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    TRANSISTOR TC 137 Search Results

    TRANSISTOR TC 137 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-5 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27 V / tf=60 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    TRANSISTOR TC 137 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GA10JT12-CAL Normally – OFF Silicon Carbide Junction Transistor VDS RDS ON ID (Tc = 25°C) hFE (Tc = 25°C) Features •        = = = = 1200 V 120 mΩ 25 A 80 Package 250 °C Maximum Operating Temperature Gate Oxide Free SiC Switch

    GA10JT12-CAL GA10JT12 00E-47 26E-28 39E-12 1373E-12 PDF


    Abstract: BD136 BD139 time bd140 Complement power transistor bd139 BD135 BD137 BD138 BD140
    Text: BD135/137/139 BD135/137/139 Medium Power Linear and Switching Applications • Complement to BD136, BD138 and BD140 respectively TO-126 1 1. Emitter 2.Collector 3.Base NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings TC=25°C unless otherwise noted

    BD135/137/139 BD136, BD138 BD140 O-126 BD135 BD137 BD139 BD139 BD136 BD139 time bd140 Complement power transistor bd139 BD135 BD137 PDF


    Abstract: bd139 bd135 to-126 BD13916S to-126 transistor Cross-Reference DATE transistor cross reference TO-126 fairchild bd139 cross reference transistor A 1263
    Text: BD135/137/139 BD135/137/139 Medium Power Linear and Switching Applications • Complement to BD136, BD138 and BD140 respectively TO-126 1 1. Emitter 2.Collector 3.Base NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings TC=25°C unless otherwise noted

    BD135/137/139 BD136, BD138 BD140 O-126 BD135 BD137 BD139 QBD135 bd139 bd135 to-126 BD13916S to-126 transistor Cross-Reference DATE transistor cross reference TO-126 fairchild bd139 cross reference transistor A 1263 PDF


    Abstract: BD135 BD137
    Text: BD135/137/139 TO-126 1 NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings TC=25°C unless otherwise noted Symbol VCBO Collector-Base Voltage Parameter : BD135 : BD137 : BD139 Value 45 60 80 Units V V V VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage : BD135 : BD137

    BD135/137/139 O-126 BD135 BD137 BD139 BD139 BD135 BD137 PDF


    Abstract: BD136 bd139 Complement
    Text: BD135/137/139 BD135/137/139 Medium Power Linear and Switching Applications • Complement to BD136, BD138 and BD140 respectively TO-126 1 1. Emitter 2.Collector 3.Base NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings TC=25°C unless otherwise noted

    BD135/137/139 BD136, BD138 BD140 O-126 BD135 BD137 BD139 Bd139 BD136 bd139 Complement PDF

    d 42030 transistor

    Abstract: AN-7505 220v ac to 48v dc smps AN3008 Fairchild crt horizontal deflection circuit AN-7528 9019 transistor FAN6800 BUT11A spice AN817
    Text: BUT11/11A BUT11/11A High Voltage Power Switching Applications TO-220 1 NPN Silicon Transistor 1.Base 2.Collector 3.Emitter Absolute Maximum Ratings TC=25°C unless otherwise noted Symbol VCBO VCEO Parameter Value Units V Collector-Base Voltage : BUT11 : BUT11A

    BUT11/11A O-220 BUT11 BUT11A BUT11 AN-758: AN-758 d 42030 transistor AN-7505 220v ac to 48v dc smps AN3008 Fairchild crt horizontal deflection circuit AN-7528 9019 transistor FAN6800 BUT11A spice AN817 PDF


    Abstract: transistor IC 12A 400v IRG7
    Text: IRG7IC20FDPbF INSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR WITH ULTRAFAST SOFT RECOVERY DIODE VCES = 600V C IC = 8.0A, TC = 100°C tsc > 3 s, Tjmax = 150°C G VCE on typ. = 1.60V @ IC = 12A G E • • • • Air Conditioner Compressor Refrigerator Vacuum Cleaner

    IRG7IC20FDPbF O-220AB irg7ic transistor IC 12A 400v IRG7 PDF

    pt 4115 led driver

    Abstract: AN-7527 an7527 an5043 AN-7501 AN-7502 AN42045 transistor k 4110 PC100 NPN ML4425
    Text: BUT12/12A BUT12/12A High Voltage Power Switching Applications TO-220 1 1.Base 2.Collector 3.Emitter NPN Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings TC=25°C unless otherwise noted Symbol VCBO VCEO Parameter Value Units : BUT12 : BUT12A 850 1000 V V Collector-Emitter Voltage

