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    U-IB 074 Search Results

    U-IB 074 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 54ls668
    Text: D IS T R IB U T IO N S T A T E M E N T A . Approved for pub lic release; distribution is unlim ited. D ESC FO RM 193 MAY 86 This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer — _ i — 1.

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    NO-5962-86876 5962-E589 5962-8687601EX SNJ54LS668Ã 5962-8687601FX SNJ54LS668W 5962-86876012X SNJ54LS668FK 10A1 54ls668 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _SANKEN E LEC TR IC CO LTP SSE STA342M D • 7*^0741 O O O lllG era=25-0 vClwtf-u» Collector-to-B ase Voltage VCBO 30 Collector-to-E m itter Voltage VCEO 30 V Em itter-to-Base Voltage V ebo 6 V Collector Current Ic 1 A Base Current Ib 0.1 A Total Power Dissipation

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    STA342M STA300 STA400 45max STA342M PDF


    Abstract: CN074 CN084 CN084-340-0032-0010-1 CN084-680-1332-1110-0 CN0805 CN080 CN074-170-0005 CN080-170-0012 MXI1
    Text: CN074 Series AdvancedTCAÆ Adva need CN080 MicroTCAffi AdvancedMCll3^ ^ CN084 MCHíMicro TCA Carrier PICMG AdvancedTCA and MicroTCA A d v a n c e d T C A /M ic r o T C A K » m - « ;3 H a - H J H » a ílS « o p ic M G iin M ± iiio o ttm ± ib î î Ê i c # i n u , ^ i t ^ u / s ^ - i ? o + - x ^ y n y - t u r M S f ê c ï n « S f u u i i ^ s ^

    OCR Scan
    CN074 CN080 CN084 lJ77Jttâ 9F-1021, aBatMiBiaifflqriE14i) CN080-170-0001 CN084-340-0032-0010-1 CN084-680-1332-1110-0 CN0805 CN074-170-0005 CN080-170-0012 MXI1 PDF


    Abstract: 8086 microprocessor book by A K RAY 180 nm CMOS standard cell library AMI IC1732 DL021 M91C360 ami 0.6 micron 3682D ami equivalent gates ic/TDA7388 equivalent
    Text: Library Characteristics il A M I AMERICAN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. L ib ra ry Characteristics AMI6G 0.6 micron CMOS Gate Array AMI6Gx Gate Array Family Overview U S A B LE G ATES1 PART NUM B ER2 B O N D PAD S I/O C E L L S 2 LM 3 LM AMI6G4 1.39 1.85 44 52 AMI6G16S

    OCR Scan
    AMI6G16S AMI6G33S AMI6G41S AMI6G70S AMI6G106S AMI6G150S AMI6G202S AMI6G333 AMI6G471 AMI6G603 DIGITAL GATE EMULATOR USING 8085 8086 microprocessor book by A K RAY 180 nm CMOS standard cell library AMI IC1732 DL021 M91C360 ami 0.6 micron 3682D ami equivalent gates ic/TDA7388 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: C1H5E MFC 6030 nec 16f T12-T22 4538G
    Text: M o s M O S In te g ra te d C irc u it /¿PD74HC4538 D U A L P R E C IS IO N M O N O S T A B L E M U L T IV IB R A T O R c M o s /¿P D 74H C 4538Ü :, ¡ i a C M O S ^ n ^ . y ^ - V r ï m m m % & ffît L T M J ê ê f t f c D U A L P R E C IS I O N M O N O S T A B L E

    OCR Scan
    uPD74HC4538 toco C1H5E MFC 6030 nec 16f T12-T22 4538G PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ca t a lo g E 074473 06/9 9 Ed it io n 1 Sp e c ific a tio n fo r r ib b o n c a b le W ir e siz e : W ir e str a n d in g : In su la tio n : Co n d u c to r sp a c in g : Te m p e r a tu r e r a n g e : Te st v o lta g e : Co n d u c to r r e sista n c e :



    Abstract: 2SC4495 FM20
    Text: A b so lu te M a x im u m R a t in g s 2SC4495 VcBO 60 80 Unit V VcEO 40 50 V V ebo 6 V lc 3 A 1 Ib Ti Tstg lc — V c e "C —5 5 ~ + 1 5 0 “C ' Application Example : * • Outline Drawing 4 . . F M 2 0 General Purpose Electrical C h a ra c te ristics

