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    CBCX69 Search Results

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    CBCX69 Price and Stock

    Central Semiconductor Corp CBCX69-TR-PBFREE

    TRANS PNP 20V 1A SOT-89
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey CBCX69-TR-PBFREE Cut Tape 415 1
    • 1 $2.07
    • 10 $1.322
    • 100 $2.07
    • 1000 $0.71128
    • 10000 $0.71128
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    CBCX69-TR-PBFREE Digi-Reel 415 1
    • 1 $2.07
    • 10 $1.322
    • 100 $2.07
    • 1000 $0.71128
    • 10000 $0.71128
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    CBCX69-TR-PBFREE Reel 1,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $0.65243
    • 10000 $0.55
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    Central Semiconductor Corp CBCX69 TR

    Trans GP BJT PNP 20V 1A 3-Pin SOT-89 T/R - Tape and Reel (Alt: CBCX69 TR)
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Avnet Americas CBCX69 TR Reel 1,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 -
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    Central Semiconductor Corp CBCX69 TR PBFREE

    Transistor GP BJT PNP 20V 1mA 3-Pin SOT-89 T/R - Tape and Reel (Alt: CBCX69 TR PBFREE)
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Avnet Americas CBCX69 TR PBFREE Reel 2,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $0.5247
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    Mouser Electronics CBCX69 TR PBFREE 117
    • 1 $1.89
    • 10 $1.28
    • 100 $0.872
    • 1000 $0.652
    • 10000 $0.55
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    CBCX69 Datasheets (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    CBCX69TR Central Semiconductor TRANS GP BJT PNP 20V 1A 4SOT-89 T/R Original PDF
    CBCX69 TR Central Semiconductor Discrete Semiconductor Products - Transistors - Bipolar (BJT) - Single - TRANS PNP 25V SOT89 Original PDF
    CBCX69 TR PBFREE Central Semiconductor TRANS PNP 25V SOT89 Original PDF

    CBCX69 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: CBCX68 CBCX69-16 transistor code r8
    Text: CBCX68 SERIES NPN CBCX69 SERIES PNP SURFACE MOUNT COMPLEMENTARY SILICON SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS Central TM Semiconductor Corp. DESCRIPTION: The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CBCX68, CBCX69 types are complementary silicon transistor manufactured by epitaxial planar

    CBCX68 CBCX69 CBCX68, OT-89 100mA 500mA CBCX69) CBCX69-16 transistor code r8 PDF


    Abstract: CBCX69
    Text: CBCX68 NPN CBCX69 PNP SURFACE MOUNT COMPLEMENTARY SILICON SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS Central TM Semiconductor Corp. DESCRIPTION: The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CBCX68, CBCX69 types are complementary silicon transistor manufactured by epitaxial planar process, epoxy molded in a surface mount

    CBCX68 CBCX69 CBCX68, OT-89 20MHz 20-May PDF

    transistor marking NA 85

    Abstract: CBCX68 CBCX69 diode sot-89 marking code marking codes small signal transistors datasheet sot-89 marking code
    Text: CBCX68 NPN CBCX69 PNP SURFACE MOUNT COMPLEMENTARY SILICON SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS Central TM Semiconductor Corp. DESCRIPTION: The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CBCX68, CBCX69 types are complementary silicon transistor manufactured by epitaxial planar process, epoxy molded in a surface mount

    CBCX68 CBCX69 CBCX68, OT-89 100mA 500mA 20MHz 20-February transistor marking NA 85 diode sot-89 marking code marking codes small signal transistors datasheet sot-89 marking code PDF

    marking R11 sot

    Abstract: PART MARKING R11 CBCX68 CBCX69
    Text: CBCX68 SERIES NPN CBCX69 SERIES PNP w w w. c e n t r a l s e m i . c o m SURFACE MOUNT COMPLEMENTARY SILICON SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS DESCRIPTION: The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CBCX68 and CBCX69 series types are complementary silicon transistors manufactured by the epitaxial planar

    CBCX68 CBCX69 OT-89 100mA 500mA CBCX68, CBCX69) marking R11 sot PART MARKING R11 PDF


