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    AMETEK Inc 2000120B

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    RS 2000120B Bulk 5 Weeks 1
    • 1 $1225
    • 10 $1225
    • 100 $1225
    • 1000 $1225
    • 10000 $1225
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    Dynapar H23100000120B

    ENCODER, INCR, OPT,2 CHAN, QUAD, BIDIRECT W/INDEX, H20,SRV 3/8 SS 5-26V OP 10CB SMT | Dynapar H23100000120B
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    RS H23100000120B Bulk 12 Weeks 1
    • 1 $671.27
    • 10 $624.28
    • 100 $624.28
    • 1000 $624.28
    • 10000 $624.28
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    TE Connectivity D-600-0120B-2CS2088

    TE Connectivity
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    Sager D-600-0120B-2CS2088
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    TE Connectivity D-600-0120B-1CS2088

    TE Connectivity
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    000120B Datasheets Context Search

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    2000a 371 crystal

    Abstract: pc 890 Bsr 438 mov 821 14 PV 1153 A500 A579 FFB000 HA12187FP hbf 306
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE H8S Family On-Board Reprogramming Example Using IEBus Introduction The programming data is received from the transfer source and written to flash memory. An IEBus interface is used for data transfer from the transfer source. Target Device

    H8S/2258F REJ06B0485-0100/Rev 2000a 371 crystal pc 890 Bsr 438 mov 821 14 PV 1153 A500 A579 FFB000 HA12187FP hbf 306 PDF


    Abstract: SLOTTED OPTICAL SWITCH Senisys s-831s20 S-831S20
    Text: 40E D B 34^730 S-831S20 000120b T " V /- - '7 3 T OISENI FASC0 Iim/ CE2ES3I senisys Dual Channel Slotted Optical Switch DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES CHILLIMETERS SLATE GREEN SENSOR OUTPUT CHANNEL 1) . 0.640 C16.2&] 0.620 C15.75] H Y b WHITE SENSOR OUTPUT 0.210 15.331

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: VTE1213
    Text: m 3030^01 000120b SfaE S GaAs Infrared Emitting Diodes 3 SE « V C T VTE1212, 1213 T-1 3/4 Plastic Package — 940 nm E G & G VACTEC ' - M l - PACKAGE DIMENSIONS inch mm 1 .0 0 ( 2 5 . 4 ) .2 4 0 ( 6 . 1 0 ) .2 2 0 ( 5 . 5 9 ) (8 .6) •050 ( t . 2 7 ) .3 4

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    000120b VTE1212, VTE1212 VTE1213 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: n/A-COM/ MI CR OELE CTR ONICS b^E D 5bM5163 000120b bbS • MACO E-Series Plug-In Mixer 5 - 2000 MHz EMS-11 Features R-1 • +7 dBm LO Power • Up to +1 dBm RF T 0.310 MAX 7.88 Specifications @ 25°C Frequency Range RF, LO IF 5-2000 MHz 10-600 MHz O D D COLORED

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    5bM5163 EMS-11 Ma1000 PDF

    Performance Semiconductor

    Abstract: gnde
    Text: PERFORMANCE SEMI CONDUCTOR 50E D • TObSST? P33PCT646A/B OCTAL TRANSCEIVER/REGISTER 000120b Ô a i b ^ m c e o m f @k m a t f o @ n - FEATURES ■ 3 .3 V + 0 .2 V P o w e r S u p p ly ■ M u ltip le x e d R e a l-T im e a n d S to re d D ata ■ C e n te r P o w e r a n d G ro u n d P in s to M in im iz e H ig h S p e e d S w itc h in g N o is e

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    P33PCT646A/B 28-PIn P33PCT646A/B 70b55 T-53-31 TECHDOC1261 Performance Semiconductor gnde PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 40E D B T " V / - - '7 3 3 4 ^ 7 3 6 000120b T B S E N I ic e e e s u i S-831S20 FASC0 Iim/ senisys Dual Channel Slotted Optical Switch 1.085 27.563 1.065 (27 .0 5 DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES CHILLIMETERS) SLATE GREEN SENSOR OUTPUT (CHANNEL 1) r I N 0.640 (16.26)

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    000120b S-831S20 UL1429 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MB86683B Edition 1.0 1. OVERVIEW The NTC is a full duplex device which can be used to provide broadband termination functions in a variety of applications. Its primary use is for terminating the user or network ends of a user-network interface based on ITU-T,

