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    Abstract: SITP 64-QFN XRS10L
    Text: 5 4 3 2 1 SOTP0 SOTN0 34 33 SOTP1 SOTN1 TRST TDO TDI TMS TCK 5 3 4 2 1 24 29 39 56 VDDA01 VDDA02 VDDA03 VDDA04 45 46 DRACT0 DRACT1 VDD01 VDD02 VDD03 VDD04 VDD05 VDD06 VDD07 VDD08 49 48 D 11 13 15 19 35 44 54 61 D MDC MDIO 7 9 RESETB 50 HBACT/NC 51 CMUREFP

    VDDA01 VDDA02 VDDA03 VDDA04 VDD01 VDD02 VDD03 VDD04 VDD05 VDD06 64qfn SITP 64-QFN XRS10L PDF


    Abstract: 22 pin sata female Connector SMD HEADER 5X2 10n capacitor C8051F32 SMD FET j11

    MAX8869 XRS10L240) XRS10L240 22 pin sata female Connector SMD HEADER 5X2 10n capacitor C8051F32 SMD FET j11 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S29NS-P MirrorBit Flash Family S29NS512P, S29NS256P, S29NS128P 512/256/128 Mb 32/16/8 M x 16 bit , 1.8V Burst Simultaneous Read/Write, Multiplexed MirrorBit Flash Memory Data Sheet S29NS-P MirrorBit® Flash Family Cover Sheet Notice to Readers: This document states the current technical specifications regarding the Spansion

    S29NS-P S29NS512P, S29NS256P, S29NS128P PDF

    lqfp 52

    Abstract: SITN0 VSS20
    Text: SOTP1 SOTN1 8 7 SOTP2 SOTN2 19 20 SOTP3 SOTN3 65 66 SORP0 SORN0 60 59 SORP1 SORN1 11 10 SORP2 SORN2 16 17 SORP3 SORN3 93 94 SITP0 SITN0 82 81 SITP1 SITN1 90 91 SIRP0 SIRN0 85 84 SIRP1 SIRN1 U1 1 D 77 76 1 99 100 97 96 TRST TDO TDI TMS TCK 14 34 45 50 62 87

    XRS10L240 VSSA01 VSSA02 VSSA03 VSSA04 VSSA05 VSSA06 VSS01 VSS02 VSS03 lqfp 52 SITN0 VSS20 PDF


    Abstract: SITP NC15 NC16 NC22 NC10 VSS08 U-136 U136 DVDD01
    Text: 14 34 45 50 62 87 1 77 76 2 1 99 100 97 96 3 74 73 72 71 4 9 18 23 29 38 54 58 67 79 83 92 98 5 SOTP1 SOTN1 8 7 NC17 NC18 19 20 NC19 NC20 65 66 60 59 SORP1 SORN1 11 10 NC13 NC14 16 17 NC15 NC16 93 94 SITP SITN 82 81 NC9 NC10 B SIRP SIRN 85 84 NC11 NC12 VSS22

    XRS10L120IV VSSA01 VSSA02 VSSA03 VSSA04 VSSA05 VSSA06 VSS21 VSS01 orcad SITP NC15 NC16 NC22 NC10 VSS08 U-136 U136 DVDD01 PDF


    Abstract: S29NS-N S29NS-P VDC048 VDE044 128M256 NS128N
    Text: S29NS-N to S29NS-P Migration Migrating from the NS-N 110 nm to the NS-P (90 nm) Application Note Introduction Every effort was made to ensure seamless migration from the S29NS-N to the S29NS-P. Software Migration Considerations There are very few changes required in SW when migrating from the S29NS-N to S29NS-P

    S29NS-N S29NS-P S29NS-P. S29NS-P NS256N VDC048 VDE044 128M256 NS128N PDF


    Abstract: ANTENNA directv direcTV viterbi MN88413 Viterbi Decoder, QPSK diseqc 1.0 MN187
    Text: Digital Broadcast Reception LSI MN88413 Channel Decoder LSI for Digital Satellite Broadcast Reception • Overview The MN88413 is a channel decoder LSI that integrates functions for digital satellite communications and broadcast reception on a single chip.

