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    VLSI Technology Inc VL82C003QC1

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Quest Components VL82C003QC1 412
    • 1 $13.68
    • 10 $13.68
    • 100 $13.68
    • 1000 $6.84
    • 10000 $6.84
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    VL82C003QC1 106
    • 1 $12.312
    • 10 $12.312
    • 100 $9.576
    • 1000 $9.576
    • 10000 $9.576
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    ComSIT USA VL82C003QC1 311
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    VL82C0 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: upd765acompatible "VLSI Technology" disk system on a chip graphics data separator oti037
    Text: V L S I TECHNOLOGY IN C Tfl TÉJT3ññ347 0U 0 1 S 3 5 7 | ~ D l T - S2 -3 3- IÌ V L SI Technology , in c . VL82C033/OTI-033 IBM PS/2 MODEL 30-COMPATIBLE FLOPPY DISK CONTROLLER AND DATA SEPARATOR FEATURES • Provides a n.PD765A-compatible floppy disk controller

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    VL82C033/OTI-033 30-COMPATIBLE uPD765A-compatible -250K -300K -500K OTI-032 VL82C033/OT1-033 VL82C033/OTI-033 VL82C037 upd765acompatible "VLSI Technology" disk system on a chip graphics data separator oti037 PDF


    Abstract: IC 7481 pin configuration vl82c0
    Text: V L S I T e c h n o l o g y , in c . VL82C037 IBM VGA -COMPATIBLE VIDEO GRAPHICS CONTROLLER FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Single-chip VGA video graphics device that is com pletely com patible in the following systems: -IB M PC/AT-com patible -IB M PC/XT-com patible

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    VL82C037 132-column VL82C037 30-com 100-PIN T-90-20 IC 7481 pin configuration vl82c0 PDF


    Abstract: VL82C481 B0021 vl82c002qc VL82C002 VL82C002-QC
    Text: V L S I Technology , in c . P ^ û o y T _ VL82C002 INPUT SCANNER FEATURES OVERVIEW • 16-bit shift register The VL82C002 Input Scanner chip implements the serial scanning of the ISA bus compatible interrupt signals.

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    VL82C002 16-bit 28-lead VL82C002 VL82C480 VL82C481 VL82C481 B0021 vl82c002qc VL82C002-QC PDF

    nec v30

    Abstract: V30 CPU vl82c0 vl82c031
    Text: VLSI T e c h n o l o g y , in c . VL82C031 SUPER XT-COMPATIBLE SYSTEM CONTROLLER FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Supports 8086 or V30 CPU at 8 MHz or 10 MHz zero wait state using 150 ns DRAMs The VL82C031 provides the XT-com ­ patible system with dual speed control,

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    VL82C031 VL82C031 100-PIN T-90-20 nec v30 V30 CPU vl82c0 PDF

    8253 timer

    Abstract: NS8250 VL82C037 8253-Timer 8253 interface with 8086 Peripheral with block diagram block diagram of intel 8253 chip intel 8042 58167A vl82c0 ns8250a
    Text: VLSI Tech n o lo gy , in c . VL82C032 SUPER XT-COMPATIBLE I/O CONTROLLER FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Controls PS/2 - and PC/AT®compatible system keyboard and mouse The VL82C032 provides the XT-compatible system with control of both the keyboard and the pointing device

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    VL82C032 -8253-compatible 8250-compatible -8259-compatible -58167-compatible VL82C032 100-PIN T-90-20 8253 timer NS8250 VL82C037 8253-Timer 8253 interface with 8086 Peripheral with block diagram block diagram of intel 8253 chip intel 8042 58167A vl82c0 ns8250a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VLSI T ec h n o lo g y , in c . VL82C018 REAL TIME CLOCK WITH RAM FEATURES • Direct replacement for IBM PC/ATcompatible clock • Power sense input sets register bit in case of power failure • Calculates year with leap year compensation , month, date, day of

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    VL82C018 12-hour VL82C018 MC146818 DS1287A VL82C018-PC VL82C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VLSI Tech no lo g y , in c . VL82C037 IBM VGA -COMPATIBLE VIDEO GRAPHICS CONTROLLER FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Single-chip VGA video graphics device that is completely compatible in the following systems: -IBM PC/AT-compatible -IBM PC/XT-compatible -IBM PS/2-compatible

