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    TRANSISTOR 2SC 950 Search Results

    TRANSISTOR 2SC 950 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-5 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27 V / tf=60 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    TRANSISTOR 2SC 950 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: NE27283 upc27 x-band power transistor 100W NE42484 P147D 2SK2396 uPG508 nf025db 2SC5408
    Text: CD-ROM RF and Microwave Devices CD-ROM X13769XJ2V0CD00 11-1 RF and Microwave Devices IC • AGC AMP. µ PCx×××, µPG×××× Part Number Applications Supply Voltage (V) Supply Current (mA) Operating Frequency (MHz) µPC8119T Mobile Comm. 3 11 100–1920

    X13769XJ2V0CD00 950MHz 500MHz PC2794 PC1687 PC2744 PC2775/µ nf025 NE27283 upc27 x-band power transistor 100W NE42484 P147D 2SK2396 uPG508 nf025db 2SC5408 PDF


    Abstract: GT30F124 TK18A60V smd m5 transistor 6-pin SMD TRANSISTOR H2A NPN GT50N322 MARKING SMD PNP TRANSISTOR h2a GT30J124 *30f124 TPCP8R01
    Text: SEMICONDUCTOR GENERAL CATALOG Transistors Bipolar Small-Signal Transistors Junction FETs Combination Products of Different Type Devices MOSFETs Bipolar Power Transistors Radio-Frequency Bipolar Small-Signal Transistors Radio-Frequency Small-Signal FETs Radio-Frequency Power MOSFETs

    SCE0004L TTC4116* 2SC4118 TTA1586* 2SA1588 2SC4117 2SA1587 2SC5233 2SC4738 2SA1832 GT30F131 GT30F124 TK18A60V smd m5 transistor 6-pin SMD TRANSISTOR H2A NPN GT50N322 MARKING SMD PNP TRANSISTOR h2a GT30J124 *30f124 TPCP8R01 PDF


    Abstract: TPCP8R01 GT30J124 JAPANESE 2SC TRANSISTOR 2010 smd transistor h2a smd marking 8L01 tk25e06k3 GT45F122 gt30g124 GT30F123
    Text: SEMICONDUCTOR GENERAL CATALOG Transistors Bipolar Small-Signal Transistors Junction FETs Combination Products of Different Type Devices MOSFETs Bipolar Power Transistors Radio-Frequency Bipolar Small-Signal Transistors Radio-Frequency Small-Signal FETs Radio-Frequency Power MOSFETs

    2010/9SCE0004K SC-43) 2SC1815 700the GT30F124 TPCP8R01 GT30J124 JAPANESE 2SC TRANSISTOR 2010 smd transistor h2a smd marking 8L01 tk25e06k3 GT45F122 gt30g124 GT30F123 PDF


    Abstract: NEC 2SK2396A k2396a pc1658 2SC2407 P10100EJ6V0SG00 UAA 1006 k2396 K2597 Marking Code SAW MOS transistor
    Text: SILICON MICROWAVE SEMICONDUCTORS Silicon discrete, Silicon MMIC Dual gate GaAs FET SELECTION GUIDE 1999/2000 6th Edition [MEMO] 2 Selection Guide P10100EJ6V0SG00 • The information in this document is based on documents issued in October,1999 at the latest. The

    P10100EJ6V0SG00 2SK2396A NEC 2SK2396A k2396a pc1658 2SC2407 P10100EJ6V0SG00 UAA 1006 k2396 K2597 Marking Code SAW MOS transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: K "7 > y $ / T ransistors 2SC3722K 2SC 3722K I k°$ * '> 5 K NPN BW EßH /High Voltage Low Freq. Low Noise Amp. Epitaxial Planar Super Mini-Mold NPN Silicon Transistor h y 1 ¡ s w a t 5* 2) * V c i eo = 1 2 0V ) •(N F=0.2dB Typ.) 1.9 C.950.95 3) 2SA1455K

    OCR Scan
    2SC3722K 3722K 2SA1455K 2SA1455K. 2SC3722K Fig12 3722K PDF

    Germanium power

    Abstract: gpb19
    Text: 2SC D Bi 023SbOS DÜQ4QÖ3 ^ M S I Z G PNP Germanium UHF Transistor A F2 8 9 _ SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF - ~ f-3 l-D 7 AF 2 8 9 is a germanium PNP UHF Planartransistor with passivated surface in low-capacitance 5 0 B 3 DIN 4 1 8 6 7 plastic package similar to T 0 119. This transistor is particularly intended

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    023SbOS Germanium power gpb19 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors Medium Power Transistor -32V, - 0.5A 2SA1036K/2SA1577/2SA854S • F e a tu re s 1) •E x te rn a l dim ensions (Units: mm) Large lc. Icmbx, — —500mA 2SA1577 2SA1036K 2) Low VcEisat). O p tim a l fo r lo w -v o ltage operation. 3) Com plem ents the 2SC 2411K/

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    2SA1036K/2SA1577/2SA854S 2SA1036K 2SA1577 --500mA 2411K/ 2SC1741S/2SC4097. SC-59 SC-70 A854S PDF


