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    UJT UNIJUNCTION TRANSISTOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-5 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27 V / tf=60 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    UJT UNIJUNCTION TRANSISTOR Datasheets Context Search

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    applications of ujt

    Abstract: ujt transistor UJT APPLICATION applications of ujt with circuits NTE6410 ujt as a relaxation oscillator Unit junction transistor UJT unijunction transistor ujt data book free download
    Text: NTE6410 Unijunction Transistor UJT Description: The NTE6410 is a PN unijunction transistor in a TO92 type package designed for use in pulse and timing circuits, sensing circuits and thyristor trigger circuits. Absolute Maximum Ratings: (TA = +25°C unless other specified)

    NTE6410 NTE6410 300mW applications of ujt ujt transistor UJT APPLICATION applications of ujt with circuits ujt as a relaxation oscillator Unit junction transistor UJT unijunction transistor ujt data book free download PDF


    Abstract: NTE4001B NTE955M NTE4013B NTE7486 NTE7490 NTE956 NTE4081B NTE931 NTE4069
    Text: NTE Electronics Transistors, Diodes, Rectifiers and ICs Silicon Unijunction Transistor UJT Stock No. Mfr.Õs Type Case Style 935-6196 935-6200 935-6202 6401 6409 6410 TO18 TO18 TO92 Maximum RMS Emitter Current Intrinsic Stand Off Ratio Interbase Resistance

    TE7475 NTE992 NTE7476 NTE2013 NTE7486 NTE4001B NTE7490 NTE4011B NTE74121 NTE4013B NTE955M NTE956 NTE4081B NTE931 NTE4069 PDF


    Abstract: N13T1 N13T2 2NS027 NT102 2NS120 013T3 PROGRAMMABLE UJT N13T-1 Mpu6027
    Text: PROGRAMMABLE UJT Item Number Part Number Manufacturer Po Max VGKF Max W (V) IT Max (A) Pulse ITRM Max @ Width (A) (s) IGAO Max (s) VT Max (A) Vs @ Test (V) Operating Temperature (Oe) Min Max Package Style Programmable Unijunction Transistors, (PUTs) 5 10

    NT101 NT102 TN41A TN41B MTU21 MTU22 2NSl17 2NSl18 BRY39 013T1 N13T1 N13T2 2NS027 2NS120 013T3 PROGRAMMABLE UJT N13T-1 Mpu6027 PDF

    ujt transistor

    Abstract: transistor 2n4852 applications of ujt 2N4851 UJT 2N4851 2N4853 2N4852 UJT APPLICATION unijunction transistor UJT 2N4852
    Text: 2N4851 2N4852 2N4853 PN SILICON UNIJUNCTION TRANSISTOR w w w. c e n t r a l s e m i . c o m DESCRIPTION: The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR 2N4851, 2N4852, and 2N4853 are Silicon PN Unijunction Transistors designed for timing, sensing, and trigger circuits. MARKING: FULL PART NUMBER

    2N4851 2N4852 2N4853 2N4851, 2N4852, 2N4853 PRR10pps) 2N4852) 2N4853) ujt transistor transistor 2n4852 applications of ujt 2N4851 UJT 2N4851 2N4852 UJT APPLICATION unijunction transistor UJT 2N4852 PDF

    UJT 2N4871

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DIGITRON SEMICONDUCTORS 2N4870-2N4871 PN UNIJUNCTION TRANSISTORS MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating RMS power dissipation 1 RMS emitter current Peak pulse emitter current (2) Symbol Value Unit PD 300 mW Ie 50 mA ie 1.5 Amp Emitter reverse voltage VB2E 30 Volts Interbase voltage †

    2N4870-2N4871 04mW/Â 10PPS. UJT 2N4871 PDF

    TIS43 Unijunction Transistor

    Abstract: acrian RF POWER TRANSISTOR motorola s200 hFE-200 to-92 npn 12v 50w class t amplifier acrian 2SC4127 TIS43 2sc3374 unijunction transistor TIS43
    Text: ADDITIONAL TRANSISTORS Item Number RF 5 10 Part Number r Amplifi rs, fT POW S01080-2 S01115-2 S01127 S01143-1 S01219-5 S01222-6 S01229-1 S01278 S01405 S01416 20 S01438-2 S01446 S01477 S01487 S200-50 S25-50 S80-12 VAM120 VAM40 Polarity > 300 ThmsnCSFEFC ThmsnCSFEFC