    MN88413 MN88413 PLL-02 ANTENNA directv direcTV viterbi Viterbi Decoder, QPSK diseqc 1.0 MN187 PDF


    Abstract: SITN0
    Text: NC NC 19 20 NC NC 65 66 SORP SORN 60 59 NC NC 11 10 NC NC 16 17 NC NC 93 94 SITP0 SITN0 82 81 SITP1 SITN1 90 91 SIRP0 SIRN0 85 84 SIRP1 SIRN1 77 76 1 99 100 97 96 TRST TDO TDI TMS TCK 14 34 45 50 62 87 D PS_Sideband_B HBACT 8 7 1 MDC MDIO 3 5 RESETB 75 NC1

    VSS01 VSS02 VSS03 VSS04 VSS05 VSS06 VSS07 VSS08 VSS09 VSS11 orcad SITN0 PDF


    Abstract: VSS08 XRS10L
    Text: 57 56 SOTP1 SOTN1 8 7 NC NC 19 20 NC NC 65 66 SORP0 SORN0 60 59 SORP1 SORN1 11 10 NC NC 16 17 NC NC 93 94 SITP0 SITN0 82 81 SITP1 SITN1 XRS10L220 SIRP1 SIRN1 3 5 RESETB 75 NC1 37 NC2 36 NC3 NC4 30 31 NC5 NC6 40 39 NC7 NC8 27 28 CMUREFP CMUREFN 46 47 CLKSTP

    VDDA01 VDDA02 VDDA03 VDDA04 VDDA05 VDDA06 VDD01 VDD02 VDD03 VDD04 orcad VSS08 XRS10L PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S29NS-P MirrorBit Flash Family S29NS512P, S29NS256P, S29NS128P 512/256/128 Mb 32/16/8 M x 16 bit , 1.8V Burst Simultaneous Read/Write, Multiplexed MirrorBit Flash Memory Data Sheet S29NS-P MirrorBit® Flash Family Cover Sheet Notice to Readers: This document states the current technical specifications regarding the Spansion

    S29NS-P S29NS512P, S29NS256P, S29NS128P 8A0000 PDF

    Viterbi Decoder, QPSK

    Abstract: MN88413 dvb circuit diagram pll02 lnb control satellite decoder circuit diagram PLL-02
    Text: Digital Broadcast Reception LSI MN88413 Channel Decoder LSI for Digital Satellite Broadcast Reception • Overview The MN88413 is a channel decoder LSI that integrates functions for digital satellite communications and broadcast reception on a single chip.

    MN88413 MN88413 Viterbi Decoder, QPSK dvb circuit diagram pll02 lnb control satellite decoder circuit diagram PLL-02 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S29NS-P MirrorBit Flash Family S29NS512P S29NS256P S29NS128P 512/256/128 Mb 32/16/8 M x 16 bit , 1.8 V Burst Simultaneous Read/Write, Multiplexed MirrorBit Flash Memory Data Sheet S29NS-P MirrorBit® Flash Family Cover Sheet Notice to Readers: This document states the current technical specifications regarding the Spansion

    S29NS-P S29NS512P S29NS256P S29NS128P PDF


    Abstract: S29NS256P S29NS512P S29NS-P 44BA
    Text: S29NS-P MirrorBitTM Flash Family S29NS512P S29NS256P S29NS128P 512/256/128 Mb 32/16/8 M x 16 bit , 1.8 V Burst Simultaneous Read/Write, Multiplexed MirrorBit Flash Memory Data Sheet (Advance Information) S29NS-P MirrorBitTM Flash Family Cover Sheet Notice to Readers: This document states the current technical specifications regarding the Spansion

    S29NS-P S29NS512P S29NS256P S29NS128P S29NS128P 44BA PDF

    AMD Confidential

    Abstract: Ox41 lg lcd monitor circuit diagram free "error correction algorithm" atm with an eye block diagram
    Text: r « PMC-Sierra, Inc. PMS3S0 s /u n i-u ltra datasheet PMC-960924 ISSUE 4 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE PM5350 S/UNI-155-ULTRA SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155.52 & 51.84 MBIT/S DATA SHEET ISSUE 7: NOVEMBER 1997 PMC-Sierra, Inc. 105 - 8555 Baxter Place Burnaby, BC Canada V5A 4V7 604.415.6000

    OCR Scan
    PMC-960924 PM5350 S/UNI-155-ULTRA PMC-960924 PM5350 PM5350S/UNI-ULTRA PMC-960489 AMD Confidential Ox41 lg lcd monitor circuit diagram free "error correction algorithm" atm with an eye block diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: f U P E .1 1 1 I I I 111 11 I R I C O M PI74ALVTC16373 Illllll lll lll lll ll lll lll lll ll lll ll I N I . I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I <I I I I I I I I 16-Bit Transparent D-Type Latch with 3-State Outputs

    OCR Scan
    PI74ALVTC16373 16-Bit -32/64m 48-pin PSB355A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: fU P E R IC O M PI74ALVTC16241 16-Bit Buffer/Driver with 3-State Outputs Product Features PI74A LVTC fam ily is designed for low voltage operation,

