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    Bristol Electronics P-ATTL-5014SCH 2
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    Raltron Electronics Corporation CO4305S25000EXTTL50TR

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    mcl 0 432

    Abstract: DSH3
    Text: Evaluation Board and Circuit TTL50 Ohm v o R3 100 Ohm RF 0UT2 > 0 50 Ohm w w 4 RF 0UT1 50 Ohm Llf 3 2 1 DUT 5 R1 6 7 8 UIt +5V > Q l L ^ 0hm 50 Ohm R2 ± • 1 1 .5 Oh AAA,- I t Î I no É D2 _ £ î p e L 5 -6V & 5V 50 Ohm HO A X . RF IN ” 50 Ohm Notes:

    OCR Scan
    TTL50 R04350 mcl 0 432 DSH3 PDF


    Abstract: EFXLDM-TTL-70J EFXLDM-TTL-80F
    Text: iozu profile t 2l C O M P A T IB L E is A 1 0 -T A p t o c i c DELAY MODULE J tim e is m e a s u re d at th e + 1 .5V le ve l o n th e le a d in g edge. Rise T2L input and outputs tim e fo r a ll m o d u le s is 4 n s m a x im u m w h e n m e a s u re d fro m

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ENGINEERED COMPONENTS CO 3ÛE D 33 3 32 A3 0 00 07 b 5 1 *EGC r-äi-n l&pprofilt t 2l COMFATIBLE DIP PULSE GENERATOR MODULE M íní # # # # # T 2 L input and output Pulse w idths stable and precise 8-pin DIP package Available in pulse w idths from 5 to 500ns

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    500ns PDF


    Abstract: SSFXLDM-TTL-90T
    Text: ta□ E D ENGINEERED • 3333203 Q0Q07ÛS TL3 EGC COMPONENTS C C O M P A T IB L E -TAP O G IC MODULE T2L input and outputs Delays stable and precise 14-pin Space Saver package Leads - thru-hole, J, Gull Wing or Tucked # Available in delays from 15 to 1000ns

    OCR Scan
    Q0Q07Ã 14-pin 1000ns SSFXLDM-TTL-900 SSFXLDM-TTL-1000 C/123092 SSFXLDM-TTL-50G SSFXLDM-TTL-90T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: surface mount t 2l CO M PATIBLE Wee DIP M U LTI-LO G IC J DELAY LINE # T2 L FAST input and outputs # Delays stable and precise # SO-14 pin pattern # Wee DIP package .235 high # Available in delays from 5 to 250ns — each isolated and with 10 T2L fan-out capacity

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    SO-14 250ns 250ns. C/102794 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Cow profiCe t 2l COM PATIBLE LOW FREQUENCY SOUARE WAVE GENERATOR MODULE # T^L FAST input and output # Output wavetrain can be started with random events # Leads—Thru-hole, J, Gull Wing or Tucked # Available in frequencies from 30kHz to 1MHz # Output frequencies controlled to within ±2%

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    30kHz MIL-HDBK-217 TTL-140 -TTL-150 TTL-200 -TTL-250 TTL-300 -TTL-350 TTL-400 TTL-450 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ENGINEERED COMPONENTS C bOE D 3333S53 00a07Tl Zt.7 • EGC Cozv profite t 2l COMPATIBLE MiNi Dl MULTI LOGIC DELAYVL'INE J T2L inputs and outputs Delays stable and precise 8-pin DIP package Leads - thru-hole, J, Gull Wing, or Tucked Rise time for all modules is 4ns maximum when measured

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    3333S53 00a07Tl C/102592 33332S3 PDF


    Abstract: CN116 AT070TN93 PCB800116- Tian Yu Lang Tong PCB-800116
    Text: 深圳市天宇朗通科技有限公司 PCB800116-产品规格书 工业级液晶驱动板规格书 产品名称 PCB-800116 驱动板 文件编号 TYT20130612 供应商:深圳市天宇朗通科技有限公司 地址:深圳市福田区振华路高科德 42073

