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    Samtec Inc TSW-111-08-T-T-RA

    Headers & Wire Housings Classic PCB Header Strips
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    Mouser Electronics TSW-111-08-T-T-RA
    • 1 $2.13
    • 10 $2.13
    • 100 $1.61
    • 1000 $1.23
    • 10000 $0.97
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    Samtec Inc TSW-111-08-G-T-RA

    Headers & Wire Housings Classic PCB Header Strips
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics TSW-111-08-G-T-RA
    • 1 $3.02
    • 10 $3.02
    • 100 $2.58
    • 1000 $1.96
    • 10000 $1.79
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    Samtec Inc TSW-111-08-L-T-RA

    Headers & Wire Housings Classic PCB Header Strips
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics TSW-111-08-L-T-RA
    • 1 $3.24
    • 10 $3.24
    • 100 $2.46
    • 1000 $1.88
    • 10000 $1.47
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    Samtec Inc TSW-111-08-S-T-RA

    Headers & Wire Housings Classic PCB Header Strips
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics TSW-111-08-S-T-RA
    • 1 $3.98
    • 10 $3.98
    • 100 $3.4
    • 1000 $2.58
    • 10000 $2.35
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    Samtec Inc TSW-111-10-S-T-RA

    Headers & Wire Housings Classic PCB Header Strips
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics TSW-111-10-S-T-RA
    • 1 $4.76
    • 10 $4.76
    • 100 $4.06
    • 1000 $3.08
    • 10000 $2.81
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    TRA 1110 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: < ÿ > 2 jL Œ P ro d u c t S p e c ific a tio n Z8016 Z8000 Z-DTC Direct Memory Access Transfer Controller O c to b e r 1988 FEATURES • M em ory-to-peripheral tra n s fe rs up to 2 .6 6 M bytes per second at 4 MHz. ■ M em ory-to-m em ory tra nsfers up to 1.33M bytes per

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    Z8016 Z8000 PDF


    Abstract: Z8016 AD0-AD15 AD10 AD11 Z8000 Z8010 Z8016A Z8010-MMU Z8016APS
    Text: Z8000 Z 8016 Z-DTC Direct Memory Access Transfer Controller 7:1 « IW Product Specification ÿ A pril 1985 • M e m o ry -to -p e rip h e ra l tra n s fe rs u p to 2.6 6M b y te s pe r seco nd at 4 M Hz. ■ M e m o ry -to -m e m o ry tra n s fe rs up to 1.33M b y te s per

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    Z8000Â Z8016 Z8016A 48-pin Z8016PS Z8016CS Z8016PE Z8016CE Z8015 AD0-AD15 AD10 AD11 Z8000 Z8010 Z8010-MMU Z8016APS PDF


    Abstract: SYM53C875 53C825
    Text: SYM 53C875/875E PCI-Ultra SCSI I/O Processor Data Manual Version 4.0 T42984I T h e p ro d u c t s describ ed in this p u b licatio n is a licensed p ro d u c t o f Sym bios L ogic Inc. S C R IP T S is a tra d e m a rk and T olerA N T is a reg istered tra d e m a rk o f Sym bios L ogic

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    53C875/875E T42984I SYM53C875/875E 53C875 SYM53C875 53C825 PDF


    Abstract: 2N491 2N491A 2n491a transistor 2n91b eb20 transistor t05 transistor WMM 2N491B silicon unijunction transistor
    Text: Datasheet C e n tra l ^ _ - - • 2N491 2N491A 2N491B TM S IL IC O N Sem icondu ctor Corn. 145 Adams Avenue, Hauppauge, NY 11788 USA Tel: 631 435-1110 • Fax: (631) 435-1824 UNIJUNCTION TRANSISTOR JED EC T0-5 CASE" Manufacturers of World Class Discrete Semiconductors

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    2n491 2n491a 2n491b 2N491 2N491B 2N491) 2N491A, 2n491b) 2n491, 2n491a) TRANSISTOR 2N491 2N491A 2n491a transistor 2n91b eb20 transistor t05 transistor WMM silicon unijunction transistor PDF


    Abstract: Z8015 Z8016 AD0-AD15 KH55 Z8010 z8000 microprocessor zilog Dynamic Memory Refresh Controller
    Text: Zilog P ro d u c t S p e c ific a tio n Z 8 0 1 6 Z 8000 Z-DTC D ived M emory Access Transfer C ontroller October 1988 FEATURES • M e m o ry -to -p e rip h e ra l tra n s fe rs up to 2.6 6M b yte s pe r s e c o n d a t 4 M Hz. ■ M e m o ry -to -m e m o ry tra n s fe rs up to 1 .33M b y te s pe r

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    Z8016 Z8000Â Z8000 Z8015 AD0-AD15 KH55 Z8010 z8000 microprocessor zilog Dynamic Memory Refresh Controller PDF