    OCR Scan
    2SC4495 2SC4494 2SC4495 10iriax 10max 40min 50min Vce-12V FM20 PDF

    JE 800 transistor

    Abstract: UPA76ha upa76 PA76HA KJE transistor pa76h JE 33 KJE 17 transistor B0188 361-s
    Text: NEC W T / \ M À f 7 'S ' h =7 Com pound Transistor ¿¿PA76HA t: ^ n p n x >; □ h^ * N PN Silicon Epitaxial Compound Transistor Differentia! Amplifier ^ f^ H l/PA C K A G E DIMENSIONS if t * / F E A T U R E S O l c h i p m iÊT ibètztb , -< 714 / V b e = 2 m V T Y P . )

    OCR Scan
    uPA76HA JE 800 transistor upa76 PA76HA KJE transistor pa76h JE 33 KJE 17 transistor B0188 361-s PDF

    varactor 36z

    Abstract: germanium halbleiter index transistor Halbleiter Buch 2n5347 2n3054 working of reactance modulator JE2955 germanium transistor 2N3902
    Text: TH€ SEMICONDUCTOR DATA LIBRARY FIRST EDITION prepared by Technical Information Center T h e in fo rm a tio n in th is bo o k has been c a re fu lly checked and is believed to be re lia b le ; ho w ever, no re s p o n s ib ility is assumed fo r inaccuracies. F u rth e rm o re , th is in fo rm a tio n does n o t convey to the purchaser o f s e m ic o n d u c to r

    OCR Scan
    Z1000 MZ4614 MZ4627 1N4099 M4L3052 M4L3056 1N5158 varactor 36z germanium halbleiter index transistor Halbleiter Buch 2n5347 2n3054 working of reactance modulator JE2955 germanium transistor 2N3902 PDF


    Abstract: 74136 7486 BC 545 ls 7486 t2230
    Text: - 74136 107- Quad 2 Input O. C. Ex-OR 4A 4V m U Tt » 2Y 01 J¥lJFlJ¥LJiriJTUTUTL 1A IB IV ZA Y = A B = ÄB + AB 0 7 4 8 6 « H - - T V n L- ? 9 ï i £ 3 US tpd tpd tpd tpd £ > Icc 11H III IOH IOL - 3 0 — E3 3 * / h K~n max LA^H nax L/H—L •ax H/H—L

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: D 795 A PWS300
    Text: NEC j iïf/ \ f7 Silicon T ran sisto rs A 2 S B 7 9 4 ,7 9 5 P N P X -fc°^ '> T J l* M '> ' =1> h7 V i> 7 ^ 9 ^ X ftffl ^•^121 ( U n it : m m ) O — 'J > t' è Z i^ iâ ô ît^ Ô iÉ L lH Îm ^ ^ ^ iB ] V'o 8.5 MAX. 0 3 1 / ^ zt > o — ^ V t z I C c ^ i ü ^ j ^ b l f i ;

    OCR Scan
    2SB794 2SB794/795 PWS300 D 795 A PDF

    TIC 115

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: t 7^0741 SSE D SANKEN ELECTRIC CO LTD TA455C DDOllSö 33b Silicon NPN, PNP Epitaxial Planar •Maximum Ratings ■Equivalent Circuit Diagram Ta = 25"C i f U n i t 'i 'g tftjp c Collector-to-B ase Voltage VCBO 50 -5 0 Collector-to-E m ltter Voltage VCEO 35

    OCR Scan
    TA455C STA300 STA400 45max TIC 115 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANKEN ELECTRIC CO LTD SSE D • 7^0741 0000^54 OSO « S A K J Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Planar ☆ High Voltage Sw itching Transistor 2SC3678 Application Example : • Outline Drawing 2 " S w itc h in g R egulator and General Purpose Electrical Characteristics

    OCR Scan
    2SC3678 Ta-25 T-100 10Omax 100max 800min T0220) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: B SANKEN E L E C T R I C CO LTD SSE ]> • 7*^0741 O O D tm i ISAKJ 7bS Silicon PNP Epitaxial Planar ■&LAPT ☆Complement 2SA1303 to type 2SC3284 Application Example : • Outline Drawing 2 .-MT-100 T03P A u d io and G eneral P urpose Electrical Characteristics

