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    TRANSISTOR B642 Search Results

    TRANSISTOR B642 Result Highlights (5)

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    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-5 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27 V / tf=60 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    TRANSISTOR B642 Datasheets Context Search

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    electronic 40 w tube light choke

    Abstract: electronic choke for tube light fluorescent dc choke circuit DIAC EQUIVALENT circuit siemens b43588 Siemens Ferrite n27 transistor Electronic ballast S10k 275 varistor electronic ballast for tube light 36 thermistor th1
    Text: Electronic ballasts for fluorescent lamps Application Notes Advantages of fluorescent lamps Half-bridge series resonant ballast Fluorescent lamps have emerged as the preferred light source for many applications because they consume only a fraction of the

    F/350 25/ferrite S10K150 B81133. B81122. B32560-J6103-K B32560-J1104-M B32560-J105-M electronic 40 w tube light choke electronic choke for tube light fluorescent dc choke circuit DIAC EQUIVALENT circuit siemens b43588 Siemens Ferrite n27 transistor Electronic ballast S10k 275 varistor electronic ballast for tube light 36 thermistor th1 PDF

    Siemens Ferrite n27

    Abstract: siemens b43588 S10k 275 varistor B64290-K44-X830 ferrite material n27 EF25 n27 40 w electronic tube light choke fluorescent dc choke circuit electronic ballast for tube light 36 electronic tube light choke
    Text: Electronic ballasts for fluorescent lamps Application Notes Advantages of fluorescent lamps Half-bridge series resonant ballast Fluorescent lamps have emerged as the preferred light source for many applications because they consume only a fraction of the



    Abstract: ic PS224 optocoupler atx power supply schematic ferrite transformer power for power supply atx PS224 ic datasheet EROS2CHF ferrite transformer atx power supply 24v active clamp forward converter ATX 2005 schematic diagram power supply ATX12v SCHEMATICS
    Text: TND313/D Rev 2, May-07 High-Efficiency 305 W ATX Reference Design Documentation Package 2007 ON Semiconductor. 1 Disclaimer: ON Semiconductor is providing this reference design documentation package “AS IS” and the recipient assumes all risk associated with the use and/or commercialization of this design package.

    TND313/D May-07 PS224 ic PS224 optocoupler atx power supply schematic ferrite transformer power for power supply atx PS224 ic datasheet EROS2CHF ferrite transformer atx power supply 24v active clamp forward converter ATX 2005 schematic diagram power supply ATX12v SCHEMATICS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2.5 Gbit/s Re-timing Laser Driver GD16521 an Intel company Preliminary General Description Features laser diode. A modulation current control loop maintains a constant modulation current for the laser diode, or alternatively maintains a constant extinction ratio of the laser diode.

    GD16521 GD16521 STM-16 OC-48 DK-2740 PDF

    laser diode for free space communication

    Abstract: GD16521-48BA GD16521-D STM-16 DIODE h4 1027ib 50W 50 ohm termination
    Text: 2.5 Gbit/s Re-timing Laser Driver GD16521 an Intel company Preliminary General Description Features laser diode. A modulation current control loop maintains a constant modulation current for the laser diode, or alternatively maintains a constant extinction ratio of the laser diode.

    GD16521 GD16521 STM-16 OC-48 DK-2740 laser diode for free space communication GD16521-48BA GD16521-D DIODE h4 1027ib 50W 50 ohm termination PDF

    siemens toroidal core

    Abstract: T0451S100A 1mh inductor 1mh inductor design Siemens Ferrite B64290 MAX635 MAX635XCPA MAX635XCSA MAX635XEPA MAX636
    Text: w iy jx iy i/i 19-0918; Rev 0; 5/91 P reset/A djustable O utput CMOS In vertin g S w itching R egulators General Description Features ♦ Preset -5V, -12V, -15V Output Voltages The MAX635/MAX636/MAX637 inverting switching regu­ lators are designed for minimum component DC-DC

