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    UT54ACTS02E Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UT54ACS02E/UT54ACTS02E Quadruple 2-Input NOR Gate July, 2013 FEATURES • m CRH CMOS Process - Latchup immune  High speed  Low power consumption  Wide power supply operating range of 3.0V to 5.5V  Available QML Q or V processes

    UT54ACS02E/UT54ACTS02E 14-lead UT54ACS02E UT54ACTS02E PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UT54ACS02E/UT54ACTS02E Radiation-Hardened Quadruple 2-Input NOR Gate January, 2008 FEATURES • 0.6 m CRH CMOS Process - Latchup immune • High speed • Low power consumption • Wide power supply operating range of 3.0V to 5.5V

    UT54ACS02E/UT54ACTS02E 14-lead UT54ACS02E UT54ACTS02E PDF


    Abstract: MIL-PRF38535
    Text: UT54ACS02E/UT54ACTS02E Quadruple 2-Input NOR Gate October, 2008 FEATURES • 0.6 m CRH CMOS Process - Latchup immune • High speed • Low power consumption • Wide power supply operating range of 3.0V to 5.5V • Available QML Q or V processes

    UT54ACS02E/UT54ACTS02E 14-lead UT54ACS02E UT54ACTS02E MIL-PRF38535 PDF

    SMD databook

    Abstract: 54ACT04 HCS244MS UT54ACS14E ttl databook 89551 54AC574 HCS164MS 5962-95785 54ACT14 intersil databook
    Text: The Aeroflex Promise Now and into the future A eroflex Colorado Springs continues to expand your MSI options with more devices, wider operating voltage ranges, and demonstrated drop-in compatibility. 110 MSI products are available right now! Using a standardized MSI platform,

    54AC541 54ACT541 54ACTQ541 54ACT573 54AC574 54ACT574 UT54ACTS630 54ACT825 SMD databook 54ACT04 HCS244MS UT54ACS14E ttl databook 89551 54AC574 HCS164MS 5962-95785 54ACT14 intersil databook PDF


    Abstract: datasheet of AT 89551 UT54ACS14E 54ACT541 54ACT08 54ACT04 ttl logic gates SMD DATABOOK 54ac74 54act02
    Text: While other companies are reducing your choices in MSI, Aeroflex Colorado Springs continues to expand your MSI options with more devices, faster speeds, and lower power. M S I C R O S S R E F E R E N C E C HART DESCRI PTION Adders 4-bit parity binary full

    UT54ACS283 UT54ACTS283 UT54ACS34 UT54ACTS34 UT54ACS240 UT54ACTS240 HCS283MS* HCTS283MS* HCS240MS HCTS240MS* 89551 datasheet of AT 89551 UT54ACS14E 54ACT541 54ACT08 54ACT04 ttl logic gates SMD DATABOOK 54ac74 54act02 PDF

    MSI Logic

    Abstract: UT54ACS14E ut54acts541e UT54ACTS02E UT54ACS14 Tri-State Buffer CMOS cmos msi data book cmos TTL LOGIC DATA BOOK UT54ACS373
    Text: Aeroflex MSI Logic IBIS model Buffer Identification 4/16/2009 Tri-State Devices Input Buffer CMOS TTL Output Buffer 8mA 8mA UT54ACS273 UT54ACTS04 CMOS CMOS E TTL TTL (E) 8mA 8mA 8mA 8mA UT54ACS273 UT54ACS02E UT54ACTS04 UT54ACTS08E CMOS TTL 8mA 8mA UT54ACS273

    UT54ACS273 UT54ACTS04 UT54ACS02E UT54ACTS08E MSI Logic UT54ACS14E ut54acts541e UT54ACTS02E UT54ACS14 Tri-State Buffer CMOS cmos msi data book cmos TTL LOGIC DATA BOOK UT54ACS373 PDF


    Abstract: UT16AD80P m38510/55501 UT63M143 MIP7965-750B1 5962-8869203 vhdl code manchester encoder UT54LVDM055LV SMD custom precision rESISTOR network h009 SPECIFICATION
    Text: A passion for performance. Aeroflex Colorado Springs Aeroflex Gaisler Aeroflex Plainview Product Short Form Microelectronic Solutions October 2010 HiRel from Aeroflex Colorado Springs UT69151 SµMMIT DXE • UT69151 SµMMIT™ XTE ■ UT69151 SµMMIT™ RTE

    UT691 RTAX2000 UT16AD80P m38510/55501 UT63M143 MIP7965-750B1 5962-8869203 vhdl code manchester encoder UT54LVDM055LV SMD custom precision rESISTOR network h009 SPECIFICATION PDF


