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    Abstract: XC5VLX50TFF1136 XC4VFX12-FF668 HW-V5-ML507-UNI-G XC5VFX100TFF1136 VIRTEX-5 DDR PHY ML510 Virtex-5 LX50 VIRTEX-5 ff1136
    Text: ML501 ML505 ML506 Purpose: General purpose FPGA development board. Board Part Number: HW-V5-ML501-UNI-G Device Supported: XC5VLX50FFG676 Price: $995 Purpose: General purpose FPGA and RocketIO GTP Development Platform. Board Part Number: HW-V5-ML505-UNI-G Device Supported: XC5VLX50TFF1136

    ML501 ML505 ML506 HW-V5-ML501-UNI-G XC5VLX50FFG676 HW-V5-ML505-UNI-G XC5VLX50TFF1136 HW-V5-ML506-UNI-G XC5VSX50TFF1136 ML501 XC5VLX50FFG676 XC5VLX50TFF1136 XC4VFX12-FF668 HW-V5-ML507-UNI-G XC5VFX100TFF1136 VIRTEX-5 DDR PHY ML510 Virtex-5 LX50 VIRTEX-5 ff1136 PDF


    Abstract: smpte 424m to smpte 274m 3G-SDI serializer XAPP224 DATA RECOVERY 425M SMPTE-305M PCIe BT.656 ML571 vhdl code for multiplexing Tables in dvb-t SONY service manual circuits
    Text: Audio/Video Connectivity Solutions for Virtex-5 FPGAs Reference Designs for the Broadcast Industry: Volume 2 XAPP1014 v1.2 November 9, 2009 Xilinx is disclosing this user guide, manual, release note, and/or specification (the "Documentation") to you solely for use in the development

    XAPP1014 XAPP1014 smpte 424m to smpte 274m 3G-SDI serializer XAPP224 DATA RECOVERY 425M SMPTE-305M PCIe BT.656 ML571 vhdl code for multiplexing Tables in dvb-t SONY service manual circuits PDF


    Abstract: johnson tiles GTX tile oversampling recovered clock XC5VLX30T-FF323 aurora GTX ROSENBERGER XC5VSX50TFF665 2F-15 UCF virtex-4 BLM15HB221SN1
    Text: Virtex-5 FPGA RocketIO GTP Transceiver User Guide UG196 v2.0 June 10, 2009 Xilinx is disclosing this user guide, manual, release note, and/or specification (the "Documentation") to you solely for use in the development of designs to operate with Xilinx hardware devices. You may not reproduce, distribute, republish, download, display, post, or transmit the

    UG196 ug196 johnson tiles GTX tile oversampling recovered clock XC5VLX30T-FF323 aurora GTX ROSENBERGER XC5VSX50TFF665 2F-15 UCF virtex-4 BLM15HB221SN1 PDF

    RTL 8188

    Abstract: RAMB18SDP RAMB36 UG190 XC5VLX XC5VLX220T XC5VLX85T RAM32X1D SRLC32E xilinx jtag cable spartan 3
    Text: Virtex-5 FPGA User Guide UG190 v5.2 November 5, 2009 Xilinx is disclosing this user guide, manual, release note, and/or specification (the "Documentation") to you solely for use in the development of designs to operate with Xilinx hardware devices. You may not reproduce, distribute, republish, download, display, post, or transmit the

    UG190 SSTL18 RTL 8188 RAMB18SDP RAMB36 UG190 XC5VLX XC5VLX220T XC5VLX85T RAM32X1D SRLC32E xilinx jtag cable spartan 3 PDF


    Abstract: XC6SLX45-CSG324 XC6SLX16-CSG225 XC6SLX16-FTG256 XC6SLX16-CSG324 XC6SLX4-TQG144-2C XC6SLX45-CSG484 XC6SLX9-CSG225 XC3S1400A-FG676-4C/I XC6SLX45-FGG484
    Text: 32-Bit Initiator/Target v3 & v4 for PCI DS206 December 2, 2009 Product Specification v3.167 & v4.11 Features • Fully compliant 32-bit, 66/33 MHz Initiator/Target core for PCI • Customizable, programmable, single-chip solution • Pre-defined implementation for predictable timing