    OCR Scan
    MAX635/MAX636/MAX637 500mW MAX635/636/637 100pF siemens toroidal core T0451S100A 1mh inductor 1mh inductor design Siemens Ferrite B64290 MAX635 MAX635XCPA MAX635XCSA MAX635XEPA MAX636 PDF


    Text: 19-0918; Rev 0; 5/91 Preset/A djustable O utput CMOS inverting S w itching Regulators _ A p p lica tio n s Minimum Component, High-Efficiency DC-DC Converters Portable Instruments Battery Power Conversion Board Level DC-DC Conversion _ F e a tu re s

    OCR Scan
    MAX635/MAX636/MAX637 500mW MAX635/636/637 100pF MAX635XCPA MAX635XCSA MAX635XEJA MAX635XEPA MAX635XMJA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: / k l / J X I / k l CMOS M icropow er Inverting S w itching Regulator _ General Description Maxim's MAX634 and MAX4391 CMOS DC-DC regu­ lators are designed for simple, efficient, inverting DC-DC converter circuits. The MAX634 and MAX4391

    OCR Scan
    Current--100pA MAX634 MAX4391 525mA 100juA RC4391 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: y i/iy jx iy n Preset/Adjustable Output CMOS Inverting Switching Regulators G eneral Description The MAX635/MAX636/MAX637 inverting switching regu­ lators are designed for minimum component DC-DC conversion in the 5mW to 500mW range. Low power applications require only a diode, output filter

    OCR Scan
    AX635/636/637 MAX635/MAX636/MAX637 500mW MAX635/636/637to PDF


    Abstract: MAX4391 oscilator ic inverter te3-q4-ta MAX637
    Text: y y j x i y n CMOS M icropow er In vertin g S w itch in g Regulator . Features General Description Maxim's MAX634 and MAX4391 CMOS DC-DC regu­ lators are designed fo r simple, efficient, inverting DC-DC converter circuits. The MAX634 and MAX4391 sw itching regulators provide all control and power

    OCR Scan
    Current--100 Efficiency--85% MAX634) MAX634 MAX4391 RC4391 oscilator ic inverter te3-q4-ta MAX637 PDF


    Abstract: MAX635XCPA MAX635XCSA MAX635XEJA MAX635XEPA MAX635XMJA MAX637E toroid iron power core reference table MAX636 equivalent
    Text: 19-0918; Rev 0; 5/91 y i/ iy jx iy i/ i P reset/A djustable O utput CMOS in vertin g S w itch ing R egulators _ F e a tu re s ♦ Preset -5V, -12V, -15V Output Voltages Low power applications require only a diode, output filter capacitor, and a low-cost inductor. An additional

    OCR Scan
    MAX635/MAX636/MAX637 500mW MAX635/636/637 100pF 57-3215 MAX635XCPA MAX635XCSA MAX635XEJA MAX635XEPA MAX635XMJA MAX637E toroid iron power core reference table MAX636 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: yviyixiyi/1 P reset/A d ju s ta b le O u tp u t CM OS In v e rtin g S w itc h in g R eg u lato rs _ Features ♦ Preset -5V, -12V, -15V Output Voltages Low power applications require only a diode, output filter ca p a citor, and a low -cost inductor. An a d ditional

    OCR Scan
    MAX635/MAX636/MAX637 500mW MAX635/636/637 PDF

    diodo 1n4001

    Abstract: 3L4 MOSFET VR 100K preset kl 05 diodo K38 mosfet DIODO SIEMENS 3l4 diode B64290-K38-X38 diodo detector POT 100K preset
    Text: >viyj>ciyi/i P re s e t/A d ju s ta b le O u tp u t C M O S In v e r tin g S w itc h in g R e g u la to rs The MAX635/MAX636/MAX637 inverting switching regu­ lators are designed for minimum component DC-DC conversion in the 5mW to 500mW range. Low power applications require only a diode, output filter

