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    10PERATION Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SMW60N10 CX'SiEconix in c o r p o r a t e d N-Channel Enhancement Mode Transistor TO-247 AD T O P VIEW PRODUCT SUMMARY V BR DSS (V) r DS(ON) (il) (A) •d 100 0 .0 2 5 60 u 1 GATE 2 DRAIN 3 SOURCE 1 2 3 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Tc = 25°C Unless Otherwise Noted)

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    SMW60N10 O-247 10peration SMW60N10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C rS iica n ix J iÆ 2N7073 in c o r p o r a te d N-Channel Enhancement Mode Transistor TO-254AA Hermetic Package TOP VIEW PRODUCT SUMMARY V BR DSS r DS(ON) >D (V) <fi) (A) 400 0.55 9.0 2 SOURCE 3 GATE Case Isolated ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Tc = 25°C Unless Otherwise Noted)

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    2N7073 O-254AA 10peration 2N7073 PDF


    Abstract: BUZ11
    Text: H BUZ11A SiSconix in c o r p o r a te d N-Channel Enhancement Mode Transistor TO -220A B TOP VIEW o PRODUCT SUMMARY V BR DSS r DS(ON) •d (V) <«) (A) 50 0.060 25 1 GATE 2 DRAIN (Connected to TAB) 3 SO URCE , 2 3 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Tc = 25°C Unless Otherwise Noted)

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    BUZ11A -220A 10peration BUZ11A BUZ11 PDF

    transistor C 4231

    Abstract: 2N7081
    Text: 2N7081 ffSiBcanix in c o r p o ra te d N-Channel Enhancement Mode Transistor TO-257AB Hermetic Package TO P VIEW o PRODUCT SUMMARY V BR|DSS 100 rDS(ON •d (Ù ) (A) 0.15 12 1 GATE 2 DRAIN 3 SOURCE 1 2 3 C ase Isolated ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Tc = 25°C Unless Otherwise Noted)

    OCR Scan
    2N7081 O-257AB 10peration transistor C 4231 2N7081 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CX-Silico n ix in c o r p o r a te d MOD500A/500B/500C 4 N-Channel Enhancement Mode Transistors HERMETIC MODULE TOP VIEW PRODUCT SUMMARY PART NUMBER V BR DSS (V) r DS(ON) ( il) (A) LEADFORM OPTION ID .S =G MOD500A 500 0.43 13 Straight =G MOD500B 500 0.43

    OCR Scan
    MOD500A/500B/500C MOD500A MOD500B MOD500C 10peration PDF


    Abstract: 4176 diode smw70n06 250JJ
    Text: SMW70N06-14 fEX'SiEconix JJm in c o r p o r a te d N-Channel Enhancement Mode Transistor TO -247 AD TOP VIEW ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS 0 c = 25°C Unless Otherwise Noted PAR AM ETERS/TEST CO NDITIONS Gate-Source Voltage Continuous Drain Current Tc = 25°C

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    SMW70N06-14 10peration SMW70N06-14 4176 diode smw70n06 250JJ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: fX S ific o n ix SMM11P20 in c o r p o r a te d P-Channel Enhancement Mode Transistor T0-204AA TO-3 BOTTOM VIEW PRODUCT SUMMARY V (BR)DSS r DS(ON) •d (V) (A) (A) -200 0.50 -1 1 1 DRAIN (CASE) 2 GATE 3 SOURCE ABSO LU TE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Tc = 25°C Unless Otherwise Noted)1

    OCR Scan
    SMM11P20 T0-204AA 10peration PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SPT203 RF AMPLIFIER PRELIMINARY INFORMATION FEATURES APPLICATIONS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 500 MHz Bandwidth 5.0 dB Noise Figure 23 dB Insertion Gain +4 dBm 1 dB Compression Point Adaptive Impedance Matching Input and Output

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    SPT203 SPT203 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [ P G lIL lM Q lM Ä IiW LTCl 164-5 Low Power 8th Order Butterworth Lowpass Filter N ovem ber 1991 F€ATUR€S DCSCAIPTION • Butterworth or Bessel Response ■ 4mA Supply Current with ±5V Supplies The LTC1164-5 is a monolithic 8th order Butterworth lowpass