    PCB800116-ä PCB-800116 TYT20130612 PCB800116, EJ070NA-01J CN116 AT070TN93 PCB800116- Tian Yu Lang Tong PCB-800116 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: toio profite t 2l CO M PA TIBLE ^ K o c ic DELAY M O DU LE J T 2L Input and outputs m o d u le s is 4 n s m a x im u m w h e n m e a s u re d fro m 0 .8 V to 2.0V. Delays stable and precise T e m p e ra tu re c o e ffic ie n t o f d e la y is a p p ro x im a te ly + 5 0 0 p p m /

    OCR Scan
    14-pin 1000ns th200 FLDM-TTL-700 FLDM-TTL-900 C/110592 jj-01 PDF

    bcm 4330

    Abstract: telemecanique contactor catalogue A5 GNC mosfet philips ecg master replacement guide Elektronikon II keltron electrolytic capacitors PART NO SELEMA DRIVER MOTOR AC 12v dc EIM Basic MK3 lenze 8600 Atlas copco rc universal 60 min
    Text: NEED IT NOW? BUY REMAN! SEE PAGE lxx xx xvi SOLUTIONS, SOLUTIONS. Q A r e q u a l i t y, c o s t , a n d t i m e i m p o r t a n t to you? A ELECTRICAL SOUTH! Q Do you spend too much of your valuable time dealing with too m a n y d i ff e r e n t r e p a i r v e n d o r s ?



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: tozo profile t 2l COMPATIBLE SIP LOGIC DELAY UNE M ìn ì > # Available in delays from 5 to 500ns T h e M S F L D L -T T L is offered in 4 8 delays from 5ns to 500ns. Delay tolerances are m aintained as shown in the accompanying part num ber table, w hen tested under the "Test Conditions” shown. Delay

    OCR Scan
    500ns 500ns. PDF

    Manufacturer Logos

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ENGINEERED COMPONENTS CO Ib E D 33-3320.3 00Q G 7D4 T 'T LS D -0 ° \ lowprofile t 2l COMPATIBLE ADJUSTABLE SOUARE WAVE GENERATOR • 9 ® ® • T^L input and outputs Output wavetrain can be Started in sync with random events 14-pin DIP package .260 high

    OCR Scan
    000Q7Q4 14-pin -TTL-10 ASWG-TTL-50 ASWG-TTL-11 ASWG-TTL-55 ASWG-TTL-12 ASWG-TTL-60 ASWG-TTL-13 ASWG-TTL-65 Manufacturer Logos PDF

    AT070TN90 V.1

    Abstract: at070tn90 PCB800100 PCB800099 TYT20120909 AT090TN10 EJ080NA04B-1024X768 AT070TN93 EJ080NA04B PCB800099-
    Text: PCB800099-产品规格书 液晶驱动板规格书 PCB-800099 驱动板 产品名称 TYT20120909 文件编号 供应商:深圳市天宇朗通科技有限公司 地址:深圳福田区振华路高科德电子市场 42073 联系人 张先生 客户名称:

    PCB800099-ä PCB-800099 TYT20120909 V-24V AT070TN90 V.1 at070tn90 PCB800100 PCB800099 TYT20120909 AT090TN10 EJ080NA04B-1024X768 AT070TN93 EJ080NA04B PCB800099- PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: lozu profite t 2l COMPATIBLE 10-TAP tO G IC DELAY MODULE # T2L input and outputs # Delays stable and precise # 14-pin DIP package time is measured at the +1.5V level on the leading edge. Rise time for all modules is 4ns maximum when measured from 0.8V to 2.0V. Temperature coefficient of delay is approxi­

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    10-TAP 14-pin 1000ns C/111592 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ENGINEERED COMPONENTS CO Ib E D 33-3320.3 00QG7D4 T 'T - S D - 0 Iôwprofile t 2l COMPATIBLE ADJUSTABLE SOUARE WAVE GENERATOR T^L input and outputs Output wavetrain can be Started in sync with random events 14-pin DIP package (.260 high) Available in frequencies from 5 Mhz

    OCR Scan
    00QG7D4 14-pin -TTL-12 -TTL-60 -TTL-13 -TTL-65 -TTL-14 -TTL-70 -TTL-15 -TTL-20 PDF

    ssf 7510

    Text: B L O C K D IA G R A M IS S H O W N B E L O W M E C H A N IC A L D E T A IL IS S H O W N B E L O W V cc 14 .800 14 13 12 11 10 9 P in No. Pin No. V 2 ^ SSFXLDM- 4 IN 1 1 2 6 8 OUT 3 5 7 9 C 3 4 5 6 7 TAP 2 13 TA P 4 12 TAP 6 11 TAP 0 10 OUT il; m f t f r D E LA Y LIN E W IT H

