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    250 VOLT NPN TRANSISTOR Search Results

    250 VOLT NPN TRANSISTOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TPCP8515 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PS-8 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    250 VOLT NPN TRANSISTOR Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    BC337-25 PNP transistor download datasheet

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR BC337-25 PNP 2N3906 Darlington transistor TRANSISTOR BC327-40 BC546B SOT23 transistor transistor bc548b BC338-40 BC556A NPN Transistor BC548B TRANSISTOR BC337-25
    Text: Small-Signal Bipolar Transistors Package Thru-hole TO-92 VCEO 4 (Volt) 20 NPN TO-92 PNP Surface Mount SOT-23 SOT-23 NPN GS9012 500 64 202 2N4126 200 120 360 1V / 2mA 500 100 250 1V / 100mA BC818-25 BC808-25 500 160 400 1V / 100mA BC818-40 BC808-40 500 250

    OT-23 GS9013 GS9012 2N4124 2N4126 100mA BC818-16 BC808-16 BC818-25 BC337-25 PNP transistor download datasheet TRANSISTOR BC337-25 PNP 2N3906 Darlington transistor TRANSISTOR BC327-40 BC546B SOT23 transistor transistor bc548b BC338-40 BC556A NPN Transistor BC548B TRANSISTOR BC337-25 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: , iJnc. 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. TELEPHONE: 973 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 BLV11 NPN SILICON RF POWER TRANSISTOR DESCRIPTION: BLV11 is Designed for Class C, 12.5 Volt operation in FM Amplifier Applications up to 250 MHz.

    BLV11 BLV11 175MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BLV11 NPN SILICON RF POWER TRANSISTOR DESCRIPTION: The ASI BLV11 is Designed for Class C, 12.5 Volt operation in FM Amplifier Applications up to 250 MHz. FEATURES INCLUDE: • PG = 9.0 dB Typical at 175 MHz • Emitter Ballasting • Omnigold Metalization System

    BLV11 BLV11 ASI10492 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: STD1664 NPN Silicon Transistor PIN Connection Description • Medium power am plifier applicat ion Features • PC Collect or pow er dissipat ion = 1W ( Ceram ic subst at e of 250 x 0.8t used) • Low collect or sat urat ion volt age : VCE( sat ) = 0.15V( Typ.)

    STD1664 STB1132 OT-89 KSD-T5B009-001 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: STD1766 NPN Silicon Transistor Descriptions • Medium power am plifier PIN Connection Features • PC Collect or pow er dissipat ion = 2W ( Ceram ic subst rat e of 250 x 0.8t used) • Low collect or sat urat ion volt age : VCE( sat ) = 0.5V( Typ.) • Com plem ent ary pair wit h STB1188

    STD1766 STB1188 OT-89 KSD-T5B004-003 PDF


    Abstract: D207L
    Text: Products Search Home About Us Products Category Product News Application Message to Us Contact Us You are Here : >Home>Product Showcase > Transistor pair Products Show Diode Bridge Superfast Diode Ultrafast Diode FRD Diode STD Diode Schottky Diode Transil/TVS

    O-126 2SC3679 2SC3680 BU508AS BU508A 2SC4747 2SC4430 2SC3996 2SC3997 2SC3998 D1151 D207L PDF


    Abstract: D4515 d4515 transistor d209l D207L D1151 BUS14 D208L transistor D207L transistor D208L
    Text: Products Search Home About Us Product News Application Message to Us Contact Us Power Supply| Lighting| Appliances| Automotive| Products Category You are Here : >Home>Product Showcase > Transistors/IC Products Show Diode Bridge Superfast Diode Ultrafast Diode

    O-126 O-126 D1160 2SC3320 BUS13 D211L 2SC2623 2N6678 D304X D4515 d4515 transistor d209l D207L D1151 BUS14 D208L transistor D207L transistor D208L PDF


    Abstract: d209l transistor D208L
    Text: Products Search Home Products Category About Us Product News Application Message to Us Contact Us You are Here : >Home>Product Showcase > Transistors/IC Products Show Diode Bridge Superfast Diode Ultrafast Diode FRD Diode STD Diode Schottky Diode Transil/TVS

