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    TRANSISTOR B A O 33 ST Search Results

    TRANSISTOR B A O 33 ST Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-5 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27 V / tf=60 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    TRANSISTOR B A O 33 ST Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: OMRON PRO27 programming console omron sysmac cpm1 technical data nt2s-cn222-v1 OMRON PRO27 Operation Manual OMRON E5AF CPM2C-32CDTC-D pro27 OMRON Operation Manual CPM2C-32CDTM-D NT-CN221
    Text: Compact PLC Series CPM2C Programmable Logic Contr. General The CPM2C Micro PLC is suitable as a controller for simple stand−alone machines, as well as a simple networked controller. One innovation is the new synchronisation instruction, which makes it possible to generate output pulse trains as a function of an input pulse

    space/6000 TS001 TS101 Pt100 Pt100, JPt100 SRT21 cs1w-cn226 OMRON PRO27 programming console omron sysmac cpm1 technical data nt2s-cn222-v1 OMRON PRO27 Operation Manual OMRON E5AF CPM2C-32CDTC-D pro27 OMRON Operation Manual CPM2C-32CDTM-D NT-CN221 PDF


    Abstract: Wf VQE 23 F WE VQE 23 E wf vqe 23 WF VQE 11 E WF VQE 23 E WE VQE 11 E IEC134 philips Trimmer 60 pf WF VQE 23 D
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL 41E ]> • 711002b 0 0 2 7 ^ A b «PHIN BLY90 T-33-13 V.H.F. POWER TRANSISTOR - N-P-N epitaxial planar transistor intended for use in class-A, 8 and C operated mobile, industrial and military transmitters witlr a supply voltage o f 12,5 V . The transistor is resistance stabilized. Every tran­

    OCR Scan
    711002b BLY90 T-33-13 7z67566 BLY90 Wf VQE 23 F WE VQE 23 E wf vqe 23 WF VQE 11 E WF VQE 23 E WE VQE 11 E IEC134 philips Trimmer 60 pf WF VQE 23 D PDF


    Abstract: 2C5661 2C5662 2C5663
    Text: b û S b n i QOOCHIS IPPC 2 Amp, 300V, Transistor T-33-OÌ FEATURES CHIP TYPE: AN • Triple Diffused, Planar Design • Contact Metallization: Base, Emitter - Aluminum - 30,000 A Nominal Collector - Gold - 3,000 A Nominal • Die Thickness - 8 Mils Nominal

    OCR Scan
    2C5660 2C5661 2C5662 2C5663 T-33-OÃ 2C5S82 2C5663 10MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: i 86D 0 1 7 9 0 T - 33 -1 BLX69A N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE QbE D bb53ci31 0014036 4 U.H.F. POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor fo r use in class-A, B and C operated mobile, industrial and m ilitary transmitters w ith a supply voltage o f 13,5 V , The transistor is resistance stabilized and is

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    BLX69A bb53c bb53131 PDF

    132/DD 127 D TRANSISTOR

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: fZ 7 ^ 7# S G S -T H O M S O N iMinEasiigiLECTiaMnies S T B 3 3 N 10 N - CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE POWER MOS TRANSISTOR TYPE V dss 100 STB33N10 V RdS oii Id < 0.06 Q 33 A . . . . • . . . TYPICAL RDS(on) = 0.045 £2 AVALANCHE RUGGED TECHNOLOGY 100% AVALANCHE TESTED

    OCR Scan
    STB33N10 O-262) O-263) O-262 O-263 D723D4 132/DD 127 D TRANSISTOR PDF


    Abstract: 374171 reo4
    Text: FUJ I TS U M I C R O E L E C T R O N I C S 31E D a 374R7b5 G01bb2b b S F M I T-33 January 1990 Edition 1.1 FUJITSU PRODUCT PROFILE - 2SC3844 Silicon High Speed Power Transistor 2S C 3844 4 5 0 V , 15A A B S O L U T E M A X IM U M R A T IN G S Parameter Storage Tem perature Range

    OCR Scan
    374R7b5 2SC3844 2SC3844 200jiH -450V 374171 reo4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: m 43D2E71 005377k. flfil • HAS 2N6794 33 HARRIS N-Channel Enhancem ent-M ode Power M O S Field-Effect Transistor August 1991 Package Features T 0 -2 0 5 A F • 1.5A, 500V B O T T O M VIEW • rD S o n = 3f2 • S O A is P o w e r-D issip a tio n Limited

    OCR Scan
    43D2E71 005377k. 2N6794 2N6794 PDF


    Abstract: T33 transistor
    Text: Atím m w an A M P com pany Wireless Power Transistor, 33W 1805-1880 MHz PH1819-33 V2.01 Features • NPN Silicon M icrow ave P o w er Transistor • C o m m o n Km itter C lass AB O peratio n • In tern al In pu t and O utpu t Im p ed an ce M atching • D iffu sed Km itter B allastin g