    Abstract: B1419 d638 transistor b1361 ic 1271a D1273 D1985A B947A B1178 1985A
    Text: Transistors Selèction Guide by Packages I SS Mini Type Packages (D1 ) \ Vceo(V) lc(mA) pc= i25mw 10 15 2SC4609 2SA1806 20 2SC4627 A 2SC5021 í 2SA1790 ' 2SC4626 2SC4655 15 30 50 80 100 , Preliminary 2SC4808 40 50 150 2SD2345 12SA1791 I 2SC4656 í 2SB1463

    OCR Scan
    2SC4609 2SC4808 2SA1806 2SC4627 2SA1790 2SC4626 2SC4655 2SD2345 2SC46 12SA1 D1276A B1419 d638 transistor b1361 ic 1271a D1273 D1985A B947A B1178 1985A PDF


    Abstract: 2SA923 Transistor AF 138 2SC2089 2SC1908 2SC1740 transistor 2SC805A 138D 2SC1740 2SC2021
    Text: - 5 - FOR U SE BY E L E C T R IC IA N S O V E R S E A S : •M-EiiOSWHE New Transistor Manual lists all the transistors registered with the Electronic Industries Association of Japan (EIAJ), arranged in a manner easy to look up. We hope that you will make full use of the data provided in this manual by referring to the Japanese-English

    OCR Scan
    100Hz 2SC2089 2SC2120 2SC200] 2SC200 2SA923 Transistor AF 138 2SC2089 2SC1908 2SC1740 transistor 2SC805A 138D 2SC1740 2SC2021 PDF

    Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD

    Abstract: 2SK596 2SC906 2SA1281 bup 3130 C3885A 2sd103 2SA1379 34d 937 086 bfq59
    Text: cD/ transistor 2 0-u datenlexikon data dictionary lexique de donnees enciclopedia dati lexicon de datos vergleichstabelle comparison table table d'equivalence tabella comparativa tabla comparativa ISBN 3-927486-01-9 Dieses Buch ist hinterlegt und urheberrechtlich geschutzt. Alle

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    Abstract: KPL 3009 2SB502 BLY34 germanium BF316A BSX12 2SD716, 2SB686 35W amplifiers bf197 acy52
    Text: TRANSISTOR DATA TABLES Other Titles of Interest B P 85 International Transistor Equivalents Guide B P286 A R eferen ce G uide to Basic Electronics Terms BP287 A R eferen ce G uide to Practical Electronics Terms n TRANSISTOR DATA TABLES by Hans-Gunther Steidle

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    ksd 302 250v, 10a

    Abstract: irf 5630 transistor 2SB 367 IRF 3055 AC153Y transistor ESM 2878 TIP 43c transistor 2sk116 bf199 bd643
    Text: 5 transistor 1 A-Z datenlexikon data dictionary lexique de donnees enciclopedia dati lexicon de datos vergleichstabelle comparison table table d'equivalence tabella comparativa tabla comparativa ISBN 3-927486-00-0 Dieses Buch ist hinterlegt und urheberrechllich geschutzt. Alle

    OCR Scan
    CB-F36c 2SD1642 2SD2182, 2SC4489, -08S- ksd 302 250v, 10a irf 5630 transistor 2SB 367 IRF 3055 AC153Y transistor ESM 2878 TIP 43c transistor 2sk116 bf199 bd643 PDF

    2N2222A 338

    Abstract: TFK 949 2N1167 halbleiter index transistor ad161 BSY19 al103 ac128 TFK 404 Tfk 931
    Text: Towers' International Transistor Selector Towers’ International Transistor Selector Specification data for the identification, selection and substitution of transistors by T D Towers, MBE, MA, BSc, C Eng, MIERE Revised Edition U p date One London: NEW YORK

    OCR Scan
    2CY17 2CY18 2CY19 2CY20 2CY21 500MA 500MA 2N2222A 338 TFK 949 2N1167 halbleiter index transistor ad161 BSY19 al103 ac128 TFK 404 Tfk 931 PDF

    Transistor 2sc1915

    Abstract: 2SC1951 2SC1586 2SC1915 2SC1762 2SC1811 2SC1584 2SC1940 Tbb 38 138B
    Text: - 5 - FOR U SE BY E L E C T R IC IA N S O V E R S E A S : •M-EiiOSWHE New Transistor Manual lists all the transistors registered with the Electronic Industries Association of Japan (EIAJ), arranged in a manner easy to look up. We hope that you will make full use of the data provided in this manual by referring to the Japanese-English

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    2SC1940 2SC1941 2SC1951 150pS Transistor 2sc1915 2SC1951 2SC1586 2SC1915 2SC1762 2SC1811 2SC1584 2SC1940 Tbb 38 138B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SC D • 023SbüS 0DG4Ô31 G « S I E G T -lS -tf N P N Silicon Planar Transistors BSY34 - SIEMENS AKTIEN6E SE LL SC HA F BSY58 BSY 34 and BSY 58 are double diffused epitaxial NPN silicon planar transistors in TO 39 case 5 C 3 DIN 41 873 . The collectors are electrically connected to the cases.