    O-126 D1148D D1151 D1160 D1173A BUT11A D4515 2SC3320 BUS13 d4515 d209l transistor D208L PDF


    Abstract: MRF9282 MRF1510 triac MAC 97 AB MSB81T1 solid state 220 volt stabilizer circuit MHW8272 MRF9242 10 amp igbt 1000 volt 100 amp 1200 volt Triac
    Text: NEW PRODUCT CALENDAR and KEY FOCUS PRODUCTS 3Q96 CALCPSTG/D REV 8 This quarterly folder includes information on products by the Communications, Power and Signal Technologies Group CPSTG , which comprises four organizations. These organizations are the RF Semiconductor Division, specializing in low power and high power discrete transistors, hybrid circuits for power amplifiers (modules),



    Abstract: bu508as
    Text: Products Search Home About Us Products Category Product News Application Message to Us Contact Us You are Here : >Home>Product Showcase > Transistors/IC Products Show Diode Bridge Superfast Diode Ultrafast Diode FRD Diode STD Diode Schottky Diode Transil/TVS

    O-126 2SC3679 2SC3680 BU508AS BU508A 2SC4747 2SC4430 2SC3996 2SC3997 BU506AF bu508as PDF

    transistor c 3228

    Abstract: RE5V
    Text: SOT223 NPN SILICON PLANAR M EDIUM POWER HIGH GAIN TRANSISTOR ISSU E 3 - OCTOBER 199S FEATURES * 250 Volt V CE0 * Gain of 500 at lc=100m A * Very low saturation voltage A P P L IC A T IO N S * Darlington replacement * Battery powered circuits P A R T M A R K IN G D ETA IL -

    OCR Scan
    OT223 FZT696B 100mA, 200mA, transistor c 3228 RE5V PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SOT223 NPN SILICON PLANAR M EDIUM POWER HIGH GAIN TRANSISTOR FZT696B ISSU E 3 - OCTOBER 1995 FEATURES * 250 Volt V CE0 * Gain of 500 at lc=100m A * Very low saturation voltage A P P L IC A T IO N S * Darlington replacement * Battery powered circuits P A R T M A R K IN G D E T A IL -

    OCR Scan
    OT223 FZT696B Tamt-25Â Ic-100m 200mA, 100mA, width-300 PDF

    SMD Code 12W SOT23

    Abstract: 12W SMD MARKING CODE smd 2n2907a 2n2222a SOT223 2N2222A smd 6E SMD CODE MPSA42 SMD SMD MARKING CODE 12w smd npn darlington SMD CODE SOT89 lc

    OCR Scan
    OT-89 CBCX68 CBCX69 CXT2222A CXT2907A CXT3019 CXT3904 CXT3906 CXT4033 CXT5401 SMD Code 12W SOT23 12W SMD MARKING CODE smd 2n2907a 2n2222a SOT223 2N2222A smd 6E SMD CODE MPSA42 SMD SMD MARKING CODE 12w smd npn darlington SMD CODE SOT89 lc PDF

    SMD Code 12W SOT-23

    Abstract: CXT5401 BK SMD MARKING CODE 4E C2TA44 SMD MARKING CODE FE sot89 marking code C3E SOT-89 npn smd bc550 smd SMD Code 12W SOT23 marking BH SOT-223 marking da sot89
    Text: SMD Transistors SOT-23 Case U.S. Specification Preferred Series 350mW IM MW MM 30 15 30 e k « >Vcf (VOLTS) m *lFI (VOLTS) MAX 10 15 20 _ 1.0 3.0 NF Vet (SAD< »•c (VOLTS) (mA) MAX C« (pF) MAX (MHz) MM m MAX 0.4 1.7 600 6.0 10 MARKING SttVLAR CODE LEADED