    OCR Scan
    PH1819-33 1N4Z45 T33 transistor PDF

    QS 100 NPN Transistor

    Abstract: KSD5013 KSD5014 samsung tv C 3311 transistor
    Text: SAMSUNG SEMICONDUCTOR INC D | GOQ?bbfl 5 NPN TRIPLE DIFFUSED PLANAR SILICON TRANSISTOR KSD5013 T-33-11 CO LO R TV HORIZONTAL OUTPUT APPLICATIONS DAMPER DIODE BUILT IN High Collector-Base Voltage V c b o = 1 5 0 0 V A b s o l u t e m a x i m u m r a t i n g s (Ta=25°c)

    OCR Scan
    KSD5013 T-33-11 KSD5014 QS 100 NPN Transistor KSD5013 KSD5014 samsung tv C 3311 transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 33 ttftH E S S HM-8832 J a n u a ry 1992 32K x 8 Asynchronous CMOS Static RAM Module Features Description • Full CMOS Six Transistor Memory Cell T h e H M -88 3 2 is a 3 2 K x 8 B it A sy n c h ro n o u s C M O S S tatic R A M M o d u le b a se d on a m u ltila yere d , co-fired , d u a l-in -line

    OCR Scan
    HM-8832 T-138 PDF


    Abstract: BUZ73
    Text: BUZ73A 33 HARRIS N-Channel Enhancem ent-M ode Power Field-E ffect Transistor August 1991 Package Features T O -22 0 A B • 5.8A, 200V TOP VIEW • rDS on = ° - 6 fl • SOA is Power-Dlssipation Limited DRAIN (FLANGE) • Nanosecond Switching Speeds • Linear Transfer Characteristics

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: ix 3368 BU428 BU426-BU426A BU426 BU-428 ic ix 3368
    Text: MOTOROLA SC 1HE D I t3b?aS4 0004013 b | XSTRS/R F 7^ 33 '!$ MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA HIGH VOLTAGE NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR 6 A M PERES . , . designed for use in the switched m ode power supply o f 9 0 ° and 1 1 0 ° colour television receivers.

    OCR Scan
    BU426 BU426A BU428A ix 3368 BU428 BU426-BU426A BU-428 ic ix 3368 PDF

    5609 transistor

    Abstract: TSB125100
    Text: 4SE D • b l l S I S G DD DD SS 7 Q5b ■ PTC niCROSEIlI C O R P / P O W E R 7 - 33 - / ^ TSB125100 Power Transistor Chip, NPN 25 A, 1000 V, tf= 50 ns ■ Planar Epitaxial ■ Contact Metallization: I Base and Emitter-Aluminum Collector Au or Ti/Ni/Ag Chip Thickness: 22 mils

    OCR Scan
    TSB125100 300ps, 5609 transistor TSB125100 PDF


    Text: 7 2 9 4 6 2 1 POWERËX INC T Ë Ï>I"| 72=141.51 00QCH47 b | Six/Pac Darlington TRANSISTOR Modules Dim A B C D E Inches 4.80 4.33 3.86 .236 .472 .213+ ¿°08 F G H I J K L M N O P .394 .709 .512 .276 1.02 1.5 1.18 .787 .315 .157 T-33-35 20 Amperes 450 Volts

    OCR Scan
    00QCH47 T-33-35 KE72450210 KE7245021Û KE72450210 KE724502 DARLINGTON 20A WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC powerex cd KE72 PDF


    Abstract: 2as1c 2SC3949
    Text: FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS 31E D C2 3 7 4 ci?t,B OOlbbSO 3 EIFMI r-33-f3 January 1990 Edition 1.1 FUJITSU PRODUCT P R O FILE- 2SC3949 Silicon High Speed Power Transistor 2SC3949 500V , 15A ABSOLUTE M A X IM U M RATIN GS P aram ete r S ym bol S torage T e m p e ra tu re Range

    OCR Scan
    T-33-Ã 2SC3949 2SC3949 25fis, TRANSISTOR BI 237 2as1c PDF


    Abstract: 2SB1007 transistor I2w 11x7 76231
    Text: ROHM CO LTD' S7 ~ 40E D B /Transistors " 2 S D 1 3 7 8 7 f l a a cm 000SfiS2 fi ORHM 2SD1378 7-33-07 "" x £ ° $ y 7 Jls7 °Is — NPN y ' J - 1> h 7 > y 7 $ ' £ i i i ^ ^ j i i [l1lff l/L o w Freq. Power Amp. Epitaxial Planar NPN Silicon Transistor

    OCR Scan
    2SD1378 2SB1007t3 2SB1007. O-126 T-33-07 2SD1378 2SB1007 transistor I2w 11x7 76231 PDF

