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    Vishay Intertechnologies CCF50115KFLE36

    Res Metal Film 115K Ohm 1% 1/3W ?150ppm/?C Conformal AXL Thru-Hole T/R - Tape and Reel (Alt: CCF50115KFLE36)
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Avnet Americas CCF50115KFLE36 Reel 5,000
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    • 10000 $0.02448
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    Vishay Intertechnologies CCF50115KFLR36

    Res Metal Film 115K Ohm 1% 1/3W ?150ppm/?C Conformal AXL Thru-Hole T/R - Tape and Reel (Alt: CCF50115KFLR36)
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Avnet Americas CCF50115KFLR36 Reel 5,000
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    • 10000 $0.02448
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    Abstract: n1082 auto tuning LG VR 22K preset m2603
    Text: ap TOSHIBA-» ’’E L E C T R O N I C "DE i D Ê J ciac17S47 □ 0 1 ñ l h c] 1 T-77-05-05 ÉéffljáfcBMÉjfaMfrÍÍiw “*w¿fí*Sai AM SINGLE CHIP DIGITAL TUNING SYSTEM. . Unit in mm TC9168N is C-MOS LSI developed for radio of PLL frequency synthesizer type digital tuning system.

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    17S47 T-77-05-05 TC9168N TC9168N TC9168S n1082 auto tuning LG VR 22K preset m2603 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA MIG200Q101H TO SH IBA INTELLIGENT GTR MODULE SILICON N CHAN NEL IGBT M I G 2 0 0 Q 1 01 H HIGH POWER SW ITCHING APPLICATIO NS MOTOR CO N TRO L APPLICATIO NS • Integrates Inverter Power Circuits & Control Circuits IGBT drive units, Protection units for OverCurrent, Under-Voltage & Over-Temperature in One Package.

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    MIG200Q101H 24//s 2-121A1A 961001EAA1 A961 PDF


    Abstract: AN1339 EE CH4 EE - CH4 AN1339S AN6912N ZED 8 panasonic "cm 33"
    Text: Panasonic Comparators A N I3 3 9 A N 6912N , AN1339S Quadruple Comparators AN 1339 (AN6912N) • Overview T h e A N 1 3 3 9 (A N 6 9 1 2 N ) and the A N 1 3 3 9 S are quadruple (voltage) comparators with wide range of operating supply voltages. ■ Features

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    AN6912N) 1339S AN1339 AN1339S 14-pin DIP014-P-0300B) AN1339S 701-c AN1339 EE CH4 EE - CH4 AN6912N ZED 8 panasonic "cm 33" PDF


    Abstract: TD62302P/F
    Text: SILICON MONOLITHIC BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TD62301P/F TD62302P/F 7CH LOW SATURATION SINK DRIVER The TD62301P/F and TD62302P/F are comprised of seven NPN low saturation drivers. All units feature integral clamp diodes for switching inductive loads. Applications include relay, hammer, lamp

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    TD62301P/F TD62302P/F TD62302P/F /200mA 20kfl TD62302P 15kfl DIP-16 td62301 PDF

    3,58MHZ TDK

    Abstract: VCO circuit diagram DIP24S LA7316AM LA7316A-N MFP24S SW30 LA731 87001 7316a
    Text: Ordering number: EN 3090 Monolithic Linear 1C L A 7 3 16A-N,7316 A M VCR VHS Chroma Signal Processor The LA7316A-N,7316AM are VHS chroma signal processor ICs that have the following features. 1. Adjustment-free 3.58MHz VXO free-running OSC frequency, 160% VCO free-running OSC frequ­

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    LA7316A-N 7316AM 7316AM 58MIiz 160fH LA7316A-N, DIP-24S 3,58MHZ TDK VCO circuit diagram DIP24S LA7316AM MFP24S SW30 LA731 87001 7316a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AN ALO G DEVICES Bridge Transducer Signal Conditioner 1B32 FEATURES Low Cost Complete Signal-Conditioning Solution Small Package: 28-Pin Double DIP Internal Thin-Film Gain Network High Accuracy Low Input Offset Tempco: ± 0.07|iV/°C Low Gain Tempco: ±2ppm/°C

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    28-Pin 140dB 000V/V) 10-Bit PDF

    diode t3d panasonic

    Abstract: t3d diode panasonic
    Text: Panasonic Voltage Regulators AN8013SH 1-ch. Step-down/-up Supporting ICs for Control of DC-DC Converter • Overview T h e A N 8 0 1 3 S H is a 1-ch. IC for D C -D C co n verter using PW M method. This IC can get the output voltage of any one type, step-up or inverting.