    S01080-2 S01115-2 S01127 S01143-1 S01219-5 S01222-6 S01229-1 S01278 S01405 S01416 TIS43 Unijunction Transistor acrian RF POWER TRANSISTOR motorola s200 hFE-200 to-92 npn 12v 50w class t amplifier acrian 2SC4127 TIS43 2sc3374 unijunction transistor TIS43 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SILICON UNIJUNCTION TRANSISTOR UJT Maximum Ratings NTE Type Number Case Style Diagram Number RMS Emitter Current (mA) Interbase Voltage (Volts) RMS Power Dissipation (mW) Emitter Reverse Current <pA) lE V bb Pd •e o Intrinsic Stand Off Ratio Interbase

    OCR Scan
    175mA T092/T098 9h/127b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SPECIAL DEVICES SILICON UNIJUNCTION TRANSISTOR UJT Maximum Ratings NTE Type Number 6400 6400A 6401 6409 6410 Diagram Number Case Style RMS Emitter Current (mA) Interbase Voltage (Volts) RMS Power Dissipation (mW) Emitter Reverse Current <(lA) Ie VBB Pd •eo

    OCR Scan

    diac SBS 14

    Abstract: diac 083 NTE6405 IR 944 triac varactor diode bb 205 APPLICATION for NTE 6407 low voltage scr DIAC 502 TVPA TRANSISTOR 2501 lf 113
    Text: N T E ELE CT RONICS INC_ SEE J> • ~ b43125T D002b72 fibE * N T E 1 -Z S SPECIAL DEVI SILICON UNIJUNCTION TRAN SISTO R UJT Maximum Ratings NTE Type Nim ber Diagram Number Case Style RMS Emitter Current (mA) Interbase Voltage (Vote) RMS Power Dissipation

    OCR Scan

    UJT 2N2646

    Abstract: 2n2646 ujt 2N2646 TO-92 PUT 2N2646 UJT 2N4871 2n2646 motorola UJT 2N2646 RANGE applications of ujt ujt timer CIRCUIT applications of ujt with circuits
    Text: g .— , a . Wide Range of Sensitivities S lC S lQ D 3 L 2 W D © @ •■■ ,nPu t C haracteristics fo r M o st A pplications . Industry Standards, w ith a va riety of C ustom S pecifications available. UNIJUNCTION TRANSISTORS - UJT) Device

    OCR Scan
    O-226AA 2N2646 2A-01 2N2647 O-220AB 2N6027 2N6028 MBS4991 O-226AA UJT 2N2646 2n2646 ujt 2N2646 TO-92 PUT 2N2646 UJT 2N4871 2n2646 motorola UJT 2N2646 RANGE applications of ujt ujt timer CIRCUIT applications of ujt with circuits PDF

    UJT 2N2646

    Abstract: 2n2646 ujt 2N4870 2N4871 2N2646 2N2647 2N4851 2N4852 2N4853 2N2646 TO-92 UJT 2N4871 2N4871 applications of ujt UJT 2N2646 oscillators 22A01 ujt transistor
    Text: Silicon Unidirectional Switch - SUS Similar to 4-Layer Diodes, but has gate electrode that permits synchronization. V s V olts Nom Device Type Plastic Case 29-02 I TO-92 MUS4987 M US4988 's Min. Max. 6.0 7.5 10 9.0 jUA Max. m A M ax. ^ 1.5 0.5 500 150 Unijunction Transistors - UJT

    OCR Scan
    ITO-92) MUS4987 MUS4988 IeB20 2A-01 2N4870 2N4871 2N2646 2N2647 2N4851 UJT 2N2646 2n2646 ujt 2N4870 2N4871 2N2646 2N2647 2N4851 2N4852 2N4853 2N2646 TO-92 UJT 2N4871 2N4871 applications of ujt UJT 2N2646 oscillators 22A01 ujt transistor PDF


    Abstract: ujt transistor ECG6403 Silicon unilateral switch 6404a ECG6400B C 1136 Ecg 584
    Text: Special Purpose Devices !^ j b2 Silicon Unijunction Transistors UJT ^ R ß B O (Kohm s) »? E CG Type iE mA M in ECG6400B 50 0.54-0.67 M ax M in 4 Mex Inter­ Base Vo lts PD mW 12 55 450 \l lEO Am ps IV (Min) mA 1 Max 8 Package/ Outline No. TO-39 Fig. S1

    OCR Scan
    ECG6400B ECG6403 ECMC ujt transistor Silicon unilateral switch 6404a C 1136 Ecg 584 PDF