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    MB86683B MB86689A MB86686A/7) V176P-M01 374175b 000132b MB86686A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ßUALITY SEMICON DUC TOR INC bSE » QSFCT821/3/5T, Q • 74bbß03 0001254 bib 2821/3/5T High Speed CMOS Bus Interface 8, 9 & 10-bit Registers Q S 54/74F C T821T Q S54/74F C T823T Q S 54/74FC T825T Q S 54/74F C T2821T Q S 54/74F C T2823T Q S 54/74F C T2825T

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    QSFCT821/3/5T, 2821/3/5T 10-bit 54/74F T821T S54/74F T823T 54/74FC T825T PDF


    Abstract: 3D7408-1 3D7408-2 3D7408-3 3D7408-4
    Text: 3D7408 data delay devices. MONOLITHIC 8-BIT PROGRAMMABLE DELAY LINE SERIES 3D7408 PACKAGES FEATURES All-silicon, low-power CMOS technology TTUCMOS compatible inputs and outputs Vapor phase, IR and wave solderable Auto-insertable (DIP pkg.) Low ground bounce noise

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    3D7408 3D7408) 0C-70C) 3D7408G 10Ki2 3D7408-1 3D7408-2 3D7408-3 3D7408-4 PDF


    Abstract: A3101 d2553 aha3101a020pqc AHA3210 M 3101 aha3101a
    Text: Advanced Hardware Architectures, Inc. 1.0 INTRODUCTION_ The AHA3101 Data Compression chip provides the basis for a complete data compression system. The chip uses an external static RAM chip, to store compression information, and also to buffer data.The chip is fabricated in a CMOS process, and

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    AHA3101 ANDC02 ANDC03 ANDC04 AHA3210 ANDC05 ANDC07 A3101 d2553 aha3101a020pqc M 3101 aha3101a PDF


    Abstract: LP-04-2V LP0-35 LP08 LP050 3300 XL 22X45 25u183ms54f2 LPO-100V102MS26F2 elna
    Text: LPO Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors For Audio Series LP O Type I, Type II For Power Supply Filter High quality sound with a very high response due to a formation method newly developed for audio applications. Outline Drawing M ost suitable for pow er supply of pre-am plifier and main-amplifier.

    OCR Scan
    minu200 22x50 LPO-100V122MS36F2 25x45 LPO-100 V122MS44F2 30x35 LPO-100V122MS52F2 35x25 LPO-100V152MS37F2 ELNA FOR AUDIO LP-04-2V LP0-35 LP08 LP050 3300 XL 22X45 25u183ms54f2 LPO-100V102MS26F2 elna PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: STAF Device SONET/SDH Transceiver and Framer 622/155.5 Mbit/s TXC-02623 DATA SHEET Preliminary DESCRIPTION FEATURES Byte-parallel multiplexing, demultiplexing, fram­ ing, and clock synthesis PLL in one device = The STAF VLSI device is a SONET/SDH transceiver

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    TXC-02623 68-pin TXC-02623 T004152 D00120S TXC-02623-MB TXC-02623-ACCQ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: L P O Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors For Audio S eries LPO Type I, Type I I For P ow er S u pply Filter • High quality sound with a very high response due to a formation method newly developed for audio applications. O utline D raw ing • Most suitable for power supply of pre-amplifier and main-amplifier.

    OCR Scan
    LPO-80V222MS53F2 35x30 LPO-100V332MS57F2 35x50 LP0-80V272WIS37F2 25x50 LPO-80V272MS45F2 30x40 LP0-80V272MS54F2 35x35 FIN33.030.V PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S ta n d a r d P r o d u c t I I / PMC-Sierra, Inc. 1 ^» ISSUES PM 5344 SPTX SONET/SDH PATH TERMINATING TRANSCEIVER FEATURES • Monolithic SONET/SDH Path Terminating Transceiver that terminates the path overhead of one or three STS-1 AU3 paths or a single STS-3c (AU4) path.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DENSE-PAC 1 Megabit C M O S SRAM M IC R O SY ST E M S DPS128M8F/DPS128M8N DESCRIPTION: The DPS128M8 is a monolithic 128K X 8 Static Random Access Memory SRAM fabricated using CM OS technology. It is designed for use in high density, high speed, low power applications. All pins

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    DPS128M8F/DPS128M8N DPS128M8 600-mil 32-pin 150ns 225mW 120ns PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CML Semiconductor Products m m PRODUCT INFORMATION é j FX214 FX224 VSB* Audio Scrambler Publication D/214/3 July 1994 Features/Applications • "Variable Split-Band Frequency Inversion Voice Scrambler • • • 32 Programmable Split Frequencies • • CTCSS HP Filter

