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    XK 10 EQUIVALENT Search Results

    XK 10 EQUIVALENT Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TMP89FS60BFG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP64-1414-0.80-002 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FS63BUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP52-1010-0.65-002 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FS62BUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP44-1010-0.80-003 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FS60BUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP64-1010-0.50-003 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FM82DUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/LQFP48-P-0707-0.50D Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    XK 10 EQUIVALENT Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: pm8926 PM8922 LP 8029 Leader 8020 schematics Oscilloscope PM8931 philips pm8922 LP-16BX p6103 mp 9141 es
    Text: Table of Contents Lead & Cable Length Information, Ordering Information, Field Servicing Information.01 Conversion

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    str 5653

    Abstract: STR - Z 2757 STR M 6545 16 point FFT radix-4 VHDL documentation radix-2 DIT FFT vhdl program STR G 5653 STR F 5653 xc6slx150t RTL 8376 matlab code for radix-4 fft
    Text: Fast Fourier Transform v7.0 DS260 June 24, 2009 Product Specification Introduction Overview The Xilinx LogiCORE IP Fast Fourier Transform FFT implements the Cooley-Tukey FFT algorithm, a computationally efficient method for calculating the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT).

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SECTION 2 Numerical Domain Representation 2.1 Parametric Models For any continuous, mono- or multi-variable physical system, the search for a suitable parametric model — whether by empirical methods or on the basis of experimental data — leads to the use of linear differential


    2-bit half adder

    Abstract: FPGA based implementation of fixed point IIR Filter XC4025 xilinx FPGA implementation of IIR Filter digital FIR Filter using distributed arithmetic
    Text: The Role of Distributed Arithmetic in FPGA-based Signal Processing Introduction Distributed Arithmetic DA plays a key role in embedding DSP functions in the Xilinx 4000 family of FPGA devices. In this document the DA algorithm is derived and examples are offered that illustrate its



    Abstract: 17C4 37F4 AM31 M68HC11 M68HC16 stk 4271 stk 4281
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by: A N 1 2 8 3 / D SEMICONDUCTOR APPLICATION NOTE Transporting M68HC11 Code to M68HC16 Devices By Michael Greenberg and Harold Roberson 1 INTRODUCTION Devices in the Motorola M68HC16 modular microcontroller family are built up from standard modules that

    M68HC11 M68HC16 16-bit CPU16 179d 17C4 37F4 AM31 stk 4271 stk 4281 PDF

    stk 4281

    Abstract: MAC 27a6 stk 4271 STK 4272 179d 17C4 272c AM31 M68HC11 M68HC16
    Text: Order this document by: A N 1 2 8 3 / D Freescale Semiconductor Transporting M68HC11 Code to M68HC16 Devices By Michael Greenberg and Harold Roberson Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1 INTRODUCTION Devices in the Freescale M68HC16 modular microcontroller family are built up from standard modules that

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    ande RY 227

    Abstract: ande RY 228 27AD Y/BIT 3713 tba 8227 SK 6211 179d 17C4 adcb 27 M68HC11
    Text: M68HC16 Family CPU16 Reference Manual Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Motorola makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Motorola assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and

    M68HC16 CPU16 ande RY 227 ande RY 228 27AD Y/BIT 3713 tba 8227 SK 6211 179d 17C4 adcb 27 M68HC11 PDF

    PC 272c

    Abstract: BF 179C ic 3773 272c BIT 3713 179d 17C4 M68HC16 AM31 M68HC11
    Text: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Order this document by: A N 1 2 8 3 / D SEMICONDUCTOR APPLICATION NOTE Transporting M68HC11 Code to M68HC16 Devices By Michael Greenberg and Harold Roberson Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1 INTRODUCTION Devices in the Motorola M68HC16 modular microcontroller family are built up from standard modules that

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    fft basic

    Abstract: Split-Radix
    Text: Application Note 020 Fast Fourier Transforms and Power Spectra in LabWindows J. Pasquarette Introduction This application note explains how to build a signal-processing application with the LabWindows Advanced Analysis Library functions. The steps involved include finding the Fast Fourier Transform