    ECG Unijunction

    Abstract: ECG6405 ecg6400 ECG6401 ECG transistor
    Text: PH I L IP S E C G INC 54E D • bbS3TEfl G Ü Ü 7 5E 5 G32 Special Purpose Devices Silicon Unijunction Transistors UJT R B B O (Kohms) i Package/ Outline No. M in M ax Inter­ Base Volts PD mW ■EO H A m ps IV (Min) mA 0.54 -0.67 4 12 55 450 1 Max 8 TO-39

    OCR Scan
    ECG6400B ECG64Q2 ECG Unijunction ECG6405 ecg6400 ECG6401 ECG transistor PDF

    Philips ECG 6402

    Abstract: ECG6410 ECG6402 ECG6401 ECG6405 ECG6409 ECG6404 UJT 43 Programmable Unijunction Transistor Philips ECG ECG6400B
    Text: PHI L IP S E C 6 INC 54E » • bbS3TEfl D0 D7 2S S G32 Special Purpose Devices Silicon Unijunction Transistors UJT 3 n R B B O (Kohm s) P ackage/ Outline No. M in M ax Inter­ Base V olts PD mW n A m ps ■EO IV (M in) mA 0 .5 4 -0 .6 7 4 12 55 450 1 Max

    OCR Scan
    bbS31Efl ECG6400B ECG6401 ECG6409 ECG6410 ECG6402 ECG6404 ECG6405 Philips ECG 6402 UJT 43 Programmable Unijunction Transistor Philips ECG PDF


    Abstract: ujt 2N6027 CIRCUITS BY USING 2N6027 PUT 2N6027 applications of ujt ujt timer CIRCUIT D13T1 equivalent applications of ujt with circuits 2n6027 as PUT Oscillator D13T1
    Text: 2N58110-6017 SERIES SEE GES5810-6017 Silicon Programmable Unijunction Transistor D13T SERIES 2N6027.8 PUT The General Electric PUT is a three-terminal planar passivated PNPN device in the standard plastic low cost TO-98 package. The terminals are designated as anode, anode gate and cathode.

    OCR Scan
    2IM5810-6Q17 GES5810-6017 2N6027 2N6028 2N2926 SCR CONTROL BY PUT CIRCUIT ujt 2N6027 CIRCUITS BY USING 2N6027 PUT 2N6027 applications of ujt ujt timer CIRCUIT D13T1 equivalent applications of ujt with circuits 2n6027 as PUT Oscillator D13T1 PDF

    2n2646 equivalent

    Abstract: 2N2646 replaced by UJT 2N2646 ujt 2N6027 D13T1 CIRCUITS BY USING 2N6027 2n2646 ujt ujt transistor equivalent 2n2646 applications of ujt with circuits
    Text: UNIJUNCTIONS, TRIGGERS AND SWITCHES Since the introduction of the commercial silicon unijunction transistor in 1956, General Electric has continued de­ veloping an extensive line of negative resistance threshold and four-layer switch devices. Each of these devices can

    OCR Scan
    2N489-494â 2N2646-47â 2N6028 2N2926 GE76F02FC100 2n2646 equivalent 2N2646 replaced by UJT 2N2646 ujt 2N6027 D13T1 CIRCUITS BY USING 2N6027 2n2646 ujt ujt transistor equivalent 2n2646 applications of ujt with circuits PDF

    transistor 123 DL

    Abstract: equivalent transistor of 2n6027 GE 2N6027 transistor put 2n6028 ujt 2N6027 PUT 2N6028 2n6027 as PUT Oscillator PUT 2N6027 Programmable Unijunction Transistor SCR CONTROL BY PUT CIRCUIT
    Text: "Öl G E SOLID STATE DE I 3fl7SDfll OOlflOlô t. 01E 18018 3875081 G E SOLID STATE D Unijunction Transistors and Switches. 2N6027, 2N6028, GES6027, GES6028 Programmable Unijunction Transistor TO-92 TO-98 Features: • Planar Passivated Structure • Low Leakage Current