    OCR Scan
    OT-23 350mW CMPT2222A CMPT2369 CMPT24 CMPT2907A CMPT3640 CMPT3646 CMFT3904 CMPT3906 SMD Code 12W SOT-23 CXT5401 BK SMD MARKING CODE 4E C2TA44 SMD MARKING CODE FE sot89 marking code C3E SOT-89 npn smd bc550 smd SMD Code 12W SOT23 marking BH SOT-223 marking da sot89 PDF


    Abstract: smd transistor 5c sot-23 NB ad smd transistor SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 6C SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 5c npn smd dual diode marking code AH sot-23 BC548 TRANSISTOR SMD smd diode ZENER marking code BC marking code diode C1J SMD SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING c1p
    Text: CENTRAL SENICONDUCTOR 50E D • DDDQS11 3Gb ■ CEN SMD Transistors SOT-23 Case U.S. Specification Preferred Series 350mW T Y P E NO. DESCRIPTION BVCBq (VOLTS) MW BV qeo (VOLTS) MIN BVebq (VOLTS) MIN Icbo 1^ V M (nA) (VOLTS) MAX MIN CMPT918 CMPT2222A CMPT2369

    OCR Scan
    DDDQS11 OT-23 350mW CMPT918 CMPT2222A CMPT2369 CMPT2484 CMPT2907A CMPT3640 CMPT3904 1ff TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE smd transistor 5c sot-23 NB ad smd transistor SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 6C SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 5c npn smd dual diode marking code AH sot-23 BC548 TRANSISTOR SMD smd diode ZENER marking code BC marking code diode C1J SMD SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING c1p PDF

    Array resistor 1K

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALA300/301 90 Volt Linear Arrays Description The ALA300 and ALA301 Linear Arrays provide design engineers the means to obtain 90 V semicustom integrated circuits. The single-module array ALA300 consists of 13 vertical NPN and 15 vertical PNP transistors, three 6 pF capacitors, and 1 kO diffused and 10 kQ ion-implanted resistor banks. The quadmodule array (ALA301) is identical to the single-module array (ALA300) but has four times the number of

    OCR Scan
    ALA300/301 ALA300 ALA301 ALA300) ALA301) 3-02A/04 DS89-118LBC DS88-160LBC. Array resistor 1K PDF


    Abstract: smd code marking C2G
    Text: SMD Transistors SOT-23 Case U.S. Specification Preferred Series 350mW TYPE NO. NEW ! NEW ! DESCRIPTION BVC*0 (VOLTS) BVcto (VOUS) w ao (VOLTS) 1 * 0 « S Ve. (VOUS) MM MM MM MAX 10 15 n FE m MM MAX 20 _ « «»V« (VOUS) le m Va< S *n < H (mA) (VOUS) MAX

    OCR Scan
    OT-23 350mW CMPT918 CMPT2222A CMPT2369 CMPT2484 CMPT2907A BC857C BC858 BC858A SMD MARKING CODE C2U smd code marking C2G PDF


    Abstract: npn smd bc550 smd transistor smd 1FT BC5488 smd marking code BC817 BC546 SMD bc816 SMD MARKING CODE C2U SMD MARKING CODE c1l c1g smd
    Text: SMD Transistors SOT-23 Case U.S. Specification Preferred Series 350mW NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! TYPE NO. DESCRIPTION BVC*0 (VOUS) MM BVcto (VOLTS) MM *¥»0 (VOUS) MM 1*0 <8 Ve, (•*) (VOUS) MAX CMPT 918 CMPT2222A CMPT2369 CMPT2484

    OCR Scan
    OT-23 350mW CMPT918 2N918 CMPT2222A 2N2222A CMPT2369 2N2369 CMPT2484 2N2484 BC5578 npn smd bc550 smd transistor smd 1FT BC5488 smd marking code BC817 BC546 SMD bc816 SMD MARKING CODE C2U SMD MARKING CODE c1l c1g smd PDF

    transistor 3904

    Abstract: transistor 2222a transistor 2222a sot 89 sot 23 transistor 70.2 2907a TRANSISTOR PNP pnp transistor 800v 2907A PNP bipolar transistors transistor 5 Amp 700 volt transistor A92 SOT 89 3906 npn
    Text: N e w T o T h e 2 3 E D t T i a N - . . c o M Small Signal Transistors High Current NPN and PNP Transistors in an SOT-23 package. These new small signal transistors provide an increased current capability and high hpE- CMPT491E CMPT591E - 1 Amp Low VCE SAT NPN High Current Transistor See page 338.