    OCR Scan
    023Sb BSY34 BSY58 Q60218-Y34 Q60218-Y58 fl235b05 a23SbDS 0004fi37 PDF


    Abstract: P3139 BC233A sprague 40d GEX36/7 C4274 s1766 C12712 TC236 GP149
    Text: SPRAGUE THE M A R K O F R E L I A B I L I T Y SEMICONDUCTOR REPLACEMENT MANUAL K -5 0 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Guidelines for Replacing Semiconductors. 1 Specifications, Small-Signal and Power Transistors.

    OCR Scan

    transistor a2160

    Abstract: transistor A1270 A1270 transistor transistor 2sD 4515 1431T transistor transistor A769 mn15151 mini circuits 15542 A1270 Y AN 5606K
    Text: Type Number List • Integrated Circuits MOS LSIs M O S L S Is Page Type No, M N 5117 M N171605 32,42 AM N18P83221 43 M N 3671A 62 M N 5126 87 43 M N 3672 62 M N 5128 87 37 ,4 4,45 46 M N 1256 46 M N 1258 46 M N 1259 46 M N12861 46 M N 12862 46 M N 187124

    OCR Scan
    N12861 N13801 MN1381 N13811 N13821 N150402 15P0802 N150412 MN15151 MN152121 transistor a2160 transistor A1270 A1270 transistor transistor 2sD 4515 1431T transistor transistor A769 mini circuits 15542 A1270 Y AN 5606K PDF


    Abstract: 6AN7 tungsram 3S035T-1 ecc83 application notes ECL86 DG 7-123 tungsram AC125UZ PENTODE pl 508 ot-400 tungsram

    OCR Scan
    76665N 76889N MA748PC MA709PC jA710PC A711PC iA712PC A723PC HA741PC A747PC AC125K 6AN7 tungsram 3S035T-1 ecc83 application notes ECL86 DG 7-123 tungsram AC125UZ PENTODE pl 508 ot-400 tungsram PDF

    transistor c 4137

    Abstract: 2SC4137 TRANSISTOR 2SC 950
    Text: h 7 > y ^ i I / T ransistors 2 S C • 4 1 3 7 x t f £ * '> W U 7 °U -:H f*N P N y ' J 3 > h 7 > v 7 ^ Epitaxial Planar NPN Silicon Transistor is * 1 2SC4137 • i1 -J I? \l'*£ 0 /'D im e n s io n s U n it: m m ) • i f e i i ^ S ! t S / A b s o l u t e M a x im u m R atin g s (T a = 2 5 ° C )

    OCR Scan
    2SC4137 transistor c 4137 2SC4137 TRANSISTOR 2SC 950 PDF


    Abstract: 138D
    Text: 5 - - FOR U SE BY E L E C T R IC IA N S O V E R S E A S : •M-EiiOSWHE New Transistor Manual lists all the transistors registered with the Electronic Industries Association of Japan (EIAJ), arranged in a manner easy to look up. We hope that you will make full use of the data provided in this manual by referring to the Japanese-English

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 2808 transistor n2818
    Text: 5 - - FOR U SE BY E L E C T R IC IA N S O V E R S E A S : •M-EiiOSWHE New Transistor Manual lists all the transistors registered with the Electronic Industries Association of Japan (EIAJ), arranged in a manner easy to look up. We hope that you will make full use of the data provided in this manual by referring to the Japanese-English

    OCR Scan
    Te-25 2SC2802 2808 transistor n2818 PDF


    Abstract: transistor c 301b japanese transistor manual 1981 2SA771 138D 2SA770 Transistor Manual 1981
    Text: 5 - - FOR U SE BY E LEC TR IC IA N S O VER SEA S : •M-EiiOSWHE New Transistor Manual lists all the transistors registered with the Electronic Industries Association of Japan (EIAJ), arranged in a manner easy to look up. We hope that you will make full use of the data provided in this manual by referring to the Japanese-English

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    2SA770 2SA771 2SC1961 transistor c 301b japanese transistor manual 1981 138D Transistor Manual 1981 PDF


    Abstract: 2sc1751 2SA861 2SA1033 138D 2N6426 MPSA43 MP6A42 2sa872 transistor
    Text: 5 - - FOR U SE BY E L E C T R IC IA N S O V E R S E A S : •M-EiiOSWHE New Transistor Manual lists all the transistors registered with the Electronic Industries Association of Japan (EIAJ), arranged in a manner easy to look up. We hope that you will make full use of the data provided in this manual by referring to the Japanese-English

    OCR Scan
    rbb-40 2SA872 Tc-25 2SA911 2sc1751 2SA861 2SA1033 138D 2N6426 MPSA43 MP6A42 2sa872 transistor PDF

    sw 2604 ic

    Abstract: ic sw 2604 sw 2604 SW 2596 AF 2596 ATC 2603 2sc2592 138B 2SA1112 transistor C 2615
    Text: 5 - - FOR U SE BY E L E C T R IC IA N S O V E R S E A S : •M-EiiOSWHE New Transistor Manual lists all the transistors registered with the Electronic Industries Association of Japan (EIAJ), arranged in a manner easy to look up. We hope that you will make full use of the data provided in this manual by referring to the Japanese-English

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