    OCR Scan
    PI74ALVTC16241 16-Bit PI74A -32/64m 48-pin PS83S8A PDF


    Abstract: marking _TH PM5712 stm stt 128 DDD115T PM5312 PM5343 PM5344 PSL4
    Text: S TANDARD PRODUCT PMC P M C -S ie rra , Inc. ISSUES PM5344 SPTX SONET/SDH PATH TERMINATING TRANSCEIVER FEATURES • Monolithic SONET/SDH Path Terminating Transceiver that terminates the path overhead of one or three STS-1 AU3 paths or a single STS-3c (AU4) path.

    OCR Scan
    PM5343 PM531 930531R5 920518P9 d2166 marking _TH PM5712 stm stt 128 DDD115T PM5312 PM5344 PSL4 PDF


    Abstract: trtsy000233
    Text: DATA SHEET PM PMC-920702 ISSUE 5 PMC-Sierra, Inc. PM8313 D3MX M13 MULTIPLEXER PM8313 D3MX M13 MULTIPLEXER ISSUE 5: JULY 1998 PMC-Sierra, Inc. 105 - 8555 Baxter Place Burnaby, BC Canada V5A 4V7 604.415.6000 DATA SHEET PM PMC-920702 ISSUES PMC-Sierra, Inc. PMC-Sierra, Inc.

    OCR Scan
    PMC-920702 PM8313 PM8313 1998PM C-920702 TR-TSY-000233 trtsy000233 PDF


    Abstract: PM6665 byt27 78s00 bus duct
    Text: S ta n d a r d P r o d u c t PM I I PMC-Sierra, Inc. 1^^ ISSUE 5 P M 5344 S P T X SONE T/SDH PA TH TERMINA TING TRANS CE I VER P M 5344 SPTX S O N E T / S D H PATH T E R M I N A T I N G TRANSCEIVER I s s u e 5: PMC-Sierra, Inc. May, 1995 8501 Commerce Court Burnaby, BC Canada V5A 4N3 604 668 7300

    OCR Scan
    920518P9 d2166 PM6665 byt27 78s00 bus duct PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S TANDARD P R O D U C T PM PMC-Sierra, inc. PM 8313 D 3 M X M13 MULTIPLEXER IS S U E 4 PM831 3 D3MX M13 MULTIPLEXER Issue PMC-Sierra, Inc. 4: J ul y , 1994 8501 Commerce Court Burnaby, BC Canada V5A 4N3 604 668 7300 S ta n d a rd P r o d u c t PM I I PMC-Sierra, Inc.

    OCR Scan
    PM831 PM8313D3MX 920702S4 911105S10 trtsy000233 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S ta n d a r d P r o d u c t I I / PMC-Sierra, Inc. 1 ^» ISSUES PM 5344 SPTX SONET/SDH PATH TERMINATING TRANSCEIVER FEATURES • Monolithic SONET/SDH Path Terminating Transceiver that terminates the path overhead of one or three STS-1 AU3 paths or a single STS-3c (AU4) path.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: mx126
    Text: PMC-Sierra, Inc. PM8313D3MX T e l e c o m S ta n d a r d P r o d u c t PRELIM NARY INFORMATION Ml 3 MULTIPLEXER EEATURES • Integrates a full featured M13 multiplexer, complete with framing, in a single monolithic device. • Supports the M23 or C-bit parity DS3 formats.

    OCR Scan
    PM8313D3MX 920702P2 911105P7 mx-126 mx126 PDF

    BK S54

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor M SC7170-XX 5x7 Dot Character x 1ft-Digit x 2-Une Display ControHer/D rlw r with Keyscan Function GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSC7170 is a display controller/segment driver containing a 5 x 6 keyscan circuit, designed for a 5 x 7 dot matrix type vacuum fluorescent VF display tube.

    OCR Scan
    SC7170-XX MSC7170 MSC1164/1165 MSC7171 SEGn-13 SEGn-18 SEGn-23 SEGn-28 SEGn-33 BK S54 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Te lec o m S tandard P roduct P I | \ / | £ I / P M C -S ierra, Inc. l \ a PRELIMINARY INFORMATION PM 5361 TU PP SONET/SDH TRIBUTARY UNITPA YLOAD PROCESSOR FE A TU R E S • A configurable, multi-channel, payload processor for alignment of SONET virtual tributaries VTs or SDH tributary units (TUs). Processes an STS-3 or STM-1 byte

    OCR Scan
    920526P5 920102P6 PDF