    OCR Scan
    MAX635/MAX636/MAX637 500mW MAX635/636/637 50ki2, 100pF diodo 1n4001 3L4 MOSFET VR 100K preset kl 05 diodo K38 mosfet DIODO SIEMENS 3l4 diode B64290-K38-X38 diodo detector POT 100K preset PDF

    siemens toroidal core

    Abstract: b0735 b0348 IN5817 diode driver circuit for MOSFET MAX626 MAX635XCPA MAX635XCSA MAX635XEJA B0885 MAX635XMJA
    Text: 19-0918; Rev 0; 5/91 y i/ iy jx iy i/ i P reset/A djustable O utput CMOS in vertin g S w itch ing R egulators _ F e a tu re s ♦ Preset -5V, -12V, -15V Output Voltages Low power applications require only a diode, output filter capacitor, and a low-cost inductor. An additional

    OCR Scan
    MAX635/MAX636/MAX637 500mW MAX635/636/637 logic-level19 MS012 102mm MS012-XX siemens toroidal core b0735 b0348 IN5817 diode driver circuit for MOSFET MAX626 MAX635XCPA MAX635XCSA MAX635XEJA B0885 MAX635XMJA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MAXIM INTEGRATE» PRODUCTS MIE D Ut Sfl7bb51 DG042bü b • MXM / I / I / 1 X I / I / I +5V/Adjustable CMOS Step-Down Switching Regulator Features The MAX638 step-down switching regulator is designed for minimum component, low power, DC-DC conversion. ♦ Fixed +5V Output

    OCR Scan
    Sfl7bb51 DG042bà MAX638 7bb51 AX638 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: y i / i y j x i y i / i +5V /A djustable CMOS S tep-D ow n S w itc h in g R eg u la to r _General Description _Features The MAX638 step-down switching regulator is designed for minimum component, low power, DC-DC conversion.

    OCR Scan
    MAX638 100jiF 1n5b17 PDF

    7070-29 Caddell-Burns

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: y j X I > 1 / 1 CMOS Fixed/Adjustable Output Step-Up Switching Regulators _ Features The MAX631, MAX632, and MAX633 are +5V, +12V, and +15V fixed output, step-up DC-DC converters for use in low-power, high-efficiency switching regulator applica­

    OCR Scan
    MAX631, MAX632, MAX633 MAX631/632/633 inverti125 MAX633XCPA MAX633XCSA MAX633XC/D MAX633XEPA MAX633XESA 7070-29 Caddell-Burns PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: y i / i y j x i y n CMOS F ixed /A d ju stab le O utput S tep-U p S w itc h in g R eg ulators _ Features ♦ Fixed +5V, +12V, +15V Output Voltages ♦ Adjustable Output with 2 Resistors ♦ 80% Typ Efficiency ♦ Only 2 External Components

    OCR Scan
    MAX631, MAX632, MAX633 AX631/632/633 633XEJA MAX633XMJA PDF


    Abstract: IN4148 diode forward bias resistance Caddell-Burns 6860 B64290-K38-X38 IN5817 schottky diode symbol MAX632XCPA POT 100K preset 1N4148 75V 150mA Diodes IN4148 diode specifications voltage to frequency converter using ic 555
    Text: y i / i y j x i y i / i CMOS Fixed/A djustable O utput Step-U p S w itch in g R egulators Though most simply used as fixed output regulators, the MAX631/632/633 can also be set for other output volt­ ages by adding an external voltage divider. Maxim manufactures a broad line of step-up, step-down,

    OCR Scan
    MAX631, MAX632, MAX633 MAX631/632/633 MAX633XCPA MAX633XCSA MAX633XC/D MAX633XEPA MAX633XESA MAX633XEJA IN414B IN4148 diode forward bias resistance Caddell-Burns 6860 B64290-K38-X38 IN5817 schottky diode symbol MAX632XCPA POT 100K preset 1N4148 75V 150mA Diodes IN4148 diode specifications voltage to frequency converter using ic 555 PDF

    B503 F

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: >1/1 > J X I >1/1 19-0916; Rev 0; 3/90 C M O S F ix e d /A d ju s ta b le O u tp u t S te p -U p S w itc h in g R e g u la to rs Features The M AX631, MAX632, and MAX633 are +5V, +12V, and + 15V fixed output, step-up DC-DC converters for use in low-power, high-efficiency switching regulator a p p lica ­

