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    F6503AVGK8 Renesas Electronics Corporation SATCOM Transmit SiGe IC Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    F6503AVGK Renesas Electronics Corporation SATCOM Transmit SiGe IC Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    F6501AVGK8 Renesas Electronics Corporation Ku-Band SATCOM Transmit SiGe IC Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    F6501AVGK Renesas Electronics Corporation Ku-Band SATCOM Transmit SiGe IC Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    F6502AVGK8 Renesas Electronics Corporation Ka-Band SATCOM Transmit SiGe IC Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    TRANSMITTING TUBES Datasheets Context Search

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    ILI 5960

    Abstract: GI 9047 6159W 6146w NUTV
    Text: MIL-E-1,'1502A 15 ~Jnuary 197] SUPERSEDU'NG MIL-E-1/1502 II July 1963 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SHEET ELECTRON TUBES. TRANSMITTING TYPES 6 146W AND 6159W 1/ Thle coniplete ~hai ~consist requirements for procuring the electron tubes described herein MIL-~E-1 laes issue of Specification

    MIL-E-1/1502 MIIL-E-1/1502A tps6Wad65W ILI 5960 GI 9047 6159W 6146w NUTV PDF


    Abstract: 1P28 Tube 1p28 photomultiplier tubes 1P28 Tube 1p28a photomultiplier circuit electronic 40 w tube light circuit
    Text: Return To Product Page 1P28, 1P28A Photomultipliers 9-Stage, Side-Window Types Having Cesium-Antimony Photocathodes and UV-Transmitting Glass Windows • Ultraviolet Detection Capability to about 200 nanometers • Fast Time Resolution Characteristics: Anode-pulse Rise Time

    1P28A 6x10-8 1P28A 13-Top Pin10: Pin11: 1P28 Tube 1p28 photomultiplier tubes 1P28 Tube 1p28a photomultiplier circuit electronic 40 w tube light circuit PDF


    Abstract: tube 3cx300a1 3CX300a diagram high power 500 watts audio amplifier 3CX300 high power 500 watts audio amplifier
    Text: Svetlana 3CX300A1 Audio Power Triode T he Svetlana 3CX300A1 is a ceramic-metal forced-air-cooled power triode intended for use in high-end audio amplifier equipment requiring high power, low plate resistance and exceptional linearity. Ceramic-metal transmitting-tube construction gives the

    3CX300A1 3CX300A1 tube 3cx300a1 3CX300a diagram high power 500 watts audio amplifier 3CX300 high power 500 watts audio amplifier PDF


    Abstract: 9T64A TOSHIBA TRIODE triode metal ceramic power VT-29118A Audio Power Amplifier TOSHIBA transmitting triode VT-29119A high power Triode Transmitting
    Text: TOSHIBA TRANSMITTING TUBE 9T64A TRIODE Electron Tube, Device & Equipment The TOSHIBA 9T64A is a water-cooled, medium-mu triode tube designed for use in high power amplifier broadcasting & industrial services. The anode is capable of dissipating 75 kilowatts during continuous commercial service and maximum

    9T64A 9T64A, VT-26107 TOSHIBA TRIODE triode metal ceramic power VT-29118A Audio Power Amplifier TOSHIBA transmitting triode VT-29119A high power Triode Transmitting PDF


    Abstract: SQ 4849 QUARTZ D-73277 Owen asi bus SQ 4849 SE432 mc1747 AS-Interface circuit diagram D4021 parallel to ASI
    Text: AS2701 ASI Slave IC DATA SHEET Key Features - General Description Simple two-wire bus ASI line Transmission of both power and signal on the ASI line Decoupling of power and signal by the IC without additional external devices Transmitting protocol for using the IC and the ASI

    AS2701 30-Oct-03 D-73277 SQ 4849 QUARTZ D-73277 Owen asi bus SQ 4849 SE432 mc1747 AS-Interface circuit diagram D4021 parallel to ASI PDF

    tube 811A

    Abstract: 811A 811A tube RCA 811 tube RCA RF power devices Svetlana rca tube 56 transmitting tubes 811 rca 811a audio amplifier
    Text: SVETLANA TECHNICAL DATA 811A High-Mu Power Triode he SvetlanaTM 811A is a power triode for use in class AB, class B, and class C RF and Audio amplifiers. The Svetlana 811A features a low loss ceramic base and a bondedceramic plate cap thermal insulator for high power RF transmitting tube capability. Two



    Abstract: e717-63 E717 R446 Hamamatsu B1188 PMT R446 TPMS1027E02 E717 HAMAMATSU
    Text: PHOTOMULTIPLIER TUBE R446 Multialkali Photocathode Sensitive to 870 nm 28 mm 1-1/8 Inch Diameter, 9-Stage, Side-On Type The R446 features high quantum efficiency, high current amplification, good S/N ratio and wide spectral response from UV to near infrared. The R446 employs a UV-transmitting glass envelope for UV sensitivity extension.