    Westinghouse diode

    Abstract: Ks324520 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC motor ac KS621K20 Westinghouse module KS324
    Text: 7294621 POWEREX INC T É? DE | 72T4L.21 0DQEHG7 5 | f Q A T-33-35 Single Darlington _ AmDeres TRANSISTOR í c n /i nnn 51i+o M odules Dim A B C D E F G H J K L N P Inches 3.740 Max 3.150 + .010 .90 M 5xM et 2.44 Max .59 .925 1.181 Max .83 .28 .236 .216 Dia 4

    OCR Scan
    72T4L T-33-35 S32452010 KS32452010 KS621K2010 Westinghouse diode Ks324520 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC motor ac KS621K20 Westinghouse module KS324 PDF

    LA 7873

    Abstract: TC787 tf 044 2SD2230 G262G M098 LLAM
    Text: Silicon Transistor 2SD2230 2SD2230 Ü, L t M ' É f f lt L T j i a «F ft LfzMT T t . VcE sat L t, X r w i , W f i - f - f > 7 B 0 ( T O : mm) 2 .8 ± 0 .2 o .65i?:i 1.5 T ' t c o f f i VcE(sat) -C'tO VcE(sat)i = 33 mV TYP. Ic = 100 mA, IB= 10mA VcE(sat)2 = 1 5 0 mV T Y P .

    OCR Scan
    2SD2230 I-150 2SD2230 29-it/vJ 27-fittff 29-rS LA 7873 TC787 tf 044 G262G M098 LLAM PDF

    transistor D 4515

    Abstract: 224515 KS224515 ks2245
    Text: 7 294621 P O W E R EX IÑC ~b5 d ÌT| 75^21 DDDDTOB fi f ~3 Single Darlington TRANSISTOR Modules Dim A B C D E F G H K M Inches 3.700 Max 3 .1 5 0 + .0 2 0 .79 1.34 Max 1.06 .315 1.220 Max .256 .571 T-33-35 150 Amperes J50/I Zvoîts M illim eters 94 Max .80 ± 0 .5

    OCR Scan
    T-33-35 KS22451510 S22451510 transistor D 4515 224515 KS224515 ks2245 PDF


    Abstract: ACY33 bnsu germanium af transistors Germanium Transistor transistor ACY PNP
    Text: ACY33 PIMP Transistor fo r A F-driver and pow er stages The ACY 33 is a germanium PNP alloyed transistor in a case 1 A 3 DIN 41871 similar TO —1 . All leads are electrically insulated from the case. The collector terminal is indicated by a red dot on the rim of the case.

    OCR Scan
    ACY33 ACY33 --Y33 Q60103 GP500 bnsu germanium af transistors Germanium Transistor transistor ACY PNP PDF

    DA 2688

    Abstract: transistor DA 2688 LT 5265 transistor mj 3055 c2688 C-2688 equivalent transistor TIP3055 c2688 L c2688 transistor tRANSISTOR c2688
    Text: TEXAS r ÌNSTR 8961726 TEXAS IN STR 62C OPTO 37004 TIP3055 N-P-N SILICON POWER TRANSISTOR T - 3 3 DECEMBER 1970 - REVISED OCTOBER 1884 Designed for Complementary Use with TIP2955 9 0 W at 2 5 ° C C ase T emperature 15 A Continuous Collector Current Plastic-Case Version of 2N 3055

    OCR Scan
    TIP3055 TIP2955 T0-218AA 7S265 DA 2688 transistor DA 2688 LT 5265 transistor mj 3055 c2688 C-2688 equivalent transistor TIP3055 c2688 L c2688 transistor tRANSISTOR c2688 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: G E SOLID STATE 01 D E | 36 75 0 6 1 ODlMtES 7 | _ Arrays CA3097 Thyristor/Transistor Array For Military, Commercial, and Industrial Applications Features: • Complete isolation between elements m n-p-n transistor - VCeo = 30 V min. Ic = 100 mA (max.)

    OCR Scan
    CA3097 221TB PDF


    Abstract: TRANSISTOR D 471 transistor s72 S72 transistor 15 w RF POWER TRANSISTOR NPN
    Text: bSE T> 7 11 002 b GübETiö 734 M P H I N B L V 8 0 /2 8 PHILIPS INTERNA TIO NA L V.H.F. POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor prim arily intended fo r use in base stations in the v.h.f. mobile radio band. Features: • multi-base structure and diffused em itter ballasting resistors fo r an optim um temperature profile;

    OCR Scan
    711002b BLV80/28 OT-121 00b3D0L. BLV80-28 TRANSISTOR D 471 transistor s72 S72 transistor 15 w RF POWER TRANSISTOR NPN PDF

    HF 331 transistor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _LL 86D 01952* o o m n o DbE D N AMER PHILIPS/DXSCRETE BLY92A T -3 3 -& 7 D 2 A V.H.F. POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor for use in class-A, B and C operated mobile, industrial and m ilitary transmitters w ith a nominal supply voltage o f 28 V. The transistor is resistance stabilized and

    OCR Scan
    BLY92A HF 331 transistor PDF