    OCR Scan
    2SA1303 2SC3284 -MT-100 100max 150min 45x01 T0220) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I 7^0741 SSE D SANKEN ELECTRIC CO LTD OOOOW 211 « S A K J Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Planar ☆ Com plem ent to type 2 S A 1 6 7 3 2SC4388 Application Example: • Outline Draw ing 5 . . F M 1 0 0 Au dio and General Purpose Electrical Characteristics

    OCR Scan
    2SC4388 10max 180min T0220) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANKEN ELECTRIC CO LTD S5E D STA458C • da=25 0 S| «fai «Pii Ç h DODllbE flb7 « S A K J Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon PNP Epitaxial Planar iMaximum Ratings II«««,#, u s s » ? 7^0741 N iìtljP ililí p ï lÏJ»%i|ÎJ * 1 1 1 m ■ Equivalent Circuit Diagram

    OCR Scan
    STA458C STA300 STA400 45max PDF


    Abstract: AC73

    OCR Scan
    H72S0 0DD74MÃ 2SC1576 -65VL50 20X20XÂ 10X10X2mmAi AC73 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANKEN ELECTRIC CO LTD SSE D • 7^0741 DDDOTO? 234 « S A K J Silicon PNP Epitaxial Planar ☆ la p t 2SA1216 ☆Com plem ent to type 2SC2922 Application Example : • Outline Drawing 3 . A u d io and General Purpose Ta=25’C Electrical Characteristics

    OCR Scan
    2SA1216 2SC2922 10Omax 80min T0220) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANKEN ELECTRIC CO 55E LTD 7^ 074 1 DDDDRMT 7T3 D I S AKJ Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Planar - P 3 2 r v 3 ☆ LAPT ☆Com plem ent to type 2 S A 1 2 9 4 2SC3263 Application Example : • Outline Drawing 2 ‘ " -MT-100a03P Audio and General Purpose Electrical Characteristics

    OCR Scan
    2SC3263 -MT-100a03P) 230min FM100 45x01 MT-25 T0220) 2sc3263 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S AN K E N ELECTRIC CO LTD SSE » 7^0741 00GCHb3 Db3 HSAKJ Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Planar ☆Complement to type 2SA1488 thru 2SA1488A Application Example : 2SC3851A Electrical Characteristics Sym bol Symbol VCBO Veto V e* o Ic Ib Pc Tj T ttfl 2SC3851 80

    OCR Scan
    00GCHb3 2SA1488 2SA1488A 2SC3851A 2SC3851 15typ T0220) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANKEN ELE C TR IC CO LTP SSE 7^0741 D OOOtm b TflM ISAKJ Silicon NPN Epitaxial Planar •ÿr LAPT ☆Complement to type 2SA1215 2SC2921 Application Example : e Outline Drawing 3 . .MT-200 Audio and General Purpose Electrical Characteristics

    OCR Scan
    2SA1215 2SC2921 MT-200 60typ FM100 45x01 MT-25 T0220) 2sc2921 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 55E » SANKEN ELECTRIC CO LTD • 7^0741 DODDTDS Mbl H S A K J Silicon PNP Epitaxial Planar ☆Complement to type 2 S C 2 8 3 7 ☆LAPT 2SA1186 Application Example : • Outline Drawing 2 .MT-100 T03P Audio and General Purpose Electrical Characteristics

    OCR Scan
    2SA1186 MT-100 10Omax 100max 150min 30min 60typ 45x01 T0220) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANKEN ELECTRIC CO LTD SSE D • 7^0741 OGOD'ilü «SAKJ Silicon PN P Epitaxial Planar ☆ 2SA1295 lapt ☆Complement to type 2 S C 3 2 6 4 Application Example : • Outline Drawing 3 . . MT-200 Audio and General Purpose Electrical Characteristics

    OCR Scan
    2SA1295 MT-200 Ta-25 100max 230min MT-25 T0220) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANKEN ELECTRIC CO LT» SSE D • 7^0741 □ D D D t170 2T3 « S A K J Silicon N P N Triple Diffused Planar 2SC3858 -F 3 S r ß ☆ Com plem en t to type 2 S A 1 4 9 4 Application Example : e Outline Drawing 3 . . M T -2 0 0 A u d io and General Purpose

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    2SC3858 100max 200min 45x01 T0220) 2SC3858 PDF