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    Abstract: MT48LC2M32B2 MSC8122 MSC8122ADS
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Application Note AN2993 Rev. 0, 7/2005 SDRAM Support on the StarCore Based MSC8122 DSP By Iantha Scheiwe The limitations of an SDRAM machine are not on the total memory it can support but rather on the type and size of the SDRAM device. This application note describes how to support

    AN2993 MSC8122 MSC8122 MSC8122ADS MT48LC2M32B2-5 MT48LC2M32B2 PDF


    Abstract: MSC8256 MSC8156 disasmsc100 BT 342 project MSC815x PIC PROJECT CCS C SC3200 SC-711 SC140 DSP Core Reference Manual
    Text: CodeWarrior Development Studio for StarCore DSP Architectures Targeting Manual Revised: 26 July 2010 Freescale, the Freescale logo, CodeWarrior and StarCore are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.

    writemem16 writemem32 writemmr16 writemmr32 writereg16 writereg32 writereg40 sc100-elf2xx MSC8256 MSC8156 disasmsc100 BT 342 project MSC815x PIC PROJECT CCS C SC3200 SC-711 SC140 DSP Core Reference Manual PDF