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    Knowles Capacitors PDW06089

    Signal Conditioning 6-18GHz 4 way Power Divider
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    WILKINSON Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Model PD0810J5050S2 Rev C Ultra Low Profile 0805 Power Divider 50Ω to 50Ω Description The PD0810J5050S2 is a low profile, sub-miniature Wilkinson power divider in an easy to use surface mount package. The PD0810J5050S2 is ideal for high volume manufacturing and delivers higher performances than traditional printed and lumped

    PD0810J5050S2 PD0810J5050S2 620-PD0810J5050S2HF PD0810J5050S2HF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PDM-24-13G SQ 0°° DIVIDERS / COMBINERS REV: 004, 02/08/01 • SPACE QUALIFIED • 8 - 18 GHz, 2 WAY, SMA SERIES 05 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION / APPLICATION The PDM-24-13G SQ 2-way In-Phase Power Divider/Combiner covers 8-18 GHz. It uses a conventional Wilkinson

    PDM-24-13G CENG-0001, M-24-13G PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PDM-21-10G SQ 0°° DIVIDERS / COMBINERS REV: 004, 02/08/01 • SPACE QUALIFIED • 8.0 - 12.4 GHz, 2 WAY, SMA SERIES 05 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION / APPLICATION The PDM-21-10G SQ In-Phase Power Divider/Combiner covers 8.0 - 12.4 GHz. It uses a conventional Wilkinson

    PDM-21-10G CENG-0001, M-21-10G PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Two-, Four-, & Eight-Way Isolated Power Dividers Wilkinson 2089 Series V3.00 Features Excellent Amplitude and Phase Balance High Isolation between Output Ports Low VSWR, Small Size and Light Weight Octave and Multi-Octave Frequency Coverage Power: 10 Watts Input Maximum with Matched Terminations

    MIL-E-5400 PDF


    Abstract: wilkinson divider
    Text: Model 4D1304 Rev. A Power Dividers In-Phase, 2-Way Description The 4D1304 is a low profile 2 way Wilkinson power divider in an easy to use surface mount package designed for AMPS and GSM band applications. The 4D1304 is ideal for low power, in phase divider/combiner

    4D1304 4D1304 wilkinson divider PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NT IA PL M CO S oH *R Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Applications DC to 2.2 GHz Terminals for PCB placement Low VSWR Aluminum Nitride ceramic High power RoHS compliant* ■ ■ ■ ■ RF amplifiers Attenuators Antenna feeds Wilkinson dividers CHF2010xNP Series 10 W Power RF Chip Termination/Resistor

    CHF2010xNP CHF2010CNP500L CHF2010CNP101R. CHF2010DNP101R. SR0716 PDF


    Abstract: PD3150J5050S2
    Text: Model PD3150J5050S2HF Rev B Ultra Low Profile 0805 Power Divider 50Ω to 50Ω Description The PD3150J5050S2HF is a low profile, sub-miniature Wilkinson power divider in an easy to use surface mount package. The PD3150J5050S2HF is ideal for high volume manufacturing and delivers higher performances than traditional printed and

    PD3150J5050S2HF PD3150J5050S2HF wilkinson PD3150J5050S2 PDF

    transistor D 882 p

    Abstract: power divider 10 GHZ 3way D 882 p 4 way power divider 50 ohm 2 ghz Antenna
    Text: MMFM-PDD-3N-2.3G 3-WAY POWER DIVIDER TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION / APPLICATION The functional schematic for Merrimac’s MMFM-PDD-3N-2.3G, 3-way power divider is shown above. The power divider is a true stripline Wilkinson, utilizing a parallel resistor configuration. The multilayer package



    Abstract: CENG-0001 97oz M8112
    Text: PDM-81-12G SQ 0° DIVIDERS / COMBINERS REV: 004, 02/05/01 • SPACE QUALIFIED • 10.5 - 13 GHz, 8 WAY, SMA The PDM-81-12G SQ 8-way In-Phase Power Divider/Combiner covers 10.5-13 GHz. It uses a conventional Wilkinson design which provides high isolation and low VSWR. This unit has been designed, manufactured

    PDM-81-12G CENG-0001, M-81-12G CENG-0001 97oz M8112 PDF

    Microlab Divider

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Power Splitters, Dx-68FN 2, 3 & 4 way in-line Wilkinson Dividers Low Loss, 380 - 2,700 MHz , N type t t t t t t t 380 - 2,700 MHz Multi-Band Frequency Range 50/100 Watt Power Rating Low RF Insertion Loss 20 dB Isolation RoHS compliant Low Cost Design N Connectors standard

    Dx-68FN Dx-68FN Dx-58FN Dx-88FD D2-68FN Microlab Divider PDF

    "Power Splitters"

    Abstract: TT698 T 698
    Text: Power Splitters, Dx-78FN series 2, 3 & 4 way in-line N-type, Wilkinson Dividers Opposed Connectors, 698 - 2,700 MHz $ Saver Product t t t t t t t 698 - 2,700 MHz 5 & 10 W Power Rating Low RF Insertion Loss 20 dB Isolation RoHS compliant Low Cost Design Opposed Connectors

