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    Abstract: LVDSEXT-25 4564 RAM XC2VP70 FF1704 pinout XC2V1000 Pin-out XC2V1500 XC2V2000 XC2V3000 XC2V6000 XC2V8000
    Text: Xilinx Virtex-II Series FPGAs and RocketPHY Physical Layer Transceivers Transceiver Blocks 992 88 120 200 264 432 528 624 720 912 1104 1108 Chip Scale Packages CS – wire-bond chip-scale BGA (0.8 mm ball spacing) 144 8 88 92 FF896 92 8 FF1152 BGA Packages (BG) – wire-bond standard BGA (1.27 mm ball spacing)

    FF896 FF1152 FF11486 10Gbps BLVDS-25 LVDSEXT-25 4564 RAM XC2VP70 FF1704 pinout XC2V1000 Pin-out XC2V1500 XC2V2000 XC2V3000 XC2V6000 XC2V8000 PDF


    Abstract: LVCMOS25 LVCMOS33 XAPP623 XAPP653 XAPP659 XAPP689 LVDCI33 XC2VPX70 XC2VPX20
    Text: `6 48 Virtex-II Pro X Platform FPGAs: DC and Switching Characteristics R DS110-3 v1.1 March 5, 2004 Advance Product Specification Virtex-II Pro X Electrical Characteristics Virtex-II Pro X devices are provided in -7, -6, and -5 speed grades, with -7 having the highest performance.



    Abstract: xcf16pfs XCF32P-VOG48 XCF02S RELIABILITY REPORT 48-pin TSOP Package VO48 Xilinx Spartan-II 2.5V FPGA Family FSG48 XCF02S pcb
    Text: 47 Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs R DS123 v2.13.1 April 3, 2008 Product Specification Features • In-System Programmable PROMs for Configuration of Xilinx FPGAs • ♦ 3.3V Supply Voltage Low-Power Advanced CMOS NOR Flash Process

    DS123 XCF04S xcf16pfs XCF32P-VOG48 XCF02S RELIABILITY REPORT 48-pin TSOP Package VO48 Xilinx Spartan-II 2.5V FPGA Family FSG48 XCF02S pcb PDF

    XC3S250E design guide

    Abstract: csb 485 E2
    Text: <BL Blue> R DS123 v2.11 February 1, 2007 Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs Product Specification Features • • In-System Programmable PROMs for Configuration of Xilinx FPGAs ♦ • 3.3V supply voltage Low-Power Advanced CMOS NOR FLASH Process

    DS123 LVCMOS25 XC3S250E design guide csb 485 E2 PDF


    Abstract: pcb footprint FS48, and FSG48 XCF32P DS123 FS48 VO20 VO48 XCF01S XCF32PVO48C XCF08PFS48C
    Text: R DS123 v2.6 March 14, 2005 4 2 Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMS Preliminary Product Specification Features • In-System Programmable PROMs for Configuration of Xilinx FPGAs • Low-Power Advanced CMOS NOR FLASH Process • Endurance of 20,000 Program/Erase Cycles

    DS123 XCF08P/XCF16P/XCF32P VOG48, FSG48 XCF01S/XCF02S/XCF04S XCF02S pcb footprint FS48, and FSG48 XCF32P DS123 FS48 VO20 VO48 XCF01S XCF32PVO48C XCF08PFS48C PDF

    256x16* STATIC RAM

    Abstract: 32Kx1 false RAMB16 XC2S100 XC2S15 XC2S150 XC2S200 XC2S30 XC2S50
    Text: Single-Port Block Memory Core v6.2 DS234 April 28, 2005 Features • Fully synchronous drop-in module for Virtex , Virtex-II, Virtex-II Pro, Virtex-4, Spartan™-II, Spartan-IIE, Spartan-3, and Spartan-3E FPGAs • Supports all three Virtex-II write mode options:

    DS234 256x16* STATIC RAM 32Kx1 false RAMB16 XC2S100 XC2S15 XC2S150 XC2S200 XC2S30 XC2S50 PDF

    vhdl code for watchdog timer of ATM

    Abstract: Virtex-II 16 bit array multiplier VERILOG virtex 2 pro digital clock vhdl code powerpc 405 IEEE1532 PPC405 XAPP653 vhdl code for matrix multiplication
    Text: Virtex-II Pro X Platform FPGAs: Introduction and Overview R DS110-1 v1.1 March 5, 2004 Advance Product Specification Summary of Virtex-II Pro X Features • • High-Performance Platform FPGA Solution Including - Up to twenty RocketIO™ X embedded multi-gigabit