    Abstract: hfe 2n3055 2n3055 amplifier general purpose 2n3055 transistors 2N3055/MJ2955 MJ2955 silicon power transistors
    Text: Data Sheet C e n tra lM Sem icon ductor Corp. 145 Adams Avenue, Hauppauge, NY 11788 USA Tel: 631 435-1110 • Fax: (631) 435-1824 2N3055 MJ2955 NPN PNP COMPLEMENTARY S IL IC O N POWER TRANSISTORS JEDEC T 0 -3 CASE Manufacturers of World Class Discrete Semiconductors

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    2N3055 MJ2955 2N3055, 200mA 200mA, 100fi hfe 2n3055 2n3055 amplifier general purpose 2n3055 transistors 2N3055/MJ2955 silicon power transistors PDF


    Abstract: 2N6037 2N6035 2N6036 2N6038 2N6039
    Text: Datasheet 2N6034 2N6035 2N6036 PNP C e n tra l 2N6037 2N6038 2N6039 NPN COMPLEMENTARY S ILIC O N DARLINGTON sem iconductor worp. TRANSISTORS 145 Adam s Avenue, Hauppauge, NY 11788 USA Tel: 631 435-1110 • Fax: (631) 435-1824 JEDEC T O - 126 CASE Manufacturers of World Class Discrete Semiconductors

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    2N6034 2N6035 2N6036 2N6037 2N6038 2N6039 O-126 2N6034, PDF


    Abstract: SC26C92AA1F28 SC26C92AA1F40 SC26C92AA1N40 SC26C92AC1A44 SC26C92AC1F28 SC26C92AC1F40 SC26C92AC1N28 SC26C92AC1N40
    Text: Philips C o m ponents-S ignetics Document No. ECN No. Date of Issue November 12, 1990 Status Preliminary Specification SC26C92 Dual asynchronous receiver/transmitter DUART Data Communication Products DESCRIPTION rem ote tra n sm itte r w hen th e receiver

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    SC26C92 SC26C92 SC68C92 150pF SC26C92AA1F28 SC26C92AA1F40 SC26C92AA1N40 SC26C92AC1A44 SC26C92AC1F28 SC26C92AC1F40 SC26C92AC1N28 SC26C92AC1N40 PDF

    LG 631 TV LG

    Abstract: CQ202-4BS CQ202-4DS CQ202-4MS CQ202-4NS triac 480 400 triac 4 amp
    Text: Datasheet * AlIM I c e n tra l CQ202-4BS CQ202-4DS CQ202-4MS CQ202-4NS - Sem iconductor Corp. 145 Adam s Avenue, Hauppauge, NY 11788 USA Tel: 631 435-1110 • Fax: (631) 435-1824 4 .0 AMP TRIAC 200 THRU 800 VOLTS M anufacturers of W orld C lass Discrete S em iconductors

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    CQ202-4BS CQ202-4DS CQ202-4MS CQ202-4NS O-202 LG 631 TV LG CQ202-4NS triac 480 400 triac 4 amp PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RGB514 150/170/220 MHz High Performance Palette DAC Product Description The RGB514 High-Performance Palette DAC solves the tra­ ditional compromise between display resolution and displayed colors. Implemented in IBM Microelectronics’ 0.8 micron CMOS technology, the RGB514 eliminates the bandwidth and

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    RGB514 RGB514â RGB514 64-bit 256x8 64x64 24-bit 1280x PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH PERFORMANCE ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Optical Storage Selector Guide Optical Storage Selector Guide elantec Optical Storage Selector Guide Tf/Tfins Resolution ps) Frequency (MHz) Output (typ> (mA) Package Page E L6290C P ro g ra m m a b le w W rite S tra te g y

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    L6290C LPP32 LPP32 EL6262C EL6263C EL6265C LPP38 PDF


    Abstract: 30S3 M104 T151 t460 transistor
    Text: 1DI24OA-O55 240a : Outline Drawings POW ER TRA N SISTO R MODULE •¡NfS : Features • iS5iifJ± High Voltage • 7 U— V tJ* — KF*3j& Including Free Wheeling Diode • ASO if],av,' Excellent Safe Operating Area - » « . Insulated Type • 3* _ 0?5 ,

    OCR Scan
    1DI24OA-O55 E82988 19S24^ l95t/R89 LC240A 30S3 M104 T151 t460 transistor PDF


    Abstract: PRIMO DH arduino due ARDUINO ESPLORA 74HC79
    Text: Corso Arduino Conoscere e usare  dell’ing. MIRCO SEGATELLO È tra i sistemi di sviluppo più noti e utilizzati: si basa su un processore Atmel e dispone di numerosi I/O. Vediamo come funziona e come si utilizza. Prima puntata. rduino è il nome di una piattaforma



    Abstract: 2N2857
    Text: Data Sheet 2N2857 2N3839 C e n t r a l M S I L I C O N S M A L L S I G N A L RF TRA N S ISTOR; Sem iconductor Corp. 145 Adams Avenue, Hauppauge, NY 11788 USA Tel: 631 435-1110 • Fax: (631) 435-1824 J E D E C T O - 7 2 CASE Manufacturers of World Class Discrete Semiconductors