    BUT12/12A O-220 BUT12 BUT12A KM4211-PB: KM4211 FAN5231-PB: pt 4115 led driver AN-7527 an7527 an5043 AN-7501 AN-7502 AN42045 transistor k 4110 PC100 NPN ML4425 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IRG7IC20FDPbF INSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR WITH ULTRAFAST SOFT RECOVERY DIODE VCES = 600V C IC = 8.0A, TC = 100°C tsc > 3 s, Tjmax = 150°C G VCE on typ. = 1.60V @ IC = 12A C E G E TO-220AB Full-Pak n-channel Applications • • • • Air Conditioner Compressor



    Abstract: 2SD1785 FM20 IE1A
    Text: 2SD1785 Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Planar Transistor Complement to type 2SB1258 VCEO 120 V IEBO VEBO 6 V V(BR)CEO 6(Pulse10) A hFE IC Symbol Conditions Unit VCB=120V 10max µA 10max mA VEB=6V IC=10mA 120min VCE=2V, IC=3A 2000min V 1 A VCE(sat) PC 30(Tc=25°C)

    2SD1785 2SB1258) Pulse10) 10max 120min 2000min 100typ 70typ O220F) 2SB1258 2SD1785 FM20 IE1A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SD1769 Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Planar Transistor Unit Conditions 120 V ICBO VCB=120V 10max µA VCEO 120 V IEBO VEB=6V 20max mA 6 V V BR CEO 6(Pulse10) A hFE IC=10mA 120min VCE=2V, IC=3A 2000min 10.2±0.2 V IB 1 A VCE(sat) IC=3A, IB=3mA 1.5max PC 50(Tc=25°C)

    2SD1769 MT-25 10max 20max Pulse10) 100typ 2SD1769 PDF


    Abstract: UML15 W 217
    Text: UML15 NPN SILICON RF POWER TRANSISTOR DESCRIPTION: PACKAGE STYLE .280 4L STUD The ASI UML15 is Designed for A 45° FEATURES: B • • • Omnigold Metalization System C D J E MAXIMUM RATINGS G IC 1.59 A VCBO 65 V VCES 65 V VEBO 3.5 V H K PDISS 31.8 W @ TC = 25 OC

    UML15 UML15 ASI10693 ASI10693 W 217 PDF


    Abstract: ASI10691
    Text: UML3 NPN SILICON RF POWER TRANSISTOR PACKAGE STYLE .280 4L STUD DESCRIPTION: A The ASI UML3 is Designed for 45° B FEATURES: • • • Omnigold Metalization System C D J E I F G MAXIMUM RATINGS H K 10 A IC 60 V VCB 35 V VCE PDISS 140 W @ TC = 25 OC O

    ASI10691 TRANSISTOR TC 137 ASI10691 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ULBM5 NPN SILICON RF POWER TRANSISTOR DESCRIPTION: The ASI ULBM5 is Designed for PACKAGE STYLE .280 4L STUD FEATURES: A 45° • • • Omnigold Metalization System B J IC 2.0 A VCBO 36 V VCER 18 V G H K 37 W @ TC = 25 OC O TJ -65 C to +200 C TSTG -65 OC to +150 OC

    ASI10680 ASI10680 PDF

    pin diagram of ic 4066

    Abstract: tip131 TIP137 Darlington transistor TIP132 TIP136 TIP137 NPN Transistor TO220 VCEO 80V 100V NPN Transistor VCEO 80V 100V DARLINGTON darlington complementary
    Text: TIP131, 132, 136, 137 Darlington Transistors Features: • Collector-Emitter sustaining voltageVCEO sus = 80V (Minimum) - TIP131, TIP136 = 100V (Minimum) - TIP132, TIP137 • Collector-Emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat) = 2.0V (Maximum) at IC = 4.0A • Monolithic construction with Built-in Base-Emitter shunt resistor.

    TIP131, TIP136 TIP132, TIP137 TIP131 TIP132 pin diagram of ic 4066 tip131 TIP137 Darlington transistor TIP132 TIP136 TIP137 NPN Transistor TO220 VCEO 80V 100V NPN Transistor VCEO 80V 100V DARLINGTON darlington complementary PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BD135 / 137 / 139 NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Features • Complement to BD136, BD138 and BD140 respectively Applications • Medium Power Linear and Switching 1 1. Emitter TO-126 2.Collector 3.Base Ordering Information Part Number Marking BD13516S BD1356STU

    BD135 BD136, BD138 BD140 O-126 BD13516S BD1356STU BD13510STU BD13516STU BD13716STU PDF

    2sd2012 transistor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA 2SD2012 Transistor Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Type Audio Frequency Power Amplifier F e a tu re s • High DC Current Gain : 100 Min. • Low Saturation Voltage ~ ^CE (Satj = 1.0V (Max.) (Ic = 2A, lB = 0.2A) • High Power Dissipation - Pc = 25W (Tc = 25~C )