    SE-171-41 TPMS1027E02 R446 e717-63 E717 R446 Hamamatsu B1188 PMT R446 TPMS1027E02 E717 HAMAMATSU PDF

    3000 watts audio amplifier

    Abstract: audio amplifier 2400 watt

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    891-R 3000 watts audio amplifier audio amplifier 2400 watt PDF


    Abstract: 6AN7 tungsram 3S035T-1 ecc83 application notes ECL86 DG 7-123 tungsram AC125UZ PENTODE pl 508 ot-400 tungsram

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    76665N 76889N MA748PC MA709PC jA710PC A711PC iA712PC A723PC HA741PC A747PC AC125K 6AN7 tungsram 3S035T-1 ecc83 application notes ECL86 DG 7-123 tungsram AC125UZ PENTODE pl 508 ot-400 tungsram PDF


    Abstract: Scans-048 ry98 H27A tm1a Electron Device Mfg Corp DSAGER00032 RY96
    Text: TRANSMITTING, MODULATOR, REGULATOR TUBES Electron Device Mfg.Corp. S Y M B O L S & A B B R E V IA T IO N S C — contact cooling FA — forced-air (cooling) N — n atu ral (cooling) V — vapour (cooling) W — w ater (cooling) Uf — filam ent voltage

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    power amplifier 1000 watts rms

    Abstract: Amperex amperex transmitting ZB-120 AUDIO 200 watts amplifier amplifier audio 5000 watts original 1500 watt audio amplifier 300 watts amplifier 500 watts power amplifier scans-00181100
    Text: AMPEREX TRANSMITTING T UB E ZB-120 Low Distortion Zero-Bias Class B Am plifier and M odulator, High Efficiency R.F. Frequency M ultiplying Pow er Am plifier, Conventional R.F. Pow er Am plifier The ZB-120 is an exclusive Amperex development. In common with other

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    ZB-120 ZB-120 ZB-120-AMPEREX power amplifier 1000 watts rms Amperex amperex transmitting AUDIO 200 watts amplifier amplifier audio 5000 watts original 1500 watt audio amplifier 300 watts amplifier 500 watts power amplifier scans-00181100 PDF


    Abstract: yl1260 tetrode yl1260 6360 tube tetrode RS614 EL3010 RS-687 RS686 rs 686
    Text: Transmitting tubes Type Art P2' W Anax. MHz S M mA/V H020l) V max. ^A max. UG2 max. ^G 2 max. W V W V *F A EL 3010 Pentode 70 30 50 ± 9 (16) 900 35 250 5,5 6,3 16,6 ca. 2,2 ca. 1,1 RS614 Triode 350 200 3,2 25 3000 150 - - 6,3 ca. 5,8 RS630 Triode 800 100

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    YL1260 YL1510 tetrode yl1260 6360 tube tetrode RS614 EL3010 RS-687 RS686 rs 686 PDF

    Eimac 3cx1500a7

    Abstract: 3cx1500 3cx1500a7 3cx1500*a7 3cx1500a SK-2220 3CX1500U7 SK-2221-60 SK222 3CX1500A7/8877
    Text: 8 9 6 2 _ 7 UHF HIGH-MU TRANSMITTING TRIODE The EIMAC 8962/3CX1500U7 is designed for use above 20Q MHz as a CW, pulse, or linear rf amplifier. This high-mu triode is designed withj beam-forming cathode and control grid geometry. It is of all metal/ceramic construction, with an

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    8962/3CX1500U7 HIB31KH 3CX1500U7 Eimac 3cx1500a7 3cx1500 3cx1500a7 3cx1500*a7 3cx1500a SK-2220 SK-2221-60 SK222 3CX1500A7/8877 PDF


    Abstract: 300 watts audio amplifier 3000 watts audio amplifier amperex
    Text: AMPEREX TRANSMITTING TUBE HF-100 R.F. P o w e r Am plifier a n d O scillator C lass B A u d io Am plifier or M o d u la to r The HF-100 is one of a distinctive group of low voltage high current tubes, an original developm ent of the Am perex Engineering Laboratories. It is in addi­

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    HF-100 HF-100 HF100 300 watts audio amplifier 3000 watts audio amplifier amperex PDF

    machlett x-ray tube

    Abstract: machlett ML-342 xray tube Scans-0017402
    Text: D E S C R IP T IO N T he M L -3 4 2 A is a three-electrode tube designed for use as a modulator, amplifier, or oscillator in radio-transmitting service. T he cathode is a pure-tungsten filament. T h e anode is water cooled and is capable of dissipating 25 kW . M axi­

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    ML-34 ML-342Ã ML-342A ML-342A machlett x-ray tube machlett ML-342 xray tube Scans-0017402 PDF

    95106 philips

    Abstract: radiosonde oscillateur wo4 08 MAX790 7R06337 philips 95106 subminiature tubes 95108
    Text: PHILIPS 95108 SUBMINIATURE TRANSMITTING PENTODE for use in radio sondes PENTODE EMETTRICE SUBMINIATURE pour radiosondes SENDEPENTODE IN SUBMINIATURTECHNIK für Radiosonden Heating : d i r e c t by D . C p a r a l l e l supply Chauffage : d i r e c t p a r C . C . ; a l i m e n tation parallèle

