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    Siemens HYB5117400BJ60

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    ComSIT USA HYB5117400BJ60 135
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    17400BJ Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: Q67100-Q982 514100BJ
    Text: SIEMENS 4M X 36-Bit Dynamic RAM Module HYM 364020S/GS-60/-70 Preliminary Inform ation 4 194 304 words by 36-Bit organization alternative 8 388 608 words by 18-bit CAS-before-RAS refresh RAS-only-refresh Hidden-refresh Fast access and cycle time 60 ns access tim e

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    36-Bit 364020S/GS-60/-70 18-bit) S23SbOS 00717B3 Q67100-Q2006 Q67100-Q982 514100BJ PDF


    Abstract: Q67100-Q985
    Text: SIEM EN S 8M x 36-Bit Dynamic RAM Module HYM 368020S/GS-60/-70 Prelim inary Inform ation • 24 decoupling capacitors mounted on substrate 8 388 608 words by 36-bit organization alternative 16 777 216 words by 18-bit All inputs, outputs and clocks fully

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    36-Bit 368020S/GS-60/-70 18-bit) CMOS-132 fl23SbOS Q67100-Q2007 Q67100-Q985 PDF


    Abstract: 402u gm71c17400bj GM71C17400 17400BJ gm71c17400b
    Text: @ LG Semicon. Co. LTD Description Features The GM71C17400B/BL is the new generation dynamic RAM organized 4,194,304 words x 4 Bit. GM71C17400B/BL has realized higher density, higher perform ance and various functions by utilizing advanced CMOS process technology. The GM71C17400B/BL offers Fast

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    GM71C17400B/BL Cl7400B/BL 300mil DDD5D42 GM71CI7400 402u gm71c17400bj GM71C17400 17400BJ gm71c17400b PDF

    bt 33 f

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS 4M X 4-Bit Dynamic RAM 3.3 V, 2k-refresh HYB 17400BJ/BT -50/-60/-70 Prelim inary Inform ation 4 194 304 words by 4-bit organization 0 to 70 ‘C operating temperature Fast access and cycle time RAS access time: 50 ns (-50 version) 60 ns (-60 version)

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    3117400BJ/BT bt 33 f PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS 4M X 4-Bit Dynamic RAM HYB 17400BJ -50/-60/-70 HYB 5117400BT -50/-60/-70 Advanced Inform ation • • • • 4 194 304 w ords by 4-bit organization 0 to 70 "C operating temperature Fast access and cycle time RAS access time: 50 ns -50 version

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    5117400BJ 5117400BT PDF

    sem 2005 640

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS 4M X 32-Bit Dynamic RAM Module HYM 324020S/GS-60/-70 Prelim inary Inform ation • 4 194 304 w ords by 32-bit organization alternative 8 388 608 words by 16-bit • Fast access and cycle time 60 ns access time 110 ns cycle time (-60 version) 70 ns access time

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    32-Bit 324020S/GS-60/-70 16-bit) 324020S/G 324020S/GS-70) sem 2005 640 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEM ENS Summary of Types Summary of Types Type Ordering Code Package Description DRAM Pa Memory Components HYB 5 1 1000BJ-50 Q67100-Q1056 P-SOJ-26/20-1 300 mil 1 M X 1, 50 ns 33 HYB 5 1 1000BJ-60 Q67100-Q518 P-SOJ-26/20-1 300 mil 1 M X 1, 60 ns 33 HYB 5 1 1000BJ-70

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    1000BJ-50 1000BJ-60 1000BJ-70 1000BJL-50 1000BJL-60 1000BJL-70 514256B-50 514256B-60 514256B-70 514256BJ-50 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S IE M E N S 4M x 4 - Bit Dynamic RAM 2k & 4k Refresh Fast Page Mode HYB5116400BJ/BT-50/-60 17400BJ/BT-50/-60 HYB3116400BJ(L)/BT(L)-50/-60 17400BJ( L)/BT(L)-50/-60 Advanced Information • 4 194 304 words by 4-bit organization • 0 to 70 °C operating temperature

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    HYB5116400BJ/BT-50/-60 HYB5117400BJ/BT-50/-60 HYB3116400BJ HYB3117400BJ( HYB5116400 HYB3116400 HYB5117400 HYB3117400 12/1AM P-SOJ-26/24 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS 4M X 32-Bit Dynamic RAM Module HYM 324020S/GS-50/-60 Advanced Inform ation • SIMM m odules with 4 194 304 words by 32-bit organization for PC main m em ory applications • Fast access and cycle time 50 ns access tim e 90 ns cycle tim e -50 version

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    32-Bit 324020S/GS-50/-60 324020S/G 32-Bit L-SIM-72-12 fl535b05 PDF