    OCR Scan
    2SD2012 2SB1375 Tc--25 2sd2012 transistor PDF

    transistor BD 246

    Abstract: transistor BD 249 transistor BD 240 BD 35 transistor transistor bd 242 BD139-6 transistor BD 239 transistor BD245 BD135 transistor BD 241
    Text: BDI 36 PNP EPITAXIAL PLANAR SILICON TRANSISTOR 1171 DESIGNED FOR COMPLEMENTARY USE WITH BD135 • • • • • • • Driver Stages Active Convergence Control Circuits Switching Application Ptot * 6.5 Wat TC * 60 <>c hpE > 40 at lc = —150 mA Vce sat < 0.5 V at lc “ - 0.5 A

    OCR Scan
    BD136 BD135 MIL-STD-750. OT-32 40PEP 80PEP OT-32 O-66P transistor BD 246 transistor BD 249 transistor BD 240 BD 35 transistor transistor bd 242 BD139-6 transistor BD 239 transistor BD245 BD135 transistor BD 241 PDF


    Abstract: bd140 Complement BD136 bd139 Complement transistor BD140 BD135 BD137 BD139 BD140 power transistor bd136
    Text: BD136/138/140 PNP EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR MEDIUM POWER LINEAR AND SWITCHING APPLICATIONS • C om plem ent to BD135, BD 137 and BD139 respectively ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Characteristic Symbol C ollector Base Voltage :B D 1 3 6 : BD138 : BD140 C ollector E m itter Voltage : BD 136

    OCR Scan
    BD136/138/140 BD135, BD137 BD139 BD136 BD138 BD140 BD138 bd140 Complement bd139 Complement transistor BD140 BD135 BD140 power transistor bd136 PDF


    Abstract: power transistor bd135 BD136 bd139 Complement BD135
    Text: BD135/137/139 NPN EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR MEDIUM POWER LINEAR AND SWITCHING APPLICATIONS TO -126 • Complement to BD136, BD138 and BD140 respectively ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Characteristic C ollector Base Voltage : BD135 : BD137 : BD139 C o lle cto r E m itter Voltage: BD135

    OCR Scan
    BD135/137/139 BD136, BD138 BD140 BD135 BD137 BD139 power transistor bd135 BD136 bd139 Complement BD135 PDF

    BD139 N

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR TC 137 BD135 LB 137 transistor power transistor bd135 BD139 BD139 NPN transistor bd135 N BD135 NPN transistor TRANSISTOR NPN BD139
    Text: BD135/137/139 NPN EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR MEDIUM POWER LINEAR AND SWITCHING APPLICATIONS • C om plem ent to BD136, BD 138 and BD140 respectively ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Characteristic Sym bol C ollector Base Voltage :B D 1 3 5 : BD137 : BD139 C ollector E m itter V o lta g e : BD135

    OCR Scan
    BD135/137/139 BD136, BD138 BD140 BD135 BD137 BD139 BD139 N TRANSISTOR TC 137 LB 137 transistor power transistor bd135 BD139 BD139 NPN transistor bd135 N BD135 NPN transistor TRANSISTOR NPN BD139 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BD136/138/140 PNP EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR MEDIUM POWER LINEAR AND SWITCHING APPLICATIONS • C om plem ent to BD135, BD 137 and BD139 respectively ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Characteristic Rating Unit - 45 V : BD138 - 60 V : BD140 - 80 V - 45 V C ollector Base Voltage

    OCR Scan
    BD136/138/140 BD135, BD139 BD138 BD140 BD136 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BD135/137/139 NPN EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR MEDIUM POWER LINEAR AND SWITCHING APPLICATIONS • C om plem ent to BD136, BD 138 and BD140 respectively ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS C haracteristic C ollector Base Voltage Sym bol : BD135 Rating Unit 45 V : BD137

    OCR Scan
    BD135/137/139 BD136, BD140 BD135 BD137 BD139 PDF

    D137 transistor

    Abstract: D135 BD139B BD139 bd137b BD136
    Text: BD135/137/139 NPN EPITAXIAL SILICO N TRANSISTOR MEDIUM POWER LINEAR AND SWITCHING APPLICATIONS TO-126 • Complement to BD136, B D 138 and B D 140 respectively ABSO LUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Characteristic Collector B ase Voltage Collector Emitter Voltage

    OCR Scan
    BD135/137/139 O-126 BD136, 150mA 500mA, D137 transistor D135 BD139B BD139 bd137b BD136 PDF