    OCR Scan
    FX214 FX224 D/214/3 FX214 FX214L2/224LS 24-lead CAPACITOR 224J PDF


    Abstract: IS111 I211
    Text: S E M I C O N D U C T O R , I N C k WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS TQ9113 IF/AGC Amplifier Features The TQ9113IF/AGC Intermediate Frequency/Automatic Gain Control Amplifier is part of TriQuint's RFIC Downconverter Building Block family. Intended for use as an Automatic Gain Control Amplifier in an IF stage, a wide range of gain

    OCR Scan
    TQ9113IF/AGC TheTQ9113 D001E10 TQ9113 IS111 I211 PDF

    scr bta 151

    Abstract: Psp MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT diagram 945 MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT diagram FDC37C652 ins8250-b 82077AA FDC37C651 FDC37C661 FDC37C662 NS16450
    Text: FDC37C661 FD C 37C 662 STANDARD MICROSYSTEMS CORPORATION. C O M PO N EN T PRO DU CTS DIVISIO N 8 0 A r k a v Drive. H a u p p a u g e , N Y 117 88 S16 435 *6000 F a x (516) 231-6004 2.88M B Super I/O Floppy Disk Controllers FEATURES 2.8 8 M B Super I/O Floppy Disk Controller

    OCR Scan
    FDC37C661 FDC37C662 1-60C4 FDC37C651 FDC37C652 82077AA GQD131Ã scr bta 151 Psp MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT diagram 945 MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT diagram FDC37C652 ins8250-b FDC37C662 NS16450 PDF

    224j capacitor

    Abstract: smd code marking a4a CAPACITOR 224J A4A smd FX214LG SMD MARKING CODE TX 150Hz Low pass filter circuit smd marking code 47-16 hp 2212 FX214
    Text: om uH C M L Sem iconductor Products g FX214 é ) PRODUCT INFORMATION FX224 VSB* Audio Scrambler Publication D/214/3 July 1994 Features/Applications • "Variable Split-Band Frequency Inversion Voice Scrambler M obile or Cellular Radio Applications • 32 Programmable Split Frequencies

    OCR Scan
    FX214 FX224 D/214/3 FX214 FX214L2/224LS 24-lead 224j capacitor smd code marking a4a CAPACITOR 224J A4A smd FX214LG SMD MARKING CODE TX 150Hz Low pass filter circuit smd marking code 47-16 hp 2212 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T R t W I R E L E S S Q U I N T S E M I C O N D U C T O R , I N C C O M M U N I C A T I O N S TQ9206 2.4 •2.5 GHz Up/ Domconverter Features The TQ9206 is a m onolithic transm it/receive up/downconverter function designed specifically for operation in the 2.4 - 2.5 GHz bands. The transm it function consists of

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    TQ9206 PDF

    STM CL-70

    Abstract: DI-149 ic laf 0001 laf 0001 equal A23 1101 01A laf 0001 power LD SOT 423 STS SOT t04 sot 23 U802A
    Text: SOT-3 Device STM-1/STS-3/STS-3c Overhead Terminator TXC-03003B DATA SHEET Product Preview DESCRIPTION = The SOT-3 SDH/SONET overhead terminator is a pro­ grammable device that performs section, line and path overhead processing for STM-1/STS-3/STS-3c signals.

    OCR Scan
    TXC-03003B TXC-05601, TXC-21061, OT-3/SYN155/ADMA-E1 SYN155 RS-232 TXC-03003b-mb STM CL-70 DI-149 ic laf 0001 laf 0001 equal A23 1101 01A laf 0001 power LD SOT 423 STS SOT t04 sot 23 U802A PDF


    Abstract: EUPEC tt 95 n Rt113 EUPEC DD 31 eupec dd 82 Hjc 22
    Text: LIE T> m EUPEC 34032T? GDGiafia ESO « U P E C D D 21 S Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties H öchstzulässige W erte M axim um rated values Periodische S pitzensperrspannung repetitive peak reverse voltage tvj S toßspitzenspannung non repetitive peak

    OCR Scan
    34032T? AI2O3 EUPEC tt 95 n Rt113 EUPEC DD 31 eupec dd 82 Hjc 22 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FEATURES • • • • • • • Ultra-Low Voltage Drift Low Offset Voltage Low Nonlinearity Low Noise High CMR High Input Impedance +25°Cto + 180°C VERY-HIGH ACCURACY INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIER PACKAGE DIMENSIONS APPLICATIONS • • • • Amplification of signals from sources such as:

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    bll2b40 000120b PDF