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    AN8013SH 10-pin D012bl0 diode t3d panasonic t3d diode panasonic PDF


    Abstract: DSP56002 ti31 58af S-8675 S-7641 TXC 40MHz xtal S7504 TXC 40MHz oscillator Nippon capacitors
    Text: Order this document by DSP56002/D MOTOROLA - SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Advance Information 24-Bit General Purpose Digital Signal Processor DSP56002 Pin Grid Array PGA Available in a 132 pin ceramic throughhoie package. Plastic Quad Flat Pack (PQFP) Available in a 132 pin, small footprint,

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    DSP56002/D DSP56002 24-Bit DSP56002 DSP56001 n03n ti31 58af S-8675 S-7641 TXC 40MHz xtal S7504 TXC 40MHz oscillator Nippon capacitors PDF


    Abstract: d7545
    Text: CMOS 12-Bit Buffered Multiplying DAC ANALOG DEVICES FEATURES Improved Version of AD7545 Fast Interface Timing All Grades 12-Bit Accurate Sm all 20-Pin 0.3" DIP Low Cost GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AD7545A, a 12-bit CMOS multiplying DAC with internal data latches, is an improved version of the industry standard

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    AD7545 12-Bit 20-Pin AD7545A, AD7545. 100ns 16-bit AD517 d7545 PDF


    Abstract: 40W audio amplifier with tone control 4ch car amp ic 6 channel car audio amplifier circuit diagram
    Text: TO SH IBA TENTATIVE TA8261H TOSHIBA BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TA8261H M A X P O W E R 4 0 W B T L x 4 C H A U D IO P O W E R IC The TA8261H is 4ch BTL audio power amplifier for car audio application. This IC can generate more high power : P q u t M AX = 40W

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    TA8261H TA8261H 7-75Vrms 20dBm) 250//A 40W audio amplifier with tone control 4ch car amp ic 6 channel car audio amplifier circuit diagram PDF

    UTM ceramic RESISTOR 212-3

    Abstract: AD2033 rs 380sh NyQuist 3 axis DAX 3S OP27GN IC BD 540 LYS HTC Desire 816 Dual SIM HTC A5 12SmV cmos cookbook Monsanto 7 segment displays
    Text: General Information ANALOG DEVICES DATA-ACQUISITION DATABOOK 1984 VOLUME I INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Table of Contents Ordering Guide Q Operational Amplifiers Instrumentation & Isolation Amplifiers c Analog Signal Processing Components m a Voltage References Temperature Measurement Components

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    smd transistor t1A

    Abstract: smd transistor t1A 13
    Text: Current Mode PWM Control Circuit with 50% Max Duty Cycle D e sc r ip tio n The CS52845 provides all the nec­ essary features to im plem ent off­ line fixed frequency current-m ode control w ith a m inim um num ber of external com ponents. A n undervoltage lockout ensures

    OCR Scan
    CS52845 MS-012 CS52845ED8 CS52845EDR8 CS52845ED14 CS52845EDR14 smd transistor t1A smd transistor t1A 13 PDF

    IC CS 3758 GP

    Abstract: CS 3758 GP MOTOROLA smd SCR vrm chip fault finding SCR 30A 400V ek c06 Thyristor catalog three phase SCR gate drive circuit SCR firing circuit diode S68a
    Text: UNITRODE CORPORATION APPLICATION NOTE U-157 FUELING THE MEGAPROCESSOR - A DC/DC CONVERTER DESIGN REVIEW FEATURING THE UC3886 AND UC3910 by Larry Spaziani Applications Engineer ABSTRACT This application note provides a detailed account o f design tradeoffs and procedures for the development

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    U-157 UC3886 UC3910 UC3910 U-156, DL137/D U-158, IC CS 3758 GP CS 3758 GP MOTOROLA smd SCR vrm chip fault finding SCR 30A 400V ek c06 Thyristor catalog three phase SCR gate drive circuit SCR firing circuit diode S68a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA M IG 2 0 0 J2 0 1 H TOSHIBA INTELLIGENT GTR MODULE SILICON N CHANNEL IGBT M I G 2 0 0 J 2 0 1H HIGH POWER SWITCHING APPLICATIONS MOTOR CONTROL APPLICATIONS • • • • • Integrates Inverter Power Circuits & Control Circuits IGBT drive units, Protection units for OverCurrent, Under-Voltage & Over-Temperature in One Package.

    OCR Scan
    15/iS 2-136A1A 200J201H MIG200J201 PDF


    Abstract: 5-Channel CMOS Electronic Switch Mn6631 6631A J06794
    Text: PANASONIC INDL/ELEK -CIO 75 6932852 P A NA S O N I C D e J b^EflSB ODDL,?^ t, | ~ I N D L t E L E C T R O N IC • 72C o T - s '/ 'jj 06793 M N6631A MN6631A 5 f t ^ ' ^ C M Ut M O i? C M O S E lectro n ic Sw itch ■ « B T - ffiU B IX P in Assignment '

    OCR Scan
    MN6631A MN6631A 80iltyp. 15kfl 33kii -33kn 5-Channel CMOS Electronic Switch Mn6631 6631A J06794 PDF

    zl6 zener

    Abstract: Z35 zener LG color tv Circuit Diagram AN5365FBP Capacitor 47 VFK V22H circuit diagram of chroma 252 zener 47 AN3456 AN5365
    Text: Panasonic ICs fo r TV AN5365FBP Video Signal Processor 1C for Combined-TV/VCR • Overview T he A N 5 3 6 5 FB P is a vid eo signal p ro cesso r 1C to process lum inance, chroma, and synchronization signals for combined N T SC T V and V C R set. ■ Features