    OCR Scan
    020DIA. o-ir020TVR 020TYP-> --10D C30TYP SSFXLDM-TTL-800 SSFXLDM-TTL-1000 C/123092 ssf 7510 SSFXLDM-TTL-50G SSFXLDM-TTL-80F SSFXLDM-TTL-90T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ENGINEERED C O M P O N E N T S C bOE D •I 3 3 3 3 2 A 3 OOOOflCH 227 WÊ EGC Cozv -profite T*L COMPATIBLE 10-TAP OCIC MODULE T2L input and outputs Delays stable and precise 14-pin DIP package time is measured at the +1 .5V level on the leading edge. Rise

    OCR Scan
    33332A3 10-TAP 14-pin 1000ns EFXLDM-TTL-900 EFXLDM-TTL-1000 C/111592 PDF


    Abstract: pulse generator module at 4 KHZ MDPGM-TTL-10 MDPGM-TTL-25 MDPGM-TTL-50 mini pulse 3 MDPGM-TTL-500 020DIA
    Text: ENGINEERED COMPONENTS CO 3ÛE t Ï • 33332A3 00007b5 1 BEGC kw profile T - Ö I -/<? t 2l COMFATIBLE DIP PULSE GENERATOR MODULE M ín í T ^ L in p u t and o u tp u t Pulse w id th s stable and precise 8-p in DIP package A vailable in pulse w id th s fro m 5 to 5 0 0 n s

    OCR Scan
    33332A3 00007b2 500ns technologi70 MDPGM-TTL-75 MDPGM-TTL-80 MDPGM-TTL-90 MDPGM-TTL-100 MDPGM-TTL-200 MDPGM-TTL-250 MDPGM-TTL-70 pulse generator module at 4 KHZ MDPGM-TTL-10 MDPGM-TTL-25 MDPGM-TTL-50 mini pulse 3 MDPGM-TTL-500 020DIA PDF


    Text: B L O C K D I A G R A M IS S H O W N B E L O W V cc 8 y TAP 1 7 o TAP 3 6 o X X 1 1 OUTPUT 5 1. All m easurem ents are m ade at 25°C. 2. Vcc supply voltage is m aintained at 5.0V DC. 3. All units are tested using a S chottky toggle-type positive input pulse and one S chottky load at the output being tested.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Cozv profite t 2l I }l*i0 % IN­ 'o - ì COMPATIBLE Mìnì DIP DIGITAL FREOUENCY MULTIPLIER MODULE # T 2 L FAST input and outputs # Output w avetrain synchronized with input square wave # 8-pin DIP package T he M D FD FM M -TTL is offered in thirty-eight 38 standard clock

    OCR Scan
    MILHDBK-217 -TTL-10 -TTL-11 DFDFMM-TTL-12 -TTL-13 DFDFMM-TTL-14 -TTL-15 -TTL-16 -TTL-17 -TTL-18 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Cozv profile t 2l COMPATIBLE 4-BIT AMMABLE O CIC AY LINE # T2L input and output # Delays stable and precise . # 24-pin DIP package Leads - thru-hole, J, Gull Wing or Tucked # Available in delays up to 1509ns # Available in 24 delay steps with resolution from .5 to 100ns

    OCR Scan
    24-pin 1509ns 100ns C/11109; PDF


    Abstract: AT070TN90 RTD2660H PCB-800168 PCB800100 Tian Yu Lang Tong
    Text: 深圳市天宇朗通科技有限公司 PCB800099-产品规格书 液晶驱动板规格书 产品名称 文件编号 PCB-800168 驱动板 TYT20131128 供应商:深圳市天宇朗通科技有限公司 地址:深圳福田区振华路高科德电子市场 42073

    PCB800099-ä PCB-800168 TYT20131128 PCB800099 AT070TN90 RTD2660H PCB-800168 PCB800100 Tian Yu Lang Tong PDF