    Abstract: CBCX69
    Text: Central CBCX68 CBCX69 TM Semiconductor Corp. SILICON COMPLEMENTARY SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS DESCRIPTION: The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CBCX68, CBCX69 types are complementary silicon transistor manufactured by epitaxial planar process, epoxy molded in a surface mount

    CBCX68 CBCX69 CBCX68, CBCX69 OT-89 100mA 500mA 20MHz 19-December CBCX68 PDF


    Abstract: CBCX68 marking code r10 surface mount diode CBCX69-16
    Text: CBCX68 SERIES NPN CBCX69 SERIES PNP SURFACE MOUNT COMPLEMENTARY SILICON SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS w w w. c e n t r a l s e m i . c o m DESCRIPTION: The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CBCX68 and CBCX69 series types are complementary silicon transistors manufactured by the epitaxial planar

    CBCX68 CBCX69 OT-89 100mA 500mA CBCX68, CBCX69) marking code r10 surface mount diode CBCX69-16 PDF


    Abstract: CBCX69 CBCX69-16 PACKAGE MARKING R9
    Text: CBCX68 SERIES NPN CBCX69 SERIES PNP SURFACE MOUNT COMPLEMENTARY SILICON SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS Central TM Semiconductor Corp. DESCRIPTION: The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CBCX68 and CBCX69 series types are complementary silicon transistors manufactured by the epitaxial planar

    CBCX68 CBCX69 OT-89 100mA 500mA CBCX68, CBCX69) CBCX69-16 PACKAGE MARKING R9 PDF


    Abstract: CBCX68
    Text: CBCX68 SERIES NPN CBCX69 SERIES PNP w w w. c e n t r a l s e m i . c o m SURFACE MOUNT COMPLEMENTARY SILICON SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS DESCRIPTION: The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CBCX68 and CBCX69 series types are complementary silicon transistors manufactured by the epitaxial planar

    CBCX68 CBCX69 OT-89 100mA 500mA CBCX68, CBCX69) PDF

    ny transistor

    Abstract: transistor mps750
    Text: PROCESS CP714 Small Signal Transistor PNP - High Current Transistor Chip PROCESS DETAILS Process EPITAXIAL PLANAR Die Size 40 x 40 MILS Die Thickness 9.0 MILS Base Bonding Pad Area 7.9 x 8.7 MILS Emitter Bonding Pad Area 9.0 x 14 MILS Top Side Metalization

    CP714 CBCP69 CBCX69 CZT751 MPS750 MPS751 23-August 200ignal ny transistor transistor mps750 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Central' CBCX68 NPN CBCX69 PNP Sem iconductor Corp. SILICON COMPLEMENTARY SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS DESCRIPTION % The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CBCX68, CBCX69 types are complementary silicon transistor manufactured by the epitaxial planar process, epoxy molded in a surface mount

    OCR Scan
    CBCX68 CBCX69 CBCX68, OT-89 100mA 500mA 20MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Central CBCX68NPN CBCX69 PNP semiconductor Corp. SILICON COMPLEMENTARY SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS DESCRIPTION The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CBCX68, CBCX69 types are complementary silicon transistor manufactured by the epitaxial planar process, epoxy molded in a surface mount

    OCR Scan
    CBCX68NPN CBCX69 CBCX68, OT-89 10jxA 100mA 000171e 500mA 20MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Central C BCX68NPN C B C X 6 9 PNP semiconductor Corp. SILICON COMPLEMENTARY SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS DESCRIPTION The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CBCX68, CBCX69 types are complem entary silicon transistor manufactured by the epitaxial planar process, epoxy molded in a surface mount

    OCR Scan
    BCX68NPN CBCX68, CBCX69 OT-89 500mA 20MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Central" CBCX68 NPN CBCX69 PNP Semiconductor Corp. SILICON COMPLEMENTARY SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS DESCRIPTION The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CBCX68, CBCX69 types are complementary silicon transistor manufactured by the epitaxial planar process, epoxy molded in a surface mount

    OCR Scan
    CBCX68 CBCX69 CBCX68, OT-89 100mA 500mA 20MHz PDF


    Abstract: CBCX68
    Text: Central CBCX68 NPN CBCX69 PNP semiconductor Corp. SILICON COMPLEMENTARY SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS DESCRIPTION The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CBCX68, CBCX69 types are complementary silicon transistor manufactured by the epitaxial planar process, epoxy molded in a surface mount