    DS110-1 18-bit vhdl code for watchdog timer of ATM Virtex-II 16 bit array multiplier VERILOG virtex 2 pro digital clock vhdl code powerpc 405 IEEE1532 PPC405 XAPP653 vhdl code for matrix multiplication PDF


    Abstract: gearbox 405 transmitter circuit in GPR XAPP290 405d4 basic block diagram of bit slice processors carry look ahead adder digital clock using gates IBM Processor Local Bus (PLB) 64-Bit Architecture OC192
    Text: 51 Virtex-II Pro X Platform FPGAs: Functional Description R DS110-2 v1.1 March 5, 2004 Advance Product Specification Virtex-II Pro™ X Array Functional Description DCM This module describes the following Virtex-II Pro X functional components, as shown in Figure 1:

    DS110-2 PPC405 DS1102 gearbox 405 transmitter circuit in GPR XAPP290 405d4 basic block diagram of bit slice processors carry look ahead adder digital clock using gates IBM Processor Local Bus (PLB) 64-Bit Architecture OC192 PDF

    NE 565 texas instruments

    Abstract: at17 dcm hf nw IBM Processor Local Bus (PLB) 64-Bit Architecture gearbox 405 xilinx tri mode ethernet TRANSMITTER signal 32 bit ALU vhdl code AM3 Processor Functional Data Sheet OPB* 953 XC2VPX70 RF receiver U35
    Text: Virtex-II Pro X Platform FPGAs: Complete Data Sheet R DS110 v1.1 March 5, 2004 Advance Product Specification This document includes all four modules of the Virtex-II Pro X Platform FPGA data sheet. Module 1: Introduction and Overview DS110-1 (v1.1) March 5, 2004

    DS110 DS110-1 DS110-2 DS110-4 NE 565 texas instruments at17 dcm hf nw IBM Processor Local Bus (PLB) 64-Bit Architecture gearbox 405 xilinx tri mode ethernet TRANSMITTER signal 32 bit ALU vhdl code AM3 Processor Functional Data Sheet OPB* 953 XC2VPX70 RF receiver U35 PDF


    Abstract: XCF01S Xilinx XCF04S pcb footprint FS48, and FSG48 XC3S500E XCF01SVO20 XCF32P DS123 FS48 VO20
    Text: 47 Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMS R DS123 v2.8 December 29, 2005 Product Specification Features • • • • • • • • • • In-System Programmable PROMs for Configuration of Xilinx FPGAs Low-Power Advanced CMOS NOR FLASH Process

    DS123 XCF08PFSG48C XCF01S Xilinx XCF04S pcb footprint FS48, and FSG48 XC3S500E XCF01SVO20 XCF32P DS123 FS48 VO20 PDF

    csb 485 E2

    Abstract: Xilinx XCF08P XCF01SVO20 XCF32P XCF128X fs48 xc3s400 pinout XCF32PVO48 DS123 VO48
    Text: 48 Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs R DS123 v2.16 November 14, 2008 Product Specification Features • In-System Programmable PROMs for Configuration of Xilinx FPGAs • ♦ 3.3V Supply Voltage Low-Power Advanced CMOS NOR Flash Process

    DS123 VOG20 csb 485 E2 Xilinx XCF08P XCF01SVO20 XCF32P XCF128X fs48 xc3s400 pinout XCF32PVO48 DS123 VO48 PDF


    Abstract: XCF32PFS48C XCF08 xcf02s-vo20 pcb footprint FS48, and FSG48 XCF01S xcf32p-vog48 DS123 FS48 VO20
    Text: <BL Blue> Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMS R DS123 v2.9 May 09, 2006 Product Specification Features • • In-System Programmable PROMs for Configuration of Xilinx FPGAs ♦ • 3.3V supply voltage Low-Power Advanced CMOS NOR FLASH Process

    DS123 VOG20 LVCMOS25 XCF32P XCF32PFS48C XCF08 xcf02s-vo20 pcb footprint FS48, and FSG48 XCF01S xcf32p-vog48 DS123 FS48 VO20 PDF

    apple ipad schematic drawing

    Abstract: xpower inverter 3000 plus apple ipad 8 bit alu in vhdl mini project report apple ipad 2 circuit schematic 8051 code assembler for data encryption standard XC2VP2-FG256 vhdl code for FFT 32 point Rayovac 357 apple ipad battery charge controller
    Text: Virtex-II Pro and Virtex-II Pro X FPGA User Guide UG012 v4.2 5 November 2007 R R Xilinx is disclosing this user guide, manual, release note, and/or specification (the "Documentation") to you solely for use in the development of designs to operate with Xilinx hardware devices. You may not reproduce, distribute, republish, download, display, post, or transmit the