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    LTC1164-5 20kHz 14-pin 45Volt 73Volt 100KQ 80Volt 18Volt PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: m i EDI784MSV-RP 4Megx8 Ruggedized Plastic NAND Flash ELECT R O N IC DESlÊN S. IN C 4Mx8 Bit NAND Flash CMOS, Monolithic Features The EDI784MSV is a 4M 4,194,304)x8 bit Ruggedized Plastic NAND Flash memory with a spare array of 128K(131,072)x8 bit. Its NAND cell provides the most cost-effective solution for high

    OCR Scan
    EDI784MSV-RP 250ms minV50SI PDF


    Abstract: 0808L VN0808M BSR67 VN0808L equivalent VN0808L 2N6661 2n666
    Text: WZW* VN0808L ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Siliconix incorporated t a = 2 S °C u n le s s o th e rw is e n o te d P A R A M E T E R S /T E S T C O N D IT IO N S D raln-S o u rce Breakdown Voltage V q s = 0 , I q = 10 jxA Sym bol M in . T yp . M ax. V(BR)DSS

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    VN0808L 0808L 0808M O-237 VN0808M BSR67 VN0808L equivalent VN0808L 2N6661 2n666 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SMP11P20 CTSiiconix in c o r p o r a te d P-Channel Enhancement Mode Transistor TO-220AB TOP VIEW PRODUCT SUMMARY V BR DSS (V) r DS(ON) (ÎÎ) (A) •d -200 0.50 -1 1 1 GATE 2 DRAIN (Connected to TAB) 3 SOURCE ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Tc = 25°C Unless Otherwise Noted)1

    OCR Scan
    SMP11P20 O-220AB 10peration NC3010 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SMP20P10 C X *Siliconix in c o r p o r a te d P-Channel Enhancement Mode Transistor TO-22QAB TOP VIEW PRODUCT SUMMARY V BR DSS -1 0 0 rDS(ON) (O ) (A) •d 0 .2 0 -2 0 1 GATE 2 DRAIN (Connected to TAB) 3 SOURCE ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Tc = 25°C Unless Otherwise Noted)1

    OCR Scan
    SMP20P10 O-22QAB 10peration SMP20P10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SMP20N20 CfSiEcanix J -m in c o r p o r a te d N-Channel Enhancement Mode Transistor TO-22QAB TOP VIEW o PRODUCT SUMMARY V BR DSS r DS(ON) (V) ( ii) Id (A) 200 0.16 20 1 GATE 2 DRAIN (Connected to TAB) 3 SOURCE ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Tc = 25 C Unless Otherwise Noted)

    OCR Scan
    SMP20N20 O-22QAB 10peration SMP20N20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2N7092 CX'SiSconix in c o r p o r a te d P-Channel Enhancement Mode Transistor TO-257AB Hermetic Package TOP VIEW o PRODUCT SUMMARY V fDS(ON) <n) (A) -200 0.50 -8.0 V(BR)DSS •d 1 GATE 2 DRAIN 3 SOURCE 1 2 3 Case Isolated ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Tc = 25°C Unless Otherwise Noted)1

    OCR Scan
    2N7092 O-257AB 10peration 2N7092 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2N7072 C f S ilic a n ix incorporated N-Channel Enhancement Mode Transistor TO-254AA Hermetic Package TOP VIEW o PRODUCT SUMMARY V BR DSS 200 r DS(ON) (ÎÎ) (A) >D 0 .2 0 16 1 DRAIN 2 SOURCE 3 GATE 1 2 3 Case Isolated ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Tc = 25°C Unless Otherwise Noted)

    OCR Scan
    2N7072 O-254AA 10peration 2N7072 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: e x 'S i licoriix SMV1P20 in c o r p o ra t e d P-Channel Enhancem ent Mode Transistor 4-PIN DIP Similar to TO-250 TO P VIEW PRODUCT SUMMARY 1 E V (B R )D S S r DS(ON) (V) (n) (A) -200 3.0 -0.40 2 E 1 GATE 2 SO U R CE 3 DRAIN ABSO LU TE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25°C Unless Otherwise Noted)1