    32-Bit DS206 32-bit, XC6SLX9-TQG144-2C XC6SLX45-CSG324 XC6SLX16-CSG225 XC6SLX16-FTG256 XC6SLX16-CSG324 XC6SLX4-TQG144-2C XC6SLX45-CSG484 XC6SLX9-CSG225 XC3S1400A-FG676-4C/I XC6SLX45-FGG484 PDF


    Abstract: XC6SLX16-CSG324 XC6SLX45-CSG484 XC3SD3400AFG676 XC6SLX9-FTG256 XC6SLX45t-fgg484 XC6SLX16-CSG324-2C XC6SLX16-FTG256 XC6SLX45-FGG484 xc3s1400afg676
    Text: 64-Bit Initiator/Target v3 & v4 for PCI DS205 December 2, 2009 Product Specification v3.167 & v4.10 Features Core Facts • Fully compliant 64-bit, 66/33 MHz LogiCORE IP Initiator/Target core for PCI Resource Utilization 1 v4 Core v3 Core • Customizable, programmable, single-chip solution

    64-Bit DS205 64-bit, XC6SLX45-CSG324 XC6SLX16-CSG324 XC6SLX45-CSG484 XC3SD3400AFG676 XC6SLX9-FTG256 XC6SLX45t-fgg484 XC6SLX16-CSG324-2C XC6SLX16-FTG256 XC6SLX45-FGG484 xc3s1400afg676 PDF


    Abstract: XC5VLX50TFF1136 XC5VLX110T-ff1136 XC5VLX50T-FF1136 XC5VSX95TFF1136 XC5VLX110TFF1136 XC5VLX110-FF1153 XC5VFX70TFF1136 XC4VLX25-FF668 XC5VFX70T-FF1136-1C
    Text: Initiator/Target v5 & v6 for PCI-X DS208 April 24, 2009 Product Specification v5.166 & v6.8 Features Core Facts v6 PCI64/33 Mode Only • Fully verified design tested with Xilinx proprietary test bench and hardware LUTs 1748 1469 2310 1868 Slice Flip Flops

    DS208 PCI64/33 XC4VLX25-FF668-10C XC5VLX50TFF1136 XC5VLX110T-ff1136 XC5VLX50T-FF1136 XC5VSX95TFF1136 XC5VLX110TFF1136 XC5VLX110-FF1153 XC5VFX70TFF1136 XC4VLX25-FF668 XC5VFX70T-FF1136-1C PDF


    Abstract: XC6SLX45-CSG324 XC3SD3400AFG676 XC7K325T-ffg900 spartan ucf file 6 XC6SLX16-FTG256 XC6SLX25-CSG324-2C XC6SLX16-CSG324 XC6SLX45-FGG484 XC7K355T-FFG901
    Text: LogiCORE IP 32-Bit Initiator/Target v3 & v4 for PCI DS206 October 19, 2011 Product Specification v3.167 & v4.15 Features LogiCORE IP Facts Table • Fully compatible 32-bit, 66/33 MHz Initiator/Target core for PCI • Customizable, programmable, single-chip solution

    32-Bit DS206 32-bit, XC7K325TFFG900 XC6SLX45-CSG324 XC3SD3400AFG676 XC7K325T-ffg900 spartan ucf file 6 XC6SLX16-FTG256 XC6SLX25-CSG324-2C XC6SLX16-CSG324 XC6SLX45-FGG484 XC7K355T-FFG901 PDF


    Abstract: xilinx logicore core dds DSP48A1s xilinx logicore core dds square wave DS558 DSP48 precision Sine 1Mhz Wave Generator vhdl for 8 point fft in xilinx sine cosine phase quadrant look-up address f xc3*6
    Text: LogiCORE IP DDS Compiler v4.0 DS558 December 2, 2009 Product Specification Introduction The LogiCORE IP DDS Direct Digital Synthesizer Compiler core sources sinusoidal waveforms for use in many applications. A DDS consists of a Phase Generator and a SIN/COS Lookup Table. These parts are available

