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    00130BL Search Results

    00130BL Datasheets Context Search

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    A 3120V

    Abstract: IC A 3120V BB10T 2SK413 2SK414 2SJ118 2SK41 3120v
    Text: blE D 2 S K 4 1 • 3 M4Tti2DS 00130bl 337 ,2 S K 4 1 H im 4 H I T A C H I / -COPTO E L E C T R O N I C SILICON N -C HANN ELM O S FET HIG H SPEED POWER S W IT C H IN G , HIG H FR E Q U E N C Y POW ER A M PLIFIER Complementary pair with 2S J 1 18, 119 ■ FEATURES

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    2SK413 00130bl A 3120V IC A 3120V BB10T 2SK413 2SK414 2SJ118 2SK41 3120v PDF


    Abstract: 2sk413 HK-2-G 2SJ118 2SK414 2SK4132 GG13 fr diode 205 PM12A
    Text: blE D • MM'IbSDS 00130bl 337 ■ HITH 2SK413,2SK414 H I T A C H I / { O P T O E L E C T R O N IC SILICON N-CHANNEL MOS FET HIGH SPEED POWER SW ITCHING, HIGH FREQUENCY POWER AMPLIFIER Complementary pair with 2SJ118, 119 ■ FEATURES • • • • • Low On-Resistance.

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    00130bl 2SJ118, 2SK413 2SK414 2SK41 HK-2-G 2SJ118 2SK414 2SK4132 GG13 fr diode 205 PM12A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 27C64 M ic r o c h ip 64K 8K x 8 CMOS EPROM FEATURES PACKAGE TYPE DIP/SOIC • High speed performance - 120 ns access time available Vpp C A12C A7C A 6C A 5C A4C •1 2 3 4 5 6 A3C 7 A2Ü B A lC 9 A0 C 10 o o C 11 01C 12 02 £ 13 VesE 14 • C M O S Technology for low power consumption

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    27C64 DS11l07K-page bl03201 00130b? PDF


    Abstract: 74HC04 ap 74273 multiplexer western digital 286 21SA1 104-D15 WD7625
    Text: D • ^710220 0013GSÖ 134 HlilDC " T ^ 2- - ‘b ' b WD7625LV Address, Data, Hard Disk Buffers and Power Management Device 32S WESTERN DIGITAL 4 -0 S4E D ■ T71Ô22Ô QD13DST 070 H O C TABLE OF CONTENTS _. 52-3S Section Title 1.0 INTRODUCTION .

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    0013GSÖ WD7625LV QD13DST 52-3S 0Q131D4 WD7625LV 74HC04 ap 74273 multiplexer western digital 286 21SA1 104-D15 WD7625 PDF

    planar trans

    Abstract: L64811 VA1112 l64863
    Text: LSI LOGIC SBGHÖQM ÜÜ13GS3 ÖT3 miLC L 64860 E rror C orrectin g M em ory C on troller EMC T echnical M anual * mm* e * &’ à & 5 3 0 4 6 0 4 0 0 1 3 0 5 4 73T LLC LSI Logic has derived the material in this manual, which describes the L64860 Error Correcting Memory Controller, from documents provided by Sun Micro­

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    13GS3 L64860 SparKIT-40/SS10 D-102 planar trans L64811 VA1112 l64863 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SONY CXB1585N Fibre Channel Repeater Description The CXB1585N is a repeater IC with a built-in PLL clock recovery circuit for Fibre Channel 1.06Gbaud. This IC incorporates a port bypass circuit and is suitable for disk array and FC-AL HUB, etc. Features • Conforms to ANSI X3T11 Fibre Channel standard

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    CXB1585N CXB1585N 06Gbaud. X3T11 330mW 24-pin 0625Gbaud QQ130bS 100mV/div] PDF