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    VL82C037 VL82C037 30-compatible PAL20L8 /SA18 PDF

    7481 memory ics

    Abstract: oti-037

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    OTI-037 SA8-SA16 MD8-MD15 SA0-SA19 MD16-MD23 MD24-MD31 7481 memory ics oti-037 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OAK TECHNOLOGY INC. OTI-037 IBM VGA-COMPATIBLE VIDEO GRAPHICS CONTROLLER FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Single-chip VG A video graphics device that is com pletely com patible in the follow ing system s: -IB M PC/AT -com patible -IB M PC/XT®-com patible -IB M PS/2®-com patible

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    OTI-037 TI-037 30-com MD31-MD0. PDF

    interfacing of 8237 with 8086

    Abstract: nec v30 8237 interface with 8086 Peripheral block diagram interfacing of memory devices with 8086 V30 CPU vl82c laptop HARD DISK CIRCUIT diagram RD3F OTI-037 02F8-02FF
    Text: OAK TECHNOLOGY INC OTI-031 IBM PS/2 MODEL 30-COMPATIBLE SYSTEM CONTROLLER FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Supports 8086 or V30 CPU speed at 8 MHz or 10 MHz with zero wait state using 150 ns DRAMs The OTI-031 provides the PS/2 Model 30-compatible system with the dual

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    OTI-031 OTI-O31 30-compatible MA1-MA10 SAD0-SAD19 RAM256/1M interfacing of 8237 with 8086 nec v30 8237 interface with 8086 Peripheral block diagram interfacing of memory devices with 8086 V30 CPU vl82c laptop HARD DISK CIRCUIT diagram RD3F OTI-037 02F8-02FF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OAK TECHNOLOGY INC. OTI-032 IBM PS/2 MODEL 30-COMPATIBLE I/O CONTROLLER FEATURES • Controls Model 30-compatible system keyboard and mouse • Integrates the following functions on a single device: -8253-compatible timer/counter -D ual 8250-compatible serial com­

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    OTI-032 30-COMPATIBLE -8253-compatible 8250-compatible -8259-compatible -58167-compatible OTI-032 MA1-MA10 oti-037 PDF

    8086 timer

    Abstract: NS8250 00B0-OOBF intel 8253 8253 programmable interval timer microcontroller 3d printer 58167 8086 with eprom oti037 OTI-034
    Text: OAK TECHNOLOGY INC. OTI-032 IBM PS/2 MODEL 30-COMPATIBLE I/O CONTROLLER FEATURES • Controls Model 30-compatible system keyboard and mouse • Integrates the following functions on a single device: -8253-compatible timer/counter -D ual 8250-compatible serial com­

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    OTI-032 30-CQMPATIBLE 30-compatible -8253-compatible 8250-compatible -8259-compatible -58167-compatible OTI-032 MA1-MA10 8086 timer NS8250 00B0-OOBF intel 8253 8253 programmable interval timer microcontroller 3d printer 58167 8086 with eprom oti037 OTI-034 PDF


    Abstract: VGA VIDEO CONTROLLER oti037 OTI-036 OAK TECHNOLOGY "single chip vga" vl82c VL82C037
    Text: OAK TECHNOLOGY INC. OTI-037 IBM VGA-COMPATIBLE VIDEO GRAPHICS CONTROLLER FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Single-chip VGA video graphics device that is com pletely com patible in the following system s: -IB M PC/AT -compatible -IB M P C /XT»-com patible -IB M PS/2®-com patible

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    OTI-037 132-column OTI-037 MD31-MD0. VGA VIDEO CONTROLLER oti037 OTI-036 OAK TECHNOLOGY "single chip vga" vl82c VL82C037 PDF

    8237 interface with 8086 Peripheral block diagram

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OAK TECHNOLOGY INC OTI-031 IBM PS/2 MODEL 30-COMPATIBLE SYSTEM CONTROLLER FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Supports 8086 or V30 CPU speed at 8 MHz or 10 MHz with zero wait state using 150 ns DRAMs The OTI-031 provides the PS/2 Model 30-compatible system with the dual

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    OTI-031 30-COMPATIBLE OTI-031 OTI-O31 100-pin 30compatible MA1-MA10 RAM256/1M 8237 interface with 8086 Peripheral block diagram PDF