    OCR Scan
    AN5365FBP AN5365FBP 640mW AN3456 b132fl52 bT356S2 0G1431D zl6 zener Z35 zener LG color tv Circuit Diagram Capacitor 47 VFK V22H circuit diagram of chroma 252 zener 47 AN5365 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Panasonic Voltage Regulators AN8041S Liquid Crystal Backlight Control 1C • Overview Unit I mm The AN 8041S is an IC for control of the invertor of the liquid crystal backlight, using the PW M method. The out­ put voltage of D C -DC converter and the current of cath­

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    AN8041S 8041S DD15755 AN804 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC P L E S S E Y M I ( N I) IJ ( I O K S ADVANCE INFORMATION DS3667-1-2 SP8655A 200MHz-;-32, SP8657A SP8659B 200MHz-M6 200MHZ+20, The SP8655A, SP8657A and SP8659B are low power ECL counters with open collector output capable of driving TTL or CMOS and have internally biased inputs.

    OCR Scan
    DS3667-1-2 SP8655A 200MHz- SP8657A SP8659B 200MHz-M6 200MHZ SP8655A, SP8657A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si G E C P L E S S E Y S E M I C O N D U C T O R AD VANCE INFORMATION S PDSP16488A SINGLE CHIP 2D CONVOLVER WITH INTEGRAL LINE DELAYS Supersedes October 1995 Edition, DS3713 - 4.0 The PDSP16488A is a fully integrated, application spe­ cific, image processing device. It performs a two dimensional

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    PDSP16488A DS3713 PDSP16488A 6488A 0E10P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUJITSU DUAL COMPARATOR MB47393 September 1988 Edition 1.0 DUAL COMPARATOR The Fujitsu MB47393 Is a dual com parator which was designed to operate from a single power supply over a wide range of voltage. The Input characteristics Is equivalent of current Industry standard com parator. Even though operated

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    MB47393 MB47393 LM393. DIP-08P-M01 FPT-08P-M SIP-09P-M01 S09002S-2C PDF

    Burr Brown 3510am

    Abstract: ner eN8 capacitor 3421J A5 GNC mosfet OPA103 OPA104 TF 6221 HEN LED display LOG100 3510CM Burr Brown OPA Application Reference
    Text: BURR-BROWN Internatlenal Airport Industrial Park - P.0. Box 11400 - Tucson. Arizona B5734 Tel [602 746-1111 - TW X: 910-952-1111 - Cable: BBRCORP - Telex: 66-6491 PR O D U C T DATA BOOK The information in this publication has been carefully checked and is believed to be reliable; however, no responsibility is assumed for

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    B5734 305/395-61C8 Burr Brown 3510am ner eN8 capacitor 3421J A5 GNC mosfet OPA103 OPA104 TF 6221 HEN LED display LOG100 3510CM Burr Brown OPA Application Reference PDF

    capacitor 22 vfk

    Abstract: AN5365FBP V22H 604Hz BT320 zl6 zener
    Text: Panasonic ICs fo r TV AN5365FBP Video Signal Processor 1C for Combined-TV/VCR • Overview T he A N 5 3 6 5 FB P is a vid eo signal p ro cesso r 1C to process lum inance, chroma, and synchronization signals for combined N T SC T V and V C R set. ■ Features

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    AN5365FBP 640mW AN3456 32fl52 b1356S2 0G1431D capacitor 22 vfk V22H 604Hz BT320 zl6 zener PDF

    schematic diagram tv sony kv 2197

    Abstract: scheme tv color tucson LOG100 ADC600 ISO106 sony ccd ADC-817 adc817 SDM857 SHC76
    Text: HOW TO USE THIS BOOK If you know the MODEL NUMBER, Use the Model Index on the INSIDE FRONT COVER. If you know the PRODUCT TYPE, Use the TABBED TABLE OF CONTENTS on page v. Or, use the SELECTION GUIDE TABLES at the front of each tabbed section. If you know the M ODEL

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    TX712 TX811 schematic diagram tv sony kv 2197 scheme tv color tucson LOG100 ADC600 ISO106 sony ccd ADC-817 adc817 SDM857 SHC76 PDF


    Abstract: BB-3500 OP01CP AD540JH bb3500 AD308H mA747PC 6502 microprocessor REF05 cookbook for ic 555
    Text: PM 11984DATA B O O K The P M I C o m m itm e n t P M I is c o m m itte d to b u ild in g lo n g te rm c u s to m e r re la tio n s h ip s resulting in m u tu a l g ro w th . At PM I w e d e d ic a t e ourselves to le a d e rs h ip in c u s to m e r service,

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    11984DATA bey-400 011-5761-VSON-IN. DAC89EX BB-3500 OP01CP AD540JH bb3500 AD308H mA747PC 6502 microprocessor REF05 cookbook for ic 555 PDF