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    WSI ZPSD ORDERING Search Results

    WSI ZPSD ORDERING Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    0805HT-8N2TKSC Coilcraft Inc High reliability part. For price, availability and ordering contact Coilcraft Critical Products, Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    H0402CS-27NXGLW Coilcraft Inc High reliability part. For price, availability and ordering contact Coilcraft Critical Products, Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    WB1-1TSSD Coilcraft Inc High reliability part. For price, availability and ordering contact Coilcraft Critical Products, Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    0402CS-36NXJAW Coilcraft Inc High reliability part. For price, availability and ordering contact Coilcraft Critical Products, Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    WB1-1TSSB Coilcraft Inc High reliability part. For price, availability and ordering contact Coilcraft Critical Products, Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy

    WSI ZPSD ORDERING Datasheets Context Search

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    tqfp 64 socket

    Abstract: PSDSoft psd3xx psd4xx psd5xx TQFP 80 socket DKPRO-80U-110 PSD813F DKPRO-44J-110 programmer adapter
    Text: PSDpro Programmer Parallel Port Programmer for WSI's PSD Product Data Sheet and Manual Key Features: Low cost parallel port programmer for WSI's entire PSD product line Programs OTP EPROM based as well as Flash PSDs High speed programming Controlled via PC running WSI's PSDsoft development software

    PSD211R PSD813F WS6100 WS6101 WS6102 WS6103 WS6104 WS6105 WS6106 tqfp 64 socket PSDSoft psd3xx psd4xx psd5xx TQFP 80 socket DKPRO-80U-110 PSD813F DKPRO-44J-110 programmer adapter PDF

    J-Lead, plcc

    Abstract: CLDCC Power PQFP quad flat j-leaded package TQFP Package 44 lead WSI PSD WSI zpsd ordering psd4xx PLCC-52 PSD211R
    Text: Part Number Explanation ORDERING INFORMATION PSD Family Part Number Explanation Z PSD 413A2 V -A -20 J I Temperature Blank = Commercial, I = Industrial, M = Military Package Type (see below) Speed (-70=70ns, -90=90ns, -15=150ns, -20=200ns, -25=250ns) Revision (Blank = No Revision)

    413A2 150ns, 200ns, 250ns) PSD211R PSD813F J-Lead, plcc CLDCC Power PQFP quad flat j-leaded package TQFP Package 44 lead WSI PSD WSI zpsd ordering psd4xx PLCC-52 PSD211R PDF


    Abstract: Data I O ABEL Design Software Version 5.0 PSDsoft object file WSI zpsd ordering PSDSoft WS7002
    Text: PSDsoft TM Design Software for PSD and ZPSD Programmable Peripherals General Description PSDsoft development software enables the user to enter, configure and program using a separate programmer PSD designs for all PSD product families. PSDsoft’s framework

    WS7002: WS7003: WS7002 24-hour WSI PSD Data I O ABEL Design Software Version 5.0 PSDsoft object file WSI zpsd ordering PSDSoft PDF


    Abstract: PQFP44 PSD211R ZPSD211R ZPSD211RV psd3xx
    Text: PSD211R ZPSD211R, ZPSD211RV Low Cost Field Programmable Microcontroller Peripherals FEATURES SUMMARY • Single Supply Voltage: Figure 1. Packages – 5 V±10% for PSD211R and ZPSD211R – 2.7 to 5.5 V for ZPSD211RV ■ Up to 256 Kbit of EPROM ■ Input Latches



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PSD211R Family PSD211R ZPSD211R ZPSD211RV Low Cost Microcontroller Peripherals February, 1999 47280 Kato Road, Fremont, California 94538 Tel: 510-656-5400 Fax: 510-657-8495 800-TEAM-WSI 800-832-6974 Web Site: E-mail: Return to Main Menu

    PSD211R ZPSD211R ZPSD211RV 800-TEAM-WSI zpsd PDF


    Abstract: 74ls373 datasheet 80C31-12 INTEL hearing aid chip hearing aids CS10 PQFP44 PSD211R ZPSD211R ZPSD211RV
    Text: PSD211R ZPSD211R, ZPSD211RV Low Cost Field Programmable Microcontroller Peripherals FEATURES SUMMARY • Single Supply Voltage: Figure 1. Packages – 5 V±10% for PSD211R and ZPSD211R – 2.7 to 5.5 V for ZPSD211RV ■ Up to 256 Kbit of EPROM ■ Input Latches