    OCR Scan
    CBCX68, CBCX69 CBCX68 OT-89 500mA 20MHz PDF

    SOT-89 marking BC

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR BC 187 pnp on TRANSISTOR BC 187 on BC 187 TRANSISTOR bc 187 npn transistor CBCX69
    Text: Central CBCX68 NPN CBCX69 PNP Semiconductor Corp. SURFACE MOUNT COMPLEMENTARY SILICON SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS DESCRIPTION: The CENTRAL SEM ICO NDUCTO R CBCX68, C BC X69 types are complementary silicon transistor manufactured by epitaxial planar process, epoxy molded in a surface mount

    OCR Scan
    CBCX68 CBCX69 CBCX68, OT-89 CP314/CP714, 20-February OT-89 SOT-89 marking BC TRANSISTOR BC 187 pnp on TRANSISTOR BC 187 on BC 187 TRANSISTOR bc 187 npn transistor PDF


    Abstract: cmhd3595 cmkt5088 PTA44 z2l4 ut3906 KT2907A KT2207 CMXDM7002A PT3904
    Text: Characteristic Curve maex Central Part # Central Process# 2N7002 BAS56 BCX51 thru BCX53 BCX54 thru B CX56 BZX84C2V4 thru BZX84C6V2 BZX84C6V8 thru BZX84C51 CBCP68 CBCP69 CBCX68 CBCX69 CCLH M 080 thru CCLH M 150 CCLM 0035 thru CCLM 5750 C JD 31C CJD 32 C CJD 41 C

    OCR Scan
    2N7002 BAS56 BCX51 BCX53 BCX54 BZX84C2V4 BZX84C6V2 BZX84C6V8 BZX84C51 CBCP68 CP592 cmhd3595 cmkt5088 PTA44 z2l4 ut3906 KT2907A KT2207 CMXDM7002A PT3904 PDF


    Abstract: CBCX68
    Text: Central“ CBCX68 NPN CBCX69 PNP Sem iconductor Corp. SILICON COMPLEMENTARY SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS DESCRIPTION The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CBCX68, CBCX69 types are complementary silicon transistor manufactu red by the epitaxial planar process, epoxy molded in a surface mount

    OCR Scan
    CBCX68 CBCX69 CBCX68, 150OC 100mA -500mA N20Mttz PDF


    Abstract: CBCX69
    Text: Central“ CBCX68 NPN CBCX69 PNP Semiconductor Corp. SURFACE MOUNT COMPLEMENTARY SILICON SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS DESCRIPTION: The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CBCX68, CBCX69 types are complementary silicon transistor manufactured by epitaxial planar process, epoxy molded in a surface mount

    OCR Scan
    CBCX68 CBCX69 CBCX68, OT-89 CBCX68 CBCX69, 20-February 314 MARKING CODE SOT89 PDF

    SMD Code 12W SOT23

    Abstract: 12W SMD MARKING CODE smd 2n2907a 2n2222a SOT223 2N2222A smd 6E SMD CODE MPSA42 SMD SMD MARKING CODE 12w smd npn darlington SMD CODE SOT89 lc

    OCR Scan
    OT-89 CBCX68 CBCX69 CXT2222A CXT2907A CXT3019 CXT3904 CXT3906 CXT4033 CXT5401 SMD Code 12W SOT23 12W SMD MARKING CODE smd 2n2907a 2n2222a SOT223 2N2222A smd 6E SMD CODE MPSA42 SMD SMD MARKING CODE 12w smd npn darlington SMD CODE SOT89 lc PDF

    TRIAC 97A6

    Abstract: S0805BH 13003 TRANSISTOR TO220 equivalent triacs bt 804 600v Triac bt 808 600C Diode SOT-23 marking 15d zener diode 1N PH 48 6Bs smd transistor Z0409MF equivalent BT 808 600C
    Text: Central Semiconductor Corp. Represented iSIGNTBOHICS B y: TORONTO I Regan Road, Unit 13, Bram pton, O ntario L7A 1B8 Tel: 905-846-1100 Fax:905-846-7116 E -m a il: d e s ig n tr< a id ire c t.c o m OTTAW A 21 Pine Bluff Trail, Stittsville, O ntario K2S 1E1