    DS558 XC6SLX45-FGG484 xilinx logicore core dds DSP48A1s xilinx logicore core dds square wave DSP48 precision Sine 1Mhz Wave Generator vhdl for 8 point fft in xilinx sine cosine phase quadrant look-up address f xc3*6 PDF

    Xilinx spartan xc3s400_ft256

    Abstract: XC3S400_FT256 XC3S400PQ208 XC3S250EPQ208 xc3s400TQ144 XC3S400FT256 xc3s1400afg676 XC3S700AFG484 XC3S500EPQ208 XC3S200FT256
    Text: Memory Interface Solutions User Guide UG086 v3.3 December 2, 2009 R R Xilinx is disclosing this Document and Intellectual Property (hereinafter “the Design”) to you for use in the development of designs to operate on, or interface with Xilinx FPGAs. Except as stated herein, none of the Design may be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished,

    UG086 DQS10 DQS11 DQS12 DQS13 DQS14 DQS15 DQS16 DQS17 Xilinx spartan xc3s400_ft256 XC3S400_FT256 XC3S400PQ208 XC3S250EPQ208 xc3s400TQ144 XC3S400FT256 xc3s1400afg676 XC3S700AFG484 XC3S500EPQ208 XC3S200FT256 PDF


    Abstract: MP21608S221A xc5vlx30t-ff323 XC5VLX155T-FF1738 XC5VSX50TFF665 direct sequence spread spectrum virtex-5 FERRITE-220 FF1136 XC5VLX30T-FF665 XC5VLX110T-FF1738
    Text: Virtex-5 FPGA RocketIO GTP Transceiver User Guide UG196 v2.1 December 3, 2009 Xilinx is disclosing this user guide, manual, release note, and/or specification (the "Documentation") to you solely for use in the development of designs to operate with Xilinx hardware devices. You may not reproduce, distribute, republish, download, display, post, or transmit the

    UG196 time16 UG196 MP21608S221A xc5vlx30t-ff323 XC5VLX155T-FF1738 XC5VSX50TFF665 direct sequence spread spectrum virtex-5 FERRITE-220 FF1136 XC5VLX30T-FF665 XC5VLX110T-FF1738 PDF

    ML605 UCF FILE

    Abstract: XAPP1052 asus motherboard virtex-6 ML605 user guide TLP 3616 dell power edge xapp1052 document "Asus P5B-VM" Xilinx Spartan-6 FPGA Kits XBMD
    Text: Application Note: Virtex-6, Virtex-5, Spartan-6 and Spartan-3 FPGA Families Bus Master DMA Performance Demonstration Reference Design for the Xilinx Endpoint PCI Express Solutions XAPP1052 v2.5 December 3, 2009 Summary Author: Jake Wiltgen and John Ayer

    XAPP1052 ML605 UCF FILE XAPP1052 asus motherboard virtex-6 ML605 user guide TLP 3616 dell power edge xapp1052 document "Asus P5B-VM" Xilinx Spartan-6 FPGA Kits XBMD PDF


    Abstract: XC7Z020CLG484 XC7K160Tffg676 XC7Z045FFG900 XC7A200T-FBG484 XC7Z010-CLG400
    Text: LogiCORE IP 64-Bit Initiator/Target v3 & v4 for PCI DS205 October 16, 2012 Product Specification v3.167 & v4.18 Features LogiCORE IP Facts • Fully compatible 64-bit, 66/33 MHz LogiCORE IP Initiator/Target core for PCI™ • Customizable, programmable, single-chip solution

    64-Bit DS205 64-bit, XC7Z020CLG400 XC7Z020CLG484 XC7K160Tffg676 XC7Z045FFG900 XC7A200T-FBG484 XC7Z010-CLG400 PDF


    Abstract: abstract for UART simulation using VHDL 0xC000004 H60000000 XC5VLX50TFF1136 XPS IIC GT11 ML507 verilog code for pci express PPC440MC
    Text: Application Note: Embedded Processing R XAPP1111 v1.0 April 13, 2009 Abstract Simulation of an EDK System Which Uses the PLBv46 Endpoint Bridge for PCI Express Author: Lester Sanders This application note demonstrates how to run a simulation of an EDK system containing the