    PSD211R ZPSD211R, ZPSD211RV PSD211R ZPSD211R PLDCC44 CLDCC44 PQFP44 PSD211R-B-70J 74ls373 datasheet 80C31-12 INTEL hearing aid chip hearing aids CS10 PQFP44 ZPSD211R ZPSD211RV PDF


    Abstract: 68HC11 CS10 PSD211R ZPSD211R ZPSD211RV psd3xx WSI PSD 813
    Text: PSD211R Family PSD211R ZPSD211R ZPSD211RV Low Cost Microcontroller Peripherals February, 1999 47280 Kato Road, Fremont, California 94538 Tel: 510-656-5400 Fax: 510-657-8495 800-TEAM-WSI 800-832-6974 Web Site: E-mail: Return to Main Menu

    PSD211R PSD211R ZPSD211R ZPSD211RV 800-TEAM-WSI 68HC05C0 68HC11 CS10 ZPSD211RV psd3xx WSI PSD 813 PDF

    transistor 0882

    Abstract: PSD211R 80C31-12 INTEL HATTELAND hearing aid chip hearing aids N 341 AB 68HC05C0 68HC11 CS10
    Text: PSD211R Family PSD211R ZPSD211R ZPSD211RV Low Cost Microcontroller Peripherals February, 1999 47280 Kato Road, Fremont, California 94538 Tel: 510-656-5400 Fax: 510-657-8495 800-TEAM-WSI 800-832-6974 Web Site: E-mail: Return to Main Menu

    PSD211R PSD211R ZPSD211R ZPSD211RV 800-TEAM-WSI transistor 0882 80C31-12 INTEL HATTELAND hearing aid chip hearing aids N 341 AB 68HC05C0 68HC11 CS10 PDF

    16 bit 8096 microcontroller architecture

    Abstract: ARCHITECTURE OF 80186 PROCESSOR intel 80196 microcontroller national semiconductor databook 80c196KB users 8096 MICROCONTROLLER ADDRESSING MODES 80186 programmer guide small signal transistor MOTOROLA DATABOOK 80196 MEMORY INTERFACE intel 80196
    Text: Programmable Peripheral ZPSD3XX Family Field-Programmable Microcontroller Peripheral Preliminary Key Features ❏ Single Chip Zero Power Programmable Peripheral for Microcontroller-based Applications ❏ Integrated Power Management — Standby typically 10µA ZPSD3XX or 1 µA (ZPSD3XXV)

    ZPSD314R) 16 bit 8096 microcontroller architecture ARCHITECTURE OF 80186 PROCESSOR intel 80196 microcontroller national semiconductor databook 80c196KB users 8096 MICROCONTROLLER ADDRESSING MODES 80186 programmer guide small signal transistor MOTOROLA DATABOOK 80196 MEMORY INTERFACE intel 80196 PDF

    WSI PSD312-b

    Abstract: PSD312-B-70J WSI PSD311-B-15J PSD302-B-70J PSD312-B-15J zpsd312b90ji PSD301-B-15J
    Text: PSD3XX Family PSD3XX PSD3XXR ZPSD3XX ZPSD3XXV ZPSD3XXR ZPSD3XXRV Low Cost Microcontroller Peripherals February, 1999 47280 Kato Road, Fremont, California 94538 Tel: 510-656-5400 Fax: 510-657-8495 800-TEAM-WSI 800-832-6974 Web Site: E-mail:

    800-TEAM-WSI WSI PSD312-b PSD312-B-70J WSI PSD311-B-15J PSD302-B-70J PSD312-B-15J zpsd312b90ji PSD301-B-15J PDF

    WSI PSD312-b

    Abstract: PSD312-B-70J WSI PSD311-B-70J WSI psd3xx PSD312-B-15J PSD302-B-70M PSD302-B-90JI WSI PEP300 PSD3XX WSI pro PROGRAMMER PSD/ZPSD Z180T
    Text: PSD3XX Family PSD3XX PSD3XXR ZPSD3XX ZPSD3XXV ZPSD3XXR ZPSD3XXRV Low Cost Microcontroller Peripherals February, 1999 47280 Kato Road, Fremont, California 94538 Tel: 510-656-5400 Fax: 510-657-8495 800-TEAM-WSI 800-832-6974 Web Site: E-mail:

    800-TEAM-WSI WSI PSD312-b PSD312-B-70J WSI PSD311-B-70J WSI psd3xx PSD312-B-15J PSD302-B-70M PSD302-B-90JI WSI PEP300 PSD3XX WSI pro PROGRAMMER PSD/ZPSD Z180T PDF


    Abstract: Waferscale Integration PSD301 WSI PEP300 PSD3XX pmr 210 mb PSD311B-15J PSD311-B-70J WSI PSD312-B-90JI WSI pro PROGRAMMER PSD/ZPSD WSI PSD312-b CS10
    Text: PSD3XX Family PSD3XX PSD3XXR ZPSD3XX ZPSD3XXV ZPSD3XXR ZPSD3XXRV Low Cost Microcontroller Peripherals February, 1999 47280 Kato Road, Fremont, California 94538 Tel: 510-656-5400 Fax: 510-657-8495 800-TEAM-WSI 800-832-6974 Web Site: E-mail:

    800-TEAM-WSI psd3xx Waferscale Integration PSD301 WSI PEP300 PSD3XX pmr 210 mb PSD311B-15J PSD311-B-70J WSI PSD312-B-90JI WSI pro PROGRAMMER PSD/ZPSD WSI PSD312-b CS10 PDF


    Abstract: 68HC11 68HC16 PSD413A2 psd4xx psd5xx PT100 CL csio
    Text: Programmable Peripheral ZPSD4XX Family Field-Programmable Microcontroller Peripherals Key Features ❏ Complete family of Field Programmable Microcontroller Peripherals enables the user to efficiently implement a highly integrated embedded control system in a short

    68HC11, 68HC16, 683XX, 683XX 68HC11 68HC16 PSD413A2 psd4xx psd5xx PT100 CL csio PDF

    16 bit 8096 microcontroller architecture

    Abstract: 8096 microcontroller architecture application 8096 microcontroller features 80196 internal architecture diagram 8051 microcontroller DATA SHEET 8096/80196 pin diagram hearing aid chip hearing aids intel 8096 datasheet ZPSD301R
    Text: Programmable Peripheral ZPSD3XX Family Field-Programmable Microcontroller Peripheral Key Features ❏ Single Chip Zero Power Programmable Peripheral for Microcontroller-based Applications ❏ Integrated Power Management — Standby typically 10µA ZPSD3XX or 1 µA (ZPSD3XXV)

    ZPSD314R) 16 bit 8096 microcontroller architecture 8096 microcontroller architecture application 8096 microcontroller features 80196 internal architecture diagram 8051 microcontroller DATA SHEET 8096/80196 pin diagram hearing aid chip hearing aids intel 8096 datasheet ZPSD301R PDF


    Abstract: WSI PSD312-b PA510 PSD301 CS10 PQFP44 PSD301R PSD302R PSD311R TQFP44
    Text: PSD3XX ZPSD3XX ZPSD3XXV PSD3XXR ZPSD3XXR ZPSD3XXRV Low Cost Field Programmable Microcontroller Peripherals FEATURES SUMMARY • Single Supply Voltage: Figure 1. Packages – 5 V±10% for PSD3xx, ZPSD3xx, PSD3xxR, ZPSD3xxR – 2.7 to 5.5 V for ZPSD3xxV, ZPSD3xxRV