    UG012 apple ipad schematic drawing xpower inverter 3000 plus apple ipad 8 bit alu in vhdl mini project report apple ipad 2 circuit schematic 8051 code assembler for data encryption standard XC2VP2-FG256 vhdl code for FFT 32 point Rayovac 357 apple ipad battery charge controller PDF

    CHN 936

    Abstract: CHN G4 019 xcf16pfs XCF02S RELIABILITY REPORT XCF04S XILINX SPARTAN XC2S50 XCF32PVO48 FG48 XC2V80 SPARTAN 3a dsp board schematics
    Text: 47 Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs R DS123 v2.12 January 28, 2008 Product Specification Features • • In-System Programmable PROMs for Configuration of Xilinx FPGAs • ♦ 3.3V Supply Voltage Low-Power Advanced CMOS NOR FLASH Process

    DS123 CHN 936 CHN G4 019 xcf16pfs XCF02S RELIABILITY REPORT XCF04S XILINX SPARTAN XC2S50 XCF32PVO48 FG48 XC2V80 SPARTAN 3a dsp board schematics PDF

    vhdl code for spi xilinx

    Abstract: vhdl code for uart communication 16 BIT ALU design with verilog hdl code XC2VP30 XC2VPX70 XC2VP70
    Text: 1 R DS083 v4.3 June 20, 2005 Virtex-II Pro and Virtex-II Pro X Platform FPGAs: Complete Data Sheet Product Specification Module 1: Introduction and Overview Module 3: DC and Switching Characteristics 9 pages 57 pages • • • • • • • • • •

    DS083 XC2VP30-FF1152 DS083-4 vhdl code for spi xilinx vhdl code for uart communication 16 BIT ALU design with verilog hdl code XC2VP30 XC2VPX70 XC2VP70 PDF

    vhdl code for uart communication

    Abstract: XC2VPX70 XC2VP100 XC2VP70 XC2VPX20 fifo vhdl
    Text: 1 R DS083 v4.5 October 10, 2005 Virtex-II Pro and Virtex-II Pro X Platform FPGAs: Complete Data Sheet Product Specification Module 1: Introduction and Overview Module 3: DC and Switching Characteristics 9 pages 57 pages • • • • • • • • •

    DS083 DS083-4 vhdl code for uart communication XC2VPX70 XC2VP100 XC2VP70 XC2VPX20 fifo vhdl PDF


    Abstract: XC2VP300 XC2VP20 fg676 AH36 XC2VP100FF1696 RAM32x1 305-120 RAM16X ds1102 vhdl code for uart communication
    Text: Product Not Recommended For New Designs 1 R DS083 v5.0 June 21, 2011 Virtex-II Pro and Virtex-II Pro X Platform FPGAs: Complete Data Sheet Product Specification Module 1: Introduction and Overview Module 3: DC and Switching Characteristics 10 pages 59 pages

    DS083 XC2VP7-FG456 XC2VP300 XC2VP20 fg676 AH36 XC2VP100FF1696 RAM32x1 305-120 RAM16X ds1102 vhdl code for uart communication PDF

    spartan 3a

    Abstract: 48-pin TSOP Package VO48 XCF02S RELIABILITY REPORT xcf128x XCF32PFS48C Virtex 4 XC4VFX60 XC3S400 XCF02S pcb XCF32P Device Reliability report XILINX
    Text: 48 Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs R DS123 v2.15 July 07, 2008 Product Specification Features • In-System Programmable PROMs for Configuration of Xilinx FPGAs • ♦ 3.3V Supply Voltage Low-Power Advanced CMOS NOR Flash Process

    DS123 VOG20 spartan 3a 48-pin TSOP Package VO48 XCF02S RELIABILITY REPORT xcf128x XCF32PFS48C Virtex 4 XC4VFX60 XC3S400 XCF02S pcb XCF32P Device Reliability report XILINX PDF


    Abstract: XC4VSX35-10FF668C XC4VSX35-10FFG668I XC4VLX25-10FF668C XC2VP20-5FF896C XC4VLX40-10FF668I XC4VLX25-10FF668I XC4VSX35-11FF668I XC2VP30-7FF896C XC4VSX25
    Text: Additional Source for Thermal Adhesive in Certain Flip-Chip Packages for Virtex-II, Virtex-II Pro, and Virtex-4 FYI−For Your Information XCN06012 v1.0 May 1, 2006 Overview This notice describes the qualification of a second source thermal adhesive and lid attach adhesive material for flip-chip