    XAPP1111 PLBv46 XILINX PCIE abstract for UART simulation using VHDL 0xC000004 H60000000 XC5VLX50TFF1136 XPS IIC GT11 ML507 verilog code for pci express PPC440MC PDF


    Abstract: XC7A200T-FBG484 XC6SLX16CSG324 Xilinx ISE Design Suite 14.2 XC6SLX45-FGG484 XC6SLX100-FGG676 XC6SLX16-CSG324 XC6SLX45-CSG324 XC6SLX9CSG324 XC6SLX45-CSG484
    Text: LogiCORE IP 64-Bit Initiator/Target v3 & v4 for PCI DS205 July 25, 2012 Product Specification v3.167 & v4.17 Features LogiCORE IP Facts • Fully compatible 64-bit, 66/33 MHz LogiCORE IP Initiator/Target core for PCI™ • Customizable, programmable, single-chip solution

    64-Bit DS205 64-bit, xc7a100tcsg324 XC7A200T-FBG484 XC6SLX16CSG324 Xilinx ISE Design Suite 14.2 XC6SLX45-FGG484 XC6SLX100-FGG676 XC6SLX16-CSG324 XC6SLX45-CSG324 XC6SLX9CSG324 XC6SLX45-CSG484 PDF

    asus motherboard

    Abstract: design of dma controller using vhdl ML605 UCF FILE TLP 3616 XILINX/SPARTAN 3E STARTER BOARD "Asus P5B-VM" XBMD sp605 virtex-6 ML605 user guide virtex ucf file 6
    Text: Application Note: Virtex-6, Virtex-5, Spartan-6 and Spartan-3 FPGA Families Bus Master DMA Performance Demonstration Reference Design for the Xilinx Endpoint PCI Express Solutions XAPP1052 November 4, 2010 Summary Author: Jake Wiltgen and John Ayer This application note discusses how to design and implement a Bus Master Direct Memory

    XAPP1052 asus motherboard design of dma controller using vhdl ML605 UCF FILE TLP 3616 XILINX/SPARTAN 3E STARTER BOARD "Asus P5B-VM" XBMD sp605 virtex-6 ML605 user guide virtex ucf file 6 PDF

    dell precision 870

    Abstract: asus motherboard intel dual core circuit diagram dell circuit diagram of motherboard PC MOTHERBOARD 915 - M5 circuit diagram dell precision 870 data Asus PC MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT MANUAL ddr2 ram slot pin detail asus MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT diagram LVDS display 30 pin asus Motherboard dell precision 690
    Text: Application Note: Virtex-5 FPGAs R XAPP859 v1.1 July 31, 2008 Virtex-5 FPGA Integrated Endpoint Block for PCI Express Designs: DDR2 SDRAM DMA Initiator Demonstration Platform Authors: Kraig Lund, David Naylor, and Steve Trynosky Summary This application note provides a reference design for endpoint-initiated Direct Memory Access

    XAPP859 ML555 ML505 dell precision 870 asus motherboard intel dual core circuit diagram dell circuit diagram of motherboard PC MOTHERBOARD 915 - M5 circuit diagram dell precision 870 data Asus PC MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT MANUAL ddr2 ram slot pin detail asus MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT diagram LVDS display 30 pin asus Motherboard dell precision 690 PDF

    RTL 8188

    Abstract: RAMB18SDP differential amplifier cascade output UG190 vhdl code hamming ecc t3 bel 187 TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT GUIDE 20303 RAMB36 FPGA Virtex 6
    Text: Virtex-5 FPGA User Guide UG190 v5.0 June 19, 2009 Xilinx is disclosing this user guide, manual, release note, and/or specification (the "Documentation") to you solely for use in the development of designs to operate with Xilinx hardware devices. You may not reproduce, distribute, republish, download, display, post, or transmit the