    Dx-78FN D3-78FN "Power Splitters" TT698 T 698 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH POWER CHIP, ALUMINUM NITRIDE RESISTORS, TERMINATIONS SERIES ANC 50 & 100 OHMS GENERAL INFORMATION When mounted on an appropriate heat sink, these chip devices provide high power dissipation in terminations and as balancing resistors in Wilkinson power divider networks. Laser trimming provides maximum peak



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SERIES ANC RESISTORS, TERMINATIONS High Power Chip, Aluminum Nitride – 50 & 100 Ohms RoHS GENERAL INFORMATION When mounted on an appropriate heat sink, these chip devices provide high power dissipation in terminations and as balancing resistors in Wilkinson power divider networks. Laser trimming


    RESISTOR 0201 footprint dimension

    Abstract: 0201 resistor 0201 footprint wilkinson power divider bluetooth le PD2425N5050S2 6205 subminiature
    Text: Model PD2425N5050S2 Rev C Ultra Low Profile 0404 Power Divider 50Ω to 50Ω Description The PD2425N5050S2 is a low profile 1mm square, sub-miniature Wilkinson power divider in an easy to use surface mount package. The PD2425N5050S2 is ideal for high volume manufacturing and delivers higher performances than traditional printed

    PD2425N5050S2 PD2425N5050S2 RESISTOR 0201 footprint dimension 0201 resistor 0201 footprint wilkinson power divider bluetooth le 6205 subminiature PDF


    Abstract: 4232 CM 4152a 4122
    Text: PRODUCT SPECIFICATION POWER DIVDERS TWO WAY, 1 TO 18 GHZ FEATURES • Designed to Meet MIL-E-5400 Class 3 • SMA Female Connectors per MIL-PRF-39012 • High Isolation Wilkinson Circuit Design 4002 SERIES SPECIFICATIONS VSWR Insertion Frequency max Loss max

    MIL-E-5400 MIL-PRF-39012 4132 4232 CM 4152a 4122 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SERIES PPC, NPC RESISTORS, TERMINATIONS High Power Chip – 50 & 100 Ohms GENERAL INFORMATION When mounted on an appropriate heat sink, these chip devices provide high power dissipation in terminations and as balancing resistors in Wilkinson power divider networks. Laser trimming

    DC-10 DC-12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P0WER DIVIDERS, WILKINSON 2 Way-SMA, Up to 18 GHz, 10 Watts SPECIFICATIONS: Note: Dimensions in Brackets are Expressed in Millimeters and are for Reference Only. Design specifications are subject to change without notice. Contact factory for technical specifications before purchasing or use.



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Pow er Dividers & Hybrids Traditionally, both coupled line 3 dB couplers and inphase Wilkinson dividers have been used for power division and combining. There are basic differences between these two types of dividers, however, that make one more desirable than the other in a particular

    OCR Scan

    weinschel 965

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Weinschel New Product Models 1509R2-4 & 1509R3-4 0.5 to 2.0 GHz 4-WAY POWER DIVIDERS SMA Female Connectors This series of Wilkinson Power Dividers has been degned to achieve high isolation and low SWR in a miniature stripline configuration. Etched teflon fiberglass

    OCR Scan
    1509R2-4 1509R3-4 MIL-C-39012 1509R2-4 1509R3-2 1509R2-2 Maryland21703-7362· weinschel 965 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: iM fccôtï m a n A M P com p a n y Two-, Four-, & Eight-Way Isolated Power Dividers Wilkinson 2089 Series Features • • • • • • Excellent Am plitude and Phase Balance High Isolation betw een O utput Ports Low VSWR, Small Size and Light W eight

    OCR Scan
    MIL-E-5400 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Afikctm Eight-Way Isolated Power Dividers Wilkinson 2089 Series Octave and Multi-Octave Frequency Coverage Excellent Amplitude & Phase Balance Low Insertion Loss Low VSWR Meets MIL-E-5400 Environments £ These new eight-way in-phase power dividers combine

    OCR Scan
    MIL-E-5400 PDF


    Abstract: Dividers
    Text: Power Dividers Wilkinson Isolated • Resisitve Table of Contents General Information. 100 Definition of Parameters. 101

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: tlfCO Electronics Two-, Four-, & Eight-Way Isolated Power Dividers Wilkinson 2069Series V3 Features • • • • • Excellent Amplitud e and Phase Balance High Isolation between Output Ports Low VSWR, Small Size and Light Weight Octave and Multi-Octave Frequency Coverage

    OCR Scan
    2069Series PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Wclnschcl New Product Models 1509R2-4 & 1509R3-4 0.5 to 2.0 GHz 4-WAY POWER DIVIDERS SMA Female Connectors This series of Wilkinson Power Dividers has been degned to achieve high isolation and low SWR in a miniature stripline configuration. Etched teflon fiberglass

    OCR Scan
    1509R2-4 1509R3-4 1509R2-4 1509R3-2 1509R2-2 Maryland21703-7362» 340b PDF