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    2N2857 2N3839 2N2857, 2N3839 2N2857 100MHz if50MHz, 50MHz 500MHz PDF

    marking 1n40

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Components-Signetics SC26C92 Docum ent No. Dual asynchronous receiver/transmitter DUART ECN No. Date o t Issue N ovem ber 1 2,1990 Status Prelim inary Specification Data Com m unication Products DESCRIPTION re m o te tra n s m itte r w h e n th e r e c e iv e r

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    SC26C92 marking 1n40 PDF

    LM317T vw

    Abstract: TS2D 64SED IC 74LS00 transistor AE code PNP smd
    Text: S-MOS S Y S T E M S A Seiko Epson. Affiliale SED1352 Graphics LCD Controller SED1352 TECHNICAL MANUAL Issue Date: 98/01/27 Document No. X16B-Q-001-04 C o p y r ig h t 1997, 1998 S -M O S S y s te m s Inc. A ll rig h ts re served . T h is d o c u m e n t, and a n y text d e rived, e x tra c te d o r tra n s m itte d fro m it, is th e so le p ro p e rty of S -M O S S yste m s Inc. and m a y not b e use d , cop ie d,

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    SED1352 X16B-Q-001-04 SED1352: X16-AN-005-05 X16-AN-005 LM317T vw TS2D 64SED IC 74LS00 transistor AE code PNP smd PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

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    TLP2601 TLP2601) HCPL-2601 TLP2601 318Vpp PDF


    Text: >kiyjxi>ki CMOS 12-Bit A /D C onverters With Track-and-Hold _ Features The MAX163, MAX164, and MAX167 are com plete CM O S sam pling 12-bit a n a lo g -to -d ig ita l converters ADC s that co m b in e an o n -ch ip tra ck-a n d -h o ld and

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    MAX163, MAX164, MAX167 12-bit 33/us MAX163 MAX164 MAX163CENG MAX163BMRG MAX167ACNG MAX167ACWG MAX167BCNG MAX167BCWG MAX167CCNG PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: >kiyjxi>ki CMOS 12-Bit A /D Converters With Ttack-and-Hold _ Features The MAX163, MAX164, and MAX167 are com plete CM O S sam pling 12-bit a n a lo g -to -d ig ita l converters ADC s that co m b in e an o n -ch ip tra ck-a n d -h o ld and

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    12-Bit MAX163, MAX164, MAX167 33/us 33/js 32/E2 20-PIN PDF

    8086 block transfer program

    Abstract: sab8237 mpsc 07
    Text: SAB 7201A Multi-Protocol Serial Communication Controller • T w o independent fu ll-du p le x serial channels • Four independent DM A channels fo r tra n sm itte d / received data fo r both serial in p u ts/o u tp u ts • M odem control signals • Variable softw are-program m able data rate, up to

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    Abstract: 63S081 OSRAM ICM 10 ELS546 LS547 74S161
    Text: Pick the Right 8-Bit—or 16-Bit—Interface Part for the Job Chuck Hastings and Bernard Brafman Introduction A few years ago. 2 0 -pin 8 -b it buffers, registers, latches, and tra n s c e iv e rs cam e in to e x is te n c e as a ra th e r haphazard upwards evolution from th e MSI devices available in the

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    16-Bit--Interface id-1970s. 16-bit S730T 63S081 OSRAM ICM 10 ELS546 LS547 74S161 PDF

    Opti 82C700

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ACPI 64-Bit CPU Single Chip Notebook Solution Preliminary Data Book Revision: 1.0 912-2000-015 February 28, 1997 Copyright C o p y rig h t 1997, OPTi Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transm itted, tra n ­ scribed, stored in a retrieval system , or translated into any language or com puter language, in any form or by any

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    64-Bit Opti 82C700 PDF

    diode GFP AA

    Abstract: KT 208 sierra The SDH interface in AXE MQE vco ss19 810 DD107* CONVERTER WD 969 TAA 611 T12 ic tb 810 datasheet hp 9720
    Text: D A TA S H E E T PM PM C -970133 IS S U E 2 n /K PR ELIM INA R Y 1 PMC-Sierra, Inc. PM5342 s p e c tra -155 SO N ET/SDH PA YLO AD EXTRACTO R/ALIG NER FEATURES • Monolithic SONET/SDH PAYLOAD EXTRACTOR/ALIGNER for use in STS-1 STM-0/AU3 , STS-3 (STM-1/AU3) or STS-3c (STM-1/AU4) interface

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    pms342 spectra-155 pmc-970133 20x20 001G7L5 diode GFP AA KT 208 sierra The SDH interface in AXE MQE vco ss19 810 DD107* CONVERTER WD 969 TAA 611 T12 ic tb 810 datasheet hp 9720 PDF


    Abstract: DS2130 DS2130Q HD44238C
    Text: D S 2130Q DALLAS s e m ic o n d u c to r FEATURES DS2130Q Voice Messaging Processor PIN ASSIGNMENT 28 27 P C M IN TMO [ 3 TM1 [ 4 26 PCM CLK 25 PC M FS DTO [ 5 24 P C M O U J: • Integral D T M F tra n s c e iv e rfo rre m o te to u c h -to n e co n ­ trol and dialing

    OCR Scan
    DS2130Q 28-pin DS2130Q) DS2130 DS2130Q HD44238 HD44238C PDF