    ASSP34 fft basic Split-Radix PDF

    ande RY 227

    Abstract: ande RY 228 ande RY 192 37AF BF 179C BIT 3713 ic tba 220 datasheet M68HC11 M68HC16 CPU16 freescale
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. M68HC16 Family CPU16 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Reference Manual Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Motorola makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability

    M68HC16 CPU16 ande RY 227 ande RY 228 ande RY 192 37AF BF 179C BIT 3713 ic tba 220 datasheet M68HC11 CPU16 freescale PDF

    XILINX XC2000

    Abstract: XC2000 XC3000A XC3100A XC4000E XC4000EX XC5200 XC7300 XC8100 XC9500
    Text: RAM Based Multiplier for FPGAs Solutions for the DSP Market KC & PH Xilinx June 1996 R Solutions for the DSP Market Presenter Ken Chapman - Applications Specialist Xilinx UK KC & PH (Xilinx) June 1996 DATE 11/11/96 ES Page 1 1 RAM Based Multiplier for FPGAs

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    digital hearing aid in matlab

    Abstract: ORELA 4500 DSP signaklara circuit diagram of digital hearing aid fft dft MATLAB belasigna hearing aid wola DSP hearing aid matlab/wola FIR filter matlaB design bandpass
    Text: AND8382/D WOLA Filterbank Coprocessor: Introductory Concepts and Techniques APPLICATION NOTE SIGNAL PROCESSING ASPECTS This tutorial is applicable to: Toccata Plus , Orela 4500 Series, BelaSigna® 2xx Series This Application Note details the concepts of WOLA

    AND8382/D digital hearing aid in matlab ORELA 4500 DSP signaklara circuit diagram of digital hearing aid fft dft MATLAB belasigna hearing aid wola DSP hearing aid matlab/wola FIR filter matlaB design bandpass PDF


    Abstract: VM MARKING CODE SOT353
    Text: 74AUP1G04 SINGLE INVERTER GATE Description Pin Assignments The Advanced Ultra Low Power AUP CMOS logic family is designed for low power and extended battery life in portable applications. The 74AUP1G04 is a single inverter gate with a standard push-pull

    74AUP1G04 74AUP1G04 DS35147 74AUP1G04SE-7 VM MARKING CODE SOT353 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 74AUP1G04 SINGLE INVERTER GATE Description Pin Assignments The Advanced Ultra Low Power AUP CMOS logic family is designed for low power and extended battery life in portable applications. Future Product The 74AUP1G04 is a single inverter gate with a standard push-pull

    74AUP1G04 74AUP1G04 DS35147 PDF


    Abstract: marking YJ transistors YK NPN RN2608 - RN2908 QF npn Marking 47 marking YB YB MARKING ic marking YK kn marking
    Text: 3. List of Principal Characteristics of Built-In Resistor Transistors BRT SSM 3. List of Principal Characteristics of Built-In Resistor Transistors (BRT) * 3.1 Sm ail Super M ini Typ e (SSM) Polarity Type No. RN1101 RN1102 RN1103 RN1104 RN1105 RN1106 RN1107

    OCR Scan
    RN1101 RN1102 RN1103 RN1104 RN1105 RN1106 RN1107 RN1108 RN1109 RN1110 Marking XA XB XC XD XE XF XH XI XJ XK XM marking YJ transistors YK NPN RN2608 - RN2908 QF npn Marking 47 marking YB YB MARKING ic marking YK kn marking PDF


    Abstract: DO-22 1N1611A 1N311 1n3143 DO-37 1N830A 1N2926 1n76a 1N76
    Text: }{È \\ SILICON POINT CONTACT DETECTOR DIODES ASI Point Contact Detector Diodes are designed for applications from UHF through 16 GHz. They feature high burnout resistance, broadband operation and high tangential signal sensitivity. These detector diodes are

    OCR Scan
    DO-22, DO-23, DO-37 1N830 1N830A 1N2102 1N32A 1N76A 1N833 1N833A DO-22 1N1611A 1N311 1n3143 1N2926 1N76 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 02583^4 ADVANCED SEMICONDUCTOR 82D 00071 D DE~| 0550354 0000071 3 ADVANCED SEMIC OND UCTOR SILICONPOINTCONTACTDETECTORDIOOES A S I Point Contact Detector Diodes are designed for applications from UHF through 16 GHz. They feature high burnout resis­ tance, broadband operation and high tan­