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    OT-23 CMPT491E CMPT591E OT-23 OT-223 CMPTA46 CMPTA96 CZTA46 CZTA96 transistor 3904 transistor 2222a transistor 2222a sot 89 sot 23 transistor 70.2 2907a TRANSISTOR PNP pnp transistor 800v 2907A PNP bipolar transistors transistor 5 Amp 700 volt transistor A92 SOT 89 3906 npn PDF


    Abstract: TRSP4015 TRSP2755S TRSP3015 TRSP3015S TRSP3505 TRSP3515S TRSP4015S TRSP4255S TRS4506
    Text: HIGH VOLTAGE flO DE • 4 471D7Ö 00000G7 T SILICON PNP - POWER TRANSISTORS MAX. COLL. DISS. in Free Air #25“ C MAX. THERMAL RES. Junctiqp to Case - h FE BIAS T E M R Watts Is Ic BV cb q BV “ ° BVcE° B V « , @280 U 0118»» (AMP) (AMP) (VOLT) (VO LT) (VOLT)

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    471D7Ã 00000G7 TRSP2755S MD-14 TRSP3015 TRSP3015S TRSP3505 MD14 TRSP4015 TRSP3515S TRSP4015S TRSP4255S TRS4506 PDF

    1000 volt pnp transistor

    Abstract: IC 7424 800 volt PNP transistor
    Text: PRELIMINARY SFT5321/23-28D SOLID STATE DEVICES, INC 14849 Firestone Boulevard • La Mirada,CA 90638 Phone: 714 670-SSDI (7734) • Fax: (714) 522-7424 2 AMP NPN - 2 AMP PNP 75 VOLT NPN - 75 VOLT PNP NPN AND PNP BIPOLAR COMPLEMENTARY TRANSISTOR Designer’s Data Sheet

    OCR Scan
    670-SSDI SFT5321/23-28D 500mA, 500mA) 10MHz) 1000 volt pnp transistor IC 7424 800 volt PNP transistor PDF

    bux diode

    Abstract: 607d buw24 BU409 326S 408D BU-406D BU407D bux 406 BUX97
    Text: POWER TRANSISTORS continued > UJ o 2 _o VO < > X CD E (TJ o <sD <£9 < > m 3. o LO CsJ < II CD o ~o § LlJ > u 1- PACKAGE D E S C R IP T IO N P O L A R IT Y (A) o a 3 A TYPE High voltage for switching applications O □ CL. BU 326S N PN High vo It. switch

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    O-220 BU407D* BUW24 BUX97 BUX97A bux diode 607d BU409 326S 408D BU-406D BU407D bux 406 PDF

    transistor b722

    Abstract: b863 tc 144e Transistor b861 B861 equivalent transistor TT 3034 A771 TRANSISTOR B861 transistor DTC103 transistor TT 3034
    Text: DTA/DTB/DTC/DTD DIGITAL TRANSISTOR APPLICATION: • EQUIVALENT CIRCUITS: Inverter, Driver & Interface Circuits FEATURES; w w w . Datasheet. i n • Replaces up to three parts 1 transistor & 2 resis­ tors with one part • Available in a variety of surface mount or leaded

    OCR Scan

    equivalent transistor TT 3034

    Abstract: transistor TT 3034 A771 TRANSISTOR transistor b722 124e transistor Transistor b865 tc 144e DTC1132 B718 TRANSISTOR 124E
    Text: DTA/DTB/DTC/DTD DIGITAL TRANSISTOR APPLICATION: • EQUIVALENT CIRCUITS: Inverter, D river & Interface Circuits FEATURES; w w w . Datasheet. i n • Replaces up to three parts 1 transistor & 2 resis­ tors with one part • Available in a variety of surface mount or leaded

    OCR Scan