-STD-883, "P ro v is io n s f o r the use o f MIL-STD-883 in conjunction w ith com pliant

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    MIL-STD-883, MIL-STD-883 MIL-M-38510 26LS29 RS-423 5962-8767001EX Am26LS29/BEA 5962-8767001FX Am26LS29/BFA AM26LS29 PDF


    Abstract: 26LS32 ic internal diagram AM26LS32 LS32 line driver 26LS30 5962-7802001 26LS32 application note 26LS31 26LS31 26LS33
    Text: a Advanced Micro Devices Am26LS32/Am26LS33 Quad Differential Line Receivers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Input voltage range of 15 V differential or common mode on Am26LS33; 7 V (differential or common mode) on Am26LS32 - ■ 200 mV sensitivity over the input voltage

    OCR Scan
    Am26LS32/Am26LS33 Am26LS33 Am26LS32 RS-422 RS-423 26ls29 26LS32 ic internal diagram LS32 line driver 26LS30 5962-7802001 26LS32 application note 26LS31 26LS31 26LS33 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Vitw 'i 1 Cl Advanced Micro Devices Am26LS34 Quad Differential Line Receiver DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Meets all requirements of EIA Standards RS-442, RS-423, CCITT V.10 and V.11, and the new party line standard in development under EIA Project Number 1360.

    OCR Scan
    Am26LS34 RS-442, RS-423, 120mV 300mV Am26LS32/32B/33 1763A 07320B 26ls34 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NOV 2 1 19#^ Am26LS30 Dual Differential RS-422 Party Line/Quad Single Ended RS-423 Line Driver Advanced Micro Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Dual RS-422 line driver or quad RS-423 line driver ■ Driver outputs do not clamp line with power off or in hi-impedance state

    OCR Scan
    Am26LS30 RS-422 RS-423 RS-423 RS-422 07319B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ZI Am26LS30 Advanced Micro Devices Dual Differential RS-422 Party Line/Quad Single Ended RS-423 Line Driver DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Dual RS-422 line driver or quad RS-423 line driver ■ Driver outputs do not clamp line with power off or in hi-impedance state

    OCR Scan
    Am26LS30 RS-422 RS-423 DS16/3691 4600-009A PDF


    Abstract: 26ls29 26LS30 26LS33 AM26LS34 RS-423 AM26LS32
    Text: Advanced Micro Devices Am26LS34 Quad Differential Line Receiver DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Meets all requirements of EIA Standards RS-442, RS-423, CCITT V.10 and V.11, and the new party line standard in development under EIA Project Number 1360. Maximum guarantees for tPD skew.

    OCR Scan
    Am26LS34 RS-442, RS-423, 12kii 120mV 300mV Am26LS32/32B/33 26LS32 26ls29 26LS30 26LS33 RS-423 AM26LS32 PDF


    Abstract: AM26LS32BPC quad line receiver
    Text: Am26LS32B Am26LS32B Quad Differential Line Receiver DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • ±100mV sensitivity over Vin range of OV to 5V • ±Z00mV sensitivity over Vcm range • -7V to +12V input voltage range - differential common mode • Guaranteed input voltage hysteresis limits

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    Am26LS32B 100mV Z00mV 200mV RS-422 RS-423, AM26LS32BPC quad line receiver PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Advanced Micro Devices 26LS29 Quad Three-State Single Ended RS-423 Line Driver DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Four single ended line drivers in one package for maxim um package density ■ Output short-circuit protection ■ Individual rise tim e control for each output

    OCR Scan
    Am26LS29 RS-423 20-Pin 16-Pin 26ls29 PDF


    Abstract: application note 26LS32
    Text: 26LS29 Quad Three-State Single Ended RS-423 Line Driver Advanced Micro Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Three-state outputs for bus oriented systems ■ Outputs do not clamp line with power off. Outputs are in high-impedance state over entire transmission line voltage range of RS-423

    OCR Scan
    Am26LS29 RS-423 RS-423 26mW/driver 9-007A -009A 26ls29 application note 26LS32 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NOV 2 i '991*1 Am26LS32B Advanced Micro Devices Quad Differential Line Receiver DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • ±120 mV sensitivity over Vin range of 0 V to 5 V ■ ¿200 mV sensitivity over Vcm range ■ -7 V to +12 V input voltage range - differential or

    OCR Scan
    Am26LS32B 07320B 26LS32B 07318C 06957B 1763A PDF


    Abstract: AM26LS30 CROSS REFERENCE
    Text: USE OF THE 26LS29, 30, 31 and 32 QUAD DRIVER/RECEIVER FAMILY IN EIA RS-422 AND 423 APPLICATIONS By David A. Laws and Roy J. Levy INTRODUCTION EIA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS T o d a y 's h ig h -p e rfo rm a n c e data p ro c e s s in g s ystem s d e ­ m a nd s ig n ific a n tly faster data c o m m u n ic a tio n s rates than

    OCR Scan
    Am26LS29 RS-422 RS-232 RS-423 RS232C, 26ls29 AM26LS30 CROSS REFERENCE PDF

    74LS189 equivalent

    Abstract: 74LS200 AmZ8036 Z8104 74LS300 AM9511 Am2505 27s13 54S244 27LS00
    Text: Advanced Micro Devices Condensed Catalog 1981 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Advanced Micro Devices reserves the right to make changes in its products without notice in order to improve design or performance characteristics. The company assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuits described herein.

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    AMD-599 LM101 SN54LS01 132nd 74LS189 equivalent 74LS200 AmZ8036 Z8104 74LS300 AM9511 Am2505 27s13 54S244 27LS00 PDF


    Abstract: 26ls29 AM26LS34 26LS30 26ls32 similar 26LS32 pin diagram ci 26ls32 smd 26LS33 RS-423
    Text: ViO'/ 2 1 1«j Cl Advanced Micro Devices Am26LS34 Quad Differential Line Receiver DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS •- Meets all requirements of EIA Standards RS-442, RS-423, CCITT V.10 and V.11, and the new party line standard in development under EIA Project Number 1360.

    OCR Scan
    Am26LS34 RS-442, RS-423, 120mV 300mV Am26LS32/32B/33 DESCRIPT497 1763A 07320B 26LS32 26ls29 26LS30 26ls32 similar 26LS32 pin diagram ci 26ls32 smd 26LS33 RS-423 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 26LS29 QUAD THREE-STATE SINGLE ENDED RS-423 LINE DRIVER Feature • Four single ended line drivers in one package for maximum package density • Output, short-circuit protection • Individual rise time control for each output • 50i2 transmission line drive capability

    OCR Scan
    GD26LS29 RS-423 26mW/driver RS-423 450S2, 26ls29 PDF


    Abstract: smd 15d 3 pin smd 24c 26LS30 26LS33 RS-423 AM26LS32BPC
    Text: NOV 2 i a Am26LS32B Advanced Micro Devices Quad Differential Line Receiver DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • ±120 mV sensitivity over Vin range of 0 V to 5 V ■ ±200 mV sensitivity over Vcm range ■ -7 V to +12 V input voltage range-differential or common mode

    OCR Scan
    Am26LS32B RS-422 07318c 06957B 1763A 26ls29 smd 15d 3 pin smd 24c 26LS30 26LS33 RS-423 AM26LS32BPC PDF