    Abstract: em 242 stepper 12V SM 39 Z 2 STEPPER MOTOR 5962-1320101KXC RTAX2000 UT16AD40P GR712RC Metelics 2006 catalog RHD5932 stepper motor em 242
    Text: A passion for performance. Aeroflex Microelectronic Solutions Digital, Analog, Power, RFMW, Motion…Solutions for HiRel Applications Product Short Form January 2014 Aeroflex Microelectronic Solutions Product Short Form Aeroflex Microelectronic Solutions – Colorado Springs, Gaisler, Microwave Filter Components,


    EM-553 motor

    Abstract: UT16AD40P BUS-8553 CD4583 spw 068 power supply spw 068 UT8QNF8M UT63M143 rtax2000 UT0.6uCRH
    Text: A passion for performance. Aeroflex Microelectronic Solutions Digital, Analog, Power, RFMW, Motion…Solutions for HiRel Applications Product Short Form January 2012 Aeroflex Microelectronic Solutions Product Short Form Aeroflex Microelectronic Solutions is comprised of ten divisions – Colorado Springs, Gaisler, Motion



    Abstract: RHD5932 RHD5930
    Text: A passion for performance. Aeroflex Microelectronic Solutions Digital, Analog, Power, RFMW, Motion…Solutions for HiRel Applications Product Short Form January 2014 Aeroflex Microelectronic Solutions Product Short Form Aeroflex Microelectronic Solutions – Colorado Springs, Gaisler, Microwave Filter Components,


    16-bit Logic

    Abstract: MSI Logic 1b smd transistor UT54ACS164245SEI transistor 1B AN-MSI-002-01 1b smd diode smd 1C diode smd 1b cmos XOR Gates
    Text: Aeroflex Colorado Springs Application Note AN-MSI-002-01 RHMSI 8-Bit and 16-Bit Logic ESD Performance 1.0 Overview In order to meet size and speed requirements of today’s high speed circuit designers, ESD performance has often been sacrificed by microcircuit providers. The tables 1 and 2 contain the listings of the MSI product line ESD performance.

    AN-MSI-002-01 16-Bit MIL-STD-883, UT54ACTS630 UT54ACS899* UT54ACS4002 UT54ACTS4002 16-bit Logic MSI Logic 1b smd transistor UT54ACS164245SEI transistor 1B AN-MSI-002-01 1b smd diode smd 1C diode smd 1b cmos XOR Gates PDF


    Abstract: mb 8739 Xilinx VIRTEX-5 xc5vlx50 UT63M143 M38510/55501 5962R99B0106V4C vhdl code manchester encoder UT229FCMV4 h009 SPECIFICATION LEON3FT
    Text: A passion for performance. Aeroflex Colorado Springs Aeroflex Gaisler Aeroflex Plainview Product Short Form Microelectronic Solutions July 2009 HiRel from Aeroflex Colorado Springs UT69151 SµMMIT E • UT69151 SµMMIT™ LXE ■ UT69151 SµMMIT™ DXE

    UT691 RTAX2000 mb 8739 Xilinx VIRTEX-5 xc5vlx50 UT63M143 M38510/55501 5962R99B0106V4C vhdl code manchester encoder UT229FCMV4 h009 SPECIFICATION LEON3FT PDF


    Abstract: UT700 melf ZENER diode COLOR CODE 5962R102 smd zener diode color code UT8QNF8M HDMI verilog BCH RTAX2000 UT54ACS164245 "HARMONIC DRIVE"
    Text: A passion for performance. Aeroflex Microelectronic Solutions Digital, Analog, Power, RFMW, Motion…Solutions for HiRel Applications Product Short Form December 2012 Aeroflex Microelectronic Solutions Product Short Form Aeroflex Microelectronic Solutions is comprised of ten divisions – Colorado Springs, Gaisler, Motion


    TSMC 0.18 um MOSfet

    Abstract: M38510 10102BCA IDT7204L 5962-8768401MQA 0.18um LDMOS TSMC sl1053 TSMC 0.25Um LDMOS UT63M125BB SMD RTAX250S-CQ208 5962-04221
    Text: DSCC Supplemental Information Sheet for Electronic QML-38535 Specification Details: Date: 9/2/2008 Specification: MIL-PRF-38535 Title: Advanced Microcircuits Federal Supply Class FSC : 5962 Conventional: No Specification contains quality assurance program: Yes

    QML-38535 MIL-PRF-38535 MIL-STD-790 MIL-STD-690 -581DSCC QML-38535 TSMC 0.18 um MOSfet M38510 10102BCA IDT7204L 5962-8768401MQA 0.18um LDMOS TSMC sl1053 TSMC 0.25Um LDMOS UT63M125BB SMD RTAX250S-CQ208 5962-04221 PDF