    UG190 SSTL18 RTL 8188 RAMB18SDP differential amplifier cascade output UG190 vhdl code hamming ecc t3 bel 187 TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT GUIDE 20303 RAMB36 FPGA Virtex 6 PDF

    camera-link to hd-SDI converter

    Abstract: Virtex-4QV DS-KIT-FX12MM1-G AES-S6DEV-LX150T-G VHDL code for ADC and DAC SPI with FPGA spartan 3 ADQ0007 XC6SL AES-XLX-V4FX-PCIE100-G SPARTAN-3 XC3S400 based MXS3FK ADS-XLX-SP3-EVL400
    Text: Product Selection Guides Table of Contents February 2010 Virtex Series . 2 Spartan Series . 6


    RTL 8188

    Text: Virtex-5 FPGA User Guide UG190 v4.4 December 2, 2008 R R Xilinx is disclosing this user guide, manual, release note, and/or specification (the "Documentation") to you solely for use in the development of designs to operate with Xilinx hardware devices. You may not reproduce, distribute, republish, download, display, post, or transmit the


    dll 1117

    Abstract: MT49H16M18BM-25 verilog code for ddr2 sdram to virtex 5 MT49H16M18 XAPP852 FIFO36 asynchronous fifo vhdl xilinx micron DDR2 pcb layout vhdl code for DCM VIRTEX-5 DDR2 controller
    Text: Application Note: Virtex-5 FPGAs RLDRAM II Memory Interface for Virtex-5 FPGAs R Authors: Benoit Payette and Rodrigo Angel XAPP852 v2.3 May 14, 2008 Summary This application note describes how to use a Virtex -5 device to interface to Common I/O (CIO) Double Data Rate (DDR) Reduced Latency DRAM (RLDRAM II) devices. The reference design

    XAPP852 dll 1117 MT49H16M18BM-25 verilog code for ddr2 sdram to virtex 5 MT49H16M18 XAPP852 FIFO36 asynchronous fifo vhdl xilinx micron DDR2 pcb layout vhdl code for DCM VIRTEX-5 DDR2 controller PDF


    Abstract: AES-S6DEV-LX150T-G connector FMC LPC samtec DS-KIT-FX12MM1-G ADS-XLX-SP3-EVL1500 xcf128x SPARTAN-3 XC3S400 SPARTAN-3 XC3S400 pq208 architecture SPARTAN-3 XC3S400 based MXS3FK XQ4VSX55
    Text: Product Selection Guides Table of Contents January 2010 Virtex Series . 2 Spartan Series . 6


    example ml605

    Abstract: XAPP1052 asus motherboard FPGA based dma controller using vhdl virtex-6 ML605 user guide ML605 UCF FILE ML555 xapp1052 document asus p5b sp605
    Text: Application Note: Virtex-6, Virtex-5, Spartan-6 and Spartan-3 FPGA Families Bus Master DMA Performance Demonstration Reference Design for the Xilinx Endpoint PCI Express Solutions XAPP1052 v2.0 November 18, 2009 Summary Author: Jake Wiltgen This application note discusses how to design and implement a Bus Master Direct Memory

    XAPP1052 example ml605 XAPP1052 asus motherboard FPGA based dma controller using vhdl virtex-6 ML605 user guide ML605 UCF FILE ML555 xapp1052 document asus p5b sp605 PDF

    RTL 8188

    Abstract: RAMB18SDP xerox 1025 ISERDES Virtex-5 FPGA User Guide UG190 RAMB36 vhdl code hamming ecc RAMB36SDP RAMB18 UG190
    Text: Virtex-5 FPGA User Guide UG190 v5.3 May 17, 2010 Xilinx is disclosing this user guide, manual, release note, and/or specification (the "Documentation") to you solely for use in the development of designs to operate with Xilinx hardware devices. You may not reproduce, distribute, republish, download, display, post, or transmit the

    UG190 SSTL18 RTL 8188 RAMB18SDP xerox 1025 ISERDES Virtex-5 FPGA User Guide UG190 RAMB36 vhdl code hamming ecc RAMB36SDP RAMB18 UG190 PDF