    XCN06012 XC2VP70-5FF1517I XC2VP70-7FF1517C XC2VP70-6FFG1517C XC2VPX20-5FF896C XC2VP70-5FF1704I XC2VP70-7FF1704C XC2VP70-6FFG1517I XC2VPX20-6FF896C XC2VP70-6FF1517C XC4VLX25-11FF668I XC4VSX35-10FF668C XC4VSX35-10FFG668I XC4VLX25-10FF668C XC2VP20-5FF896C XC4VLX40-10FF668I XC4VLX25-10FF668I XC4VSX35-11FF668I XC2VP30-7FF896C XC4VSX25 PDF

    vhdl code for data memory

    Abstract: vhdl code for sdram controller daisy chain verilog DS083 FF1148 FF1152 FF672 XAPP290 serdes ip digital IIR Filter VHDL code
    Text: 1 R DS083 v4.2 March 1, 2005 Virtex-II Pro and Virtex-II Pro X Platform FPGAs: Complete Data Sheet Product Specification Module 1: Introduction and Overview Module 3: DC and Switching Characteristics 9 pages 57 pages • • • • • • • • • •

    DS083 DS083-4 vhdl code for data memory vhdl code for sdram controller daisy chain verilog DS083 FF1148 FF1152 FF672 XAPP290 serdes ip digital IIR Filter VHDL code PDF


    Abstract: xcf16pfs XCF32PFS48 DS-121 XCF02S DS123 FS48 VO20 VO48 XCF02S pcb
    Text: <BL Blue> R DS123 v2.11.1 March 30, 2007 Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs Product Specification Features • • In-System Programmable PROMs for Configuration of Xilinx FPGAs ♦ 3.3V supply voltage • Low-Power Advanced CMOS NOR FLASH Process

    DS123 VOG20 LVCMOS25 XCF01S xcf16pfs XCF32PFS48 DS-121 XCF02S DS123 FS48 VO20 VO48 XCF02S pcb PDF

    ATM machine working circuit diagram

    Abstract: gearbox 405 Virtex-II Pro xc2vp50ff1152 Virtex-II Pro xc2vp70ff1517 K162 Virtex-II 250v ACE 69 D37 connector pcb IBM Processor Local Bus (PLB) 64-Bit Architecture R 2.8 no pinout 4
    Text: 1 R DS083 v4.0 June 30, 2004 Virtex-II Pro and Virtex-II Pro X Platform FPGAs: Complete Data Sheet Product Specification Module 1: Introduction and Overview Module 3: DC and Switching Characteristics DS083-1 (v4.0) June 30, 2004 9 pages DS083-3 (v4.0) June 30, 2004

    DS083 DS083-1 DS083-3 DS083-4 ATM machine working circuit diagram gearbox 405 Virtex-II Pro xc2vp50ff1152 Virtex-II Pro xc2vp70ff1517 K162 Virtex-II 250v ACE 69 D37 connector pcb IBM Processor Local Bus (PLB) 64-Bit Architecture R 2.8 no pinout 4 PDF


    Abstract: MGT22 PPC405 XC2064 XC3090 XC4005 XC5210 ChipScope Parallel Cable Iii KIT MK322
    Text: RocketIO X BERT Reference Design User Guide MK32x Development Platforms UG137 v1.0 P/N 0402309 September 30, 2004 R R "Xilinx" and the Xilinx logo shown above are registered trademarks of Xilinx, Inc. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.

    MK32x UG137 XC2064, XC3090, XC4005, XC5210 10-bit 8B/10B 20-bit) ACE FLASH MGT22 PPC405 XC2064 XC3090 XC4005 ChipScope Parallel Cable Iii KIT MK322 PDF


    Abstract: EV-2101CA ROCKETIO XC2064 XC3090 XC4005 XC5210 RPT007 10G serdes 2.5 xaui xx1002
    Text: RocketIO X Transceiver User Guide UG035 v2.0 February 22, 2007 R R “Xilinx” and the Xilinx logo shown above are registered trademarks of Xilinx, Inc. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved. CoolRunner, RocketChips, Rocket IP, Spartan, StateBENCH, StateCAD, Virtex, XACT, XC2064, XC3090, XC4005, and XC5210 are

    UG035 XC2064, XC3090, XC4005, XC5210 64B/66B 8B/10B LT1963 EV-2101CA ROCKETIO XC2064 XC3090 XC4005 RPT007 10G serdes 2.5 xaui xx1002 PDF