    OCR Scan
    OD-80 OD-323 OT-23 OT-89 OT-143 OT-223 OT-323 TRIAC 97A6 S0805BH 13003 TRANSISTOR TO220 equivalent triacs bt 804 600v Triac bt 808 600C Diode SOT-23 marking 15d zener diode 1N PH 48 6Bs smd transistor Z0409MF equivalent BT 808 600C PDF


    Abstract: CMZ5930B CMZ5945B CMZ5947B Transistor 1602c BC327/transistor bc547 bk 045 CMPZ4618 CMPZ4614 CMZ5948B CMZ5936B
    Text: Small Signal Transistors U.S Specifications Preferred Series SOT-23 Case, 350mW (Continued on next page) b v Ce o b v ebo •SVcES 'CBO VCB *'CEV ® VCE (V) (V) (V) (V) (nA) j MIN M.N MIN MAX 1 hFE @ IC ® VCE (mA) MIN 1 General Purpose Amplifiers/Switches

    OCR Scan
    OT-23 350mW CMPT8099 CMPT2222A OT-23 OT-223 OT-89 CQ89D CQ89DS CMPS5061 CMPZ4124 CMZ5930B CMZ5945B CMZ5947B Transistor 1602c BC327/transistor bc547 bk 045 CMPZ4618 CMPZ4614 CMZ5948B CMZ5936B PDF

    6CW 62

    Abstract: BYM 268 6CW 59 CMR1U-02M CMSD4448 DAN202VAK bcw 918 CMPS5064 44H11 S02222
    Text: index/Cross Reference Industry Part Number Central Part Number 10BQ015 CMSH1-20ML CMR1U-02M CMSH1-40M EM 66 10MF2 10MQ040 EM EM 63 66 10MQ060 CMSH1-60M EM 66 1N6478 1N6479 CMR1-02M CMR1-02M EM EM 61 Code Selection Guide Industry Part Number Data Sheet 292

    OCR Scan
    10BQ015 10MF2 10MQ040 10MQ060 1N6478 1N6479 1N6481 1N6482 1N6483 1N6484 6CW 62 BYM 268 6CW 59 CMR1U-02M CMSD4448 DAN202VAK bcw 918 CMPS5064 44H11 S02222 PDF

    BAT 13003 D

    Abstract: SMBJ5.OCA bat 13003 em 434 CMHD3595 CMR1U-02M CMSD4448 CMPS5064 CMPSH-3SE CMSH3-40
    Text: index/Cross Reference Industry Part Number Central Part Number CMXD4448 1MN10 10BQ015 CMSH1-20ML CMR1U-02M 10MF2 10MQ040 CMSH1-40M 10MQ060 CMSH1-60M 1N6478 CMR1-02M 1N6479 CMR1-02M 1N6481 CMR1-04M 1N6482 CMR1-06M 1N6483 CMR1-10M CMR1-10M 1N6484 1S2835 CMPD2836

    OCR Scan
    30WQ03F 30WQ04F 30WQ05F 30WQ06F 50WF10F 50WF20F 50WF30F 50WF40F BAL99 BAR42 BAT 13003 D SMBJ5.OCA bat 13003 em 434 CMHD3595 CMR1U-02M CMSD4448 CMPS5064 CMPSH-3SE CMSH3-40 PDF


    Abstract: 6CW66 BC5588 BC8488 TRANSISTOR bc5508 1GW NPN 8C546 smd transistor marking 1gw 1gw transistor SMD Transistors 1gw
    Text: Selection Guide Page Small Signal Transistors 42 Small Signal MOSFETs 43 Junction FETs 44 Power Transistors 49 Switching Diodes 50 Schottky Diodes 51 Low Leakage Diodes 52 Stabistor Diodes 52 Zener Diodes 53 Transient Voltage Suppressors TVS 57 Current Limiting Diodes

    OCR Scan
    OT-23 350mW CMPTB099 CMPT2222A trK1000V) CMPS5064 OT-23 OT-89 CQ89D CQ89M BC5508 6CW66 BC5588 BC8488 TRANSISTOR bc5508 1GW NPN 8C546 smd transistor marking 1gw 1gw transistor SMD Transistors 1gw PDF