    OCR Scan
    SMV1P20 O-250) 10peration smv1p20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EDI784MS V ^E D I 4Megx8NAND Flash flE C T B O M C OESGN& WC. PRELIMINARY 4Mx8 Bit NAND Flash CMOS, Monolithic F eatu res The EDI784MSV is a 4M 4,194,304 x8 bit NAND Flash memory with a spare array of 128K(131,072)x8 bit. Its NAND cell provides the most cost-effective solution for high density

    OCR Scan
    EDI784MS EDI784MSV 528-byte 250ms funI784MSV EDI784MSV50BB ED1784MSV50FB EDI784MSV50BB EDI7MMSV50BC 300MW PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ^EDI EDI784MSV-RP ELECTRONIC DESIGNS. INC 4Megx8 Ruggedized Plastic NAND Flash 4Mx8 Bit NAND Flash CMOS, Monolithic F eatu res The EDI784MSV is a 4M 4,194,304 x8 bit Ruggedized Plastic NAND Flash memory with a spare array of 128K(131,072)x8 bit. Its NAND cell provides the most cost-effective solution for high

    OCR Scan
    EDI784MSV-RP EDI784MSV 528-byte I784M PDF

    VN10KM equivalent

    Abstract: siliconix VN10KM VN10K equivalent VN10KM siliconix VN10K VN10KE vn10k VN0610L to206
    Text: Siliconix incorporated B O c O « */ ^ VN10KM, V IN I u r v i v i VN0610L S O o-ZbŸ VN10KE MOSPOWER N-Channel Enhancem ent M ode Transistors Zener Diode Protected Gate •TO-92 TO -237 FRO NT V IEW PRODUCT SUM M ARY T 0 -2 0 6 A C BO TTO M VIEW a PART N U M BER

    OCR Scan
    VN10KM, VN0610L 5O5-ZbfVN10KE O-237 O-206 VN10KM O-237 VN10KE VN10KM equivalent siliconix VN10KM VN10K equivalent siliconix VN10K vn10k to206 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: .B15SSS5 SMP5N50F N-Channel Enhancement Mode Transistor Fast Reverse Recovery TO-22QAB TO P VIEW o PRODUCT SUMMARY V BR DSS r DS(ON) •d t,r (V) (A) (A) (n s ) 500 1.5 4.5 250 1 GATE 2 DRAIN (Connected to TAB) 3 SO URCE ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Tc = 25°C Unless Otherwise Noted)

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SMP30N10 N-Channel Enhancement Mode Transistor TO-22QAB TOP VIEW PRODUCT SUMMARY V BR DSS (V) rDS(ON) (n) •d (A) 100 0.060 30 1 GATE 2 DRAIN (Connected to TAB) 3 SOURCE ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Tc = 25°C Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS

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    SMP30N10 O-22QAB 10peration SMP30N10 PDF


    Abstract: mod200A
    Text: MOD200A/200B/200C C T * S ilic o n ix in c o r p o r a te d 4 N-Channel Enhancement Mode Transistors HERMETIC MODULE TOP VIEW PRODUCT SUMMARY PART NUMBER V BR DSS (V) rDS(ON) (A) •d (A) LEADFORM OPTION MOD2ÛOA 200 0.11 21 Straight MOD200B 200 0.11 21 Bent Down

    OCR Scan
    MOD200A/200B/200C MOD200B MOD200C 10peration mod200A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IT S iE conix 2N7071 in c o rp o ra te d N-Channel Enhancement Mode Transistor TO-254AA Hermetic Package TOP VIEW PRODUCT SUMMARY r°?A7 V BR DSS (V) 100 0 .1 0 0 •d (A) 23 3 GATE Case Isolated ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Tc = 25°C Unless Otherwise Noted)

    OCR Scan
    2N7071 O-254AA 10peration 2N7071 PDF