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    MAX635XEJA Search Results

    MAX635XEJA Datasheets (1)

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    MAX635XEJA Maxim Integrated Products Preset/Adjustable Output CMOS Inverting Switching Regulators Scan PDF

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    Abstract: MAX635XCPA MAX635XCSA MAX635XEJA MAX635XEPA MAX635XMJA MAX637E toroid iron power core reference table MAX636 equivalent
    Text: 19-0918; Rev 0; 5/91 y i/ iy jx iy i/ i P reset/A djustable O utput CMOS in vertin g S w itch ing R egulators _ F e a tu re s ♦ Preset -5V, -12V, -15V Output Voltages Low power applications require only a diode, output filter capacitor, and a low-cost inductor. An additional

    OCR Scan
    MAX635/MAX636/MAX637 500mW MAX635/636/637 100pF 57-3215 MAX635XCPA MAX635XCSA MAX635XEJA MAX635XEPA MAX635XMJA MAX637E toroid iron power core reference table MAX636 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: yviyixiyi/1 P reset/A d ju s ta b le O u tp u t CM OS In v e rtin g S w itc h in g R eg u lato rs _ Features ♦ Preset -5V, -12V, -15V Output Voltages Low power applications require only a diode, output filter ca p a citor, and a low -cost inductor. An a d ditional

    OCR Scan
    MAX635/MAX636/MAX637 500mW MAX635/636/637 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: y i/iy jx iy n Preset/Adjustable Output CMOS Inverting Switching Regulators G eneral Description The MAX635/MAX636/MAX637 inverting switching regu­ lators are designed for minimum component DC-DC conversion in the 5mW to 500mW range. Low power applications require only a diode, output filter

    OCR Scan
    AX635/636/637 MAX635/MAX636/MAX637 500mW MAX635/636/637to PDF

    siemens toroidal core

    Abstract: T0451S100A 1mh inductor 1mh inductor design Siemens Ferrite B64290 MAX635 MAX635XCPA MAX635XCSA MAX635XEPA MAX636
    Text: w iy jx iy i/i 19-0918; Rev 0; 5/91 P reset/A djustable O utput CMOS In vertin g S w itching R egulators General Description Features ♦ Preset -5V, -12V, -15V Output Voltages The MAX635/MAX636/MAX637 inverting switching regu­ lators are designed for minimum component DC-DC

    OCR Scan
    MAX635/MAX636/MAX637 500mW MAX635/636/637 100pF siemens toroidal core T0451S100A 1mh inductor 1mh inductor design Siemens Ferrite B64290 MAX635 MAX635XCPA MAX635XCSA MAX635XEPA MAX636 PDF


    Text: 19-0918; Rev 0; 5/91 Preset/A djustable O utput CMOS inverting S w itching Regulators _ A p p lica tio n s Minimum Component, High-Efficiency DC-DC Converters Portable Instruments Battery Power Conversion Board Level DC-DC Conversion _ F e a tu re s

    OCR Scan
    MAX635/MAX636/MAX637 500mW MAX635/636/637 100pF MAX635XCPA MAX635XCSA MAX635XEJA MAX635XEPA MAX635XMJA PDF

    siemens toroidal core

    Abstract: b0735 b0348 IN5817 diode driver circuit for MOSFET MAX626 MAX635XCPA MAX635XCSA MAX635XEJA B0885 MAX635XMJA
    Text: 19-0918; Rev 0; 5/91 y i/ iy jx iy i/ i P reset/A djustable O utput CMOS in vertin g S w itch ing R egulators _ F e a tu re s ♦ Preset -5V, -12V, -15V Output Voltages Low power applications require only a diode, output filter capacitor, and a low-cost inductor. An additional

    OCR Scan
    MAX635/MAX636/MAX637 500mW MAX635/636/637 logic-level19 MS012 102mm MS012-XX siemens toroidal core b0735 b0348 IN5817 diode driver circuit for MOSFET MAX626 MAX635XCPA MAX635XCSA MAX635XEJA B0885 MAX635XMJA PDF

    diodo 1n4001

    Abstract: 3L4 MOSFET VR 100K preset kl 05 diodo K38 mosfet DIODO SIEMENS 3l4 diode B64290-K38-X38 diodo detector POT 100K preset
    Text: >viyj>ciyi/i P re s e t/A d ju s ta b le O u tp u t C M O S In v e r tin g S w itc h in g R e g u la to rs The MAX635/MAX636/MAX637 inverting switching regu­ lators are designed for minimum component DC-DC conversion in the 5mW to 500mW range. Low power applications require only a diode, output filter

    OCR Scan
    MAX635/MAX636/MAX637 500mW MAX635/636/637 50ki2, 100pF diodo 1n4001 3L4 MOSFET VR 100K preset kl 05 diodo K38 mosfet DIODO SIEMENS 3l4 diode B64290-K38-X38 diodo detector POT 100K preset PDF