    OCR Scan
    2N6027 2N6028, GES6027, GES6028 2N6027, 2N6028 GES6028 92CS-4234Â transistor 123 DL equivalent transistor of 2n6027 GE 2N6027 transistor put 2n6028 ujt 2N6027 PUT 2N6028 2n6027 as PUT Oscillator PUT 2N6027 Programmable Unijunction Transistor SCR CONTROL BY PUT CIRCUIT PDF

    ujt trigger circuit

    Abstract: ujt 2N6027 equivalent transistor of 2n6027 GE 2N6027 2N6028 transistor put 2n6028 UJT TIMERS AND OSCILLATORS equivalent transistor UM 66 SCR TRIGGER PULSE transistor 2N6028
    Text: "Öl G E SOLID STATE 3875081 G E SOLID STATE DE'] 3fl7SDfll 0D1Ö01Ö t. 01E 18018 D Unijunction Transistors and Switches. 2N6027, 2N6028, GES6027, GES6028 Programmable Unijunction Transistor TO-92 TO-98 Features: Applications: • Planar Passivated Structure

    OCR Scan
    2N6027, 2N6028, GES6027, GES6028 2N6028 14--Hour ujt trigger circuit ujt 2N6027 equivalent transistor of 2n6027 GE 2N6027 transistor put 2n6028 UJT TIMERS AND OSCILLATORS equivalent transistor UM 66 SCR TRIGGER PULSE transistor 2N6028 PDF


    Abstract: MU4894 MU4893
    Text: N O T R E C O M M E N D E D FO R NEW DESIGNS MU4891 thru MU4894 PN Unijunction Transistors Silicon Plastic Unijunction Transistors . . . designed for m ilitary and industrial use in pulse, timing, triggering, sensing, and oscillator circuits. The annular process provides low leakage current, fast

    OCR Scan
    MU4894 MU4893 MU4892 MU4891 MU4891 MU4894 PDF


    Abstract: 2N4948 2n3980 2N4949 equivalent diode for 1n457 1N457 equivalent ujt free

    OCR Scan
    2N4947 2N4949 2N3980 2N4948 PR00UCT equivalent diode for 1n457 1N457 equivalent ujt free PDF

    motorola eb20

    Abstract: silicon unijunction transistor 2n5431
    Text: motorola sc diodes/opto I sse d • t.3b7ass a a a Q T m 1 ■ NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS 1 ^3 7 ^1 2N5431 P N U nijunction T ran sisto r Silicon Annular Unijunction Transistor . i characterized prim arily for lo w interbase-voltage operation in se n sin g, pulse

    OCR Scan
    2N5431 Vf32B1CHARAC T-37-JI motorola eb20 silicon unijunction transistor 2n5431 PDF


    Abstract: 2N4948 ujt trigger circuit IN3911 1N3691 206-AA ujt timer CIRCUIT 2N4948 JAN motorola eb20
    Text: 4bE D • b3b?254 GG^bflM b « M O T b MOTOROLA SC XSTRS/R F MIL-Qualified Products (continued) Rectifiers Fast recovery power rectifiers providing high efficiency at frequencies up to 250 kHz. R-suffix indicates reverse polarity. All are available with JAN and JTX classification.

    OCR Scan
    1N3890, 1N3691, N3693, TN3910 N3911 1N3913 O-206AA 2N6116 2N6118 TO206AA 2N4948 ujt trigger circuit IN3911 1N3691 206-AA ujt timer CIRCUIT 2N4948 JAN motorola eb20 PDF


    Abstract: 2N4852 UJT 2N4851 transistor 2n4852 2N4853 2n4852 data IEB20 UJT 2N4852 2N4851 transistor
    Text: M O T O R O L A SC I D IOD ES/ OP TO 2SE D • b 3 b 7 5 S S QQflQ^aO 1 NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS I 2N4851 thru 2N4853 PN U nijunction Transistors Silicon Unijunction Transistors . . . designed for pulse and timing circuits, sensing circuits, and thyristor trigger

    OCR Scan
    2N4851 2N4853 2N4852 UJT 2N4851 transistor 2n4852 2N4853 2n4852 data IEB20 UJT 2N4852 2N4851 transistor PDF


    Abstract: thyristor applications 2N6117 UJT APPLICATION "low voltage" UJT 2N6118 unijunction
    Text: MOTOROLA SC DIODES/OPTO S5E D b3b72S5 OQflOltS 1 • T-z&o<f 2N6116 2N6117 2N6118 Silicon Programmable Unijunction Transistors . . . d e sig n e d to e n ab le the en gin e e r to " p r o g r a m " unijunction ch aracteristics su ch a s Rbb> V i lv> an d Ip ^ m erely selectin g tw o resistor values, A p p lica tio n in clu d e s

    OCR Scan
    b3b72S5 2N611 2N6117 2N6118 2N6116 thyristor applications 2N6117 UJT APPLICATION "low voltage" UJT 2N6118 unijunction PDF