    OCR Scan
    AX631, MAX632, MAX633 AX631/632/633 B503 F PDF

    pot b503

    Abstract: IN5617 diode IN5617 siemens b64290 MAX631 MAX631XCPA MAX631XCSA MAX631XEJA MAX631XEPA MAX631A
    Text: >1/1 > J X I >1/1 19-0916; Rev 0; 3/90 C M O S F ix e d /A d ju s ta b le O u tp u t S te p -U p S w itc h in g R e g u la to rs Features The M AX631, MAX632, and MAX633 are +5V, +12V, and + 15V fixed output, step-up DC-DC converters for use in low-power, high-efficiency switching regulator a p p lica ­

    OCR Scan
    MAX631, MAX632, MAX633 MAX631/632/633 DC-D33XC/D MAX633XEPA MAX633XESA MAX633XEJA MAX633XMJA pot b503 IN5617 diode IN5617 siemens b64290 MAX631 MAX631XCPA MAX631XCSA MAX631XEJA MAX631XEPA MAX631A PDF

    pot b503

    Abstract: MAX631 MAX631XCPA 1mh inductor design MAX631XCSA MAX631XEJA MAX631XEPA MAX631XESA MAX632 MAX633
    Text: /k i/J X i/i/i 19-0916; Rev 0; 3/90 C M O S F ix e d /A d ju s ta b le O u tp u t S te p -U p S w itc h in g R e g u la to rs Features ♦ Fixed +5V, +12V, +15V O utput Voltages Though most sim ply used as fixed output regulators, the M AX631/632/633 can also be set for other output volt­

    OCR Scan
    MAX631, MAX632, MAX633 MAX631/632/633 MAX633XEPA MAX633XESA MAX633XEJA MAX633XMJA pot b503 MAX631 MAX631XCPA 1mh inductor design MAX631XCSA MAX631XEJA MAX631XEPA MAX631XESA MAX632 PDF

    pot b503

    Abstract: IN5817 schottky diode symbol IN5817 diode b1360 b0348 IN5617 diode IN4148 MAX631 MAX631XCSA MAX631XEJA
    Text: >1/1 >J X I >1/1 19-0916; Rev 0; 3/90 C M O S F ix e d /A d ju s ta b le O u tp u t S te p -U p S w itc h in g R e g u la to rs F e a tu re s The M AX631, MAX632, and MAX633 are +5V, +12V, and + 15V fixed output, step-up DC-DC converters for use in low-power, high-efficiency switching regulator a p p lica ­

    OCR Scan
    MAX631, MAX632, MAX633 MAX631/632/633 DC-D19 MS012 102mm MS012-XX pot b503 IN5817 schottky diode symbol IN5817 diode b1360 b0348 IN5617 diode IN4148 MAX631 MAX631XCSA MAX631XEJA PDF

    design of 300 watt mosfet inverter transformer

    Abstract: FERRITE core TRANSFORMER 300 watt inverter Ti3C Caddell-Burns 6860 Caddell-Burns toroid cores size table FERRITE TOROIDAL CORE DATA IB5AC siemens toroidal core "Inverting Switching Regulator"
    Text: j y \ Æ A \ j y \ CMOS M icropow er In verting S w itch in g R egulator M a x im ’s M A X 634 a n d MAX4391 C M O S D C -D C re gu­ la to rs are d e s ig n e d f o r sim p le , e ffic ie n t, in v e rtin g D C -D C co n ve rte r c irc u its . T he MAX634 and MAX4391

    OCR Scan
    MAX634 MAX4391 525mA 100/iA MAX637 MAX638 MAX641 MAX642 design of 300 watt mosfet inverter transformer FERRITE core TRANSFORMER 300 watt inverter Ti3C Caddell-Burns 6860 Caddell-Burns toroid cores size table FERRITE TOROIDAL CORE DATA IB5AC siemens toroidal core "Inverting Switching Regulator" PDF