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    951GS 95106 philips radiosonde oscillateur wo4 08 MAX790 7R06337 philips 95106 subminiature tubes 95108 PDF


    Abstract: amperex Scans-0017256
    Text: AMPEREX TRANSMITTING TUBE 111-H mmm R .F. P o w e r A m p lifie r a n d O scilla to r C la ss B A u d io A m p lifie r or M o d u la to r The 111-H is one of a distinctive group of low voltage high current tubes, an original developm ent of the Am perex Engineering Laboratories. It is in addi­

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    111-H 111-H 4200TH 1000 WATTS AMPLIFIER amperex Scans-0017256 PDF

    TUBE 6082

    Abstract: rca tube 56 RADIOTRON uu 10.5 rca company
    Text: TRANSMITTING BF,AM POWER AMPLIFIER GENERAL DATA Electr i c a l : F ila m e n t, T h o ria te d T ungsten: Vol t a g e . 10 ± 0 .5 C u r r e n t .3 *2 5 T ra n sc o n d u c tan ce A p p ro x. for plate

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    92C-6080 TUBE 6082 rca tube 56 RADIOTRON uu 10.5 rca company PDF


    Abstract: GL-891
    Text: D ESC RIP TIO N A N D R A T IN G E T I-1 7 2 PAGE 1 4 -4 5 PLIOTRON DESCRIPTIO N The GL-891 is a three-electrode transmitting tube of the double-filament type for use as a radiofrequency power amplifier, oscillator, Class A modulator and Class B modulator. The construction of the filament permits operation from two-

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    GL-891 ETI-172 GL-891 CHARAC-9-45 ETI-172 K-8639398 ET1-I72 pliotron PDF


    Abstract: I500 hf amplifier 600 watts amperex amperex transmitting
    Text: AMPEREX TRANSMITTING T H E K!F = 2 1 • R.F. P o w er A m p lifier a n d O scillator A F P o w er A m p lifier a n d M odu la tor The HF-201 is another of the highly proficient high frequency generators of original Am perex design and developm ent. The outstanding features of low

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    HF-201 HF-201-AMPEREX HF-201 I500 hf amplifier 600 watts amperex amperex transmitting PDF


    Abstract: radiator amperex aml9-1
    Text: AMPEREX TRANSMITTING FORCED-AIR TUBE COOLED Radio Frequency Pow er Amplifier: Class B Modulator M AXIM UM RATIN GS A N D TYPICAL 1 O PERA TIN G CO N D ITIO N S A .F. Pow er A m plifier and M odulator—C la ss B M axim um R atin g p er T u be A .C. F ilam en t V o lta g e *

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    892-R 892-R radiator amperex aml9-1 PDF


    Abstract: rca 210 12000 power amp circuits ic rca 340 RCA tube KW operation amplifier
    Text: 8 9 3 -A TRANSMITTING TRIODE WATER & FORCED—A IR COOLED G E N E R A L DA T A Electr ic a l : F ila m e nt: E x cita tio n V oltage Current per per Tungsten, Th r e e - S e c t i o n T y p e • • lip AC, 3<pAC, ScpAC, o r DC strand. . . . term inal . . .

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    92CM-60I6R2 6025RI A893A rca 210 12000 power amp circuits ic rca 340 RCA tube KW operation amplifier PDF

    1500w audio amplifier circuit

    Abstract: AMPLIFIER 1500w HR-9 vacuum tube amplifier Scans-0017299
    Text: 15 OOT M EDIUM -M U E I T E L - M c C U L L O U G H , I nc SAN BRUNO, TRIODE • MODULATOR OSCILLATOR AM PLI F IE R CALIFORNIA .1 The Eimac I500T is a medium-mu, high-vacuum transmitting triode intended for am plifier, oscil­ lator and modulator service. It has a maximum plate dissipation rating of 1500 watts. Cooling of the

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    I500T 1500T -750W 1500w audio amplifier circuit AMPLIFIER 1500w HR-9 vacuum tube amplifier Scans-0017299 PDF

    rca 1619

    Abstract: 1619 tube cd 1619 rca tube 58 RCA-75, tube RADIOTRON rca company 1938 D rca 35 tube Scans-0017304
    Text: TRANSMITTING BEAM POWER AMPLIFIER Filam ent Coated a-c or d-c vol ts V o ltag e 2.5 amp. C urrent 2.0 Transconductance fo r p la te cu rre n t o f 50 ma. 4500 approx. pmhos D ire c t tn te re le c tro d e C a p a c ita n c e s : *jpf G rid to P la te 0.35

    OCR Scan
    MT-10 92c-493i 92C-4924 92C-4925 rca 1619 1619 tube cd 1619 rca tube 58 RCA-75, tube RADIOTRON rca company 1938 D rca 35 tube Scans-0017304 PDF