    PLDCC44 CLDCC44 PQFP44 TQFP44 psd3xx WSI PSD312-b PA510 PSD301 CS10 PQFP44 PSD301R PSD302R PSD311R TQFP44 PDF

    wsi Magic PRO II

    Abstract: PSD211R
    Text: PSD211R Family PSD211R ZPSD211R ZPSD211RV Low Cost Microcontroller Peripherals February, 1999 47280 Kato Road, Fremont, California 94538 Tel: 510-656-5400 F ax: 510-657-8495 800-TEAM -W SI 800-832-6974 Web Site: E-m ail: info@

    OCR Scan
    PSD211R ZPSD211R ZPSD211RV 800-TEAM 800-TEAM-WSI wsi Magic PRO II PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PSD211RFamily PSD211R ZPSD211R ZPSD211RV Low Còsi Microcontroller Peripherals February, 1999 47280 Kato Road, Fremont, California 94538 Tel: 510-656-5400 Fax: 510-657-8495 800-TEAM-WSI 800-832-6974 Web Site: E-mail: Return to Main Menu

    OCR Scan
    PSD211RFamily PSD211R ZPSD211R ZPSD211RV 800-TEAM-WSI PSD211R 2PSD211R psd211 PDF


    Abstract: zilog z80 psd303b70j PSD302-B
    Text: PSD3XX Family PSD3XX PSD3XXR ZPSD3XX ZPSD3XXV ZPSD3XXR ZPSD3XXRV Low Cost Microcontroller Peripherals February, 1999 47280 Kato Road, Fremont, California 94538 Tel: 510-656-5400 Fax: 510-657-8495 800-TEAM-WSI 800-832-6974 Web Site: E-mail:

    OCR Scan
    800-TEAM-WSI 800-TEAM WSI PEP300 PSD3XX zilog z80 psd303b70j PSD302-B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Programmable Peripheral ZPSD3XX Family Field-Programmable Microcontroller Peripheral Key Features □ Single Chip Zero Power Programmable Peripheral for Microcontroller-based Applications □ Integrated Power Management — Standby typically 10pA ZPSD3XX or 1 pA (ZPSD3XXV)

    OCR Scan

    zilog z80

    Abstract: SC80C451
    Text: Programmable Peripheral ZPSD3XX Family Field-Programmable M icro con tro lle r Peripheral Key Features □ Single Chip Zero Power Programmable Peripheral for Microcontroller-based Applications □ Integrated Power Management — Standby typically 10^A ZPSD3XX or 1

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PSD3XX Family PSD3XX PSD3XXR ZPSD3XX ZPSD3XXV ZPSD3XXR ZPSD3XXRV Low Cost Microcontroller Peripherals February; 1999 47280 Kato Road, Fremont, California 94538 Tel: 510-656-5400 Fax: 510-657-8495 800-TEAM-WSI 800-832-6974 Web Site: E-mail:

    OCR Scan
    800-TEAM-WSI ZPSD313V-B-25L ZPSD313V-B-25M ZPSD313V-B-25U ZPSD313R-B-70J ZPSD313R-B-70M ZPSD313R-B-90JI ZPSD313R-B-90MI ZPSD313R-B-15J ZPSD313R-B-15M PDF


    Abstract: 80C196 intel
    Text: f# # = = = Programmable Peripheral = ZPSD4XX Family Field-Programmable Microcontroller Peripherals Key Features □ Complete family of Field Programmable Microcontroller Peripherals enables the user to efficiently implement a highly integrated embedded control system in a short

    OCR Scan
    68HC11, 68HC16, 683XX, MICROCONTROLLER 8031 80C196 intel PDF

    intel 80186 memory map

    Abstract: SC80C451 8098 PID
    Text: Programmable Peripheral ZPSD3XX Family Field-Programmable Microcontroller Peripheral Key Features □ Single Chip Zero Power Programmable Peripheral for Microcontroller-based Applications □ Integrated Power Management — Standby typically 10p A ZPSD3XX or 1 pA (ZPSD3XXV)

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Programmable Peripheral ZPSB3XX Family Field-Programmable Microcontroller Peripheral Preliminary Key Features □ Single Chip Zero Power Programmable Peripheral for Microcontroller-based Applications □ Integrated Power Management — Standby typically 10pA ZPSD3XX or 1 (jA (ZPSD3XXV)

    OCR Scan
    Terms00 0005AD0 PDF