    OCR Scan
    DO-22, DO-23 DO-37 OODDD74 1N830 1N830A DO-22 1N2102 1N32A D0-22 PDF

    TFK 334

    Abstract: tfk 439 77C22E 86C924 headland
    Text: ICS2494 ICS2494A Dual Video/Memory Clock Generator Features • • World standard ICS2494A has been reconfigured to allow 8 memory frequencies. Mask-programmable frequencies New Features • • Buffered XTAL Out Integral loop filter components • • Fast acquisition of selected frequencies, strobed or

    OCR Scan
    ICS2494 ICS2494A ICS2494A 503XX) ICS2494A-310 ICS2494-236. ICS2494A-304 1CS2494-237. 1CS2494A-317 ICS2494-244. TFK 334 tfk 439 77C22E 86C924 headland PDF


    Abstract: 1n4531
    Text: TYPES 1N4531 THRU 1N4534, 1N4536 SILICON SWITCHING DIODES B U L L E T I N N O . D L -S 7 3 9 7 7 4 , M A R C H 1 9 6 7 - R E V I S E D M A R C H 1 9 7 3 FAST SWITCHING DIODES • Rugged Double-Plug Construction Electrical Equivalents 1N4531 . . . 1N4148 . . . 1N914

    OCR Scan
    1N4531 1N4534, 1N4536 1N4531 1N4148 1N914 1N4533. 1N4152 1N3605 1N4532 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 7 ^ 7 07b 00031^0 15E - p . - 7 ^ - 2 3 LA6510 M onolithic Linear IC Dual Power Operational Amplifier 2624 Features . High output current Io max=1.0A . High gain . With current limiter . Capable of being operated from single supply

    OCR Scan
    LA6510 10kohms 046A-S10FIC 7297TA PDF


    Abstract: 241243 Z04B circuit diagram of 3 bit magnitude comparator wit radar digital correlator y013 A601 MARCONI sh TCA 321 MA7170
    Text: Marconi - Electronic Devices BIT-SLICE CORRELATOR C /y ? ê > S , & c/ ~ MA7170 b» /• c o f re .1 .4 1 /£ * ”~ FEATURES • 64 stage correlation fo r 1-bit reference and 4 bit data • 10 MHz data throughput. • 16 bit accum ulate accuracy. • Expandable correlation length,

    OCR Scan
    MA7170 MA7170 z014 241243 Z04B circuit diagram of 3 bit magnitude comparator wit radar digital correlator y013 A601 MARCONI sh TCA 321 PDF

    N 1110

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RN1110,1111 R N 1110 Unit in mm SWITCHING, INVERTER CIRCUIT, INTERFACE CIRCUIT AND DRIVER CIRCUIT APPLICATIONS. • • • • With Built-in Bias Resistors Simplify Circuit Design Reduce a Quantity of Parts and Manufacturing Process Complementary to RN2110~RN2111

    OCR Scan
    RN1110 RN2110 RN2111 RN1111 RN1110 N 1110 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RN1710,1711 RN1710> SWITCHING, INVERTER CIRCUIT, INTERFACE CIRCUIT AND DRIVER CIRCUIT APPLICATIONS. • • • • • Including Two Devices in USV (Ultra Super Mini Type with 5 leads With Built-in Bias Resistors Simplify Circuit Design Reduce a Quantity of Parts and Manufacturing Process

    OCR Scan
    RN1710 RN1710> RN2710--RN2711 RN1711 RN1711 RN1710) RN1710 PDF

    marking code fy* transistor

    Abstract: transistor M 839 PDTC114EE
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification PNP resistor-equipped transistor PDTA114EE FEATURES • Built-in bias resistors R1 and R2 typ. 10 k ii each • Simplification of circuit design -3 It • Reduces number of components and board space. R1 ./

    OCR Scan
    SC-75 PDTC114EE. PDTA114EE 150cC marking code fy* transistor transistor M 839 PDTC114EE PDF